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1、高考听力解题策略与技巧高考听力解题策略与技巧提提 纲纲一、高考英语听力对考生的要求一、高考英语听力对考生的要求1二、影响学生听力的几个因素二、影响学生听力的几个因素2三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧3四、夯实基础,培养听力的综合能力四、夯实基础,培养听力的综合能力42一、高考英语听力对考生的要求一、高考英语听力对考生的要求13一、高考英语听力对考生的要求一、高考英语听力对考生的要求v要求考生具备以下能力:要求考生具备以下能力:(1 1)理解主旨要义的能力;)理解主旨要义的能力;(2 2)理解话语之间的逻辑关系,获取事实性的具体信息的能力;)理解话语之间的逻辑关系,获

2、取事实性的具体信息的能力;(3 3)对所听内容做出简单推断的能力;)对所听内容做出简单推断的能力;(4 4)从听力材料中提取信息和观点的能力;)从听力材料中提取信息和观点的能力;(5 5)理解说话者意图、观点或态度的能力;)理解说话者意图、观点或态度的能力;(6 6)能听懂委婉的建议或劝告,识别不同语气所表达的不同情感的能力。)能听懂委婉的建议或劝告,识别不同语气所表达的不同情感的能力。4二、影响学生听力的几个因素二、影响学生听力的几个因素25二、影响学生听力的几个因素u例题例题1 1: Where is the shoe shop?A. On the west side of the sho

3、pping centre.B. Opposite the shopping centre.C. Near the cafeteria.u录音材料:录音材料:M: Could you tell me where the shoe shop is?W: Yes. The shoe shop is on the east of the shopping centre, close to the cafeteria.M: Thank you very much.1 1语音知识语音知识61语音知识语音知识u例题例题2 2:How much is the book ?A. $ 9.50 B. $ 9.15

4、 C. $19.15 u录音材料:录音材料:M: Excuse me .Can you tell me how much the book is ?W: Yes, its nine fifteen .“-ty ” “-teen ” “thirteen” “thirty ” “fourteen ” “forty ”7u例题例题 1 1:Where did Ted plan to go?vA. To the barbers. B. To the office. C. To the centre.u录音材料:录音材料:vM: Hello, Lucy. This is Bob Smith in the

5、 centre. Is Ted there?vW: Not yet, Bob. He phoned me from the office 10 minutes ago to say that he was going to have his hair cut.二、影响学生听力的几个因素二、影响学生听力的几个因素2 2词汇因素词汇因素82词汇因素词汇因素u例题例题 2 2:Where does the conversation probably take place?vA. On a plane. B. On a bus. C. In a taxi.u录音材料:录音材料:vW: Fasten y

6、our seat belt please, sir?vM: Of course, I didnt realize that we were going to land so soon. 9u例题例题3:Why cant the man go swimming now?vA. He must meet his teacher.vB. He must attend a class.vC. He must go out with his girlfriend.u录音材料:录音材料:vW: John, do you want to go swimming with me today?vM: Sure.

7、 But I cant leave now. I have an appointment with my professor at three oclock.2词汇因素词汇因素10u例题例题4 4:Where does the conversation probably take place?vA. In a cinema. B. In a clothes shop.vC. In a photo shop.u录音材料:录音材料:vW: Excuse me, I want to have some films developed?vM: OK. Do you want it colour or

8、black and white?2词汇因素词汇因素11u例题例题5 5 :What are the speakers mainly discussing?vA. Making a phone call.vB. Traveling to New York.vC. Getting some small change.u录音材料:录音材料:vM: Excuse me. Can you lend me a coin? Have to make a phone call to New York.vW: Im sorry. I dont have any change. You can get some

9、at the service desk, I think.2词汇因素词汇因素12u例题:例题:When will the man stay at 5:00?vA. At home. B. At his office. C. At the train station.u录音材料:录音材料:vM: Give me a call when you get into town. Ill pick you up at the train station.vW: Shall I call your office?vM: If you get in before 5:30 call the office.

10、Other wise, call my home.二、影响学生听力的几个因素二、影响学生听力的几个因素3 3句法和语法句法和语法13u例题例题 1 1:What is the probable relationship between the speakers?vA. Neighbours. B. Classmates. C. Colleagues.u录音材料:录音材料:vM: So, you have just moved in next door. Do you need anything?vW: No, Not right now. But thanks.vM: Well, let me

11、 know if you do. 二、影响学生听力的几个因素二、影响学生听力的几个因素4 4文化与母语文化与母语14u例题例题 2:What does the woman think of having friends?vA. It is unnecessary. vB. It is bad sometimes.vC. It makes his life interesting.u录音材料:录音材料:vM: My work has forced me to cancel all fun activities in my life. I cant even see my friend on th

