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1、Unit 5 First Aid东方中学东方中学 黄娟黄娟烧伤急救烧伤急救First aid for burnsPeriod 2 ReadingPeriod 2 Reading First aid for burns 烧伤急救烧伤急救electrical equipment 电器电器electric wires 电线电线poisons 毒药毒药 What things at home can be dangerous?knives 刀刀hot water 热水热水glass 玻璃玻璃Brainstorming:gas 天燃气天燃气pets 宠物宠物What is happening to th

2、e little girl?what shall we do in this situation?L Leaead d - - ininSee a doctor if necessary.Suggestions:Cool the area of skin;Wash it under the cold running water.Cover the wound with bandage. ReadingScan for general idea. In which order are these topics covered in the text?_the three types of bur

3、ns_what to do if someone gets burned_ the purpose of skin_ the characteristics of burns_ how we get burns3 35 51 14 42 2StepI:Fast Reading1. functions of skin 皮肤的功能皮肤的功能2. causes of burns 烧伤的原因烧伤的原因3. types of burns 烧伤的类型烧伤的类型 4.characteristics of burns 烧伤的特征烧伤的特征5. first aid treatment 急救处理急救处理Readi

4、ngReadingSkim the text for details: (read it paragraph by paragraph.)StepII:Carefully ReadingReadingWhat can skin do for our body?(look at a picture of skin first. )Paragraph1:The students read paragraph1 by themselves silently. The three layers of skin:The third layer 皮下组织皮下组织The second layer 真皮真皮T

5、he top layer 表皮表皮Reading1.protect you against diseases, poisons and the suns harmful rays (防止疾病、有毒物质以及紫外线入侵)(防止疾病、有毒物质以及紫外线入侵)Functions of skin: 2.keep you warm or cool (调节体温平衡调节体温平衡)3.prevent you from losing too much water(防止体内水分丢失过多)(防止体内水分丢失过多)4.give you sense of touch (感觉功能感觉功能)How can we get bu

6、rnt? ReadingParagraph2:The students read paragraph2 together loudly. Readingsteamsteamhot liquidshot liquidsfirefirethe sunthe sunelectricityelectricitychemicalschemicals radiationradiationHow many types of burns? ReadingParagraph3:Readingthree types:Second degree burns. 二度烧伤二度烧伤First degree burns.

7、一度烧伤一度烧伤Third degree burns. 三度烧伤三度烧伤Paragraph4-questions:1.What color is the burnt area (烧伤面)if you get a first degree burn ?3. Why doesnt a third degree burn hurt(疼痛)?Reading2. Whats the surface(表面) look like if you have a second degree burn ?Red, but turns white when pressed.Watery.Because nerves

8、are damaged.Paragraph5:T/F questions( )2. We can put cold water on third degree burns.( )3. We should not rub the burnt area as this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected(感染).( )1. We should remove clothing and jewellery near burns.( )4. Its useful(有用的) to put butter, oil or ointment

9、 on burns.ReadingT TT TF FF FTypes & characteristics of burns according to the text. ReadingStepIII:ComprehensionFilling in the blanks.Listen to the tape.First degree burnsAffect the top_ of the skin.Dry, red and mildly_._ painful.Turn white when _.Second degree burnsAffect both the _ & the _ layer.

10、 _, red and swollen.Extremely painful._ watery surfaceThird degree burnsAffect_ _ layers of the skin.Swollen; _ canbe seen._ or _ pain.Black and white and _.TypesTypes & & characteristicscharacteristics of burnsof burns1. Types1. Types2. Characteristics2. Characteristicslayertopsecond all threeswoll

11、enRoughtissueMildlyLittlenopressedBlisterscharredReading skill: survey the text before reading:title(标题) - topic of the articlesubtitles(副标题) - main idea of each paragraphheadings (小标题) - key words for details main idea of the articleTry our best to give them effective first aid if they are in danger. Life is preciousLife is preciousWe should care about others, and help people in an emergency. Discuss the four situations given on page 36. Surf the internet and try to get more about first aid for choking, bleeding, breathing, nosebleeds, bites, sprains, etc. H Homome ewworork k



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