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1、大学体大学体验英英语第三版第第三版第1册第册第2单元元Passage AThink About ItRead About ItTalk About ItWrite About It1. 1. What do you dream of becoming?What do you dream of becoming?Open.Reference:Reference:2. 2. What did you do when you had problem in realizing your dream?What did you do when you had problem in realizing yo

2、ur dream?Open.Reference:Reference:Read About ItLanguage PointsContent AwarenessLanguage FocusAll Great Journeys Start with a DreamAll Great Journeys Start with a DreamWe all have dreams. Usually, while were asleep. Such dreams could be more hurtful than helpful. For example, imagine dreaming youre e

3、ating shredded wheat, only to wake up and find half the mattress gone! Well, Im not talking about that type of dream. Rather, Im thinkingabout ones vision, aspiration, or fervent hope for the future. Our dream is the song of our soul. Life without one is reduced to a hollow existence. But life with

4、a dream is filled with meaning and purpose.Besides being the drummer and chief lyricist for the rock band “Rush”, Neil Peart is also an author and philosopher. Look at how beautifully he expresses the relationship between life and a dream: “Life is just a candle and a dream must give it flame.” Rich

5、ard M. DeVos, the founder of Amway Corp., also writes about the flame of hope: “No life is more tragic than that of the individual who nurses a dream, an ambition, always wishing and hoping, but never giving it a chance to happen. He nurses the flickering dream, but never lets it break out into flam

6、e.”Most of us have a dream, aspiration, or hearts desire. But the trouble is most of us have the on / off switch of our dream set to OFF. Whenever we say, “I cant,” we set the switch to OFF. Whenever we believe we can, we set the switch to ON. Simple, isnt it? Just because I believe I can do somethi

7、ng doesnt mean there wont be any problems. But once I believe I can do it, I will seek solutions for every problem I stumble on. And since it is a law of life that we find what we look for, if I look for solutions, I will find them.Any worthy dream is a dream worthy of accomplishing. Once I realize

8、I can do it, the next step is to make a commitment. As soon as we make a commitment, great power is released. What seemingly were insurmountable hurdles are now reduced to obstacles of laughable insignificance.Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We dont have to become the worlds greatest p

9、ianist, an Olympic medal winner, or an internationally acclaimed superstar. An aunt of mine sold gloves in a department store for most of her life. Her dream was to be the friendliest and most helpful salesperson around. Year after year, the same customers would return and deliberately seek her out.

10、 She brightened everyones day and touched the lives of thousands. Was her dream any less significant than that of a prominent person? Of course not, but we all have the power to follow a dream that will make a difference to us and those we meet.Before our dreams can come true, dont we have to dream?

11、 Isnt there a good reason for dreaming? After all, how can we travel any further than our dream? How can we become any greater than our dream? Author of As a Man Thinketh, James Allen expressed the same idea, “Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of w

12、hat you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.”ExampleExample Their beliefs are Their beliefs are more Christian thanmore Christian than Buddhist. Buddhist. We spent We spent more time onmore time on the last job than usual. the last job than usual.more . than

13、more . than 1) to a larger or extra number or amount (of)1) to a larger or extra number or amount (of) 2) 2) when when “more” “more” is is used used before before a a noun, noun, it it is is used used to to mean mean that that it it is is more more like like the the first first thing thing rather ra

14、ther than than the the secondsecondExampleExample Hes Hes more like a movie star than more like a movie star than a lifeguard, really.a lifeguard, really. Sue screamed, not loudly, Sue screamed, not loudly, more in surprise thanmore in surprise than terror. terror.ExampleExample He has very little H

15、e has very little visionvision in her left eye. in her left eye. Since Since the the accident, accident, he he has has suffered suffered from from memory memory loss loss and impaired and impaired visionvision. .vision vision n n. . 1) 1) the ability to seethe ability to see 2) an imagined mental im

16、age of sth2) an imagined mental image of sthExampleExample Thats my Thats my visionvision of how the world could be. of how the world could be. I I have have a a visionvision of of a a society society that that is is free free of of exploitation exploitation and injustice.and injustice.ExampleExampl

17、e Janes Janes aspirationsaspirations to to help help others others come come from from her her own own misfortune as a child.misfortune as a child. His His early early death death caused caused many many of of his his political political aspirationsaspirations to remain unfulfilled. to remain unfulf

18、illed.aspiration aspiration n n. . desire or hope to achieve sthdesire or hope to achieve sthaspireaspire v. v. to have a strong desire or hope to do or have sth to have a strong desire or hope to do or have sthExampleExample Few people who Few people who aspireaspire to/ after fame ever achieve it.

19、 to/ after fame ever achieve it.reduce reduce v v. . 1) make less in size, amount, degree, importance, etc.1) make less in size, amount, degree, importance, etc.ExampleExample I I reducedreduced my weight by going on a diet. my weight by going on a diet. The workforce has been The workforce has been

20、 reducedreduced by half. by half. 2) to bring into a different, usually worse, state2) to bring into a different, usually worse, stateExampleExample Allied bombing Allied bombing reducedreduced the city to ruins. the city to ruins. I was I was reducedreduced to tears seeing the mess they had made. t

21、o tears seeing the mess they had made.ExampleExample Do Do you you play play any any other other sports sports besidesbesides ice-skating ice-skating and and swimming?swimming? I I think think she she has has many many good good qualities qualities besidesbesides being being very very beautiful.beau

22、tiful.besides besides prepprep. . in addition to; alsoin addition to; alsoExampleExample He He gave gave up up his his job job so so that that he he could could nursenurse his his mother mother at home in her last months.at home in her last months. They They found found an an injured injured cat cat

23、 and and carefully carefully nursednursed it it back to health.back to health.nurse nurse v v. . 1) to take care of someone / an animal while he or it is ill1) to take care of someone / an animal while he or it is ill 2) to spend a lot of time taking care of something2) to spend a lot of time taking

24、 care of somethingExampleExample These These young young trees trees were were carefully carefully nursednursed by by the the head head gardener.gardener. The The project project will will have have to to be be nursednursed through through its its few few months.months. 3) to feel a desire or an emo

25、tion for a long time3) to feel a desire or an emotion for a long timeExampleExample She has long She has long nursednursed a passion for Japanese art. a passion for Japanese art. Jane still Jane still nursesnurses the pain of rejection. the pain of rejection.ExampleExample I I break break out out in

