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1、必修4Unit 1Unit 5Unit 1Unit 1Women of achievementWomen of achievement基 础 梳 理1_ (n.)运动;战役(vi.)作战;参加运动2_ (n.)荫;阴凉处(vt.)遮住光线3_ (adj.) 值得的;值得做的4_ (n.&vt.)支持;拥护5_ (vt.)计划;打算6_ (n.)突发事件;紧急情况7_ (vt.)递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说等)8_ (vt.&n.) 尊敬;尊重;敬意_ (adj.) 体面的;值得尊敬的_ (adj.) 尊敬的重点单词重点单词campaignshadeworthwhilesupportin

2、tendemergencydeliverrespectrespectablerespectful9_ (vt.&vi.) 讨论;辩论;争论_ (n.) 争论;争辩;争吵10_ (n.) 款待;娱乐;娱乐表演_ (vt.) 款待;使快乐11_ (vi.) 谈到;查阅;参考_ (n.) 参考;参照;涉及12_ (adj.) 考虑周到的_(n.) 考虑;体谅13_ (n.) 成就;功绩_ (vt.) 完成;达到14 _ (vt.&vi.) 举 动 ; (举 止 或 行 为 )表 现_ (n.) 行为;举止;习性15_ (vt.) 观察;观测;遵守_ (n.) 观察;观测argueargumenten

3、tertainmententertainreferreferenceconsiderateconsiderationachievementachievebehavebehaviourobserveobservation1_离开,起程,出发2_(想法、问题等)涌上心头,涌入脑海3_碰巧,凑巧4_(偶然)遇见,碰见5_继续,坚持6_把奉献给7_蔑视,瞧不起8_过着的生活9_查阅,参考,谈到10_为而战重点短语重点短语move offcrowd inby chance/accidentcome acrosscarry ondevote.tolook down on/uponlead a.lifere

4、fer tofight for1Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.只有在她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙以后,才得以使她开始自己的计划。解读“only状语”置于句首,主句要用部分倒装。仿写只有当他回来时,我们才弄明白了事情的真相。_we find the truth.经典句型经典句型答案:Only when he returned did2Once I stop,it all comes crowding in and I rememb

5、er the chimps in laboratories.我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头,我就会想起实验室里的黑猩猩。解读once引导条件状语从句,意为“一旦”;crowding in为现在分词短语作伴随状语。仿写一旦你有自信心,你一定会在面试中成功的。You will be successful in the interview_.天下起了瓢泼大雨,不用说,田径运动会也会取消。The rain came_,and of course the track meeting was canceled.答案:once you have confidencepouring down3Sudde

6、nly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.我突然想起在那个年代,一个女子去学医是多么困难。解读“It hits/hit sb.从句”表示“某人突然想起”。仿写我突然想起我应该向老师求助。_I should turn to my teacher for help.答案:It hit me that4Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?为什么不像林巧稚一样在

7、医学院学习并继续她的美好事业呢?解读why not do sth.“为什么不做某事呢”,提建议的交际用法。仿写为什么不养成锻炼身体的习惯来保持身体健康呢?_exercising to keep fit?答案:Why not form the habit of突 破 核 心1behave vt.&vi. 举动;(举止或行为)表现教材原句Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans.简研究这些黑猩猩已经很多年

8、了,她帮助人们了解它们的行为跟人类的是多么地相似。板块一:核心单词(1)behavewell/badly to/towards sb.对待某人好/差behave oneself守规矩;表现得体(2)wellbehaved表现好的badlybehaved表现差的(3)behavior n举止;行为 见证2014Its undeniable that behavior comes from our inner dispositions,but in many instances we also draw inferences about who we are,as suggested by the

9、 social psychologist Daryl Bem,by observing our own behavior.毋庸置疑,人的行为来自于我们的内在性情,但是正如社会心理学家Daryl Bem所说的,在很多例子中我们是通过观察我们自己的行为来推断出我们是怎样的人的。(2014重庆卷阅读理解E)They behaved badly to/towards the guests,which made us disappointed.他们对客人很不礼貌,这使我们非常失望。I think all of us should_in public places.我认为我们大家都应该注意在公共场所的行为