12、e weekend.vW: That doesnt seem so bad. You have a good job, and you seem to be ready happy with it. Who need friends? 4.文化与母语文化与母语15u例题:例题:What do we know about Lucy?vA. She has caught a bad cold.vB. She refused the mans invitation.vC. She will go dancing with the man.u录音材料:录音材料:vW: Did Lucy agree t

13、o go dancing with you this Friday evening?vM: Well, she turned up her nose at my invitation. 二、影响学生听力的几个因素二、影响学生听力的几个因素俚语:俚语:16三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧317三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧例题:例题:Why will the woman go to London?vA. To have a look at London.vB. To go with her friend.vC. To spend the

14、weekend.录音材料:录音材料:vM: Are you going to London for next weekend?vW: Yes, I will visit a friend of mine while I am there.1 1迅速浏览试题,明确内容方向迅速浏览试题,明确内容方向18例题:例题:What are the speakers mainly talking about?vA. A picture. B. A drink. C. A book.录音材料:录音材料:vW: Would you like a cup of tea?vM: No, thank you. Tel

15、l me about your book.vW: Oh, its not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures. Would you like to see them?2 2沉着冷静,精力集中沉着冷静,精力集中三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧19例题:例题:What are the speakers mainly talking about?vA. An actor. B. A player. C. A waiter.录音材料:录音材料:vM: I like the little kid in the movie

16、. I cant imagine anyone else playing at the role.vW: I like him too, hes so cute.2沉着冷静,精力集中沉着冷静,精力集中20例题:例题:What are the speakers discussing?vA. A speech on television.vB. An article in the newspaper.vC. A meeting with the president.录音材料:录音材料:vM: How did you like the presidents speech last night?vW:

17、 Unfortunately I got home too late last night to watch it. 3 3抓住关健,推测答案抓住关健,推测答案p通过常识推理通过常识推理三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧21例题:例题:What does the woman think of the cars noise?vA. Funny. B. Boring. C. Tolerable.录音材料:录音材料:vM: Do you think this cars making a funny noise?vW: It sounds OK to me.3抓住关健,推测答

18、案抓住关健,推测答案22例题:例题:nWhy does the man look sad?vA. He failed his test again.vB. He had to stop his study.vC. He couldnt understand the foreigners.nHow did the woman improve her French?vA. By reading French News paper.vB. By watching French films.vC. By speaking to herself.nWhat does the woman suggest

19、the man do?vA. Be confident.vB. Talk with foreigners.vC. Ask the teacher for advice.4 4读、听、记结合读、听、记结合p通过读题推理通过读题推理三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧23录音材料:录音材料:W: You look sad. Whats up?M: I failed another French exam. Im never going to learn this language well.W: Oh, come on. Dont say that. In the past

20、, my French was very poor. But now its pretty good.M: I wish that would happen to me. How did you do it?W: I took every chance to practice, such as talking to foreigners, reading French aloud in the morning and even speaking to myself, from time to time.M: Ive done the same. But its useless. My Fren

21、ch hasnt improved. I dont think it even will.W: You should have confidence in yourself. You can learn French OK so long as you work hard.M: Perhaps, youre right. Anyway. Thanks a lot for the advice.4读、听、记结合读、听、记结合244读、听、记结合读、听、记结合v2)听:)听:v当你看到的题干是:当你看到的题干是:What does the woman think of ? 听的注意力就应该听的注意

22、力就应该放在听女声的录音材料上,放在听女声的录音材料上,v如果看到的题干是:如果看到的题干是:What does the man imply/ suggest . ? 听的注意力就听的注意力就应该放在听男声的录音材料上。应该放在听男声的录音材料上。25四、夯实基础,培养听力的综合能力四、夯实基础,培养听力的综合能力426(一)(一) 总结出题类型,把握答题方法总结出题类型,把握答题方法v综观多年的高考听力试题的情况,问题与设置多为综观多年的高考听力试题的情况,问题与设置多为Wh-Wh-问题。人物(问题。人物(whowho)、事件)、事件(whatwhat)、时间()、时间(whenwhen)、

23、地点()、地点(wherewhere)、原因()、原因(whywhy)、方式()、方式(howhow)、程度)、程度(how long, how soon, how muchhow long, how soon, how much)、数字()、数字(how many/how muchhow many/how much)、选择)、选择(whichwhich)。)。v这些内容可为四个方面:这些内容可为四个方面:v(1 1)概括谈话主旨题;)概括谈话主旨题;v(2 2)捕捉人物、时间、地点、数字等具体信息;)捕捉人物、时间、地点、数字等具体信息;v(3 3)推断对话或独白的背景和双方的关系;)推断对

