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1、Words and ExpressionsAskingSellertoCoverInsurance25insure 投保premium 保费cover (保险业)保险debit note (D/N) 索款通知,借方通知on ones behalf 代表at ones cost 由某人支付invoice value 发票金额policy 保单refund 偿还;退款forward 寄送;运输Words TextExercisesContent纽约Murphy & Nana Co. Ltd.与广东翔鹰贸易公司在CFR基础上签订了1000套尊宝音响组件的合同。但Murphy & Nana Co. L

2、td.现致函,希望广东翔鹰能为其代办保险,按照发票金额加成10%投保一切险,费用由其承担。广东翔鹰贸易公司收到纽约Murphy & Nana Co. Ltd.的信函后,按对方要求向中国人民保险公司办理了该批货物的投保手续,保单及借记通知将于周末寄出。并告知货物装船时间,提醒对方做好安排。Words TextExercisesContentAskingSellertoCoverInsurance25Dear Mr. Ma,Re: 1000 sets Jumbo Audio Components under S/C No. 1205We wish to refer you to the 1000

3、sets Jumbo Audio Components under S/C No. 1205, you may note that the business was concluded on CFR basis. In order to save time, wed like to have the consignment insured at your end. Therefore we shall be much pleased if you will kindly cover insurance on our behalf against All Risks for full invoi

4、ce value plus 10%, i.e. USD 55,000.Words TextExercisesContentAskingSellertoCoverInsurance25Words TextExercisesContentAskingSellertoCoverInsurance25We shall of course refund to you the premium upon receipt of your debit note.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,Hollis SmithNOTE

5、Sinsure v. 投保We shall insure the goods after the shipping company confirms our booking.The goods are to be insured FPA and against War Risk.insurance n. 保险 to cover insurance to arrange insurance to effect insurance to take out insuranceNOTESinsurance的用法:的用法: 表示投保的货物,后接介词on: Please effect insurance

6、on our order. 表示投保的险别,后接介词against。 Wed like to have the insurance covered againstAll Risks. 表示投保的金额,后接介词for。 The insurance is to be covered for 110% of the invoice value. NOTES表示向某公司投保,后接介词with。 Please cover insurance with The Peoples Insurance Company of China.表示费率,后接介词at。 We have covered breakage

7、at 0.3% for you. 请按发票金额的110%给这批货向中国人民保险公司投保一切险和战争险。 Please cover insurance on this consignment for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk with PICC.NOTEScover n. (保险业)保险We have arranged the necessary insurance cover.cover v. 投保As agreed, we will cover the goods against All Risk and

8、 War Risk.这份保单投保了渗漏险。 This insurance policy covers us against leakage.NOTESon ones behalf / on behalf of sb. 代表某人We will appoint an organization to inspect the goods on our behalf.I will have a business talk with you on behalf of ABC Company.NOTESAll Risks 一切险 根据中国人民保险公司的中国保险条款,海洋运输货物保险条款有三种基本险别:Fre

9、e from Particular Average (FPA) 平安险With Particular Average (WPA) 水渍险All Risks (AR) 一切险NOTESinvoice value 发票金额We may deduct your commission from the invoice value.Its our usual practice to insure for 10% above the full invoice value. NOTESrefund n. & v. 偿还;退款You may get the full refund after we recei

10、ve your supporting document.We will refund you the extra packing charges by T/T.NOTESpremium n. 保费The premium for your order totals to USD 120.The extra premium is for your account.相关短语:insurance premium 保险费premium rebate 保险回扣Dear Mr. Smith,Referring to your letter dated Feb. 15 asking us to effect

11、insurance on the captioned shipment at your cost, we are pleased to inform you that we have covered All Risks with The Peoples Insurance Company of China. The policy is being prepared accordingly and will be forwarded to you by the end of the week together with our debit note for the premium. For yo