10、举止。I want you to_while I am away.我不在家时你要守规矩些。答案:mind our behaviourbehave yourself2worthwhile adj.值得的;值得做的教材原句However,the evening makes it all worthwhile.但这个傍晚让我们觉得这一切都是值得的。It is worthwhile to take his advice.他的建议值得采纳。Helping the disabled is a_activity.帮助残疾人是一项很有意义的活动。Hangzhou is a beautiful place;it

11、 is worthwhile_(go)there.杭州是个美丽的地方,值得一去。His first book is of great use for our course.But his latest one is_worth reading.他的第一本书对我们的课程很有用,但他最新的一本书很值得一读。答案:worthwhilegoing/to gowell3inspire vt.鼓舞;感动;激发;启示教 材 原 句 She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women.她激励着那些想为女性的成就而欢呼喝彩的人们。见证20

12、14Clearly and thoughtfully written,the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.由于表达清楚,思想有深度,这本书激起了那些想寻求他们自己答案的学生的自信心。(2014天津卷)The beauty of the West Lake inspired a lot of poets to write their great poetry.西湖美景给了许多诗人灵感,从而创作出他们伟大的诗篇。Believe it or not,the good news insp

13、ired us_hope.信不信由你,这个好消息使我们燃起了希望。All of the students were_by the_report given by the headmaster.所有的学生对校长讲的令人鼓舞的报告感到深受鼓舞。答案:withinspired;inspiring4observe vt. 观察;观测;遵守;庆祝教材原句She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.她花了多年的时间来观察并记录它们的日常活动。见证2014Observe carefully if any change occu

14、rs when doing experiments in the lab.在实验室做实验时一定要认真观察是否有任何变化发生。(2014北京卷)Readers are required to observe the rules of the library and mind their manners.读者被要求遵守图书馆的规章制度和注意他们的礼貌。The woman was observed_(follow)him closely.有人看到那名女子紧跟着他。The police observed the man _(enter) the bank.警方监视了那名男子进入银行的情况。答案:to

15、followentering/enter 比较辨析填一填As a child,he liked to _ the behaviour of the insect.The detective _ a scratch on the window.He _ the sun setting behind the trees.observe“观察”,从不同的角度长时间地看并研究watch“看,观看,特别留意”,感兴趣地看运动着的东西notice“看到,注意到,觉察到”,偶尔看到细小的但可能是重要的事物,强调无意地注意答案:observenoticedwatched5respect vt.尊敬;尊重;敬意

16、n. 细节;方面;敬意;问候教材原句For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.40年来,简古道尔一直在呼吁世人了解并尊重这些动物的生活。(1)respect sb.for sth.因某事而尊重某人(2)have/show respect for sb.尊重某人give/send ones respects to sb.向某人表示敬意out of respect for.出于对

17、的尊敬;顾及(3)in all/many respects在各个方面/在许多方面in respect ofwith respect to关于;就而言I deeply respect him for his courage.我深深敬佩他的勇气。_your other suggestions,I am not yet able to tell you our decision.谈到你的其他建议,我现在还无法把我们的决定告诉你。Please send_to them when you write.你写信的时候请代我向他们致意。_the new version is less good than th

18、e old one.从许多方面来看,新的版本并不比旧的强。The secret to education lies_ the pupil.教育的秘诀在于尊重学生。答案:With respect tomy respectsIn many respectsin respecting6argue vi.&vt. 讨论;争论;争辩;说服;用辩论证明教材原句She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活

19、,而不能用于娱乐或广告。(1)argue for.为而争论;为而辩护argue against争辩(反对)argue with sb.on/about/over sth.与某人争辩某事(2)argue sb.into/out of doing sth.说服某人做/不做某事(3)argue that.提出理由说明;主张(4)argument n争论;争辩;论点见 证 2014Thus, I would argue against copying previous architectural styles and choose something fresh and different,even

