河南省2019中考英语复习 第二部分 语法专题过关 专题五 介词课件.ppt

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1、中 考英 语2019第二部分语法专题过关专题五 介词CONTENTS目 录PART 01考情帮PART 02考点帮PART 01考情帮命题点考情总结 考情帮介词是河南中考英语的必考考点,通常在单项选择、完形填空和词语运用这三类题目中考查。考查点主要集中在介词的基本用法辨析,也在个别完形填空、词语运用中考查了与介词有关的固定搭配和介词短语辨析。PART 02考点帮考点1 介词的基本用法考点2 常见的含有介词的固定搭配考点3 常见易混介词(词组)辨析考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3根据2018河南省初中学业水平考试说明与检测考纲词汇表中介词出现的先后顺序(AZ)整理介词介词含义及用法含义及用

2、法示例示例about关于;对于a movie about history一部关于历史的电影above在上方(不接触,不一定垂直)I heard a strange noise coming from the room above.我听见楼上房间传来奇怪的响声。(海拔、温度、分数等)高于;超出above zero零度以上across从一边到另一边;横过walk across the street过马路在对面There is a library across the road.道路对面有个图书馆。在各处;遍及across the world遍及世界考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3after

3、在后(时间上)after breakfast早餐后after 3 oclock三点之后(位置、顺序、重要性等)在后面Winter comes after autumn.秋去冬来。反复不断或一个接一个day after day日复一日year after year年复一年against 紧靠;倚;碰;撞against the door倚着门The rain beat against the windows.雨打在窗户上。与相反;与对抗fight against the enemy与敌人对抗反对;违反against the law违法以为背景The picture looks good again

4、st that white wall.这幅画在那面白色墙壁的衬托下很好看。以防Ill save some money against my old age.我会攒些钱防老。考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3续表介词介词含义及用法含义及用法示例示例along(指路线、地点)沿着;顺着walk along the street沿着街道走among在之间/中among the teenagers在青少年之中around环绕;在周围look around环顾四周as作为;当作as a student作为一名学生像一样;如同as.as.像一样at(地点、时刻、年龄、顺序)在at school在学校

5、at three oclock在两点钟at the age of在岁时 at first起初朝;向look at看(速度、程度、价格)以的水平at the speed of.以速度(感情的对象)对;(评价的对象)在方面She was so mad at me.她对我极其恼火。laugh at嘲笑be good at.擅长考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3before (表示时间)在之前the day before yesterday前天before 7:00 pm在晚上七点之前在面前/前面She is standing before me.她正站在我面前。He puts his work

6、before everything.他一切以工作为重。behind 在后面behind the door在门后面落后于She is behind the other students in chemistry.她的化学落后于其他学生。支持No matter what you decide to do,we will be behind you all the way.无论你决定做什么,我们都会一直支持你。考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3续表介词介词含义及用法含义及用法示例示例below在下面Please dont write below this line.请不要在这条线下面书写。低于I

7、 wont sell below $20.低于20美元我不会卖。beside在旁边/附近She lives beside the sea.她住在海边。between在之间between.and.在和之间考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3by 利用;通过(方式);乘坐learn by watching films通过看电影的方式学习by bus/plane/subway乘公共汽车/飞机/地铁靠近;在旁边a house by the river河边的一所房子不迟于;在之前by the end of this month这个月底之前被;由written by a famous writer由一位

8、著名作家所著经过go/walk/pass by走过/经过由于They met by chance.他们不期而遇。I did it by mistake.我误做了这件事。考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3down 从(高处)往下;向下Tears ran down her face.泪水顺着她的脸庞流下来。沿着;顺着Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights.沿着这条路一直走到红绿灯处。during在期间;在期间的某个时候during the 1990s在20世纪90年代He left during the night,without

9、saying goodbye.他在夜里不辞而别。except 除之外Everybody except George came to the party.除了乔治以外,大家都来参加聚会了。考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3续表介词介词含义及用法含义及用法示例示例for给;对(表示对象、用途)Someone left a message for Vicky.有人给薇姬留言了。为了;供(表示目的)Ive bought him a watch for his birthday.我给他买了块手表作为生日礼物。达;计(表示动作或情况持续的时间)You can stay here for two day

10、s.你可以在这里待两天。因为;由于be famous for因而著名支持;赞同Are you for or against the new plan?你对新计划是赞成还是反对呢?往;向(表示去向)the train for Beijing开往北京的列车表示;意思是Red is for danger.红色表示危险。就而言;对某人来说The book is a little hard for her.这本书对她而言有点难。考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3from 来自;源于Where are you from?你来自哪里?由制成The table is made from wood.这张桌子