26、tointo a a cold cold sweat sweat merely merely thinking thinking about about snakes.snakes. We We seem seem to to break break out out intointo an an argument argument about about absolutely absolutely nothing, nothing, and and this this unpleasant unpleasant state state of of things things usually o

27、ccurs at mealtimes.usually occurs at mealtimes.break out into sthbreak out into sth begin suddenly to do sthbegin suddenly to do sthExampleExample Watson Watson said said yesterday yesterday that that he he would would not not seekseek re-re-election next year.election next year. After After the the

28、 meeting meeting he he soughtsought out out the the person person who who had had spoken about the plans.spoken about the plans.seek seek v v. . to to search search for, for, look look for for or or try try to to find find or or obtain obtain (esp. (esp. sth sth which is not a physical object)which

29、is not a physical object)seek to do sthseek to do sth try or attempt to do sthtry or attempt to do sthExampleExample Mr. Mr. Taylor Taylor is is seeking seeking toto recover recover money money that that he he is is owed owed by the insurance company.by the insurance company. The The plane plane enc

30、ountered encountered icing icing and and the the pilot pilot sought sought to to climb to a higher altitude shortly before it crashed.climb to a higher altitude shortly before it crashed.ExampleExample We We need need to to translate translate these these worthyworthy principles principles into into

31、 workable rules.workable rules. Every Every year year he he makes makes a a large large donation donation to to a a worthyworthy cause.cause.worthy worthy adjadj. . (formal) deserving respect, admiration, or support(formal) deserving respect, admiration, or supportExampleExample The The students stu

32、dents accomplishedaccomplished the the task task in in less less than than 10 10 minutes.minutes. I I feel feel as as if if Ive Ive accomplishedaccomplished nothing nothing since since I I left left my my job.job.accomplish accomplish v v. . to finish sth successfully or to achieve sthto finish sth

33、successfully or to achieve sthExampleExample I I think think I I can can come come tonight tonight but but I I wont wont commitcommit myself myself till I know for sure.till I know for sure. The The government government claimed claimed to to commitcommit itself itself to to improving improving heal

34、th care.health mit commit v v. . to promise or give (your loyalty or money) to a to promise or give (your loyalty or money) to a particular principle, person, or plan of actionparticular principle, person, or plan of actioncommitmentcommitment n n. . a promise to do sth or to behave in a particular

35、waya promise to do sth or to behave in a particular wayExampleExample She She is is known known chiefly chiefly for for her her commitmentcommitment to to nuclear nuclear disarmament.disarmament. Id Id like like to to thank thank the the staff staff for for having having shown shown such such commit

36、mentcommitment. .committedcommitted adjadj. . willing willing to to work work hard hard and and give give your your time time and and energy energy to to sthsthExampleExample The The party party are are committedcommitted to to helping helping those those who who are are not not able to help themsel

37、ves.able to help themselves. We We are are committedcommitted to to withdraw withdraw our our troops troops by by the the end end of the year.of the year.ExampleExample He He was was releasedreleased from from prison prison after after serving serving two two years years of of a five-year sentence.a

38、 five-year sentence. The medicine The medicine releasedreleased him from years of pain. him from years of pain.release release v v. . 1) to give freedom or free movement to sb or sth1) to give freedom or free movement to sb or sth 2) to let sth to be shown in public or available for use2) to let sth

39、 to be shown in public or available for useExampleExample The The police police have have releasedreleased a a picture picture of of the the man man they they wanted to question.wanted to question. The The minister minister has has releasedreleased a a statement statement explaining explaining the t

40、he reasons for his resignation.reasons for his resignation.ExampleExample AsAs you sow, you sow, soso shall you reap. shall you reap. AsAs soul is to a body, soul is to a body, soso is love to a home. is love to a home.(just) as so(just) as so used used to to compare compare two two people people or

41、 or things, things, when when they they are are the the same same the the general general idea idea is is that that “just “just as as X X is is true true / / is is so, so, Y Y is true / is so.”is true / is so.”Read and think Exercise 2Exercise 3Content AwarenessEx. 2Discuss with your partner and try

42、 to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.1. How would you interpret this sentence “Our dream is the song of our soul”?There is a sound that your soul sings inside you all the time. The sound of your soul is a frequency that connects you

43、to your dream. Most of us forgot how to listen to the sound of our soul. The song of your soul is a beautiful song that is created through the energy of love. The song is around you and in you it is a part of you.Reference:Reference:2. How would you compare Neil Peart and Richard M. DeVoss philosoph

44、y of the flame? What else can you provide in describing the role of a dream in ones life?Neil Peart describes the need of a flame to ignite a dream. Richard M. DeVos expresses how just nursing a flickering flame never allows it to actually burst into flame. No real fire no real dream. A flame signif

45、ies heat and without heat there is no warmth.Reference:Reference:Ex. 2Discuss with your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.3. “But the trouble is most of us have the on/off switch of our dream set to OFF.” Do you agr

46、ee or disagree with the author?I agree that it is important to be proactive and making a plan helps to jump start a dream. A positive connection to a dream will help succeed in fulfilling that dream.Reference:Reference:Ex. 2Discuss with your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following

47、 questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.4. According to the author, what is the law of life? What is your opinion about this law?As the proverb says, where there is a will, there is a way. If you are goal-driven, any obstacles can be surmounted in making your dreams come true.Re

48、ference:Reference:Ex. 2Discuss with your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.5. “Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great.” What is your understanding of this statement?I dont have to save the world but I can help

49、 those close to me, such as my classmates or even family members. I might not be the leader of our country but I could be a leader in my peer group at school. I cant change everyones attitude about being environmentally friendly but I can start by being an example. Unrealistic grand dreams are more

50、harmful than helpful. When we determine our dreams and set our goals, we must think carefully about our real desires and the real possibilities.Reference:Reference:Ex. 2Discuss with your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the

51、class.Ex. 3 Work in pairs and complete the summary with information from the passage.Check upCheck upWe all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song of our soul. It is our dream that 1)_ our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the flame of hope

52、 toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4)_. If you believe in your dream, the next step is to make a 5)_. With your commitment, great power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7)_ to i

53、nsignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8_ to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)_ shall we become. Our vision is the 10)_ of what we shall be in the future.We all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or visio

54、n, is the song of our soul. It is our dream that 1)_ our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the flame of hope toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4)_. If you believe i

55、n your dream, the next step is to make a 5)_. With your commitment, great power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7)_ to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8_ to us and those we meet.