20、though that might be the more risky choice.因此,我反对模仿以前的建筑风格,(认为)应选择一些新鲜的不同的(风格),即使这可能是更冒险的选择。(2014安徽卷阅读理解D)Do you argue for or against the economic reform?你是赞成还是反对经济改革?Its no use arguing_him _ the matter.跟他争辩此事是没用的。答案:with;over/on/about 比较辨析填一填My sister and I used to _ all the time.We will _ the prop

21、osal at the meeting.I _ with him for a long time,but he refused to listen to the reason.discuss“讨论”,指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而交换意见argue“争论,辩论”,指举出理由或事实来与对方争辩,有“企图说服对方”的含义quarrel “争吵,吵架,争辩”,侧重用“口角”方式争执答案:quarreldiscussargued7support vt.&n. 支持;拥护;赡养教材原句Jane was permitted to begin her work after her mother came

22、to support her.在简的母亲过来支持她之后她才被允许开展她的工作。(1)support sb./a family支持某人/赡养家庭support oneself自力更生(2)in support of sb./sth.支持或支援某人/某物give support to sb.支持、支援某人(3)supportive adj.支持的;鼓励的见证2014In addition to the school,the village has a clinic,which was also built with government support.除了学校,村里还有一个诊所,这个诊所也是政府

23、帮助修建的。(2014天津卷)Is this bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries?这座桥禁得住重型卡车通行吗?He had to do an extra job after work,for he had a big family_.他下班后得从事另外的工作,因为他有一大家人要养活。Only a few people spoke_the proposal.只有几个人表示支持这一提议。答案:to supportin support of8intend vt. 计划;打算教材原句I looked carefully at the text a

24、nd realized that it was intended for women in the countryside.我仔细地看了这篇文章,了解到那是为农村妇女写的。Now Mr White is back and intends to write a book about his adventures.现在怀特先生回来了,并且他打算写一本关于他冒险经历的书。Liu Xiang_to achieve his goal in London Olympic Games,but he fell owing to the injury of his ankle.刘翔本打算在伦敦奥运会上实现他的目

25、标,但他由于脚踝受伤摔倒了。The book_parents with young children.这本书是专为有小孩的父母写的。答案:had intendedis intended for9deliver vt. 递送;生(小孩儿);助产;发表(演说等)教材原句There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi,tired after a days work,went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her.数不胜数的故事讲述着林巧稚如何在劳累一

26、天之后,又在深夜去为贫困家庭的产妇接生,而这些家庭是不可能给她报酬的。deliver sth.to sb.投递、传送某物给某人deliver a speech发表演说deliver a baby接生孩子be delivered of a baby分娩,生孩子Please deliver the goods at your earliest convenience to every household.请尽快将货物送到各家各户。Manager Wang _.王经理致了开幕词。In her 40 years of practice,the doctor_.她从医40年,接生了许多婴儿。答案:del

27、ivered the opening speechdelivered many babies10look down upon/on 蔑视;轻视;瞧不起教材原句Many people look down upon poor people.许多人瞧不起穷人。板块二:短语和句型look forward to 盼望;期待look into 调查;审查look up 抬头看;查阅look on.as.把看作look out(for.) 注意;留神()look through 浏览;仔细查看look up to 尊敬;仰视look for 寻找 见证2014Terry,please look up fro

28、m your cell phone when Grandma is talking to you.Terry,当奶奶跟你讲话时,请你不要再看手机了。(2014安徽卷)I look down upon/on those who always rely on others.我看不起那些总是依赖别人的人。He usually_several newspapers before breakfast.他早饭前通常浏览几份报纸。She has always_her father.她一向尊敬父亲。答案:looks throughlooked up to11refer to 查阅;参考;涉及;谈到;指的是;关

