高考英语一轮复习 Units15 新人教版选修9

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1、选修选修 Units 15课堂考点清障课堂考点清障考考点点1. While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect, in reality they require an enormous amount of strength and fitness as well as determination. (Page 2)Little did I then know the meaning of war and what it was in reality.当当时时我我确确实实还还不不太

2、太懂懂得得战战争争的的意意义义以以及及战战争争实实际际是是怎怎么么回回事。事。用法归纳用法归纳in reality实际上;现实实际上;现实 in fact事实上事实上in actual fact事实上事实上as a matter of fact事实上事实上actually事实上事实上对应训练对应训练(1)People say this is an exciting city but _(事实事实 上上)its rather boring.(2)It was cold. _ (事实上天气极事实上天气极 度寒冷度寒冷).(3)I thought the lecture would be borin

3、g but _ _ (其实很有趣其实很有趣).考考点点2. However, he was fascinated by the Guinness Book of World Records. (Page 2)The audience was fascinated by their wonderful performance. 他们的精彩表演使观众看得入了迷。他们的精彩表演使观众看得入了迷。it was rather interestingin realityIn reality it was freezingin reality用法归纳用法归纳fascinate vt.使着迷;入迷使着迷;入迷

4、be fascinated by被被吸引吸引fascination n.魅力;入迷魅力;入迷对应训练对应训练(1)Look,these young people _ (入迷入迷) by online games.(2)_(我确实被你迷住了我确实被你迷住了), which I have to admit that fact.(3)Yes.Im very impressed. I have always been fascinated by the Chinese culture.(英译汉英译汉) _ _考考点点3. Learn words that have similar meanings (

5、eg salary/wage) or opposite meanings (eg certain/uncertain). (Page 10)是的!中国给我留下了很深的印象。我一直都对中国是的!中国给我留下了很深的印象。我一直都对中国are fascinatedI am really fascinated by you的文化很着迷。的文化很着迷。Do you know the salary of this position?你知道这个职位的薪水是多少吗?你知道这个职位的薪水是多少吗?用法归纳用法归纳salary n.薪水薪水wage n.工资工资pay n.付款;工资付款;工资share n.交

6、通费用交通费用cost某物的花费某物的花费fee n.会费;学费会费;学费 对应训练对应训练(1)He gets a good_(工资待遇工资待遇),but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.(2)It is bad manners to _(问别人的薪问别人的薪 金金) if you are not very familiar. salary ask others salary(3)This position offers _ (月工资月工资)of 200.(4)他的钱主要来自工资。他的钱主要来自工

7、资。(汉译英汉译英) _考考点点4. The sextant was the updated version of the astrolabe and quadrant which reduced the tendency to make mistakes. (Page 13)I update the site whenever I have time.我一有空就会更新这个站点的。我一有空就会更新这个站点的。用法归纳用法归纳update vt.更新更新up-to-date adj.最新的最新的renew vt.& vi.更新更新replace vt.更换更换 His money comes m

8、ainly from salary.a monthly salary对应训练对应训练(1)Many old houses _(已经被更新已经被更新) with modern facilities.(2)Can you research this subject and _ (更更 新我们的档案新我们的档案)?(3)Remember,the news _(被更新被更新) almost daily!(4)Restart the software and allow it to _ (自自 我更新我更新).考点考点5. We could foresee that we would die if we

9、 could not reach land very soon and we sank gradually into a sleepy, half-alive state. (Page 18)Nobody could foresee his running away.没人预见到他的逃跑。没人预见到他的逃跑。update itselfhave been updatedupdate our filesis updated用法归纳用法归纳foresee vt.预见;预知预见;预知forecast vt.预报预报对应训练对应训练(1)He_(预见预见)that the job would take a

10、 long time.(2)Bagrit_(预见预见)a time when computers would be small enough to hold in the hand.(3) _ (这点被预见这点被预见)by the Russians, who had had full warning and were ready.(4)We should have foreseen the trouble months ago. (英译汉英译汉) _考点考点6. Our clothes were torn, we had fever and our faces showed the hards

