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1、1 Capability Analysis能力分析By Strive Zhou2Process Improvement Methodology 制程改善方法论制程改善方法论 By Strive Zhou3What is Capability 制程能力是制程能力是 LSLUSLq When process is under control, capability is decided by customer demand and process performance (product or service quality shifting degree), The more the proce

2、ss meets the customer need, the better the capability will be. 制程在受控状态下时,客户要求与制程表现(产品品质或服务的品质变动程度)的比值,如果制程表现越能满足客户要求,则制程能力越充分,反之则不足。By Strive Zhou4What is Capability 制程能力是制程能力是 LSLUSLWhat can we conclude form the capability of these process? 这些制程的制程能力这些制程的制程能力如何?如何?ALSLUSLCLSLUSLBLSLUSLDBy Strive Zh

3、ou5How Capable Is It?制程能力如何?制程能力如何? LSLUSLCapable Process制程能力充分制程能力充分6 LSLUSLA VeryCapable Process制程能力很充分制程能力很充分6 LSLUSLA Very, VeryCapable Process制程能力非常充分制程能力非常充分6 By Strive Zhou6How Capable Is It?制程能力如何?制程能力如何? Capable Process制程能力充分制程能力充分A VeryCapable Process制程能力很充分制程能力很充分A Very, VeryCapable Proce

4、ss制程能力非常充分制程能力非常充分LSLUSL3 3 LSLUSL4 4 LSLUSL6 6 =0.08Standard Deviation 标准差Sigma Level Sigma 水平3 Process =0.064 Process =0.046 ProcessBy Strive Zhou7Customer Requirement and capability能力与客户要求能力与客户要求 By Strive Zhou8What brings defects?什么导致缺陷?什么导致缺陷? Unstable incoming material 不稳定的原材料不稳定的原材料Poor proce

5、ssCapability 不充分的制程能力不充分的制程能力Inappropriate specification design 不适当的规格设计不适当的规格设计By Strive Zhou9Capability Analysis制程能力分析制程能力分析 By Strive Zhou10Process capability analysis using different Types of data 使用不同类别数据进行制程能力分析使用不同类别数据进行制程能力分析 Variable 计量型Attribute记数型By Strive Zhou11Process Sampling short ter

6、m过程抽样短期过程抽样短期 By Strive Zhou12Process Sampling short term过程抽样短期过程抽样短期 By Strive Zhou13Process Sampling Short Term / Long Term过程抽样短期过程抽样短期/长期长期 By Strive Zhou14Process Sampling Long Term过程抽样过程抽样/长期长期 By Strive Zhou15Process Sampling Long Term过程抽样过程抽样/长期长期 v From many shifts of production 从许多生产班次而来v O

7、bserving many machines 使用许多机器v Analyzing the performance of many operators 许多操作者v Using many lots of incoming parts 使用多批原材料By Strive Zhou16Process Sampling Long Term过程抽样过程抽样/长期长期 By Strive Zhou17Long-term and Short term Capability长期长期/短期制程能力短期制程能力 LSL 规格下限规格下限USL 规格上限规格上限Short -termLong termBy Striv

8、e Zhou18Long-term and Short term Capability长期长期/短期制程能力短期制程能力 By Strive Zhou19Long-term and short-term capability (Z-shift) 长期和短期能力(长期和短期能力(Z偏差)偏差)Normally, the difference between long-term and short-term Sigma Level is the 1.5 shift.通常,长期与短期的Sigma 水平1.5 By Strive Zhou20Long-term and short-term capab

9、ility (Z-shift) 长期和短期能力(长期和短期能力(Z偏差)偏差)By Strive Zhou21Long-term and short-term capability (Z-shift) 长期和短期能力(长期和短期能力(Z偏差)偏差)Sigma Level Sigma 水平水平Short-term DPMO 短期的短期的DPMOLong-Term DPMO 长期的长期的DPMO1158655.3691462.5222750.1308537.53135066807.2431.76209.750.3232.760.03.4By Strive Zhou22Types of Capabi

10、lity Analysis 能力分析的类型能力分析的类型By Strive Zhou23Types of Capability Analysis 能力分析的类型能力分析的类型By Strive Zhou24Capability Issues能力相关的问题能力相关的问题By Strive Zhou25Process Capability Variable Data制程能力计量型数据制程能力计量型数据FrequencyBy Strive Zhou26Variable Output: The Method计量输出:方法计量输出:方法By Strive Zhou27Step 1: Check Spec

11、ification步骤步骤1:规格确认:规格确认 Are the specifications correct for the parameter (Y) (output variable)? 参数Y的规格正确吗?(过程输出变量) Is the parameter (Y) centerbetween the lower and upper limits? 参数Y是否在规格上下限之间的中心点? To ascertain true capability, we must use a true specification for calculation. 要确定真实的能力,真实的规格是必要的By S

