高考英语 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 新人教版必修3

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1、.核心单词识记思考运用一、单词拼写1.*(2015重庆,阅读A)_ (确实),I was not different from others;I just needed a quieter place.2.We climbed higher so that we might see the _ (景色) better.3.(2014湖北,阅读C)Dr.Alecia set baboons (狒狒) learning tasks involving a _ (新奇的)food and a familiar food hidden in a box.4.(2015福建,完形)She was hig

2、hly self-critical and also found _ (过错)with her friends.5.*As time went on,a _ (真诚的) friendship grew up between us. Indeed scenesnovelfaultgenuine二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.(2015天 津 , 阅 读 A)Students living in buildings that have kitchens are only _ (permit) to cook in the kitchen.2.In English law a person is _

3、 (account) innocent until they are proved guilty.3.(2014山 东 , 阅 读 A)Nancy found a lost dog _ (wander)around the local elementary school.4.Stop _ (scream),we can hear you clearly.5.(2014江 西 , 阅 读 A)There were numerous diving _ (spot)in the area and Larry was determined to visit all of them. permitted

4、accountedwanderingscreamingspots6.They _ (seek)in vain for somewhere to shelter.7.(2014福建,完形)For a moment after my father sat down at the keyboard,he simply _ (stare)down at his fingers.8.*The policemans _ (rude)aroused peoples anger,so we cant treat people _ (rude).9.*Although I have much _ (believ

5、e)in him, I dont _ (believable)this story.He is always telling us _ (believable)things.10.*Why are you so _ (patient)to your students?You must learn to treat them _ (patient)because teaching is a job that requires both skills and _ (patient).soughtstaredrudenessrudelybeliefbelieveunbelievableimpatie

6、ntpatientlypatience三、开心词场Believe it or not! From the passage we know the author of the novel liked wandering for adventures and also liked finding faults.That indeed accounted for his strange manners and impatience. 【联想积累】“真正,确实”家族indeed adv.真正地,确实,实在real adj.真实的,现实的;really adv.真正地;确实地;reality n.现实,

7、真实的事物true adj.真实的,真正的;truly adv.真正地,如实地 genuine adj.真的,真诚的sincere adj.(指感情或行为)真实的;诚挚的;sincerely adv.真心实意地;sincerity n.真挚 前缀un-必备形容词集锦unable 不能的,不会的unimportant 不重要的unequal 不平等的unreasonable 不合理的unwilling 不愿意的unbelievable 难以置信的高频词链条rude adj.粗鲁的;无礼的rudeness n.粗鲁scene n.(戏剧的)一场;现场;场面;景色scenery n.风景;景色(总称

8、)adventure n.奇 遇 ; 冒 险 adventurer n.冒 险 家adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的patience n.耐性;忍耐patient adj.& n.有耐心的;病人impatient adj.没有耐心的 .重点短语识记思考运用一、补全短语1._ rags衣衫褴褛2._ accident偶然;无意中3._ the contrary与此相反;正相反4.bring _抚养;培养;教育;提出5.*stare _盯着看;凝视6.*take _ chance冒险inbyonupata二、短语填空1.(2015福建,25)It is said that body lan

9、guage _ 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.2.*Lily _ her father,with her eyes wide.3.(2013天津,阅读C)But it was quite _ that I discovered the deep meaning of his words.4.We _ to show respect for the old when we were young.in rags;by accident;on the contrary;account for;

10、stare at;bring up;go ahead;take a chance accounts forstared atby accidentwere brought up5.I know its dangerous to go there without a map,but Ill _.6.It doesnt seem ugly to me;_,I think its rather beautiful.7.If you think you can settle the problem,_.8.*I found a woman _ trembling with cold at the co

11、rner of the street. take a chanceon the contrarygo aheadin rags【联想积累】“动词 at”短语荟萃glare at怒目而视stare at注视着glance at朝看了一眼laugh at嘲笑arrive at 到达work at努力于come at攻击,扑向knock at敲击“take a(n)n.”一览take a chance冒险一试take an opportunity碰运气take a seat 就坐take a shower 淋浴,洗澡take an exam 参加考试take an example 举例,示范take

12、 a nap 小睡一会儿take a break休息一下.经典句式识记思考运用1.The next morning _ for lost _ I was spotted by a ship.第二天早上,我几乎要感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。I _(刚入睡这时)the door-bell rang.I _(正在做饭突然)I heard her knocking at the door. Id just about given myself upwhenhad just fallen asleep whenwas cooking when2._ weve given you the letter

13、.那正是我们给你写这封信的原因。_(这就是为什么)forming an exercise habit is so critical.That is _(为什么我们要做善事). Thats whyThis is whywhy we should do good things【联想积累】并列连词when用法小结并列连词 when 连接的两个分句中,第一个分句表示的是背景,第二个分句表示的是一种突然的、意想不到的情况或过早发生的事情。 when 通常含有“这时突然”之义。(1)be doing sth when.正在做什么,这时(2)be about/going to do sth when.正要做