11、hips we had suffered. (Page 18)我们几个月前就该预见到这一困难。我们几个月前就该预见到这一困难。foresawforesawThis was foreseenThis sort of cloth doesnt tear easily.这种布不容易扯破。这种布不容易扯破。用法归纳用法归纳tear vt.& vi. (tore; torn)扯破;撕破扯破;撕破tear n.(常用作可数名词常用作可数名词)眼泪眼泪tear up撕开撕开tear at撕扯撕扯对应训练对应训练(1)She_ (撕撕)the letter open and after reading a f

12、ew lines, she tore it into pieces.(2)The country was_(四分五裂四分五裂)by the civil war.(3)She burst into_ (眼泪眼泪)when hearing the news.(4)她把信撕成了两半。她把信撕成了两半。(汉译英;汉译英;in half) _She tore the letter in half.toretorntears考点考点7. The meat seems to be shrinking! (Page 26)All wool clothing will shrink in the water.所

13、有的毛料衣服,下水后都会缩水。所有的毛料衣服,下水后都会缩水。用法归纳用法归纳shrink vt.& vi.收缩;收缩;(使使)皱缩;缩短皱缩;缩短reduce v.减少减少decrease v.减少减少对应训练对应训练(1)With global warming, the total area of glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau_ (预期缩减预期缩减)by 80% by the year 2030.(2)As temperatures rise, it looks like some species might be_ (缩小缩小).(3)However t

14、he British economy_(继续继续 萎缩萎缩).continues to shrink is expected to shrink shrinking考点考点8. smells, looks like rotting meat (Page 37)The poor were housed in dingy, rotting buildings.穷人住在昏暗的、朽烂的房子里。穷人住在昏暗的、朽烂的房子里。用法归纳用法归纳rot vt.& vi.腐烂;腐败腐烂;腐败rot vi.胡说;荒唐的想法胡说;荒唐的想法rot n.腐烂;荒唐腐烂;荒唐rot away烂掉烂掉对应训练对应训练(1

15、)Oil will_(腐蚀腐蚀)the rubber of the tyre.(2)He was only_(开玩笑开玩笑).(3)The beams had_(烂掉烂掉).(4)The ripe fruit _(开始烂了开始烂了)when no one came to pick it. began to rotrotrottingrotted away考考点点9. Smell :strong, sweet perfume, typically only given out at night. (Page 38)The radio is giving out a strange signal.

16、收音机正发出一种奇怪的信号。收音机正发出一种奇怪的信号。用法归纳用法归纳give out发出发出(气味、热等气味、热等);分发分发give out发表发表,用尽用尽,精疲力竭精疲力竭give off发出,放出发出,放出(蒸汽、气味等蒸汽、气味等)send out放出放出对应训练对应训练(1)The sun _(发出发出)light and heat.(2)Rotten eggs _(发出发出)a bad smell.(3)His strength _(精疲力竭精疲力竭)gives outgive outgave out(4)这种便宜的煤燃烧时冒浓烟。这种便宜的煤燃烧时冒浓烟。(汉译英汉译英)

17、_考考点点10. There are also laws in most places that prevent advertisers making false statements about their products or from promoting immoral or harmful behaviour.(Page 48)He worked hard and was soon promoted.他工作努力,很快就获得提升。他工作努力,很快就获得提升。用法归纳用法归纳promote vt.促进;提升促进;提升promote vt.宣传,推销宣传,推销(商品商品)promote v

18、t.支持;鼓励支持;鼓励对应训练对应训练(1)Our teacher has been_ (提升提升)to headmaster.This cheap coal gives out heavy smoke while burning.promoted(2)Be patient: you _ (将获得提升将获得提升)in the course of time.(3)Do you have any idea how to_(推销推销)the sales of this product?(4)我们应该促进世界和平。我们应该促进世界和平。(汉译英汉译英) _We should promote world peace.will be promotedpromote



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