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1、话题二:环境保护1话题词汇污染污染保护保护野生动物野生动物稀有的稀有的定居定居生存生存生态系统生态系统栖息地栖息地pollute v. - pollution n.protect v. protection n.wildliferaresettle v.exist n.-existence n.ecosystemhabitat2幸存濒危的物种扰乱野生动物的自然栖息地保护现存的林地对有重要的意义环境保护节约能源/水垃圾分类课本/垃圾回收利用surviveendangered speciesdisturb the wildlifes natural habitatpreserve the exis

2、ting woodlandsbe of great importance toenvironmental protectionsave energy / water sort out the rubbishrecycle textbooks/ trash3禁止在公共场合吸烟禁止在公共场合吸烟禁止滥用塑料袋禁止滥用塑料袋用完垃圾袋就到处扔用完垃圾袋就到处扔使用环保袋代替塑料袋使用环保袋代替塑料袋改善居住环境改善居住环境保持生态平衡保持生态平衡不随地扔垃圾不随地扔垃圾/吐痰吐痰散发出烟和有毒气体散发出烟和有毒气体砍伐树木砍伐树木把废水注入河流把废水注入河流ban smoking in public

3、ban the abuse of plastic bagsthrow plastic bags after using them.use recyclable bags instead of plastic bagsimprove our living conditionkeep the balance of natureDont litter/ spit everywheresend out smoke and poisonous gases into the aircut down treespour waste water into the rivers4采取积极措施保护稀采取积极措施保

4、护稀有动物有动物关心我们的森林关心我们的森林多植树来改善环境多植树来改善环境对对造成伤害造成伤害造成严重的污染造成严重的污染养成良好的习惯来保养成良好的习惯来保护环境护环境物种多样性物种多样性生态示范区生态示范区 白色污染白色污染 take active measures to protect rare animals.take good care of our forestsplant more trees to improve the environmentdo harm to cause serious pollutionform good habits to protect the s

5、urroundingsdiversity of speciesenvironment-friendly regionwhite pollution 5一个永恒的主题一个永恒的主题带来一种崭新的生活方式带来一种崭新的生活方式导致了一些物种的灭绝导致了一些物种的灭绝倡导文明的生活方式倡导文明的生活方式迎合和满足了人们的需求迎合和满足了人们的需求展望未来展望未来对对产生了影响产生了影响开发可再生资源开发可再生资源 环保产品环保产品 自然保护区自然保护区 酸雨酸雨 清洁能源清洁能源 温室效应温室效应 汽车尾气排放汽车尾气排放 减少碳排放减少碳排放an ever-lasting theme bring

6、in a brand-new lifestyleLead to the extinction of some speciesadvocate civilized lifestyle meet the demands of people look forward to the bright future have an impact/ effect on develop renewable resourcesenvironment-friendly productsnature reserveacid rain clean energygreenhouse effectmotor vehicle

7、 exhaustcut carbon emission6到处萨满了废弃物。到处萨满了废弃物。Waste is scattering here and there.瓦解垃圾袋要花很长的时间。瓦解垃圾袋要花很长的时间。It will take a long time to break down plastic bags.可怕的污染已经给我们自己还有我们的环境带来很大的可怕的污染已经给我们自己还有我们的环境带来很大的危害。危害。The terrible pollution has done great harm to us as well as to the surroundings.个人的努力是没

8、有用的。个人的努力是没有用的。The effort of an individual is just to small to count.当这些个人的努力累积成一股集体的力量,它足够产生当这些个人的努力累积成一股集体的力量,它足够产生真正的改进。真正的改进。When these single efforts accumulate into a collective force, it will be significant enough for real improvements71. 随着工农业的发展随着工农业的发展,全球的环境问题越来越严重。,全球的环境问题越来越严重。With the d

9、evelopment of industry and agriculture, environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.2.我们必须面对我们必须面对这种已经存在的现象,并采取积极这种已经存在的现象,并采取积极措施解决环保问题。措施解决环保问题。We must face the situation that exists and take active measures to solve the environmental problems.83. 无可否认无可否认,空气污染、水污染

10、等环境污染,空气污染、水污染等环境污染是极其严重的问题。是极其严重的问题。There is no doubt that environmental pollution, like air pollution, water pollution and so on, is an extremely serious problem.4. 这表明这表明很多人缺乏环保意识。很多人缺乏环保意识。It shows that many people lack the awareness of environmental protection.95. 环保教育是很重要的。环保教育是很重要的。我们都要记住:保我们

11、都要记住:保护环境,人人有责。护环境,人人有责。The education on environmental protection is very important. / Its important to educate everyone to protect the environment. All of us should remember that its everyones duty to protect the environment.106. 大家可以从小事做起来减少环境污染大家可以从小事做起来减少环境污染,如,如回收废物、关灯、节约用水等。回收废物、关灯、节约用水等。Every