12、trive Zhou28Example 举例举例Pen. mtvBy Strive Zhou29Step 1: Check Specification步骤步骤1:规格确认:规格确认By Strive Zhou30Step 2: Sample Data-Rational Grouping步骤步骤2:采集数据合理分组:采集数据合理分组 Data collected should be able to reflect term and long term performance (if possible) 数据采集应能捕捉过程的短期绩效和长期绩效(若有可能) Data can be collecte

13、d within a short period of time and arranged in a time sequence. 可通过快速采集一系列数据来完成,这些数据按照时间序列排列;q Data collected from Rational Grouping Samples. 快速凭票采集的数据应从合理分组中抽样0123456789O oooo oO oo o o oO o oo ooO o o oo oO oo oo oO oo o o oO o o oO o o oo oBy Strive Zhou31Step 2: Sample Data-Rational Grouping步骤步

14、骤2:采集数据合理分组:采集数据合理分组By Strive Zhou32Step 2: Sampling步骤步骤2:取样:取样 Eg. The engineer takes 5 data a day for consecutively 7 days. 例:工程师每天采集5次数据,连续7天进行以上数据采集工作 Collected data entered into file PEN.mtw 采集的数据放在PEN. Mtw 文件中;Pen. mtvBy Strive Zhou33Analysis short-term and long-term variation分析短期和长期波动分析短期和长期波

15、动By Strive Zhou34Short-term or Long-term短期还是长期?短期还是长期? Rule: If 80% of the inputs vary within their natural limit, then the output data can be considered long term. 准则:如果80%的输入是在它们自然的范围中起伏,则输出的数据可被认为是长期的;By Strive Zhou35 Another may is though observation: 另外一个方法可用来观察Short-term or Long-term短期还是长期?短期还

16、是长期?By Strive Zhou36Short-term or Long-term短期还是长期?短期还是长期?Opportunity 机会机会By Strive Zhou37Short-term or Long-term短期还是长期?短期还是长期?By Strive Zhou38Short-term or Long-term短期还是长期?短期还是长期?By Strive Zhou39Short-term or Long-term短期还是长期?短期还是长期?By Strive Zhou40Example-Short Term Shift短期波动的例子短期波动的例子v Calculate sh

17、ort term shift (with Minitab) 使用Minitab来计算短期波动v StatQuality ToolsCapability analysis (Normal)By Strive Zhou41Example-Short Term Shift短期波动的例子短期波动的例子By Strive Zhou42Example-Short Term Shift短期波动的例子短期波动的例子v Calculate short term shift (with Minitab) 使用Minitab来计算短期波动v StatQuality ToolsCapability analysis

18、(Normal)By Strive Zhou43Step3: Calculate Zu and Z1步骤步骤3:计算:计算Zu和和Z1By Strive Zhou44Step4: Calculate Cp 步骤步骤4:计算:计算CpBy Strive Zhou45Step4: Calculate Cp 步骤步骤4:计算:计算Cp Potential Capability (Cp) 过程潜在的能力 (Cp) :By Strive Zhou46Step4: Cp and Entitlement步骤步骤4:Cp与潜在最佳值(与潜在最佳值(entitlement)By Strive Zhou47Ste

19、p4: Pen Length: Cp 步骤步骤4:钢笔长度的:钢笔长度的Cp LSL=123.5 USL=126.5 =124.61 =0.49By Strive Zhou48Step4: Minitab Result 计算结果计算结果By Strive Zhou49Step4: A Question About CP步骤步骤4:一个关于:一个关于CP的问题的问题v Which process is better? 哪个过程更好?v What is the difference between these two Cps 这两个过程中Cp有什么差异v What needs to be done

20、 in order to use Cp as a more effective indicator for process capability? 要使得Cp作更加有效地作为过程能力的统计指标,还需要做些什么?By Strive Zhou50Step4: Process Performance 步骤步骤4:认识:认识 Cpk过程绩效过程绩效By Strive Zhou51Step4: Pen Length: Cpk 步骤步骤4:钢笔长度的:钢笔长度的CpkBy Strive Zhou52Step4: Minitab Output 步骤步骤4:Minitab 计算结果计算结果By Strive

21、Zhou53Step4: Calculating Sigma Level 步骤步骤4:计算:计算Sigma 水平(水平(Zst)By Strive Zhou54Step4: Calculating Sigma Level 步骤步骤4:计算:计算Sigma 水平(水平(Zst) Estimate short-term defect rate 估计短期缺陷率Defects 缺陷缺陷Defects 缺陷缺陷By Strive Zhou55Step4: Calculating Probability Using Excel 步骤步骤4:用:用Excel 来计算概率来计算概率P(x126.5)=1-0.

