高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the world Period 2 Vocabulary课件 新人教版必修3.ppt

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《高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the world Period 2 Vocabulary课件 新人教版必修3.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the world Period 2 Vocabulary课件 新人教版必修3.ppt(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、231 1、掌握本课重点单词,短语和句式。、掌握本课重点单词,短语和句式。2 2、使学生对一些国家的重要节日有基本的了解,并且学会热、使学生对一些国家的重要节日有基本的了解,并且学会热爱自己国家的传统节日。爱自己国家的传统节日。3. 3. 能使用本课词汇描述如何庆祝一些国内、国外有名的节能使用本课词汇描述如何庆祝一些国内、国外有名的节日。日。 本课首先通过让学生猜谜的方式引出一些大家熟悉的节日。然后通过本课首先通过让学生猜谜的方式引出一些大家熟悉的节日。然后通过大家熟悉的中国传统的端午节引出大家熟悉的中国传统的端午节引出speakingspeaking的话题,要学生们学会相应的的话题,要学生们

2、学会相应的英语表达。然后学习本课词汇,根据学习词汇的规律把词汇分类:英语表达。然后学习本课词汇,根据学习词汇的规律把词汇分类:1. 1. 无无构词法的单词即构词法的单词即WordsWords。2. 2. 派生词、合成词和转义词类即派生词、合成词和转义词类即Word Word formation3.formation3.短语类即短语类即PhrasesPhrases 4. 4. 专有名词类即,专有名词类即,FestivalsFestivals。然后当堂。然后当堂进行词汇的练习,检查学习效果。进行词汇的练习,检查学习效果。 在猜谜的环节,用生动的形式引起学生学习的兴趣,提高学生学在猜谜的环节,用生动

3、的形式引起学生学习的兴趣,提高学生学习的主动性。在讲解词汇时,习的主动性。在讲解词汇时, 根据构词法,适时扩大学生的词汇量,同根据构词法,适时扩大学生的词汇量,同时配有相关例句,有助于学生理解。在进行讨论时适当提示使用一些常见时配有相关例句,有助于学生理解。在进行讨论时适当提示使用一些常见的短语或句式,提醒学生使用地道的英语表达。在进行课堂练习时使用一的短语或句式,提醒学生使用地道的英语表达。在进行课堂练习时使用一些高考题,提醒学生高考的考点是什么,进而要求学生知道掌握重点。些高考题,提醒学生高考的考点是什么,进而要求学生知道掌握重点。1. On the day people ,especia

4、lly children wear new clothes. Most family members get together , eat dumplings in the morning as well as set off firecrackers .Children may be given lucky money in red paper.Its the Spring Festival or Chinese New Year.Guess what festivals they are.2. It originated in old beliefs about the return of

5、 the dead.Its a western holiday.Its now a childrens day , when they can dress up and go to their neighbors for sweets.Trick or treat?Its Halloween.3. Its to celebrate the harvest.Its a western holiday. It was made to be a national day by President Lincoln .People always celebrate with big dinners ,

6、especially a turkey, and happy reunions.Its Thanksgiving Day. Say something about the Dragon Boat Festival.The following may help you . .to honor (in memory of )the famous ancient poet .eat zongzi .watch dragon boat racesWord learning1.harvest n&v2.ancestor n 3.feast n4.trick n&v5.gain v6.gather n&v

7、Words7. award n&v reward n.8. custom n .habit n.9.drown v.10.wipe v.11.weep n&v12. forgive n forgave, forgiven1.beauty n. beautiful adj. beautify v.2. celebration n . celebrate v. 3. hunter n. hunt v. hunting n. go hunting4. starve v. starvation n. Word Formation5. origin n. original adj. originate

8、v. 6. religious adj. religion n.7. belief n. believe v.8. poet n. poem n. 9. arrival n arrive v.10. depend v. dependent adj. dependence n. independent adj. independence n. 11. agriculture n. agricultural adj.12. admire v. admiration n.13. energetic adj. energy n.14. clothing n. (u.) cloth n. (c&u.)

9、a table cloth clothes n.(pl.)15.Christian n. Christ n. 16. world wide worldwide adj.17. fool n.&v.&adj. foolish adj.18. permission n. permit v.19. parking n. park n.&v20. apologize v. apology n. make an apology21. sadness n. sad adj.22. obvious adj. obviously adv.23.re-mind remind v. remind of 1. ta

10、ke place, happen, occur eg. Great changes have taken place in my hometown. 2. in memory of , in honor of , in terms of3. dress up4. play a trick on, play a joke on Phrases5. look forward to to prepn/pron v-ing eg. Im looking forward to seeing you soon. 6. day and night7. as though/if 好像好像 even thoug

11、h/if 即使,尽管即使,尽管8. have fun with have fun doing9. turn up,appear10. keep ones word/promise, break ones word/promise11. hold /catch ones breath, out of breath12. set off set off firecrackers13. remind . of 1.Obon n. grave , ancestor2.Halloween n. children , sweets , trick,3.Columbus Day n. 4.carnival

12、n.5.Easter n. Jesus ,return6. Valentines Day n. red roses, chocolate Festivals1. He was attracted by her b_.2. In autumn farmers are all very busy because its the h_ time.3. Christmas is a r_ festival.4. The old song r_ me of my childhood.eautyarvesteligiouseminds/-edWord spelling5. She has been_ (授

13、予授予) a scholarship to study abroad.6. He is an _ (精力旺盛的精力旺盛的) boy and he enjoys sports.7. Over time _ ( 农业农业) in China has developed greatly .8. I hope youll _ (原谅原谅) me.awardedenergeticagricultureforgive26. (14福建福建) Could you tell me the _ of making such tasty cakes? Well, I just follow the directi

14、ons in the cookbook.A.feature B. plan C. cost D. trick 28. (14安徽安徽) When the sports hero_ at our party, he was welcomed with open arms.A.turned up B. left offC. moved on D. got away(13年安徽年安徽) 26. Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they _ on their life journey. A. give up B. settle down C. get through D. set off1. Read the words and learn them by heart.2. Preview the reading.3. Look for some information about famous festivals in other countries. 4. Have a discussion in groups about how to celebrate different festivals.



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