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1、英英汉翻翻译理理论与与实践践杨倩Kellyyang_ password: 123456789纵览1. 翻译的性质、标准及要求2. 英汉语言对比3. 英汉翻译的方法 直译与意译归化与异化4. 英汉翻译技巧抽象与具体 增补与省略 正译与反译分句与合句 转性与变态5.修辞与翻译6.文化与翻译7.长句的翻译提高翻译能力的方法翻译理论+翻译技巧+翻译实践翻译实践:1.词语句子段落语篇2.选择不同体裁和题材的练习材料3.难易循序渐进4.反复修改译文5.选择有参考译文的文本,进行对比学习参考书目冯庆华,实用翻译教程(英汉互译增订本),上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002古今明,英汉翻译基础,上海:上海外语教育

2、出版社 1997孙致礼,新编英汉翻译教程,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003第一第一讲 英英汉翻翻译概概论翻译的定义翻译的分类翻译的标准 翻译的过程克服翻译症译者必备的素质翻译的定义Oxford English DictionaryTo turn from one language into another.Websters Third New International Dictionary of the English LanguageTo turn into ones own or another languageEugene A. NidaTranslating consists in

3、 reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source-language message , first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.1再现原文的信息(message),而不是保持原文的形式结构2closet, natural 3 equivalence 对等;对等同一4 meaning first5 style is also importantReflections1. 翻译是一种语言活动过程,同时又是该活

4、动的结果。2.翻译过程不仅涉及两种语言,而且还涉及两种社会文化。3.翻译是一项创造性地实践活动。4.交叉学科。5.翻译是一门艺术。翻译的分类按语言分类:Intralingual translation 语内翻译Interlingual translation 语际翻译按活动形式分类:TranslationOral interpretationMachine translation按翻译材料的文体分类:应用文体、科技文体、论述文体、新闻问题、政论等按处理方式:全译、节译、摘译、编译、述译翻译的标准西方翻译理论中国传统翻译理论西方翻译理论Alexander F. TytlerThat the tr

5、anslation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original.That the translation should have all the ease of original composition.中国传统翻译理论严复:天演论信、达、雅Faithfulness, expressiveness, eleganc

6、e傅雷:“神似”说以效果而论,翻译应该像临画一样,所求不在形似而在神似钱钟书:“化境”既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保持原有的风味,那就算的入于化境了。Reflections兼顾忠实与通顺忠实:保持原作意义以及风格,即:原作的民族风格、时代风格、语体风格、作者个人风格。通顺:即指译文语言必须通顺易懂,符合规范。翻译的过程理解理解表达表达审校审校Surface meaningDeep meaningcontext1.语言能力英语/ 汉语2.翻译技巧3.防止两种倾向过分表达欠表达sophisticatedSophisticated manSophisticated woman

7、Sophisticated columnistSophisticated electronic deviceSophisticated weapon老于世故的人狡黠的女人老练的专栏作家高度精密的电子仪器尖端武器These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population, and abound in natural resources.这些发展中国家,土地辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富。The level of education of women still falls short of the pr

8、oclaimed goals.妇女受教育的水平尚未达到宣布的目标。在数字、日期、距离、方位以及名称等方面有无错漏有无漏译有无误译有无逻辑不通、行文不顺之处有无翻译腔有无误用标点符号之处注意:通常要校核两遍。第一遍:内容 第二遍:文字润饰克服翻译症 (translationese)何谓翻译症翻译症的原因如何克服翻译症何谓翻译症翻译腔/翻译体把原语的语言形式、表达方式、句法结构机械的移植到译入语中,因而形成一种不符合译入语表达习惯的语言混合体。其主要特征是只顾在形式上逐词逐句地紧随原文,忽略译入语语言结构的特点和习惯表达方式,译文生硬牵强,可读性差。翻译症的原因1.理解错误2.表达错误如何克服翻译

9、症1.理解原文的表层结构和深层结构。2.注意汉语表达习惯,以汉语行文的习惯组织语言,篇章结构。3.认真审校。A. 看译文中有没有冗余的词语B. 看译文中有没有不符合汉语句法的表达C. 看译文中的逻辑关系是否清晰。译者必备的素质扎实的英语、汉语基础广阔的知识面To know everything of something and something of everything合理的翻译策略Exercise 11. Half the prize money he spent, and the rest was laid aside for a rainy day.2. The opposition

10、 speaker accused the British Government of leading the country up the garden path on the question of civil defense.3. Let me catch those boys stealing my apples again, and Ill set the dog on them.4. I shall have to pay the bill some time, so I may as well pay it now.5. Smith is in for trouble now; h

11、e was nailed using a crib in the English examination.6. Chinas entry in to WTO and the awarding of the 2008 Summer Olympics to Beijing have caused many developers to push their way into the citys property market.7. The price of vegetables has rocketed recently.8. He allowed his abilities to run to s

12、eed.9. In order to overcome transport difficulties, it is suggested that firms should stagger working hours.10. Ive no objection to your having an hour off to go shopping if you can get anyone to stand in for you.11. If a person had once been taken to her heart, she would hear nothing said against him.



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