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1、 Lesson 5北京市昌平三中北京市昌平三中 刘艳山刘艳山What is it ?our playgroundteaching buildingschool culture boardWhat is it ?experiment buildinggymdinning hallWhat do you think of our school ?A good news A group of foreign students will visit our school next week . I want to make a plan to welcome them Can you offer me

2、 some suggestions ?Offering suggestions :We can.We should.How about .Ask for suggestions :What can/could/should we do ?Do you have any more ideas ?Useful structures to offer suggestionsA plan to welcome them ?We should.How about.food fruitssome giftsclean our schoolfind some information about the hi

3、story of our school.What should we prepare ?A plan to welcome them ?We can.How about.have a partytake them around.What can we do with them?More suggestionsdecorate our school with flowersjoin our classes and activitieslearn about their cultureintroduce Chinese culture to themask about their tripshow

4、 them around our schoolA dialogue The class is discussing what they should do for the visit of students from England tomorrow.Maybe they have more good suggestions. A class discussionwait at the school gate for them shake handssmile and say hellosay your nameask the teacher about his / her ageask ab

5、out their triptalk about Chinatalk about sportshelp them find their classroom1. Listen to the class discussion. What ideas do the stuents have ? put the ticks in the boxes.听力技巧听力技巧 tips - take notes , keywordsa. Dont speak too much.b. Make sure you dont make any English mistakes.c. You dont have to

6、shake hands with the students.d. Dont worry about making mistakes.e. You shouldnt talk about the weather.f. Dont laugh at their Chinese mistakes.g. You shouldnt ask their teacher about his / her age.Here are some teachers suggestions. Guess the right ones according to your experience.听力技巧听力技巧 a tip-

7、 predict according to our experience(根据(根据经验预测)What suggestions does the teacher give the students ? Circle the correct letters.a. Dont speak too much.b. Make sure you dont make any English mistakes.c. You dont have to shake hands with the students.d. Dont worry about making mistakes.e. You shouldnt

8、 talk about the weather.f. Dont laugh at their Chinese mistakes.g. You shouldnt ask their teacher about his / her age.1. Why shouldnt we shake hands with the students ?2.Why shouldnt we ask their teacher about his / her age ?Because it is formal .Because it is not polite .listen again and answer the

9、se two questions .If some foreign visitors will come to our school, can you make a plan to welcome them ?A new taskThe plan to welcome the foreign visitors.What should we prepare?What can we do with them ?What can we ask them?What should we pay attention to ? summary What can /could / should we do?D

10、o you have any more ideas?What else? Any other ideas?Asking for suggestions:We can / could / should .I think we should . How about ?Offering suggestions:self-assessment (自评) The things I did Evaluation I was active to think and answer the questions in this class 5 4 3 2 1 I worked together with my p

11、artners very well 5 4 3 2 1I can use the listening tips 5 4 3 2 1I can use the structure in this lesson to ask for and offer suggestions 5 4 3 2 1I can make a plan to welcome the foreign students 5 4 3 2 1TOTAL SCORES 5 4 3 2 120-25: Excellent15-19:Very good10-14:Good班班别_ 姓名:姓名:_ 得分得分:_ 1. Read and

12、learn the dialogue2.Write your plan to welcome foreign visitors on your exercisebook.Homeworkact the dialogue in group.What can we ask them about?What can we do with them ?What shouldnt we ask ?why ? Some questions to ask them.namefamilyweatherfavourite foodfavourite sportstheir culture.shake handss

13、ay hellointroduce ourselves.Work in pairs. Try to role-play the foreign students, and then make conversations like the textbook shows.Hi, welcome to our school.Thank you. Im . Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too. I am . How about your trip?Well, its . Hi, I am . Welcome to our school.Nice to meet

14、 you. Im . Your school is so beautiful. Thank you. Ill introduce you the special places in our school later. Great! I think I will love it. Do you have more interesting conversation?Please share it with the whole class.A:I am so happy for you that you will go to Japan.B:Thank you. But I dont know ho

15、w to live there because of my poor Japanese.A: A:Professor Smith, may I ask you a question?B:Of course. Go ahead.A:How can I improve my oral English?B:Youd better speak English any time you can.Can you think about any other sentences about asking for suggestions or offering suggestions?What do you t

16、hink we should do? 你觉得我们该做些什么呢?(通用)你觉得我们该做些什么呢?(通用)Id like to have your advice on . 我想请你对我想请你对.提些建议。(较正式)提些建议。(较正式)Asking for suggestionsYoud better .你最好你最好.。(较随便)。(较随便)Why not .?干嘛不干嘛不.?(较随便)?(较随便)Be sure to . 一定要一定要.(较随便)(较随便)What about .? .怎么样?(较随便)怎么样?(较随便)It seems to me that you should .我想你应我想你

17、应当当.(较正式)(较正式)Offering suggestions:Can you think about any other .?Have you got anything else?.You may / might.What about .You dont have to .Think of ideas and suggestions for the foreign students goodbye party.Work in pairs with the example.Example: What can we do for the goodbye party?Good idea. W

18、hat else?I think we should have some local snacks.Read the sentences and pay attention to the underlined parts.1. Yes, we can have a party.2. Yes, we can.3. We saw some people.4. Some of us want to go.5. The answer is on the board.6. Whos on the team?Strong and weak forms of words.Listen and circle

19、the sentences with strong forms.1 a) Yes, we can have a party. b) Yes, we can.2 a) We saw some people. b) Some of us want to go.3 a) The answer is on the board. b) Whos on the team?Listen to the sentences and repeat.1. Yes, we can have a party.2. Yes, we can.3. We saw some people.4. Some of us want

20、to go.5. The answer is on the board.6. Whos on the team?用花来装饰学校用花来装饰学校Translate the following phrases.decorate the school with flowersintroduce Chinese culture to themwait at the school gate for themshow them around the school把中国文化介绍给他们把中国文化介绍给他们带他们参观校园带他们参观校园在学校门口等他们在学校门口等他们帮他们找到自己的教室帮他们找到自己的教室help them find their classroom



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