56、As we dream, 9)_ shall we become. Our vision is the 10)_ of what we shall be in the future.Ex. 3 Work in pairs and complete the summary with information from the passage.fillsWe all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song of our soul. It is our dream that 1)_ our life with mean

57、ing and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the flame of hope toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4)_. If you believe in your dream, the next step is to make a 5)_. With your commitment, gre

58、at power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7)_ to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8_ to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)_ shall we become. Our vision is the 10)_ of what we sha

59、ll be in the future.Ex. 3 Work in pairs and complete the summary with information from the passage.fillscomparedWe all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song of our soul. It is our dream that 1)_ our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the fl

60、ame of hope toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4)_. If you believe in your dream, the next step is to make a 5)_. With your commitment, great power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will

61、be 7)_ to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8_ to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)_ shall we become. Our vision is the 10)_ of what we shall be in the future.Ex. 3 Work in pairs and complete the summar

62、y with information from the passage.fillscomparedproblemsWe all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song of our soul. It is our dream that 1)_ our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the flame of hope toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizin

63、g our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4)_. If you believe in your dream, the next step is to make a 5)_. With your commitment, great power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7)_ to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have

64、 to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8_ to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)_ shall we become. Our vision is the 10)_ of what we shall be in the future.Ex. 3 Work in pairs and complete the summary with information from the passage.fillscomparedproble

65、msstumble onWe all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song of our soul. It is our dream that 1)_ our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the flame of hope toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do i

66、t, we will find solutions to the problems we 4)_. If you believe in your dream, the next step is to make a 5)_. With your commitment, great power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7)_ to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the pow

67、er to follow a dream that will make a 8_ to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)_ shall we become. Our vision is the 10)_ of what we shall be in the future.Ex. 3 Work in pairs and complete the summary with information from the passage.fillscomparedproblemsstumble oncommitmentWe all have dreams. Our

68、 dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song of our soul. It is our dream that 1)_ our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the flame of hope toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the pr

69、oblems we 4)_. If you believe in your dream, the next step is to make a 5)_. With your commitment, great power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7)_ to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make

70、 a 8_ to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)_ shall we become. Our vision is the 10)_ of what we shall be in the future.Ex. 3 Work in pairs and complete the summary with information from the passage.fillscomparedproblemsstumble oncommitmentreleasedWe all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or v

71、ision, is the song of our soul. It is our dream that 1)_ our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the flame of hope toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4)_. If you belie

72、ve in your dream, the next step is to make a 5)_. With your commitment, great power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7)_ to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8_ to us and those we me

73、et. As we dream, 9)_ shall we become. Our vision is the 10)_ of what we shall be in the future.Ex. 3 Work in pairs and complete the summary with information from the passage.fillscomparedproblemsstumble oncommitmentreleasedreducedWe all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song o

74、f our soul. It is our dream that 1)_ our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the flame of hope toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4)_. If you believe in your dream, th

75、e next step is to make a 5)_. With your commitment, great power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7)_ to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8_ to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)_

76、 shall we become. Our vision is the 10)_ of what we shall be in the future.Ex. 3 Work in pairs and complete the summary with information from the passage.fillscomparedproblemsstumble oncommitmentreleasedreduceddifferenceWe all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song of our soul

77、. It is our dream that 1)_ our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the flame of hope toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4)_. If you believe in your dream, the next ste

78、p is to make a 5)_. With your commitment, great power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7)_ to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8_ to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)_ shall we

79、become. Our vision is the 10)_ of what we shall be in the future.Ex. 3 Work in pairs and complete the summary with information from the passage.fillscomparedproblemsstumble oncommitmentreleasedreduceddifferencesoWe all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song of our soul. It is

80、our dream that 1)_ our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the flame of hope toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4)_. If you believe in your dream, the next step is to

81、make a 5)_. With your commitment, great power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7)_ to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8_ to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)_ shall we become.

82、Our vision is the 10)_ of what we shall be in the future.Ex. 3 Work in pairs and complete the summary with information from the passage.fillscomparedproblemsstumble oncommitmentreleasedreduceddifferencesopromiseLanguage FocusRead and complete: Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6Read and translate: Exer

83、cise 7Read and simulate: Exercise 81.The best way to _ whats on the list is to give each task a specific time slot.TTaccomplishaccomplishaccomplish accomplish ambition ambition ideal ideal individual individual obstacleobstacledominates dominates release release seemingly seemingly solution solution

84、 visionvision2._ is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to achieve a particular end or condition.TTAmbitionAmbitionEx. 4 Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.3.Women today have the chance to pursue their o

85、wn careers, but still have to overcome many _ to gain real equality.TTobstacles obstacles 4.That school _ in baseball. This has been the third time they have won the National Youth Championship in the 21st century.TTdominatesdominatesEx. 4 Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form

86、where necessary.accomplish accomplish ambition ambition ideal ideal individual individual obstacleobstacledominate dominate release release seemingly seemingly solution solution visionvision5.There is _ nothing we can do to stop the plans from going ahead. But we can at least prevent the situation f

87、rom getting worse.TTseeminglyseemingly6.We need a leader with _ and strong principles. He or she should know what is needed in planning for the future.TTvisionvisionEx. 4 Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.accomplish accomplish ambition ambition ideal ideal i

88、ndividual individual obstacleobstacledominates dominates release release seemingly seemingly solution solution visionvision7.There are no simple _ to the problem of overpopulation. The family planning policy has helped slow down the birth rate in China, but at the same time pushed it into an aging s

89、ociety.TTsolutionssolutions8.Physical exercise is a good way of _ stress. You will feel rather refreshed.TTreleasingreleasingEx. 4 Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.accomplish accomplish ambition ambition ideal ideal individual individual obstacleobstacledom

90、inates dominates release release seemingly seemingly solution solution visionvision9.Most churches were built with donations from private _ rather than the government or companies.TTindividualsindividuals10. The proposal offers a(n) _ opportunity for youngsters to get training.TTidealidealEx. 4 Fill

91、 the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.accomplish accomplish ambition ambition ideal ideal individual individual obstacleobstacledominates dominates release release seemingly seemingly solution solution visionvision1.Researchers have_ a drug that may help patients wi

92、th Parkinsons disease. This may be one of the great discoveries of the century in medicine. stumbled on stumbled on2.There are so many applicants. How can we _ a really good person for the job?seek outseek outEx. 5 Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change t

93、he form where necessary.3.Does everyone know what to do if a fire _? This question should be asked often. breaks out breaks out4.It was my daughters birthday and she invited several of her good friends to the party. The air was _ the sound of childrens laughter.filled withfilled withEx. 5 Complete t

