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1、马来西亚Malaysia肖乐(04),邱春燕(09),罗昕珏(03) (一) Brief introduction 基本概况1.Basic situation:Official name:MalaysiaCapital:吉隆坡KualaLumpur Area:330.000平方公里Population:about24500 Religion:Islam双子塔(Twin Towers)Geographic location(地理位置):It is located in the southeast region of Southern,Thailand and Brunei are in its

2、Northern,its South is Indonesia and Singapore。Malaysia is divided into East and WestOfficial language:MalayCommon language:English, ChineseCurrency(货币): Lingit(林吉特)currencycoinsMalaysia is a constitutional monarchy of the federal state君主立宪National Day:August 31stThe national emblem.:Unity is strengt

3、hMalaysia established formal ambassadorial diplomatic relationship with China at 1974,5,31(马来西亚与中国正式建立大使级别外交关系) The National Flag 14 red and white stripes represent Malaysia monospaced original establishment of the countrys 14 states, from Singapore following independence in 1965, and represent the

4、13 states and the federal government the equal relationship between Red is a symbol of the martyrs in the blood shed during the period of Anti-Japanese war.The white symbolizes the purity and virtue.The blue symbolizes the unity of the people of and Commonwealth relations.New pattern symbol of the I

5、slamic faith 。Fourteen star also known as the star, a symbol of Malaysia of thirteen states and the federal government, unite joint.Yellow is the symbol of royalty of color .马来西亚国徽马来西亚国徽 象征马来西亚的组成及其行政区域。盾面上部列有象征马来西亚的组成及其行政区域。盾面上部列有5 5把把入鞘的短剑,它们分别代表柔佛州、吉打州、玻璃市州、入鞘的短剑,它们分别代表柔佛州、吉打州、玻璃市州、吉兰丹州和丁加奴州。盾面中间

6、部分绘有红、黑、白、吉兰丹州和丁加奴州。盾面中间部分绘有红、黑、白、黄黄4 4条色带,分别代表雪兰莪州、彭亨州、霹雳州和森条色带,分别代表雪兰莪州、彭亨州、霹雳州和森美兰州。盾面左侧绘有蓝、白波纹的海水和以黄色为地美兰州。盾面左侧绘有蓝、白波纹的海水和以黄色为地并绘有并绘有3 3根蓝色鸵鸟羽毛,这一图案代表槟榔屿。根蓝色鸵鸟羽毛,这一图案代表槟榔屿。盾面右侧的马六甲树代表马六甲州。盾面下端左边代表沙巴州,图案中绘有强健的褐色双臂,双手紧握沙巴州州旗。盾面下端右边绘有一只红、黑、蓝3色飞禽,代表沙捞越州。盾面下部中间的图案为马来西亚的国花木槿,当地人称“班加拉亚”。盾徽两侧各站着一头红舌马来虎,

7、两虎后肢踩着金色饰带,饰带上书写着格言“团结就是力量”。 social etiquettes 社交礼仪(二)Social etiquette社交礼仪:Different Nation has different meeting etiquette.Nodding Does not shake hands with others by left hand.Touch hands Except the mens formal contacts ,Malayan seldom touch hands with others,especially between the opposite sex。An

8、d touch others with the left hand is more forbiddenned 。The traditional Malaysia custom is touch hand etiquette when people meet others, one stretches both hands toward the other one , the other side should stretch out his hands and gently touches the first ones hands.Then back his hands to cover on

9、 his chest, slightly lift them, at the same time bending his body to present a bow . At the same time, they will wish others solemnly : God bless “May you be safe throughout the journey”,the be wished one must return by “wish you the same” ( 与他人见面时,一方首先将双手伸向对方,另一方则伸出自己的双手,轻轻触摸对方伸出来的双手。然后将自己的双手收回胸前,稍

10、举一下,同时身体前弯呈鞠躬状。同时说“真主保佑”或“一路平安”,被祝愿者必须回以“愿你也一样好”)Most Chinese and Indians in Malaysia meet others ,they usually shake hands as the meeting etiquettes (3) NameThey have their own names, but no fixed family name.( 他们只有自己的名字,而没有固定姓氏)They are sensitive in interpersonal relationship 。Its not suitable to

11、talk about the political ,the relationship with Singapore and other western countries with them.They regard grinning all the time as a basic polite.(三)Dress Codes服饰礼仪 Usually wear Pakistani ru namely a collarless, exaggerated coat sleeve.Lower body is enclosed by a large piece of cloth, called saron

12、g.Their heads, also wears a beanie hat can not be.通常上穿“巴汝”即一种无领、袖子夸大的外衣。下身则围以一大块布,被叫做“纱笼”。他们的头上,还戴着一顶无檐小帽不可。manwomanGenerally wearing a collarless, long-sleeved dress dress, their head, must be enclosed by a turban.一般穿无领、长袖的连衣长裙,她们的头上,必须围以头巾。Ceremonial dressMalaysia people like to wear clothes made

