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1、lesson 44 Volunteering in SummerUnit 8: Summer Holiday Is Coming!Review:Lesson 43:Have a Good Summer! 度过一个美好的暑假!Jenny and Danny took their final exams today. 詹妮和丹尼今天期末考试了。 School is over. 放学了。They are excited for the summer! 他们为暑假感到兴奋!Jenny: How did you do on the English exam, Danny? 詹妮:英语考试做得怎么样,丹尼

2、?Danny: GoodI hope. 丹尼:不错我希望。Jenny: Im sure you did well. 詹妮:我肯定你做得好。What are you going to do for the summer? 暑假你打算干什么?Do you have any plans? 你有什么计划吗?Danny: Yes , I have big plans.丹尼:是的,我有大计划。vMy uncle has a house near the lake. v我叔叔在湖的附近有栋房子。 vIm going to stay with his family for one month. 我打算和他的家

3、人一起住一个月。vJenny: Wow! That will be so fun. v詹妮:哇!那会很有趣的。vDanny: Yeah. We will do so many things. v丹尼:是啊。我们要做那么多的事。vWe made a long list. v我们列了一个很长的单子。vWe will go swimming and play in the sun every day! v我们每天要去游泳并在阳光下玩!vWe will eat ice cream and enjoy the hot weather. 我们会去吃冰淇淋,享受炎热的天气。vWe will play bas

4、ketball , tennis, volleyball and football. v我们要去打篮球、网球、排球,并且踢足球。 vIts going to be a great summer. v那会是个美好的夏天。 vIm looking forward to it! 我期待着! vHow about you, Jenny? v你呢,詹妮?vWhat are you going to do? v你打算干什么?vJenny: Well, Im going tov詹妮:噢,我打算vDanny: Sorry, Jenny. v丹尼:对不起,詹妮。vMy mum is waiting for me

5、. v我妈妈正在等我。vI have to go. 我必须走了。 vHave a good summer! v祝你度过一个美好的暑假!vJenny: OK, Danny. You too!v妮:好,丹尼。你也是!New words1.care 照料;保护 ke(r) 2.pet 宠物 pet 3.alone 独自(的)ln 4.field 旷野;领域 fi:ld 5.rights 权益;权利 rats 6.luckily 幸运地 lkl 7.rocket 火箭 rkt 8.puppy 小狗,幼犬 pp A puppy is a young dog. Structures and Express

6、ions1.照顾;照料 take care of=look after take good care of=look afterwell ARG takes care of pets without a home.ARG looks after pets without a home.2.搬走;离开 move awaySometimes,people move away and they cant take their pets with them. 3.遛狗 walk the dogI will walk the dogs and Ill help the otheranimals, too

7、. 4.不管;撇下一人 leavealoneHis family left him alone in a field.课文翻译:Volunteering in SummerWhat will you do in the summer? 暑假里你要干什么?Here is my plan. 这是我的计划。I will volunteer动词 at ARG (Animal Rights Group). 我将在ARG(动物权益团体)做志愿服务。ARG takes care of pets without a home. ARG照顾无家可归的宠物。Sometimes, 有时,people move aw

8、ay and they cant take their pets with them. 人们搬走了,他们不能携带他们的宠物。Other times, people are too 太old or sick有时,人们年龄太大或有病,and they cant take care of their pets.他们不能照顾他们的宠物。Or sometimes, people are not nice to their pets. 或者有时候,人们对他们的宠物不好。See this puppy? 看见这只小狗了吗? His name is Rocket.他的名字叫“火箭”。His family lef

9、t him alone in a field. 他的家人把他独自留在田野里。Luckily , ARG found Rocket and took him to the animal centre. 幸运的是,ARG发现了火箭,把他带到了动物中心。ARG needs a lot of volunteers. a lot of= lots of= many = quite a few 名词复数ARG需要很多志愿者。.Im going to volunteer four times a week. 我打算一周做四次志愿服务。 I will walk the dogs我要遛狗,and Ill hel

10、p with the other animals, too也帮助其他动物。. I love animals. 我爱动物。A volunteer is someone who gives their time for free.志愿者就是免费奉献时间。Volunteering is a good way to learn some new skills志愿服务是学习一些新技能and give back to the community. 回报社会的好方法。You can volunteer at many different kinds of places. 你可以在许多不同地方做志愿服务。 Y

11、ou can help out at: 你可以在以下地方提供帮助after school clubs, libraries,homeless shelters, old age homes and lots more课外俱乐部、图书馆、无家者收容所、老年之家及更多其|他地方。Do some exercises1.The famers are working in the field.2.The old man lives alone,but he doesnt feel lonely.3.We should take care of the old.4.Dont leave children alone outside.5.The old man often walks his dog after supper.6.ARG needs a lot of volunteers.7.His family has three puppies.(puppy)8.I dont have a pet dog.



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