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1、A. Please read the text Computer facts and finish the following form.Aspect(方面方面) FactSize Computers are becoming smaller and (1) _ now than those in the past.There is probably a (2)_ computer inside your TV or washing machine. better tiny UseComputers can (3)_ and they almost never give wrong answe

2、rs.People can use computers to type and draw things.Computers can even (4)_ railways and fly planes and spaceships.calculate operateFutureComputers may do better in some jobs one day, but they cant be (5)_ than human beings.clevererB. Please read the text again and answer the following questions.1.

3、Were computers big or small in the 1940s? They were big.2. Who can calculate at a faster speed, a man or a computer? A computer.3. What important jobs can a computer do? It can operate railways and fly planes and spaceships.4. Why cant computers be cleverer than us? Because our brains can produce ne

4、w ideas but computers cant.C. Choose the main idea of each part.1. Paragraph 1-2 2. Paragraph 3 3. Paragraph 4-5 A. We can do a lot of things with computers.B. Computers are becoming smaller and better now.C. Computers may change our lives in the future, but they cant be cleverer than us. 1. Paragra

5、ph 1-2 2. Paragraph 3 3. Paragraph 4-5 BACUnit 3, Module 2【要点搜索要点搜索 1】We use the keyboard for typing. 我们用键盘来打字。我们用键盘来打字。【知识点拨知识点拨】use for doing sth.意为意为“用用来做某来做某事事”,相当于相当于use to do sth.。如如:We use wood for making paper and furniture. 我们用木头造纸、做家具我们用木头造纸、做家具。=We use wood to make paper and furniture. 另外

6、,我们也可以用另外,我们也可以用use for sth.这样的这样的结构。如:结构。如:She decided to use it for a gift. 她决定用它做礼物她决定用它做礼物。【跟踪练习跟踪练习】同义句转换。每空一词。同义句转换。每空一词。We use animal fur to make leather. We use animal fur _ _ leather. for making【要点搜索要点搜索 2】In addition, computers can do important jobs like operating railways and flying plane

7、s and spaceships. 此外,计算机还能做像操控铁路系统、此外,计算机还能做像操控铁路系统、驾驶飞机和宇宙飞船这样的重要工作。驾驶飞机和宇宙飞船这样的重要工作。【知识点拨知识点拨】in addition 意为意为“除除以外(还以外(还)”,用用来引出另一种情况作为补充。如:来引出另一种情况作为补充。如:There are many shops around the railway station. In addition, there are some hotels.火车站附近有很多商店火车站附近有很多商店。此外此外,还有一些还有一些旅馆旅馆。The garden has a lo

8、t of flowers. In addition, it has some vegetables. 这个花园有大量的鲜花。此外,还有一些这个花园有大量的鲜花。此外,还有一些蔬菜。蔬菜。另外,另外,in addition to是介词短语,后是介词短语,后面跟名词或代词等作宾语,也意面跟名词或代词等作宾语,也意“除除之外(还)之外(还)”。如:。如:In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language. 除英语外,他还得学一门第二外语。除英语外,他还得学一门第二外语。【跟踪练习跟踪练习】单项选择。单项选择。Millie

9、 is their youngest child. _, they have a son and a daughter.A. Instead B. In addition C. At last D. However【要点搜索要点搜索 3】Computers may change our lives, but will they make them better? 计算机可能会改变我们的生活,但是它计算机可能会改变我们的生活,但是它们会使我们的生活更好吗?们会使我们的生活更好吗?【知识点拨知识点拨】“make sb./sth. +形容词形容词”意为意为“使某人使某人/某物某物”。与。与make相

10、关的常用结构相关的常用结构还有还有make sb. do sth.,意为,意为“使某人做使某人做某事某事”。如:。如:The nice food makes me hungry. 这么好的食物使我饿了。这么好的食物使我饿了。We must make him work harder. 我们必须使他更加努力工作。我们必须使他更加努力工作。【跟踪练习跟踪练习】 根据所给的汉语提示,完成下列句子。根据所给的汉语提示,完成下列句子。 书书是我们的朋友是我们的朋友,它们能使我们快乐它们能使我们快乐。 Books are our friends and they can _. make us happyco

11、mpare【热身体验热身体验】根据所给的汉语提示,完成下列句子。根据所给的汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. 他比较了那两把椅子后,才决定买哪一他比较了那两把椅子后,才决定买哪一把。把。 After he _, he decided which one to buy. 2. 把这个和那个相比,你就会看出哪个更把这个和那个相比,你就会看出哪个更好。好。 _ this _ that, and youll see which is pared the two chairsCompare with【妙语点拨妙语点拨】compare作动词作动词,意为意为“比较;对比比较;对比”,其其常用结构是常用结构是com