12、ur information, the goods will be shipped by s.s. Baiyun on the 5th next month as scheduled. Please make necessary arrangement. Words TextExercisesContentAskingSellertoCoverInsurance25NOTES at ones cost 由某人支付类似短语: for ones accountat ones expense请注意额外的包装费用须由买方支付。 Please note the extra packing charges

13、 should be at buyers cost.NOTESpolicy n. 保单相关短语:insurance policy 保险单insurance certificate 保险凭证open policy 预约保单NOTESforward v. 寄送;运输Copies of all shipping documents should be forwarded to the applicant by express within 48 hours after shipping.相关短语:forwarder 货运人forwarding agent 货运代理 forwarding compan

14、y 货运公司Exercise IChoose the best answer.Exercise IIFill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words.Exercise IIITranslate the following sentence.Exercise IVFill in the blanks with proper prepositions.Words TextExercisesContentAskingSellertoCoverInsurance25Exercise VTranslate the following lett

15、er.1. For this order, wed like to have the goods _ at your end. A. insure B. insured C. insurance D. insuring 2. Of course we can meet your requirement to effect insurance _ . A. behalf of you B. in your behalf C. with behalf of you D. on behalf of you3. We refer to our order No. 12 which is placed

16、on FOB _. A. price B. payment C. base D. basis4. Please _ the article WPA. A. assure B. ensure C. insure D. sure5. We note that you expect us to insure the shipments for you for the invoice value _ 10%. A. add B. less C. plus D. and123456. As requested, we have covered insurance against All Risks _.

17、 A. in your behalf B. on your behalf C. on your behave D. in you behalfs7. Under FOB or CFR terms, _ should arrange the insurance. A. buyer B. seller C. insurer D. shipper8. We have covered the above goods _ All Risks _ 110% of the invoice value. A. against . for B. on . with C. with . at D. for. fo

18、r 9. The goods can be insured against War Risk _ your cost. A. in B. for C. on D. at10. Our _ of insurance are to be effected by the seller for 110% of the total CIF value against All Risks and War Risk. A. words B. term C. terms D. condition1234512345insureconsign1. We have covered _ for 110% of th

19、e invoice value against All Risks and War Risk.2. As required, we _ the goods with the PICC for USD 55000.3. We have contacted our _ to take out open policy.1. We have insured the _ for 110% of the invoice value.2. The goods will be _ by S.S. Costa due to sail on 3rd March.3. Usually the seller is t

20、he _ in the Bill of Lading.insuranceinsuredinsurerconsignmentconsignedconsignor 1.请按照合同投保平安险和战争险。Please insure FPA and War Risk as contracted. 2.我们希望能在你处投保。We hope to effect insurance at your end. 3.由于此交易以CFR方式成交,请你方自行安排投保。Please arrange insurance by yourself as the business has been concluded on CF

21、R basis. 31245We will refund you the premium paid by you as soon as we receive the documents.4.一收到单据,我们即通过电汇偿还你方支付的保险费。We have covered insurance on your order against All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoice value with PICC.312455.我们已经对你们的订单按照发票金额的110%向中国人民保险公司投保了一切险和战争险。Dear Mr. Zhang,Thank y

22、ou for your email _ December 12, requesting us to take out insurance _ your goods _ S/C No. 123 for an amount _ 130% of the invoice value.Its our practice to cover insurance _ 110% of the invoice value _ All Risks _ The PICC. If you desire to have the goods covered for 130% _ the invoice value, we c

23、an meet your requirement, but the extra premium shall be borne _ you.We look forward _ your early reply. Yours faithfully,41235ofonunderforforagainstwithofbytoDear Sirs,Please refer to our Order No. 521 for 1000 dozen slippers.This lot of goods is ordered on FOB basis. Insurance should have been effected by us, but now wed like you to effect insurance at your end on our behalf. Please cover All Risks for 110% of the invoice value. As regards the premium, you may draw a sight draft on us for the amount involved.We hope you can meet our requirements.Yours faithfully,51234新编国际商务英语函电新编国际商务英语函电



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