14、什么,这时.单元语法识记思考运用宾语从句与表语从句用适当的连接词填空1.Wanda Plaza(万达广场)in Xiamen,located in _ was a remote village several years ago,is now a busy area.2.We promise _attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.3.The little girl who got lost decided to remain_ she was and waited for her mother

15、.4.As many as five courses are provided,and you are free to choose _suits you best.5.Im afraid hes more of a talker than a doer,which is _he never finishes anything. whatwhoeverwherewhicheverwhy【学法点拨】表语从句引导词的注意事项that引导表语从句时不能省。if不能引导表语从句。除that外的所有引导词都有自己的意义。除that,whether外的所有引导词都须在从句中充当相应的成分。 单 词 点 睛

16、1.scene n.(戏剧的)一场;场面;景色高考例句(2013陕西,17)Jim was watching a late night film at home when,right in the middle of a thrilling scene,the television went blank.吉姆正在家中看午夜电影,就在演到一个恐怖场面的中间时,电视机突然没有信号了。behind the scenes在幕后;暗中on the scene在现场;当场;在台上come/appear on the scene出场;登场单句语法填空/完成句子They came _ the scene,wh

17、ere a traffic accident happened.他们到达现场,在那里发生了一场交通事故。The students were able to go behind the _ (scene)to see how programmes were made.学生们可以去后台,看看节目是怎么制作出来的。Photographers were _ in seconds.摄影师转瞬间就到了现场。答案onsceneson the scene 2.permit v.许可;允许;准许 n.通行证;许可证;执照教材原句Permit me to lead the way,sir.先生,请让我来带路吧。单

18、句语法填空/完成句子The windows permit light and air _ (enter).这些窗户采光及通风性能良好。The owners dont permit _ (park)cars in front of the shops.The owners dont permit others _ (park)cars in front of the shops.主人不允许在其商店门前停车。 He was not allowed to leave the city _ the permission of the authorities.未经当局批准, 他不能离开本市。写作佳句 T

19、ime _ (permit)If time _ (permit),we will go boating tomorrow.假设时间允许,我们明天就去划船。答 案 to enter parking; to park without permitting;permits 3.spot vt.发现;认出;点缀;n.斑点;污点;地点高考例句(2015新课标全国,完形)On the way,we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said,“Lost my job.Family to Feed.”路上,我们看见一个人手中拿着一张纸,上面写着:“丢了工

20、作,要养活家人”。(1)spot sb doing sth看到某人正在做某事spot sb in.从中辨认出某人(2)on the spot当场;在现场;立即单句语法填空/完成句子He spotted his old friend _ the crowd at once.他马上从人群中认出了他的老朋友。He spotted his friend _ (talk)with someone in the distance.他发现朋友在远处和某个人正在交谈。The doctor _ a few minutes after the accident.医生在事故发生几分钟后就赶到了现场。答案intalk

21、ingwas on the spot短 语 点 拨1.bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出;呕吐高考例句(2013山东,34)The Smiths are praised for the way they bring up their children.史密斯夫妇因为他们养育孩子的方式而得到表扬。bring about 引起;造成bring down让降下来,使倒下bring forth 产生;产出bring in 引进;收入;领进来bring out 出版;拿出,揭露写出下列句中bring up的含义I would like to bring up the question of the

22、 reorganization of the committee.My aunt brought up four children.The greedy child brought up all he had eaten.Mary has no idea how to bring up her children to be independent and self-respecting.答案提出养育呕吐教育2.go ahead 前进;(用于祈使句)可以/随便;往下说教材原句Go ahead and let him have it.去吧,让他吃吧。go ahead with sth继续(做)某事

23、look ahead朝前看ahead of.领先;在前面;早于ahead of timein advance提前单句语法填空/完成句子There seems no reason to go ahead _ the project now.现在似乎没有理由继续这个计划。We completed the work five days ahead _ time.我们提前五天完成了工作。写 作 佳 句 The building of the new bridge will _.新桥的修建将按计划进行。答案withofgo ahead as planned 句 式 透 析教材原句You must com

24、e whenever you want and have whatever you like.您什么时候想来就来,想吃什么就吃什么。(1)whenever,wherever,however引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter when/where/how。(2)whatever,whoever,whichever,whomever既可引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句,在引导让步状语从句时相当于no matter what/who/which/whom。(3)“no matter疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,可放在主句前或主句后。单句语法填空/完成句子God helps _ (who)

25、helps himself.Whatever happens_,I will stand by you.无论发生什么我都支持你。_ big or small,an act of kindness shows that someone cares.一个善良的行为无论多么大或多么小,都表明有人关心。写作佳句_,I will be right here waiting for you.无论你身在何方,无论你做什么,我都会在此守候。答案 whoever No matter what happens No matter how/However Wherever you go and whatever you do



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