12、pare with ,意为意为“把把与与比较比较”。如:。如:After we compared the two sweaters, we found they were the same size. 我们比较这两件毛衣后我们比较这两件毛衣后,发现它们大小一发现它们大小一样样。Compare your answers with those at the back of the book to see if they are right. 把你的答案与书后的答案比较一下把你的答案与书后的答案比较一下,看看看看它们是否正确它们是否正确。另外,另外,compare to 也是其常用结也是其常用结构,

13、意为构,意为“把把比作比作”。如:。如:He compared the brave man to a lion. 他把那位勇士比作一头狮子。他把那位勇士比作一头狮子。形容词的比较级和最高级形容词的比较级和最高级【热身训练热身训练】用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Im going to take a plane because its _ (fast) than a train.2. Which car is _ (expensive), the red one or the black one?3. Of all the stars, the sun is

14、 _ (near) to Earth.fastermore expensivethe nearest4. The Spring Festival is _ (important) festival to Chinese people. 5. How are you today, Bob? Im even _ (bad) now. I think I have to go to see a doctor.the most importantworse【融会贯通融会贯通】英语中,为了表现不同程度的性质,英语中,为了表现不同程度的性质,大多数形容词都有三个等级,即:原大多数形容词都有三个等级,即:原

15、级、比较级和最高级。具体来说:级、比较级和最高级。具体来说:构成方式构成方式原级原级 比较级比较级 最高级最高级规则规则oldolderoldest一般的单音节词一般的单音节词在词尾加在词尾加er或或est。nicenicernicest以不发音的以不发音的e结结尾的词只加尾的词只加r或或st。thinthinner thinnest以重读闭音节以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音只有一个辅音字母的词,双字母的词,双写这个辅音字写这个辅音字母,再加母,再加er或或est。slim slimmer slimmestbusy busierbusiest以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y结尾的词

16、,改结尾的词,改y为为i, 再加再加er或或est。beautiful more beautifulmost beautiful多音节和多音节和部分双部分双音节词在音节词在其前面其前面加加more或或most。badworseworst不规则变不规则变化。化。goodbetterbest常用句式及例句常用句式及例句句式句式例句例句A+比较级比较级+ than +B You are taller than I. The+比比 较较 级级 , the+比较级比较级The busier he is, the happier he feels.Who/Which is + 比比较级,较级,A or B

17、?Who is stronger, Sam or Tony?the + 比较级比较级+of the two(+名词)名词)Jim is the cleverer of the two boys. the +最高级(最高级(+名词)名词)+ of/in/amongSusan is the best student in my class.Who/Which is + 最最高级,高级,A, B or C?Which is the most expensive, a bicycle, a motorcycle or a car?另外,在比较级前面常用另外,在比较级前面常用much, a lot, e

18、ven等词来修饰,表示程度。如:等词来修饰,表示程度。如:The sun is much larger than the moon. 太阳比月亮要大得多。太阳比月亮要大得多。【跟踪训练跟踪训练】 根据情景及所给提示完成对话(必要根据情景及所给提示完成对话(必要时可以借助时可以借助than)。)。Jenny: Dad and Mum, I think our family is (1)_ (happy) family in the world.Mr Wu: I agree, my dear. We arent (2) _ (rich) family, but were happily livin

19、g together. the happiestthe richest Mrs Wu: Thats true. Our flat is (3) _ (small) many other peoples homes, but I think were (4) _ (happy) them.Jenny: Millie is (5)_ (smart) me and Simon is (6)_ (good) at sports than me, but I think I have (7)_ (good) family in the world now. smaller thanhappier tha

20、n smarter thanbetterthe best1. David is _ student in our class. Nobody is taller than him.(2013四川成四川成都都) A. tall B. taller C. the tallest2. How do you usually go to work? On foot. Walking is much _ than driving during the heavy traffic time. (2013 福建泉州福建泉州) A. fast B. faster C. fastest3. Its much _

21、to have a small lovely room than a big cold one. (2013 浙江杭州浙江杭州) A. good B. well C. better D. best4. Ive got quite a few dictionaries. Among them, this English dictionary is _. (2013 重庆市重庆市) A. much useful B. more useful C. the most useful D. a little useful基础巩固题基础巩固题 (Unit 3, Module 2). 根据要求写出相应的单词