94、he following sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.5.The festivities _ a huge fireworks display. Following that, there would usually be dance parties or other activities. started with started withEx. 5 Complete the following sentences with words or exp

95、ressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.1.person _/ _/ _/_/2.imagine _/_/_/_/3.aspiration _/_/_4.significance _/_/_/_/5.individual _/_/_/_/Ex. 6 Words have families. Please find out some family members for each of the words below.Check upCheck up1. person personal / personally / i

96、mpersonal / personality / personify / personification2. imagine imagination / imaginative / imaginary / image3. aspiration aspire / aspiring / inspiringly4. significance significant / insignificant / insignificance / signify5. individual individually / individualistic / individualism / individualist

97、 / individualizeEx. 6 Words have families. Please find out some family members for each of the words below.Ex. 7 Translate the following sentences into English. 1.我们急匆匆地赶到火车站,结果发现火车刚刚开走。(only to) We hurried to the railway station, only to find the train had just left.hurry to2.你和你哥哥都不是细心的人,你们两个都不能做这

98、件需要细心和技巧的工作。 (no more than) You are no more careful than your brother. You two cant do the work that needs care and skill.the work that needs care and skillEx. 7 Translate the following sentences into English. 3.多一个人参会对会议安排不会有什么影响。 (make a difference) One more person wouldnt make any difference to t

99、he meeting arrangements.Ex. 7 Translate the following sentences into English. 4.他一直工作到昨天深夜,或者更确切地说,是到今天凌晨。 (rather) He worked till late last night, or rather, early in the morning.Ex. 7 Translate the following sentences into English. 5.“还有其他一两本书也值得一提,”教授给我们列了一个长长的参考书目后补充说。 (worthy of) “A couple of o

100、ther books are also worthy of mention,” added the professor after giving us a long list of reference books.a list of reference booksEx. 7 Translate the following sentences into English. Ex. 8 Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to their italicized parts, and then translate the C

101、hinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.1.Life is just a candle and a dream must give it flame.Love is just a seed and the true nature of a heart must water it.梦想只是一个风筝,用你的努力让它高飞。梦想只是一个风筝,用你的努力让它高飞。Simulated reproduction:Simulated reproduction:Simulated translation:Simu

102、lated translation:Dream is just a kite and your efforts must send it high.Reference:Reference:2.Whenever we believe we can, we set the switch to ON.Whenever you remember you need me, you can give me a call.任任何何当当你你意意识识到到自自己己不不够够努努力力的的时时候候,你你实实际际上上已已在在努努力力工工作作了。了。Simulated reproduction:Simulated repr

103、oduction:Simulated translation:Simulated translation:Whenever you realize you are not hard-working enough, you actually are working hard.Reference:Reference:3.Just because I believe I can do something doesnt mean there wont be any problems.Just because you have a dream doesnt mean it will surely com

104、e true.仅因为我知道我想干这件事,这并不说明我真的能够做好。仅因为我知道我想干这件事,这并不说明我真的能够做好。Simulated reproduction:Simulated reproduction:Simulated translation:Simulated translation:Just because I know I want to do it doesnt mean I can really make it.Reference:Reference:4.Was her dream any less significant than that of a prominent

105、person?Are your CVs any less impressive than those of the top students?他的事业不如一个亿万富翁成功吗?他的事业不如一个亿万富翁成功吗?Simulated reproduction:Simulated reproduction:Simulated translation:Simulated translation:Is his career any less successful than that of a billionaire?Reference:Reference:5.Your vision is the promi

106、se of what you shall one day be.Your ideal is the promise of what you shall at last unveil.你的志向是你未来某一天将要拥有的现实。你的志向是你未来某一天将要拥有的现实。Simulated reproduction:Simulated reproduction:Simulated translation:Simulated translation:Your aspiration is the reality of what you shall possess some day in future.Refer

107、ence:Reference:Ex. 9 A goal-setting pilot program in Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia has been so well received that administrators plan to make it available in all 196 schools. Schools often use a SMART form setting Specific, Measurable, Attainable goals with clear Results in a set Time fr

108、ame to help students remember the steps to effectively setting goals. Now suppose you all have received a form and work in pairs to have the form filled out in reference to the following sample.* to get en pointe: to dance ballet on foot tipSampleSampleEx. 10 Write a short passage of at least 100 wo

109、rds about the power of your childhood dream.Dreams Dreams are are a a powerful powerful part part of of our our lives. lives. They They can can raise raise a a beggar beggar up up to to be be an an important important businessman. businessman. They They can can cause cause despair despair despite de

110、spite great great achievement. achievement. Dreams Dreams are are different different for for everyone. everyone. Almost Almost everyone everyone has has a a dream. dream. Children Children are are full full of of dreams. dreams. As As children, children, many many dream dream of of helping helping

111、society; society; assisting assisting the the elderly elderly in in their their daily daily lives, lives, giving giving a a home home to to stray stray animals, animals, or or even even helping helping lost lost tourists. tourists. When When I I was was a a child child I I dreamed, dreamed, as as ma

112、ny many children children did, did, of of starting starting my my own own business. business. I I saved saved my my nickels nickels and and dimes dimes I I earned earned for for helping helping with with work work in in order order to to invest invest in in growing growing and and selling selling st

113、rawberries. strawberries. I I dreamed dreamed of of having having a a grand grand store; store; selling selling strawberries strawberries to to hundreds, hundreds, perhaps perhaps even even thousands thousands of of happy happy customers. customers. Im Im happy happy to to report report my my childh

114、ood childhood dreams dreams fostered my present love of business and investing.fostered my present love of business and investing.SampleSampleEx. 10 Write a short passage of at least 100 words about the power of your childhood dream.How are you going to write your passage?_Passage BThink About ItRea

115、d About It1. 1. Does everybody have his goal in life?Does everybody have his goal in life?Reference:Reference:Open.2. 2. Have you ever been disappointed about your dreams?Have you ever been disappointed about your dreams?Reference:Reference:Open.3. 3. Predicting Predicting is is using using knowledg

116、e knowledge about about words words and and context context to to anticipate anticipate what what will will come come next. next. What What can can you you predict predict from from the the title of the passage?title of the passage?Reference:Reference:Open.Read About ItLanguage PointsContent Awarene

117、ssLanguage FocusReading Skill PracticeWhat Are We Chasing After in Our DreamsWhat Are We Chasing After in Our DreamsSo many people just exist; they have no goals, desires or aspirations. They may have been ambitious at one time in their life but ran into disappointments, detours and failures. After

118、a while they chose not to reach for the stars and settled for the mundane.Michelangelo Buonarroti, painter, sculptor, architect and poet once said: “The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.In most instances, that which

119、lies within each of us is much more than we ever come to know. We give in to mediocre and find ourselves settling for less than we are capable of.We dared to dream as children and then meet up with real life as adults and relinquish our visions as unreal possibilities. It is a shame we often cease l

120、iving, learning and achieving and meet a premature demise. We become comfortable in less and determine the work to become more is not worth the effort. The possibility of attaining greatness becomes an unattainable desire of our own decision. We give up on ourselves and our dreams and possibilities.