13、out of natural fabric.马来西亚人讲究以天然织物做成的服装。Malaysias national costume is called Bardi long sleeve top.马来西亚人的国服是叫做“巴迪”的长袖上衣。It to batik fabricmade it.它以蜡染的花布做成。Bardi 巴迪In social occasionthe Malaysia people can wear suits or dresses.马来西亚人可以穿着西装或套裙。Formal occasionsAbsolutely not allow his arms and legs.绝对

14、不允许露出胳膊和腿部来。Avoid wearingVest, shorts, short skirts are taboo.背心、短裤、短裙都是忌穿的。Clothescolor Malaysia peoples clothing preferences for red, orange and some other bright colors.马来西亚人的服饰偏好红色、橙色和其他一些鲜艳的颜色。Malaysia love green.马来西亚十分喜爱绿色。nMalayan like wear dagger.They think the daggers are the symbol of stre

15、ngth,brave and wisdom。loveLike wearing Malay dagger.马来人喜欢佩戴短剑。Dagger symbol symbolizes strength, courage and wisdom.短剑象征象征着力量、勇敢与智慧。Go to Malaysia house, the door must take off their shoes, and took off his sunglasses.去马来西亚人家里做客,进门前必须首先脱下鞋子,并且摘下墨镜。Dinner etiquetteIslam as the state religion of Malay

16、sia.马来西亚的国教为伊斯兰教。Relative taboos相对禁忌The Muslims of Malaysia is absolutely not drinking.马来西亚的穆斯林是绝对不饮酒的。Like to drink coconut water, tea, coffee and so on.喜欢的饮料有椰子水、红茶、咖啡等等。They are not in the habit of drinking boiling water, drink tea or drink will instead of wine.他们不习惯饮用开水,干杯时会以茶或饮料来代替酒。Muslims do

17、not eat pork, dog meat, do not eat dead animals and animal blood, do not eat all not slaughter by canon.穆斯林不吃猪肉、狗肉、不吃自死之物和动物血液,不吃一切未按教规宰杀之物。They love to eat rice, eat beef, very fond of rice with curry beef, and Satay kebab.他们爱吃米饭,喜食牛肉,极爱吃咖哩牛肉饭,和“沙爹”烤肉串。CustomAn IndianThe Malays generally very hospi

18、table.马来人一般十分好客。马来人一般十分好客。Indians usually dont like to eat beef, but can eat mutton, pork and poultry.印度人通常不喜欢吃牛肉,但可以吃羊肉、猪肉和家禽肉。Dining etiquetteMalay is used to put food on the on the ground or on the mat, and then sat around the.In the sitting position, they pay attention to the differences between

19、 males and females.马来人习惯于将食物置于放在地上或席子上,然后环绕其而坐。在具体的坐姿上,他们讲究男女有别。Table mannersDinner, Malaysia people are very particular about health.用餐时,马来西亚人很讲究卫生。Before eating, they first washed with water hand.用餐前,他们先用清水冲手。In the table, to prepare the water jar, can easily scrub finger meals.在餐桌上,要多准备水盂,可以方便用餐时

20、刷洗手指。Dining etiquetteIn the formal dinner in Malaysia with a knife, fork, spoon, meal, usually they used only the right hand grasping food.在正规的宴请中,马来西亚人以刀、叉、匙进餐,平常他们只用右手抓取食物。In general, the Indians used to grasp food, without using any tableware.在一般情况下,印度人也习惯于抓取食物,而不使用任何餐具。Customs and Taboos习俗禁忌 朱槿(

21、Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)马来语中叫做班加拉亚(Bunga Raya)Islam have important influence on Malaysia 伊斯兰教在马来西亚有重要影响 In Malaysia, Islam has the highest legal authority,and was strictly abide by people 伊斯兰教在马来西亚具有最高的法律效力,并为人民所严格遵守Though the weather is hot all over the year,the Malayan are very care about the weari

22、ng,they stress dress rigorous,neat attires in particular。尽管全年气候炎热,马来西亚人却非常讲究着装严谨,衣冠端正。In public places,excessive bare body is absolutely not allowed .在公共场合,过度裸露肢体绝对是不允许的It is improper for men and women to touch each others hand in passing objects男女授受不亲Malayan etiquette and customs are in dominated p

23、osition in social life 马来人的礼仪习俗在社会生活中居于支配地位In Malaysia, Malayan was in the highest position在马来西亚,马来人的地位最高In a sense,Malaysias etiquette customs are mainly the customs of malayan.在某种意义上讲,马来西亚的礼仪习俗主要就是马来人的礼仪习俗We should understand more to Malayans customs。对于马来人的习俗应该多多了解The tips you should pay attention

24、 to avoid1,Dont touch the head and the back of others,which were regarded as sacred and inviolable.2,Dont cross your legs or reveal your sole of your feet,or move something by feet,because they think the foot is the lowest in body organs.Dont touch a half hold hand with a fist hand,it was bad thinking in Malaysia.Dont touch your hands on your hip,otherwise it would be think youre going to be angry.Dont yawning in public,when it is very necessary,you should cover your mouth with your hand first.



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