22、。根据要求写出相应的单词。1. speak (名词名词) _ 2. mouse (复数复数) _3. control (过去式过去式) _ 4. cheap (反义词反义词) _speakermice/mousescontrolledexpensive5. company (复数复数) _ 6. inch (复数复数) _ 7. sell (过去分词过去分词) _ 8. aware (反义词反义词) _9. operate (现在分词现在分词) _ 10. popular (比较级比较级) _ companiesinchessoldunawareoperatingmore popular. 汉

23、译英。汉译英。1. 从事从事工作工作 _2. 没意识到没意识到 _ 3. 依靠依靠 _ 4. 除除以外(还)以外(还) _ 5. 总计总计 _ 6. 盼望盼望 _ 7. 缺少缺少 _ 8. 驾驶飞机驾驶飞机 _9. 以更快的速度以更快的速度 _10. 给出错误答案给出错误答案 _ work as be unaware ofdepend onin additiongrand total look forward tobe short offly planesat a faster speed give wrong answers .根据首字母提示或汉语提示,补全单词。根据首字母提示或汉语提示,补

24、全单词。1. She bought those jeans at a good p_. 2. Li Lei left the famous c_ last month. He works in a middle school now.3. We cant c_ life, but we can fight against it.4. Some parents like to c_ their children with others. Its bad for the children.5. I think Messi is the most p_ football player in the

25、world now. pricecompanycontrol comparepopular6. Can you repair the _ (显示器显示器) of my computer? It doesnt work. 7. Whats the _ (大脑大脑) of a computer?8. The more the _ (订货订货) are, the happier the boss is.9. My brother is working on the _ (铁路系统铁路系统).10. How many English words can you _ (打字打字) in a minute

26、?monitor brain ordersrailwaytype.根据划线部分在句中的意思,找出意根据划线部分在句中的意思,找出意思最接近的选项。思最接近的选项。1. It is very small, so you cant see it with your eyes.A. big B. clever C. tiny D. nice2. Some students always need help from English-Chinese dictionaries to learn English.A. put on B. depend onC. get on D. take on3. Ca

27、n you show me how to make that machine work?A. operate B. include C. check D. sell4. You will not miss the early bus if you get up early. Also, its good for your health.A. As well B. At firstC. And so on D. In addition5. Jack wasnt able to sing Chinese songs when he was five years old. A. couldnt B.

28、 needntC. shouldnt D. mustnt . 从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空。式填空。be short of, depend on, work as, be unaware of, in addition, grand total, look forward to, at a speed1. How are you doing now? Im _ hearing from you soon.2. The car is driving _ of 80 kilometres per hour. 3. I _ money now. Coul

29、d you please lend some to me?looking forward toat a speedam short of 4. Was Miss Lin angry with Simon? Yes, she was. But Simon seemed to _ that.5. They need money to finish the work. _, they need time. 6. Nancy spent a _ of $1,500 buying things in the shopping mall.7. My uncle _ a doctor in the hosp

30、ital to make a living. 8. Youve grown up, Daniel. Dont _ your parents any more.be unaware ofIn additiongrand totalworks asdepend on. 仔细分辨下列单词或词组,并用其适仔细分辨下列单词或词组,并用其适当形式完成下列各句。当形式完成下列各句。 (a) with; by; in1. Can you sing this song _ English?2. What do you usually do _ your computer?3. The man goes to w

31、ork _ bus every day. inwithby(b) be able to; can4. Sandy _ play the piano when she was four years old.5. Ill _ speak English in another two months. could/was able tobe able to .连词成句。连词成句。1. to; I; my; the Internet; use; surf; computer (.)2. computer, do, you, about, report, write, a, the (?)I use my

32、 computer to surf the Internet.Do you write a report about the computer?3. one; the; it; old; than; faster; works (.)4. is, to, difficult, teacher, it, a, for, as, him, work (.)5. of; is; all; the; camera; most; which; expensive (?) It works faster than the old one.It is difficult for him to work as

33、 a teacher. Which is the most expensive camera of all?. 根据所给的中文补全下列英语句子,每根据所给的中文补全下列英语句子,每空一词。(缩略词可算一空)空一词。(缩略词可算一空)1. 现在现在,世界上的许多地方缺水世界上的许多地方缺水。 Many places in the world _ _ _ water now. 2. 我认为手机比相机要有用得多。我认为手机比相机要有用得多。 I think a mobile phone is _ _ _ _ a camera. are short of much more useful than3.

34、 我跑着追那辆公共汽车,可是没能追上。我跑着追那辆公共汽车,可是没能追上。I ran after the bus, but I _ _ _ catch it.4. 那个杯子由塑料制成。那个杯子由塑料制成。That cup _ _ _ plastic. 5. 你日常生活中常常对手机依赖吗?你日常生活中常常对手机依赖吗?Do you _ _ your mobile phone a lot _ _ _ _? wasnt able to is made of depend onin your daily life 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。式填空。1.