121、 Oh, what greatness goes undiscovered, what possibilities lay covered with fear and lack of ambition.Perhaps you have run into people who lacked faith in you, and your abilities, putting doubt on any dreams or visions you shared with them. You are not the observation others have of you; you are the

122、thoughts you have, the actions you take. Others are not in control of your dreams and visions, they can not diminish your desires. You alone are in charge of what you do with your life.Some dreams and visions may be selfish ambition and youll run into other peoples resentments. Some of your achievem

123、ents may be growth, and others may demonstrate jealousy. Some desires may include a few other people, but benefit many. We should choose our aspirations carefully and determine their merits before we bring them into fruition. For dreams that see mountaintops benefit others, are seen by many, and las

124、t through the years.Many of our achievements are the legacy we leave behind when we depart this earth. But many people never live the legacy they want to leave. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. once said, “Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are alw

125、ays getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.We should always set goals, and we should desire to continue to achieve and pursue dreams and visions no matter what our age. Dreams are not just for the young. Achievements in life should continue until life has ended.We need to learn to

126、 live life to the fullest until our last breath. We should live while we are alive, leaving our demise filled with so many meaningful breaths of living, others will envy the life that we lead, not the things that we accumulated.No one would attempt to go on a trip without directions or a map, follow

127、ing the roads leading to their destination. So we should not live our life without setting goals and following our dreams.Remember you have not reached your destination until you have drawn your last breath. And remember todays actions are the ingredients of which dreams are made. So make your dream

128、s come trueby setting goals and acting on your passions and visions, making them a part of your life and future legacy that will live on. “Things” will be forgotten but you through your achievements can live on forever.run intorun into 1) to meet someone by chance1) to meet someone by chanceExampleE

129、xample Graham Graham ran ran intointo someone someone he he knew knew at at school school the the other other day.day. We have We have run intorun into difficulties. difficulties. 2) to accidentally drive (a vehicle) into sth2) to accidentally drive (a vehicle) into sthExampleExample I had to stop s

130、uddenly, and the car behind I had to stop suddenly, and the car behind ran intoran into me. me. He He ran his motorcycle intoran his motorcycle into a tree. a tree.settlesettle v v. . 1)1) to to get get into into a a comfortable comfortable position; position; to to become become familiar familiar w

131、ith and feel comfortable in somewherewith and feel comfortable in somewhereExampleExample After After dinner dinner we we settledsettled in in front front of of the the television television for for the the evening.evening. He He settledsettled himself himself down down with with a a newspaper, news

132、paper, and and waited waited for the train to arrive.for the train to arrive. 2) to cause to become calm and quiet2) to cause to become calm and quietExampleExample Hes Hes one one of of those those very very active active children children who who finds finds it it difficult to difficult to settles

133、ettle. . The The weather weather is is expected expected to to settlesettle toward toward the the end end of of the the week.week. 3)3) to to reach reach a a decision decision or or an an agreement agreement or or to to end end a a disagreementdisagreementExampleExample We We might might go go to to

134、 London London for for the the weekend, weekend, but but its its not not settledsettled yet. yet. Id like to get this matter Id like to get this matter settledsettled once and for all. once and for all. 4) to pay (esp. money owed or claimed)4) to pay (esp. money owed or claimed)ExampleExample Please

135、 Please settlesettle your bill without further delay. your bill without further delay. Would you like to Would you like to settlesettle up now, sir? up now, sir?settle forsettle for to accept sth, although it might not be exactly what to accept sth, although it might not be exactly what you wantyou

136、wantExampleExample He never He never settles forsettles for the second best. the second best. They They were were hoping hoping to to sell sell their their car car for for $2000, $2000, but but settled forsettled for $1500. $1500.capablecapable adjadj. . able; able; (of (of people) people) skillful

137、skillful and and effective, effective, or or (of (of people people or or things) having enough ability or power to do sththings) having enough ability or power to do sthExampleExample Im Im going going away away next next week, week, so so Ill Ill be be leaving leaving everything in your everything

138、in your capablecapable hands. hands. I think your plan is I think your plan is capablecapable of being improved. of being improved.meet (up with)meet (up with) v v. . to to come come together together (unintentionally); (unintentionally); to to experience experience sth sth which is usually unpleasa

139、ntwhich is usually unpleasantExampleExample She had She had met (up with)met (up with) the children in the street. the children in the street. They suggested we They suggested we meet (up) meet (up) at Margarets.at Margarets.ceasecease v v. . (slightly formal) to stop (something)(slightly formal) to

140、 stop (something)ExampleExample The The company company has has decided decided to to ceasecease all all UK UK operations operations after this year.after this year. Workplace nurseries will Workplace nurseries will ceasecease to be liable for tax. to be liable for tax.give upgive up to stop doing o

141、r having (sth)to stop doing or having (sth)ExampleExample We We are are going going to to give give upup our our sports sports club club membership membership after this year.after this year. Hes Hes given upgiven up driving since his illness. driving since his illness.faithfaith n n. . 1) great tru

142、st or confidence in sth or sb1) great trust or confidence in sth or sbExampleExample She says she has no She says she has no faithfaith in modern medicine. in modern medicine. It It will will be be hard hard to to restore restore faithfaith in in the the government government unless ministers start

143、making promises they can keep.unless ministers start making promises they can keep. 2) a religion, a strong belief in a religion2) a religion, a strong belief in a religionExampleExample They were persecuted for their They were persecuted for their faithfaith. . We live in a multi-We live in a multi

144、-faithfaith society. society.benefitbenefit v & n v & n. . (to receive or give) a helpful or good effect, or sth (to receive or give) a helpful or good effect, or sth intended to helpintended to helpExampleExample The The discovery discovery of of oil oil brought brought many many benefitsbenefits t

145、o to the the town.town. For For the the benefitbenefit of of those those who who didnt didnt listen listen the the first first time, time, I will repeat the question.I will repeat the question. I feel that I have I feel that I have benefitedbenefited greatly from her wisdom. greatly from her wisdom.