11、是木制的。与介词to构成固定搭配,意为从到We are open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day.我们每天从早八点到晚七点营业。in 在(范围或空间)内in our class在我们班 in the park在公园内在上/中in the newspaper在报纸上 in water在水中在某段时间内/后in winter在冬季 in two weeks在两周后穿着;戴着in a red skirt穿红色短裙 in a black hat戴着黑帽子用(语言)in English用英语处于(状态)in silence沉默 in danger处于危险中in troub

12、le处于麻烦中关于;在方面be rich in富含 do well in擅长考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3介词介词含义及用法含义及用法示例示例including包括;包含I need to prepare food for seven people including me.包括我在内,我需要准备七个人的食物。inside在里面;少于(某时间)inside a week一周以内I travel a lot inside Japan.我在日本去过很多地方。into 到里面;进入put.into.把放入Come into the house.进屋吧。到(一段时间的某一点)She carri

13、ed on working late into the night.她一直工作到了深夜。like 相似;类似;像一样She is wearing a dress like mine.她穿的连衣裙和我的相似。Dont look at me like that.别那样看着我。例如;比如Asian countries like China,Japan,Thailand中国、日本、泰国等亚洲国家考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3near 在附近;靠近The girl stands near the door.那个女孩站在门附近。(时期)接近;临近near Christmas临近圣诞节off 从(某

14、处)落下;离开fall off the tree从树上掉下来get off the train从火车上下来休息;休假have two days off 休息两天on 在上面(接触物体表面)a picture on the wall墙上的一幅画在(某一天)on Monday在周一;on April Fools Day在愚人节;on May 1st在五月一日关于a book on cooking一本关于烹饪的书(表示方向)在;向;对on the left/right在左边/右边通过;使用;借助于on the phone/radio/Internet通过电话/收音机/互联网考点1考点帮介词的基本用法

15、考点2考点3续表介词介词含义及用法含义及用法示例示例opposite与相对;在对面The store is opposite the station.商店在车站的对面。Bob stood opposite her.鲍勃站在她对面。out从向外He walked out of the door.他走出门外。在外面The toilet is out that door.洗手间在那扇门外。over在上面/上方She put her hand over her mouth.她用手捂住了嘴。a bridge over the river那条河上的一座桥 (越)过;从一边到另一边He climbed ov

16、er the wall.他翻过墙去。超过(某一基准)I just cant believe your grandmother is over 70.真不敢相信你奶奶已经70多岁了。在期间I will stay here over the Spring Festival.我春节期间会一直待在这里。通过;凭借I have talked to her over the phone.我在电话里和她聊过。考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3past 经过(的旁边)The boys ran past me.那些男孩们从我身边跑过去。(时间)过;(年龄)超过half past ten十点半She is p

17、ast sixty.她60多岁了。超出(能力、范围、界限等);达不到Im past caring about it.我不再在乎它了。since自以来,从以后(常与完成时连用)Ive been living in this town since August.我从八月开始一直住在这个镇上。考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3续表介词介词含义及用法含义及用法示例示例through穿过;贯穿go through the forest穿过森林自始至终;从头到尾It rained through the whole morning.整个早晨一直在下雨。直至;一直到Well be in New York

18、 Tuesday through Friday.我们从星期二到星期五将一直待在纽约。经由;凭借;因为;由于You can only achieve success through hard work.你得努力工作方能成功。to向;朝;往(某方向或某处)I walked to the office.我朝办公室走去。on the way to.在去的路上turn to the left向左拐(变为)的状态change from bad to worse每况愈下表示两个地理位置的相邻关系时,to表示在之外,不接壤to the north of.在的北部对;对于Sleeping is importan

19、t to health.睡眠对健康很重要。He was kind to all his neighbors.他对他所有的邻居都很和善。考点1考点帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3toward(s)朝;向;走向He turned toward(s) me.他转过身面向我。(表示时间、状态)接近;大约He should arrive toward(s) two oclock.他应该在两点钟左右到。under在下;不足under the tree在树下under 12不满12岁在中;在过程中under discussion在讨论中 under repair在维修中 under test在测试中 考点1考点

20、帮介词的基本用法考点2考点3 续表介词介词含义及用法含义及用法示例示例until(=till)直到时;到为止I was awake until 2 am last night.我昨晚直到两点才睡着。Dont give up until the last minute.不到最后一刻不要放弃。up朝上方climb up the tree爬树upon(表示动作的结果)在之上She set the dishes upon the table.她把盘子摆在桌子上。with和一起She walks in the park with her dog every morning.她每天早上带着狗到公园里散步。

21、具有;带有a pool with a shower带淋浴的游泳池用;以(表示方式)Fill it up with hot water.用热水将它注满。I accept your offer with pleasure.我很乐意接受你的提议。without 没有;不without reason没有理由 without difficulty毫不费力 without doubt毫无疑问 考点1考点帮常见的含有介词的固定搭配考点2考点3动词+介词类介词介词搭配搭配aboutthink about考虑, worry about担心, talk about谈论, care about关心, hear ab