29、于教材原句If the word group refers to different members,use a plural verb.如果group这个单词指不同的成员,谓语动词用复数。(1)refer to.as.把称作refer.to.把提交给(以求获得帮助)(2)reference n言及;提及;参考;查阅in/with reference to关于When I am faced with a difficulty,I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Web pages.当我碰到困难时,我通常选择参考

30、相关的学习材料或网页。He_a living Lei Feng.他被称为活雷锋。I didnt know whom she was_.我不知道她指的是谁。You should_ our teacher for a decision.你应该把这件事交给我们老师决定。答案:is referred to asreferring torefer this matter to12carry on 继续;坚持;经营;进行(生意、谈话等)教材原句Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?为什么不像

31、林巧稚一样在医学院学习并继续她的美好事业呢?We carried on with our daily work not suspecting what was about to happen.我们继续做我们的日常工作没有想到要发生的一切。His strong determination_his illness.他坚强的意志使他度过了疾病的难关。If you_like that,youll break down sooner or later.如果继续那样工作,你迟早会累垮的。He has failed to_his promise.他没有履行诺言。Jane_all the prizes.简赢得

32、了全部奖品。答案:carried him throughcarry on workingcarry outcarried off13come across(run acrossmeet by chance)(偶然)遇见;碰见教材原句By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi.很偶然地,我看到了一篇关于一位名叫林巧稚的大夫的文章come about(happen) 发生come out 出现;开花;出版或发表;透露;显出come to 谈到;涉及come up 升起;发生;出现come up with

33、找到或提出(答案、办法等)come along 跟随;跟着来I came across an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.今天早上我在牛津大街碰见一位老校友。When is her new novel_?她的新小说何时出版?Would you like to_us to the film tonight?今晚你愿意和我们一起看电影吗?答案:coming outcome along with14Once I stop,it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in la

34、boratories.我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头,我就会想起实验室里的黑猩猩。(1)once conj.一就;一旦,相当于as soon as,常用一般现在时表示将要发生的动作。(2)表示“一就”意义的结构还有:no sooner.than.,hardly/scarcely.when., directly, immediately, the second, the moment,the instant等。Physics is easy to learn once you understand the rules.一旦你理解了规则,物理就不难学了。Once (it is)_(see),

35、it can never be forgotten.见一次就永远不会忘记。Bad habits, once_, are difficult, and sometimes impossible to shake off.坏习惯一旦形成就很难改掉,有时就不可能改掉。答案:seenformed15Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.我突然想起,在那个年代,一个女子去学医是多么困难。句中使用了“It hit(s) me从句”结构,意思是我突然想到,it在句中作形

36、式主语。类似的结构还有:(1)It occurs to sb.that.(某人)突然想到(2)It strikes sb.that.(某人)突然想到(3)It happens that.碰巧It hit me that I had forgotten her birthday.我突然想起我把她的生日给忘了。_that she would refuse his invitation.他没有想到她会拒绝他的邀请。_ they spent their childhood in the same village.碰巧他们的童年是在同一个村子度过的。答案:It didnt occur to himIt

37、happened that.用适当的谓语动词填空1The man together with his wife and children _(sit) there watching TV.2More than one student _(have) passed the examination.3Every means _(have) been tried.4She is the one of those women who _(know) a thing about furniture.5A large quantity of water _(be) coming.单元语法专练:主谓一致答案

38、:1.is occupied with2is reported to have been built.根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子1Every doctor and every nurse_their own work.(occupy)每个医生和护士都忙于他们自己的工作。2 Many a highstandard house_for the survivors of the earthquakestricken area,which is really inspiring for the public.(report)有报道说,一大批高标准的房子已经为地震灾区的幸存者们兴建起来

39、了。这消息真是振奋人心。答案:1.is occupied with2is reported to have been built3He is the only one of the top students who_Peking University.(admit)他是这些优等生中唯一被北京大学录取的学生。4 The study shows that as many as 40 percent of patients_drugs as directed.(take)该研究表明,多达40%的病人不按说明服药。5After all,neither you nor I_the chance.(give)毕竟,你和我没有得到这个机会。答案:3has been admitted to4dont take5am given



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