146、 How can we How can we benefitbenefit those who most need our help? those who most need our help?leave behindleave behind not to take sth with you when you go, or to allow or not to take sth with you when you go, or to allow or cause sth to staycause sth to stayExampleExample Ill Ill leave my winter

147、 coat behindleave my winter coat behind, I wont need it., I wont need it. Hurry up, or youll get Hurry up, or youll get left behindleft behind. .run outrun out to finish or be finished; to be used completelyto finish or be finished; to be used completelyExampleExample My patience is beginning to My

148、patience is beginning to run outrun out. . My My passport passport runs runs outout next next month month I I must must get get it it renewed.renewed.pursuepursue v v. . 1) to perform; to continue to do1) to perform; to continue to doExampleExample The The government government is is proposing propo

149、sing to to pursuepursue a a policy policy of of radical economic reform.radical economic reform. Many Many women women find find it it difficult difficult to to combine combine pursuingpursuing a a career with having children.career with having children. 2) to try to achieve2) to try to achieveExamp

150、leExample She is ruthless in She is ruthless in pursuingpursuing her goals. her goals. He He suggested suggested that that Churchill Churchill was was wrong wrong not not to to have have pursuedpursued peace with Hitler in 1941. peace with Hitler in 1941. 3) 3) to to follow follow or or search searc

151、h for for (sb (sb or or sth), sth), in in order order to to catch catch or kill themor kill themExampleExample He He was was killed killed by by the the driver driver of of a a stolen stolen car car who who was was being hotly being hotly pursuedpursued by the police. by the police. Ben Ben has has

152、been been pursuingpursuing Elaine Elaine for for months, months, but but she she wont go out with him.wont go out with him.pursuitpursuit n n. . the act of looking for or trying to find sththe act of looking for or trying to find sthExampleExample The Company is ruthless in its The Company is ruthle

153、ss in its pursuitpursuit of profit. of profit. The The robbers robbers fled fled the the scene scene of of the the crime, crime, with with the the police police in in pursuitpursuit after him. after him.Content Awareness Read and think (Ex. 11)Read and complete (Ex. 12)Ex. 11 Discuss with your partn

154、er and try to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.1. Do you agree with the authors statement that “So many people just exist; they have no goals, desires or aspirations”?Yes, Yes, I I do. do. We We can can see see many many people peopl

155、e give give up up their their hopes hopes / / dreams dreams when when they they are are faced faced with with difficulties. difficulties. They They feel feel despaired despaired in in harsh harsh realities and just exist as a living thing.realities and just exist as a living thing.No, No, I I dont.

156、dont. Every Every person person has has their their goals goals in in life, life, although although some some of of them them have have their their dreams dreams hidden hidden deep deep at at the the bottom bottom of of their their hearts hearts when when faced faced with with problems. problems. Di

157、fferent Different people people have have different different dreams dreams for for life. life. They They give give up up some some kind kind of of goals goals and and take take up up new new goals they change their goals.goals they change their goals.Reference:Reference:Ex. 11 Discuss with your par

158、tner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.2. How do you understand “ the great danger is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it”?With With this this famous famous saying, saying, th

159、e the author author means means that that if if we we set set our our goals goals too too low low we we may may achieve achieve them them effortlessly, effortlessly, and and do do not not need need to to try try hard hard enough; enough; we we achieve achieve the the low low goals goals and and do d

160、o not not make make the the greatest greatest possibility possibility come come true. true. That That is is the the greatest greatest danger danger that that keeps us from living to the fullest.keeps us from living to the fullest.Reference:Reference:Ex. 11 Discuss with your partner and try to figure

161、 out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.3. “It is a shame we often cease living, learning and achieving .” What do you think the author means by “living”?“Live” “Live” literally literally means means “stay “stay alive”. alive”. In In this this se

162、ntence, sentence, “living” “living” particularly particularly means means “spending “spending our our life life to to make make our our dreams dreams come come true”. true”. When When people people give give up up their their dreams dreams they they give give up up living living their their life to

163、pursue a dream, and their life is reduced to staying alive.life to pursue a dream, and their life is reduced to staying alive.Reference:Reference:Ex. 11 Discuss with your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.4. Did you

164、 once give up on your dream? Why?Open.Open.Reference:Reference:Ex. 11 Discuss with your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.5. “Dreams are not for the young.” How do you understand that?People, People, young young or

165、or old, old, should should have have their their dreams, dreams, and and should should not not give give up up hopes. hopes. Dreams Dreams are are not not tools tools to to educate educate / / encourage encourage young young people. people. They They are are the the destinations destinations for for

166、 everybodys everybodys life life journeys.journeys.Reference:Reference:Ex. 12 Fill the blanks with words or phrases from the passage. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.Check upCheck upMany people have no goals or aspirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1)_ our visions a

167、s unreal possibilities in the difficulties of real life. We choose, due to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)_ less than we are capable of. Perhaps people lack 3)_ in us and doubt our dreams. However, we ourselves not others are in 4)_ of what we do with our life. We should choose our aspirations care

168、fully to determine their 5)_ before we bring them into 6)_. Only lofty dreams benefit others and are thus admired by them. Many of our achievements are the 7)_ we leave behind when we depart this earth. We need to learn to live life to the 8)_ until our last breath. We should always set our goals an

169、d 9)_ our dreams no matter what our age. We should 10)_ our passions and visions, and make them a part of our life and future legacy that will live on forever.Ex. 12 Fill the blanks with words or phrases from the passage. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.relinquishMany people have no go

170、als or aspirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1)_ our visions as unreal possibilities in the difficulties of real life. We choose, due to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)_ less than we are capable of. Perhaps people lack 3)_ in us and doubt our dreams. However, we ourselves not ot

171、hers are in 4)_ of what we do with our life. We should choose our aspirations carefully to determine their 5)_ before we bring them into 6)_. Only lofty dreams benefit others and are thus admired by them. Many of our achievements are the 7)_ we leave behind when we depart this earth. We need to lear

172、n to live life to the 8)_ until our last breath. We should always set our goals and 9)_ our dreams no matter what our age. We should 10)_ our passions and visions, and make them a part of our life and future legacy that will live on forever.Ex. 12 Fill the blanks with words or phrases from the passa