22、out听说,得知atlook at看, knock at敲, laugh at嘲笑, point at指向, arrive at到达, shout at冲喊forlook for寻找, ask for要求, pay for为支付, wait for等待, send for派人去请, leave for动身前往, care for照顾,照料,prepare for为做准备fromcome from来自, hear from收到某人的来信,learn from向学习,die from死于stop/keep/prevent.from doing.阻止做ofdream of 梦想, think of

23、想起, hear of 听说, die of 死于考点1考点帮常见的含有介词的固定搭配考点2考点3续表介词介词搭配搭配onget on上车,depend on取决于,put on穿上,turn on打开,go on继续offgo off (闹钟等)发出声响,get off 下车,take off 脱下,turn off 关掉,put off推迟,shut off关闭,cut off切除toget to到达, listen to听, talk to和交谈, write to给写信, stick to坚持withagree with同意, begin/start with以开始, help (sb

24、.) with.在方面帮助(某人), deal with处理, fill.with.用填满, cover.with.用覆盖, play with玩其他look like看起来像, look after照看, knock into撞上, arrive in到达考点1考点帮常见的含有介词的固定搭配考点2考点3be+形容词+介词类be+形容词+atbe good at擅长, be mad at对生气, be disappointed at对失望be+形容词+forbe good/bad for对有好/坏处, be late for迟到, be ready for为做准备, be sorry for对

25、感到抱歉,be known for以而闻名,be responsible for对有责任,be thirsty for渴望be+形容词+withbe angry with sb.生某人的气,be busy with忙于, be strict with sb.对某人要求严格, be popular with受的欢迎, be pleased/satisfied with对感到满意, be good with善于应付be+形容词+ofbe afraid of 害怕, be tired of 对感到厌倦, be full of 充满, be proud of 为感到骄傲be+形容词+tobe harm

26、ful to对有害,be thankful to对心存感激,be friendly/kind/nice to对友好, be similar to和相似 be+形容词+其他be hard on sb.对某人苛刻,be different from不同于, be interested in对感兴趣, be strict about sth.对某事要求严格, be worried about担心, be weak in.在方面弱考点1考点帮常见的含有介词的固定搭配考点2考点3介词+名词类at last最后, at table在吃饭, at school在学校, at work在上班, at birt

27、h出生时,at the moment此刻;in danger在危险中, in the end最后, in time及时, in fact实际上,in a hurry匆忙,in English用英语,in the countryside在乡下,in half分成两半,in ones opinion在看来,in a row连续不断地,in person亲自,in public公开地,in that case既然那样,in total总共,in the way挡道;on foot步行, on time准时, on duty值日, on business出差, on sale廉价出售, on show

28、在展出, on (a) vacation度假,on weekends(在)周末;with pleasure十分乐意; as a result结果;by accident偶然;by mistake错误地;for example例如考点1考点帮常见的含有介词的固定搭配考点2考点3其他含介词的搭配instead of代替;at first首先;thanks to多亏;as for至于;at least至少;because of由于;at once立刻;in common共同;in all总共;such as例如;across from在对面;ahead of在前面;according to根据;al

29、ong with连同一起;next to紧挨着;to be honest说实话;first of all首先;to ones surprise让某人惊讶的是;pay attention to注意; look forward to期待; be/get used to习惯于;catch up with追上,赶上; fall in love with爱上考点1考点帮常见易混介词(词组)辨析考点2考点3in,on,at表示时间时的辨析介词介词 用法用法示例示例in用在固定搭配中in the morning/afternoon/evening在早晨/下午/晚上用在世纪、年份、月份和季节之前in the

30、21st century在21世纪in 2018在2018年in October在十月on用在具体某个日子(星期几、某年某月某日、节日)之前on Sunday在周日 on December 3rd, 2018 在2018年12月3日on Womens Day在妇女节用在具体某天的上午、下午或晚上之前on a snowy evening在一个下雪的夜晚 on Wednesday morning在周三的早晨at用在具体的时刻之前at six oclock在六点 at 5:30在五点半考点1考点帮常见易混介词(词组)辨析考点2考点3in和after的辨析 用法用法示例示例in+时间段表示在一段时间之

31、后,通常与将来时连用,用how soon提问How soon will the sports meeting be held? 运动会多久以后举办? In three days. 三天后。My mother will come back in two weeks. 我妈妈两个星期之后回来。考点1考点帮常见易混介词(词组)辨析考点2考点3续表 用法用法示例示例after+时间段在一段时间之后,相当于时间段+later,通常用于一般过去时,用when 提问After three months/Three months later, each of us began to run in the morning.三个月后,我们每个人都开始早上跑步。after+时间点在某个时间点之后,通常用于一般过去时和一般将来时They finished the work after two months.他们两个月后完成了那项工作。I will ring you up after two oclock.我会在两点之后给你打电话。



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