35、 Work harder, and youll be _ (good) at it than before.2. The box is _ (heavy) than I thought. Could you help me carry it, please?3. Which do you think is _ (important) meal in a day?4. There are four people in my family. Im _ (young) of all.betterheavierthe most importantthe youngest5. Of all the fi

36、lms, Tiny Times may be _ (popular) among the young people.6. Jack is the _ (thin) of the two boys.7. My mother always gets up early in the morning. She is _ (busy) of all the family members.the most popularthinnerthe busiest8. Its one of the _ (happy) things in the world to stay with friends. I agre

37、e. It always makes me relaxed.9. Which is _ (difficult), Chinese or Physics? I think Chinese is.10. Among all the students, Daniel is _ (careful) one.happiestmore difficult the most careful听听 说说 训训 练练 (三)(三). 听录音,在听录音,在A、B、C三个选项中选出三个选项中选出 与你听到的句子意思最相近的句子。与你听到的句子意思最相近的句子。 1. A. The boy is too short t

38、o get the book by himself. B. The boy seems to buy a lot of books. C. It seems that the boy doesnt have enough money to buy the book. 2. A. The sign was very small, so I didnt notice it. B. I didnt know the meaning of the small sign. C. I saw some small signs at the corner. 3. A. This mobile phone i

39、s not only more useful but also cheaper. B. This mobile phone is cheaper. Besides, its screen is larger. C. This mobile phone is cheaper, but its screen is smaller.4. A. People use computers to do some interesting things.B. Computers are a great invention for human beings. C. Computers can do a lot

40、of things for human beings. 5. A. The white laptop is my favourite one. B. The white laptop is better than the other two. C. Id like to buy the three white laptops. . 请根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对请根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对话。(问题念两遍)(共话。(问题念两遍)(共3小题,每小题小题,每小题1分)分)假如你是李明,你想买一台笔记本电脑,于假如你是李明,你想买一台笔记本电脑,于是你去电脑商城咨询详情。是你去电脑商城咨询

41、详情。6. _ _7. _8. _ _The Sony laptop is much smaller, lighter and more colourful.It is about 2 centimetres.I think the Samsung laptop is more suitable for you. 听短文,回答问题。听短文,回答问题。9. _10. _11. _3,400 yuan.He will use it to listen to music.The laptop. 看图说话,请用英语描述下面各图。要看图说话,请用英语描述下面各图。要求六句话以上。求六句话以上。One p

42、ossible version: Mrs Smith went shopping yesterday afternoon. At first, she tried on a white dress. It was 800 yuan and she thought it was a little expensive. Then she saw a red dress. She found it was more comfortable and much cheaper. It was 500 yuan. The white one was a little longer for her, and

43、 the red one fit her very well. At last, she decided to buy the red one. work as 从事从事工作工作(be) short of 缺乏缺乏(be) unaware of 没意识到没意识到;未察觉未察觉(be) made of 由由制成制成depend on 依靠依靠how much 多少多少(钱)(钱)in the 1940s 在在20世纪世纪40年代年代at a faster speed 以更快的速度以更快的速度be able to 能够能够be better at 更擅长更擅长have nothing to do

44、无所事事无所事事in addition 除除以外(还)以外(还)a lot 非常;经常非常;经常a phone order 电话订购电话订购be made in 产于产于(某年某年/某地某地)grand total 总计;共计总计;共计look forward to 盼望;期盼盼望;期盼stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事停下来去做某事be bad for 对对有害有害stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止阻止某人做某事某人做某事【学以致用学以致用】 根据下列各句的句意,用所提供短语根据下列各句的句意,用所提供短语的恰当形式完成下列各句。的恰当形式完成下列各句。1.

45、Dont worry. You can _ me. 2. The bridge is _ stones and it was built over 1,000 years ago. 3. The bill in the restaurant came to a _ of 210 yuan. depend onmade ofgrand total4. _ does your new dress cost, Wang Li? Its 100 yuan. 5. Do you know reading in the sun _ your eyes?6. Sometimes robots _ doing

46、 some jobs than human beings. 7. Were _ noodles. Can you go to the shop and buy some?How much is bad forare better atshort of8. Jack will _ do the work better than I. 9. It seems that you _ now. Why not take up a book to read?10. Young children are always _ the danger, so their parents should be more careful. be able tohave nothing to dounaware of



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