173、ge. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.relinquishsettle forMany people have no goals or aspirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1)_ our visions as unreal possibilities in the difficulties of real life. We choose, due to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)_ less than we are

174、capable of. Perhaps people lack 3)_ in us and doubt our dreams. However, we ourselves not others are in 4)_ of what we do with our life. We should choose our aspirations carefully to determine their 5)_ before we bring them into 6)_. Only lofty dreams benefit others and are thus admired by them. Man

175、y of our achievements are the 7)_ we leave behind when we depart this earth. We need to learn to live life to the 8)_ until our last breath. We should always set our goals and 9)_ our dreams no matter what our age. We should 10)_ our passions and visions, and make them a part of our life and future

176、legacy that will live on forever.Ex. 12 Fill the blanks with words or phrases from the passage. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.relinquishsettle forfaithMany people have no goals or aspirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1)_ our visions as unreal possibilities in the

177、 difficulties of real life. We choose, due to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)_ less than we are capable of. Perhaps people lack 3)_ in us and doubt our dreams. However, we ourselves not others are in 4)_ of what we do with our life. We should choose our aspirations carefully to determine their 5)_

178、before we bring them into 6)_. Only lofty dreams benefit others and are thus admired by them. Many of our achievements are the 7)_ we leave behind when we depart this earth. We need to learn to live life to the 8)_ until our last breath. We should always set our goals and 9)_ our dreams no matter wh

179、at our age. We should 10)_ our passions and visions, and make them a part of our life and future legacy that will live on forever.Ex. 12 Fill the blanks with words or phrases from the passage. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.relinquishsettle forfaithchargeMany people have no goals or a

180、spirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1)_ our visions as unreal possibilities in the difficulties of real life. We choose, due to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)_ less than we are capable of. Perhaps people lack 3)_ in us and doubt our dreams. However, we ourselves not others are

181、 in 4)_ of what we do with our life. We should choose our aspirations carefully to determine their 5)_ before we bring them into 6)_. Only lofty dreams benefit others and are thus admired by them. Many of our achievements are the 7)_ we leave behind when we depart this earth. We need to learn to liv

182、e life to the 8)_ until our last breath. We should always set our goals and 9)_ our dreams no matter what our age. We should 10)_ our passions and visions, and make them a part of our life and future legacy that will live on forever.Ex. 12 Fill the blanks with words or phrases from the passage. Dont

183、 refer back to it until you have finished.relinquishsettle forfaithchargemeritsMany people have no goals or aspirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1)_ our visions as unreal possibilities in the difficulties of real life. We choose, due to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)_ less tha

184、n we are capable of. Perhaps people lack 3)_ in us and doubt our dreams. However, we ourselves not others are in 4)_ of what we do with our life. We should choose our aspirations carefully to determine their 5)_ before we bring them into 6)_. Only lofty dreams benefit others and are thus admired by

185、them. Many of our achievements are the 7)_ we leave behind when we depart this earth. We need to learn to live life to the 8)_ until our last breath. We should always set our goals and 9)_ our dreams no matter what our age. We should 10)_ our passions and visions, and make them a part of our life an

186、d future legacy that will live on forever.Ex. 12 Fill the blanks with words or phrases from the passage. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.relinquishsettle forfaithchargemeritsfruitionMany people have no goals or aspirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1)_ our visions a

187、s unreal possibilities in the difficulties of real life. We choose, due to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)_ less than we are capable of. Perhaps people lack 3)_ in us and doubt our dreams. However, we ourselves not others are in 4)_ of what we do with our life. We should choose our aspirations care

188、fully to determine their 5)_ before we bring them into 6)_. Only lofty dreams benefit others and are thus admired by them. Many of our achievements are the 7)_ we leave behind when we depart this earth. We need to learn to live life to the 8)_ until our last breath. We should always set our goals an

189、d 9)_ our dreams no matter what our age. We should 10)_ our passions and visions, and make them a part of our life and future legacy that will live on forever.Ex. 12 Fill the blanks with words or phrases from the passage. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.relinquishsettle forfaithchargem

190、eritsfruitionlegacyMany people have no goals or aspirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1)_ our visions as unreal possibilities in the difficulties of real life. We choose, due to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)_ less than we are capable of. Perhaps people lack 3)_ in us and doubt

191、 our dreams. However, we ourselves not others are in 4)_ of what we do with our life. We should choose our aspirations carefully to determine their 5)_ before we bring them into 6)_. Only lofty dreams benefit others and are thus admired by them. Many of our achievements are the 7)_ we leave behind w

192、hen we depart this earth. We need to learn to live life to the 8)_ until our last breath. We should always set our goals and 9)_ our dreams no matter what our age. We should 10)_ our passions and visions, and make them a part of our life and future legacy that will live on forever.Ex. 12 Fill the bl

193、anks with words or phrases from the passage. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.relinquishsettle forfaithchargemeritsfruitionlegacyfullestMany people have no goals or aspirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1)_ our visions as unreal possibilities in the difficulties of r

194、eal life. We choose, due to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)_ less than we are capable of. Perhaps people lack 3)_ in us and doubt our dreams. However, we ourselves not others are in 4)_ of what we do with our life. We should choose our aspirations carefully to determine their 5)_ before we bring th

195、em into 6)_. Only lofty dreams benefit others and are thus admired by them. Many of our achievements are the 7)_ we leave behind when we depart this earth. We need to learn to live life to the 8)_ until our last breath. We should always set our goals and 9)_ our dreams no matter what our age. We sho

196、uld 10)_ our passions and visions, and make them a part of our life and future legacy that will live on forever.Ex. 12 Fill the blanks with words or phrases from the passage. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.relinquishsettle forfaithchargemeritsfruitionlegacyfullestpursueMany people hav

197、e no goals or aspirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1)_ our visions as unreal possibilities in the difficulties of real life. We choose, due to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)_ less than we are capable of. Perhaps people lack 3)_ in us and doubt our dreams. However, we ourselves

198、 not others are in 4)_ of what we do with our life. We should choose our aspirations carefully to determine their 5)_ before we bring them into 6)_. Only lofty dreams benefit others and are thus admired by them. Many of our achievements are the 7)_ we leave behind when we depart this earth. We need

199、to learn to live life to the 8)_ until our last breath. We should always set our goals and 9)_ our dreams no matter what our age. We should 10)_ our passions and visions, and make them a part of our life and future legacy that will live on forever.Ex. 12 Fill the blanks with words or phrases from th