24、话或独白的背景和双方的关系;v(4 4)判断说话人的观点和态度。)判断说话人的观点和态度。四、夯实基础,培养听力的综合能力四、夯实基础,培养听力的综合能力271、理解主旨要义题、理解主旨要义题v常用的提问方式常用的提问方式What are the two speakers talking aboutdiscussing?What happened to the man woman ?What did the manwoman do ?What are the speakers doing ?What has the woman done ?(一)(一) 总结出题类型,把握答题方法总结出题类型,

25、把握答题方法282判断人物身份、职业和关系判断人物身份、职业和关系u常用的提问方式:常用的提问方式: What does the womanman do ?Whats the womansmans job?What is the manwoman?Whats the most probable relationship between the two speakers?Who are the two speakers? (一)(一) 总结出题类型,把握答题方法总结出题类型,把握答题方法293地点与时间地点与时间v常用的提问方式:常用的提问方式:Where does the conversati

26、on take place?Where is the manwoman now?Where are the two speakers?When will the visitors come?When will the man probably get to Beijing?When and where do they agree to meet finally?(一)(一) 总结出题类型,把握答题方法总结出题类型,把握答题方法304.数字判断和简单计算数字判断和简单计算v常用的提问方式:常用的提问方式: When did the plane take off?When will the tra

27、in arrive?What time is it now?How long did the meeting last?Whats the price of the car?How much per pound are the oranges?How much did the man spend on the tickets?How much does the woman have to pay for the dress?(一)(一) 总结出题类型,把握答题方法总结出题类型,把握答题方法315原因和结果原因和结果v常用的提问方式:常用的提问方式: Why is she lateangrydi

28、sappointed?Why didntcouldnt he she go to the theatre?What is the reason for her leaving for New York?(一)(一) 总结出题类型,把握答题方法总结出题类型,把握答题方法326建议、行为与计划建议、行为与计划v常用的提问方式:常用的提问方式: What does the manwoman suggest the manwoman do?What does the manwoman mean?(一)(一) 总结出题类型,把握答题方法总结出题类型,把握答题方法337逻辑推理逻辑推理v常用的提问方式:常

29、用的提问方式: What does he/she mean?What does the man/woman imply?What is the most probable result of the conversation?What can we learn from what the speaker said?What can we infer (conclude) from the conversation?(一)(一) 总结出题类型,把握答题方法总结出题类型,把握答题方法34(二)(二) 拓宽背景知识,总结语言规律拓宽背景知识,总结语言规律v词语的变音现象词语的变音现象1. gonna

30、: going to2. gotta: (have, has) got to3. wanna: want to / want a4. where ya go in? : where are you going?5. outa: out of6. cmon: come on7. gimme: give me8. whyd ya: why did you9. em: them10. fcourse: of course四、夯实基础,培养听力的综合能力四、夯实基础,培养听力的综合能力35(二)(二) 拓宽背景知识,总结语言规律拓宽背景知识,总结语言规律v词汇理解词汇理解1. call on: vis

31、it2. pick out: choose from3. put off: delay; post phone4. be broken: penniless(破产,身无分文)(破产,身无分文)5. make sth. better: improve6. be interested in: enjoy sth.7. line is busy: (a telephone little) in use(占线)(占线)8. be ready for: prepare36v分类归纳分类归纳A. 时间与数字:时间与数字:a quarter to nine, before, after, then, unt

32、il, later, first, second, third,next, last, finally, immediately, double, half, dozen, three times, thirty percent (二)(二) 拓宽背景知识,总结语言规律拓宽背景知识,总结语言规律37B. B. 不同场所不同场所vSchool: teacher, students, exam, homework, have lessons, subjects, be late for, classmate, playground等。等。vHospital: doctor, patient, ta

33、ke medicine, have a fever, temperature, pill, examine, take a rest, sleep, stay at home等。等。vLibary: borrow, renew, librarian, magazine, novels, reference books等。等。(二)(二) 拓宽背景知识,总结语言规律拓宽背景知识,总结语言规律38C. 原因与结果:原因与结果:reason, because, as, for, since, so, as a result, now that, thanks to, owing to等。等。D. 转

34、折与否定:转折与否定:Im sorry but, Im afraid not. I dont think so. but, however, yet, although, too.to等。等。E. 顺承、并列与递进:顺承、并列与递进:and, or, but, however, therefore, no, not, besides, except, whats more等。等。(二)(二) 拓宽背景知识,总结语言规律拓宽背景知识,总结语言规律39四、夯实基础,培养听力的综合能力四、夯实基础,培养听力的综合能力v1首先强化词汇,熟练掌握词汇表上的单词,这样才能快速地把听到的单词与首先强化词汇,







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