12、one can do small things to decrease environmental pollution, such as collecting used items for recycling, turning off the lights, saving water and so on.117. 我们希望所有的措施都是有效的,我们希望所有的措施都是有效的,重重新营造一个健康和谐的环境。新营造一个健康和谐的环境。We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthy and harmo

13、nious environment.12滥杀稀有动物滥杀稀有动物 导致一些物种的灭绝导致一些物种的灭绝 砍伐树木砍伐树木 扰乱野生动物的自然栖息地扰乱野生动物的自然栖息地 保持生态平衡保持生态平衡 有重要意义的有重要意义的关心森林关心森林 建立自然保护区建立自然保护区 People hunted rare animals too much, which led to the extinction of some species. People cut down trees and disturb the wildlifes natural habitat. It is very importa

14、nt for human beings to keep the balance of nature./ Keeping the balance of nature is of great importance to human beings. People should take good care of our forests and set up more nature reserves.13环境保护环境保护 永恒的主题永恒的主题 白色污染白色污染 大量使用垃圾袋大量使用垃圾袋 用完垃圾袋到处扔用完垃圾袋到处扔 禁止使用垃圾袋禁止使用垃圾袋 使用环保袋代替塑料袋使用环保袋代替塑料袋 Env

15、ironmental protection is an ever-lasting theme. White pollution is becoming more and more serious. People use a lot of plastic bags. They even throw plastic bags after using them. In order to protect the environment, we should ban the abuse of plastic bags and use recyclable bags instead of plastic

16、bags.14人们的活动人们的活动/行为会影响环境行为会影响环境生活中人们如何污染环境生活中人们如何污染环境 : 随地扔垃圾随地扔垃圾/吐痰吐痰 用完垃圾袋到处扔用完垃圾袋到处扔人们大量的使用汽车人们大量的使用汽车 汽车排放出大量的汽车排放出大量的二氧化碳二氧化碳工业的发展对环境的污染工业的发展对环境的污染工厂把大量的废水注入河流工厂把大量的废水注入河流 工厂排放工厂排放出大量的烟和有毒气体出大量的烟和有毒气体15 Peoples behaviour will influence /have an effect on the environment. People may spit every

17、where and throw plastic bags after using it. Cars are widely used by people. Cars release a lot of carbon dioxide. The development of industry also has a great effect on the environment. Factories poured a lot of polluted water into the rivers and sent out smoke and poisonous gases into the air.16大量

18、的使用传统能源大量的使用传统能源 造成温室效应造成温室效应 清洁能源清洁能源 不可再生资源不可再生资源节约能源节约能源 开发可再生资源开发可再生资源People use a lot of traditional energy, such as coal and oil. We should use clean energy instead of unrenewable sources .We should save energy and water .Besides, we should develop renewable resources.17假设你是学校英语周报的小记者,上周以“你支持低

19、碳生活吗?”为题对学校300位学生进行了一次调查,以下是你在调查中收集的信息:写作内容:请你根据调查信息为英语周报写一篇报道,包括如下内容1.受访学生对低碳生活的态度。受访学生现在的做法和所持的理由。呼吁大家过低碳生活同学做法理由83%支持1.上学用公共交通工具2.节约用水用电3.购物用环保袋低碳的生活方式有利于保护地球有限的资源。17% 无所谓不想刻意改变自己的生活方式一个人的努力没有用18Last week a survey concerning low-carbon life was carried out among 300 students in our school.19 When

20、 asked about their attitude to this lifestyle, a majority of 83% show support. In order to preserve the limited amount of resources, they take measures such as going to school by public transportation, saving as much water and electricity as possible in daily life and using recyclable bags instead o

21、f plastic ones for shopping. Yet the remaining 17% seem rather indifferent and reluctant to adjust their current lifestyle to cut carbon emission. In their opinion, the effort of an individual is just too small to count. However, when these single efforts accumulate into a collective force, it will

22、be significant enough for real improvements, so I hope more people can live a low-carbon life to protect the earth.20How to protect our environment?第一段第一段 摆现象,说问题摆现象,说问题第二段第二段 如何解决如何解决第三段第三段 总结总结21How to protect our environment?With the development of industry and agriculture, the environmental prob

23、lems are becoming more and more serious, and its time for human beings to take actions to protect our environment. Firstly , the government should take strong measures to deal with the pollution like white pollution and water pollution, and to control the number of the private cars in order to decre

24、ase air pollution. Secondly, every citizen should be educated to be more environmentally friendly because a lot of people lack the awareness of protecting the environment. Thirdly, everyone can do small things to protect the environment, such as collecting used items for recycling, turning off the lights and saving water.In a word , if everyone can make a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will be more beautiful and harmonious. 22



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