200、e passage. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.relinquishsettle forfaithchargemeritsfruitionlegacyfullestpursueact onMany people have no goals or aspirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1)_ our visions as unreal possibilities in the difficulties of real life. We choose, d

201、ue to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)_ less than we are capable of. Perhaps people lack 3)_ in us and doubt our dreams. However, we ourselves not others are in 4)_ of what we do with our life. We should choose our aspirations carefully to determine their 5)_ before we bring them into 6)_. Only loft

202、y dreams benefit others and are thus admired by them. Many of our achievements are the 7)_ we leave behind when we depart this earth. We need to learn to live life to the 8)_ until our last breath. We should always set our goals and 9)_ our dreams no matter what our age. We should 10)_ our passions

203、and visions, and make them a part of our life and future legacy that will live on forever.Vocabulary (Ex. 13)Phrases (Ex. 14)Translation (Ex. 15)Language Focus1. 1.If If we we work work hard, hard, we we can can _ _ whatever whatever goal goal we we set set in in our our mind.mind.Tattainaccumulate

204、accumulate ambitious ambitious attain attain cease cease demonstratedemonstratedestination destination ingredient ingredient instance instance passion passion pursuepursue2. 2.Nobody Nobody witnessed witnessed when when it it occurred. occurred. Then Then how how can can you you _ to us that your st

205、ory is true?_ to us that your story is true?TdemonstrateEx. 13 Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.3. 3.Since Since he he had had reached reached the the age age of of retirement, retirement, he he _ _ to to be be a a member of the association.member of the as

206、sociation.Tcease4. 4.Students Students should should _ _ their their own own interests, interests, as as well well as as do do their school work.their school work.TpursueEx. 13 Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.accumulate accumulate ambitious ambitious attai

207、n attain cease cease demonstratedemonstratedestination destination ingredient ingredient instance instance passion passion pursuepursue5. 5.He He spoke spoke with with considerable considerable _ _ about about the the importance importance of of art and literature.art and literature.Tpassion6. 6.Acc

208、ording According to to the the recipe, recipe, you you should should first first mix mix all all the the _ _ in the bowl.in the bowl.TingredientsEx. 13 Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.accumulate accumulate ambitious ambitious attain attain cease cease demo

209、nstratedemonstratedestination destination ingredient ingredient instance instance passion passion pursuepursue7. 7.After After an an hours hours train train ride ride and and half half an an hours hours walk, walk, we we eventually arrived at our _.eventually arrived at our _.Tdestination8. 8.We We

210、need need to to rethink rethink the the way way we we consume consume energy. energy. Take, Take, for for _, our approach to transport._, our approach to transport.TinsaneEx. 13 Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.accumulate accumulate ambitious ambitious atta

211、in attain cease cease demonstratedemonstratedestination destination ingredient ingredient instance instance passion passion pursuepursue9. 9.Mr. Mr. Lin Lin is is a(n) a(n) _ _ businessman. businessman. He He had had dreamed dreamed of of becoming a billionaire when he was still a little child.becom

212、ing a billionaire when he was still a little child.Tambitious10.10. It It is is unjust unjust that that a a privileged privileged few few should should continue continue to to _ _ wealth wealth while while the the working working class class can can only only manage manage to to make make their thei

213、r ends meet.ends meet.TaccumulateEx. 13 Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.accumulate accumulate ambitious ambitious attain attain cease cease demonstratedemonstratedestination destination ingredient ingredient instance instance passion passion pursuepursue1.

214、 1.This This small small company company isnt isnt _ _ handling handling an an order order that that large.large. capable of2. 2.In In the the race, race, Sarah, Sarah, with with her her long long legs, legs, soon soon _ _ the the rest rest of of us far _.us far _.left behindEx. 14 Complete the foll

215、owing sentences with phrases or expressions fromthe passage. Change the form where necessary.3. 3.They They wanted wanted $2500 $2500 for for the the TV TV and and DVD, DVD, but but they they finally finally _ $2000._ $2000. settled for4. 4.She She heard heard the the ringing ringing of of the the m

216、obile mobile phone phone and and _ _ it, it, but but it slipped out of her hand and fell to the floor.it slipped out of her hand and fell to the floor.reached forEx. 14 Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions fromthe passage. Change the form where necessary.5. 5.Guess Guess who

217、who I I _ _ in in town town today! today! Our Our English English teacher teacher at at high school! I havent seen him for at least 10 years.high school! I havent seen him for at least 10 years. ran intoEx. 14 Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions fromthe passage. Change the f

218、orm where necessary.Ex. 15 Translate the following sentences into English. 1.并不是我不喜欢那个工作,而是我没有时间去做。 (not that but that) Not that I dislike that job, but that I have no time to do it.2.成功不是没有惧怕,而逆境也不是没有希望。 (not without) Success is not without fear, and adversity is not without hope.adversityEx. 15 Tr

219、anslate the following sentences into English. 3.如果你就想要一份工作,我可以给你提供。 (if what) I could get you a job here if thats what you want.Ex. 15 Translate the following sentences into English. 4.他们的钱花完了,不得不放弃这个项目。 (run out) They ran out of money and had to abandon the project.abandon the projectEx. 15 Transla

220、te the following sentences into English. 5.直到1972年这个建设项目才最终结束。 (It is not until that) It was not until 1972 that the construction project finally came to an end.finally comes to an endEx. 15 Translate the following sentences into English. Good readers automatically predict and confirm what will or w

221、ill not happen in the text and merge their knowledge and ideas with the authors. Prediction involves using knowledge of the subject matter to make predictions about content and vocabulary and check comprehension; using knowledge of the text type and purpose to make predictions about discourse struct

222、ure; using knowledge about the author to make predictions about writing style, vocabulary, and content. Before reading the text, you can survey the text, looking for clues about the content clues such as titles, sections headings, key words, illustrations. Using the information you get from the surv

223、ey and your prior knowledge, you can make predictions about the text content the concepts, ideas, relationships for informational texts, or the setting and the events for narrative texts. While you read, you can see what predictions are proved or disproved, and how this reading skill has helped you

224、understand what you read.For Passage B, you can read the title, survey the text and ask yourself or discuss with someone else the following Questions to form your predictions about the text: What might the title suggest? What does the writer believe our dream should be? Why does the writer believe o

225、ur dream should be like that? How does the writer suggest we achieve our dream?Write down your predictions and discuss them with your partner, and then read the text to see how close your predictions match with the content of the text.Go to Passage AGo to Passage AGo to MenuGo to MenuGo to Passage BGo to Passage B谢谢



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