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1、Apple TreeApple round, apple red,Apple juicy ,apple sweet, Apple, apple I love you.Apple sweet, I love to eat.Whats this song about?这首歌是关于什么的?这首歌是关于什么的?板书:板书:an apple doy ou .?.bananabananasz/板书:板书:unit6 do you .?.Unit 6 Do you like bananas? fruitsappleapplesz/orangeorangesstrawberrystrawberriesz/板书

2、:板书:a srtawbeey S .pearspearpevegetablestomatoestomatoz/broccolibroccolisbroccoli板书:板书:broccoli fruit and vegetableshamburgerhamburgersz/breadbread板书:板书:breadFrench friesFrench frieszsaladsaladmilkice creamice creamFast foodI think its unhealthy板书:板书:No ,I dont根据记忆根据记忆, 说出物品英文名称说出物品英文名称(第一组第一组)pfsbi

3、根据记忆根据记忆, 说出物品英文名称说出物品英文名称(第一组第一组)pfsbi根据记忆根据记忆, 说出物品英文名称说出物品英文名称(第二组第二组)basoth根据记忆根据记忆, 说出物品英文名称说出物品英文名称(第二组第二组)basothice cream milkorangesbananasbroccolistrawberriessaladpearstomatoeshamburgersGo onGo on applesA: Do you like _?B: No, I dont./ Yes, I do.Do you like_?A: Yes, I do./No, I dont.bread 可

4、数名词可数名词 (countable noun):apple- pear- hamburger- banana- orange- strawberry- tomato- French fries-不可数名词不可数名词 (uncountable noun):broccoliice cream milksalad breadapples pears hamburgers bananas orangesDo you like apples?I like apples.I dont like apples.Do you like broccoli?I like broccoli.I dont like

5、 broccoli.Do you like broccolis?ice creamsalad strawberriestomatoesFrench fries1.hamburgers2.tomatoes3.oranges4.ice-cream5.salad6.bananas7.strawberries8.pears9.milk10. breaddifhbgcjea1aMatch the words with the things in the picture.A: Do you like salad?B: No, I dont.A: Do you like bananas?B: Yes, I

6、do.A: Do you like oranges?B: Yes, I do. 123A: Hi,my birthday is coming. Lets have dinner in my house. B,C,D: Ok.A: What food do you like ?B: I like, but I dont likeA: What about you?C:I like and A: Do you like? D: No, I dont. But I likeName likedont like情景提示:你的生日快到了,你想邀请朋友去你家吃晚饭。4人一组,调查组员对食物的喜好,为生日聚

7、餐做准备。463125-Does she like_?-Yes, she does.What does she like?tomatoes-Does she like_?-Yes, she does.What does she like?-Does he like_?-Yes, he does.strawberriesWhat does he like?-Does he like_?-Yes, he does.ice-creamWhat does he like?-Does she like_?-No, she doesnt.saladWhat does she like?-Does she

8、like_?-No, she doesnt.What does she like?-Does he like_?-No, he doesnt.What does he like? Make an interview to your team member about the food and fruit. Find out about what they like and dont like. team member (小组成员小组成员)like(s)doesnt likelike(s)doesnt like I学生A学生B学生CSurvey 用到的句型用到的句型:Do you like_?

9、Does she/he like_?Report (报告报告) :In my group, I like _and_. I dont like _or_. A likes _ and_ He doesnt like _ or _. BC 1.词汇词汇: like, banana, hamburger, foodtomato, salad, ice-cream, strawberry, pear, apple, milk, bread fruit, vegetable, 2. 句型句型 -Do you like? - Yes, I do. / No, I dont. -Does he/she l

10、ike ? -Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesnt.Homework uMake an interview to your family about the food and fruit. Find out about what they like and dont like. Then write a letter. foodperson I学生A学生B学生C- Does she/he like ?- Yes ,she/he does . She/He likes . No , she/He doesnt . She/He doesnt like-Does he like_?-No, he doesnt.



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