22、99994=0.00006 Total defects=0.0117+0.00006 =0.0118该例中:该例中:Mean=124.61,Sigma=0.49,LSL=123.5,USL=126.51. 用NORMDIST函数计算比例不一致的P值By Strive Zhou56Step4: Calculating Sigma Level Using Excel 步骤步骤4:用:用Excel 来计算来计算Sigma 水平水平2. 用NORMSINV函数计算比例不一致的Z值Zshort-term=2.26Defects(0.0118)Z=2.26By Strive Zhou57Step4: Si

23、gma Level -Example (Using Minitab)步骤步骤4:Sigma 水平水平-使用使用Minitab 的实例的实例 使用Minitab: Calc-Probability Distributions - NormalTotal=0.0117+0.00006=0.0118=11,800DPMMBy Strive Zhou58Step4: Sigma Level -Example (Using Minitab)步骤步骤4:Sigma 水平水平-使用使用Minitab 的实例的实例 计算 Sigma 值 (Zst)By Strive Zhou59Step4: Minitab

24、Output步骤步骤4: Minitab 的计算结果的计算结果By Strive Zhou60Long Term长期Step4: Calculating Zit步骤步骤4: 计算计算ZitShort Term 短期Short Term 短期Short Term 短期Short Term 短期By Strive Zhou61Step4: 1.5shift-from ZST to ZLT步骤步骤4: 1.5 漂移漂移-从从ZST到到ZLTBy Strive Zhou62Step4: Estimate Long-term Capability步骤步骤4: 预测长期能力预测长期能力Ppk Replac

25、e short-term shift with long-term capability 用长期能力代替短期波动By Strive Zhou63Step4: Estimate Long-term Capability步骤步骤4: 预测长期能力预测长期能力PpkBy Strive Zhou64Step4: Minitab Output步骤步骤4: Minitab 的计算结果的计算结果Minitab 人为长期波动可通过组间的波动来预测人为长期波动可通过组间的波动来预测By Strive Zhou65Formulae for Capability Calculation能力计算公式能力计算公式By

26、Strive Zhou66Exercise 1: Computing Process Capability过程能力计算练习过程能力计算练习1 A technician inherits the sterilization process. Because sterility is critical, each run is evaluated by tracking chamber exposure temperature. Components from failed runs are reprocessed. 某工程师欲分析杀菌过程。分析方法是监控每批产品杀菌室温度,所有不合格产品会重新返

27、工。 According to yield data, 115%of the runs have been scrapped during the previous nine months 良率数据显示过去9个月有11.5%批的产品By Strive Zhou67Calculating PPM and Z-Score计算计算PPM和和Z值值PPM=Fraction Defective (缺陷比率)X 1,000,000 =0.115 X 1,000,000=115,000Z-Score: For worst case, assume all defects are in one tail. S

28、o, P(z?)=0.115 Z值:假定所有缺陷发生在左或右的一尾。值:假定所有缺陷发生在左或右的一尾。What is the z that P(z?)=1-0.115? P(z?)=1-0.115,那么那么Z为?为?P(z1.2)=0.885Confirm using Minitab 用用Minitab计算计算Zh=1.2 查查Z值表得出的结果是否一致值表得出的结果是否一致?By Strive Zhou68Calculating Ppk, Zst and Cpk计算计算Ppk, Zst 和和CpkBy Strive Zhou69Attribute Process Capability计数型制

29、程能务计数型制程能务Variable data is difficult to find!寻找计量型数据太难了!寻找计量型数据太难了!What to do with attribute data? 遇上记数型数据该怎么遇上记数型数据该怎么办?办?By Strive Zhou70Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk (using Minitab)Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk (使用使用 Minitab)MinitabBy Strive Zhou71Qualitative Y (attribute data)Y的定性分析的定性分析 (计数型数据)计数型数据)Capability Determina

30、tion for an attribute output : 对计数型输出的能力确定:By Strive Zhou72Qualitative Y (attribute data)Y的定性分析的定性分析 (计数型数据)计数型数据)By Strive Zhou73Qualitative Y (attribute data)Y的定性分析的定性分析 (计数型数据)计数型数据)By Strive Zhou74By Strive Zhou75Step1: Tally Defect Data步骤步骤1: 缺陷数据计数缺陷数据计数By Strive Zhou76Steps3 Calculate Z-score

31、步骤步骤3:计算:计算Z值值Step 2 (步骤步骤2):By Strive Zhou77Steps3 Calculate Z-score步骤步骤3:计算:计算Z值值Step 3 (步骤步骤3):By Strive Zhou78Steps3 Calculate Z-score步骤步骤3:计算:计算Z值值By Strive Zhou79Steps4: Calculate Cpk, Ppk步骤步骤4:计算:计算Cpk、Ppk 值值Step 4 (步骤步骤4):By Strive Zhou80Calculating Defect Levels计算缺陷水平计算缺陷水平By Strive Zhou81By Strive Zhou



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