七年级英语Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section B(1a-2c)课件

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1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Unit 12What did you do last weekend?Section B(1a-2c) . 选词配配图jump, tent, moon, fly, snake答案答案: 1. fly2. tent3. moon4. snake5. jump. 句型展示句型展示1. 我姐姐两周前中学我姐姐两周前中学毕业。My sisterhigh school . 2. 但是我太累了但是我太累了, 以致我早早就睡着了。以致我早早就睡着了。But I wastiredI went to sleep early. 答案答案: 1. finished; two wee

2、ks ago2. so; that3. 我爸爸开始在他我爸爸开始在他们的的帐篷里上下来回地跳。篷里上下来回地跳。My dad started to in their tent. 4. 这弄醒了那条蛇弄醒了那条蛇, 它爬它爬进了湖了湖边的的树林中。林中。Thisthe snakeand it the forest near the lake. 5. 这对我来我来说是非常有用的一是非常有用的一课。This was a very me. 答案答案: 3. jump up and down4. woke; up; moved into5. useful lesson for1. The next mo

3、rning, my sister and I got a terrible surprise. 第二天早上第二天早上, 我和姐姐大吃一惊。我和姐姐大吃一惊。【自自主主领悟悟】在在此此surprise为名名词, 意意为“惊惊奇奇; 惊惊讶”。常常用用于于以以下下短短语: get a surprise吃吃惊惊; in surprise吃吃惊惊地地; to ones surprise令某人惊奇的是。令某人惊奇的是。【用法辨析用法辨析】surprising/surprised/surprise的区的区别 surprising使人惊奇的使人惊奇的表表语或定或定语, 修修饰事物事物surprised感到惊

4、感到惊讶的的(表表语, 修修饰人人)be surprised at对感到惊感到惊讶surprisev. 使惊使惊讶; 使意外使意外surprise sb. 使某人惊使某人惊讶【活学活用活学活用】 当我再次当我再次见到他到他时我吃了一惊。我吃了一惊。I when I met him again. 令大家惊令大家惊讶的是的是, 她她对这个令人惊个令人惊讶的消息一点也不惊的消息一点也不惊讶。To our, she wasntat thenews. 答案答案: got a surprisesurprise; surprised; surprising2. I was so scared that I

5、couldnt move. 我是那么害怕我是那么害怕, 一一动都不敢都不敢动。【自自主主领悟悟】句句中中程程度度副副词so, 意意为“如如此此; 那那么么”, 修修饰形形容容词或或副副词。英英语中中“so +形形容容词或或副副词或或few, little, many等等修修饰的的名名词+that”表表示示“太太以以至至于于”。例例如如: He rode so fast that he could get there 10 minutes earlier. 他他骑得得如如此此快快, 以以至至于他可以提前于他可以提前10分分钟到达那儿。到达那儿。【归纳拓展拓展】such. . . that/so

6、that/too. . . to结构构(1)such. . . that意意为“如如此此以以至至于于”引引导结果果状状语从从句句, such后后常常接接名名词。例例如如: He is such a clever boy that everybody likes him. 他是个非常他是个非常聪明的男孩明的男孩, 大家都非常喜大家都非常喜欢他。他。(2)so that意意为“以便以便, 为了了”引引导目的状目的状语从句。从句。例例如如: Tom ran slowly so that his sister can catch up with him. 汤姆慢慢地跑以便他的妹妹可以赶上他。姆慢慢地跑

7、以便他的妹妹可以赶上他。(3)当当so. . . that结构中的构中的that从句是否定句从句是否定句时, 常可常可转换为too. . . to结构的构的简单句。句。too. . . to“太太而不能而不能”, to后跟后跟动词原形。原形。例如例如: The boy was so nervous that he couldnt say a word. =The boy was too nervous to say a word. 那个男孩那个男孩紧张得一句得一句话也也说不出来。不出来。【活学活用活学活用】 这个游个游戏是如此有趣是如此有趣, 以至于我都不想停下来。以至于我都不想停下来。The

8、 game is I dont want to stop playing it. The box is so heavy that I cant move it. (改改为简单句句)The box isheavymove. 答案答案: so interesting thattoo; to3. There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm. . . 在那里我在那里我们搭起搭起帐篷并生火取暖篷并生火取暖【自主自主领悟悟】(1)put up意意为“搭起搭起; 举起起; 张贴”, 后可接名后可接名词或或代代词作作宾语, 接名接名词作

9、作宾语时, 名名词可置于短可置于短语之之间, 也可放在也可放在短短语之后。之后。(2)此此处, put up后接代后接代词作作宾语时, 只能将代只能将代词放在短放在短语之之间。【归纳拓展拓展】put相关短相关短语put off推推迟put on 穿上穿上; 戴上戴上; 上演上演put away 把把放好放好【活学活用活学活用】 What a nice picture! Letson the wall. A. put up itB. put up themC. put it up D. put them up出出门前穿上外套前穿上外套, 外面很冷。外面很冷。Itll be cold outsid

10、e. your coat before you go out. 答案答案: Put on. 单项选择1. Ithe movie three years ago. A. seeB. seesC. sawD. will see2. I think we cana tent by the lake. A. put upB. stand upC. get upD. give up3. When he came in, we all got. A. surprise B. a surpriseC. surprised D. surprising4. We saw a big monkeybananas

11、on an elephant. A. eat B. eats C. eating D. ate5. Tom is very tired. Dont, please. A. wake up himB. wake him upC. woke up himD. woke him up. 完成句子完成句子1. 那只猴子在那只猴子在笼子里又子里又蹦又跳。又跳。That monkey jumps in the cage. 2. 格林先生是那么有趣以至于所有学生都喜格林先生是那么有趣以至于所有学生都喜欢上他的上他的课。Mr. Green isfunall the students like his less

12、ons. 答案答案: 1. up and down2. so; that3. 作作为她的朋友她的朋友, 我我经常帮她学英常帮她学英语。 , I often help her with English. 4. 大街上太吵了大街上太吵了, 我不得不冲她大声叫喊。我不得不冲她大声叫喊。It was too noisy on the street, and I had to_ _ _her. 5. 上周末我和我朋友在公园里放上周末我和我朋友在公园里放风筝。筝。My friend and I in the park last weekend. 答案答案: 3. As her friend 4. shout to5. flew a kite励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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