高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Section 3 Using Language课件 新人教版选修8

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1、Meeting your ancestorsUnit 5 Section Using Language栏目导航课前教材预案课前教材预案课堂深度拓展课堂深度拓展课后限时作业课后限时作业课末随堂演练课末随堂演练.Read the text and match the main idea with each paragraph.Para.1:( ) A.The description of Dahu.Para.2:( ) B.How did Dahu make tools.Para.3:( ) C.Lala and her families made preparations for the fea

2、st.Para.4:( ) D.Lala worried about the preparations for thefeast and she hoped the feast could be as good as the one last year.课前教材预案课前教材预案DCAB.Scan the text and choose the best answer according to the text.1.What is the main idea of the passage?A.The marriage life of Lala and Dahu.B.The separate re

3、sponsibilities of men and women.C.The differences between early life and modern life.D.The preparations for a feast.答案:D2.Why did Lala accelerate her walk? A.Because she sensed wild animals following behind her.B.Because she feared her husband would get angry for her delay.C.Because she had to prepa

4、re the feast.D.Because she wanted to have more time for her preparation job.答案:A3.From the first paragraph,we can learn that the family groups lived on_.A.fishing B.trading C.farming D.hunting答案:D4.Whats the best title of the text? A.The marriage of Lala and Dahu.B.The collection of foods.C.The prep

5、arations for the feast.D.The separate responsibilities.答案:C5.According to the text, what was Lalas attitude towards her marriage?A.She felt so shy.B.She felt so worried.C.She felt very satisfied. D.She felt sorrowful.答案:C.Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese.1.It was the custo

6、m of family groups to separate and then gather again at different sites for reunions as they followed the animal herds across the grasslands.答案:由于在草原上放牧,家族成员先分散开,然后再在不同的地方相聚,这是他们的一个习俗。2.Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing that there might be wild beasts lying in wait for her.答

7、案:拉拉沿着回洞穴的路走着,她的步伐加快了,担心会有野兽在等着她。3.He had a large, square face, with strongly pronounced eyebrows and cheekbones.答案:他的脸盘很大,方形脸,浓眉大眼,颧骨凸出。4.They were in a pile with other sharp arrowheads and stone axe-heads.答案:这些工具同其他一些锐利的箭头和石斧头堆在一起。Point significance n.意义;意思;重要性;重要意义课堂深度拓展课堂深度拓展考点一单词点击be of signifi

8、cance=be significant 有意义,有重要性be of no significance 无意义/不重要be of great/little significance 非常/不太重要attach (great) significance to 认为重要,引起的重视His university was aware of the significance of his work.(教材P40)他的大学意识到了他工作的重要性。The encouragement from a teacher is really of great significance to his/her studen

9、ts, especially when the students have trouble with study.老师的鼓励的确很重要,尤其是当学生学习上出现了问题的时候。It is of no significance to fight for an unwinnable war.在一场毫无胜算的战争中拼搏是毫无意义的。We all know that the cost of heating our homes will continue to be a significant burden on the family budget.大家都知道家庭取暖的费用将仍是家庭开支的一种巨大负担。(1

10、)significant adj.重要的(2)significantly adv.显著地单句语法填空。(1)Most students think it _(significance) to join the English corner, though a few havent realized the _(significant) of it.(2)Young people attach great significance to _(become) famous.significantsignificancebecomingPoint somehow adv.以方式;通过某种途径;不知怎

11、么地;不知为什么Somehow he cycled thirty miles to Dr. Black because there was no alternative means of transport.(教材P40)他想办法骑车三十英里去向布莱克博士报告,因为在当时没有其他的交通工具。Somehow, I dont feel I can trust him.不知什么缘故,我觉得不能信任他。He arrived in Beijing somehow, though I dont know how he did it.反正他到了北京,虽然我不知道他是怎样去的。anyhow=anyway ad

12、v. 不管怎样;无论如何;即使如此somewhat adv.有点儿,有几分,稍微(sort of/kind of)somehow or other 不知是什么原因;由于某种原因;以某种方式Somehow or other we became friends, I never knew just why it was.不知何故我们成了好朋友,我一直不知道怎么会这样。It may be risky but we will chance it anyhow.这可能有危险,但我们无论如何也要冒一冒险。The cake we made was somewhat of a failure.我们做的蛋糕不太

13、成功。【温馨提示】 副词somehow在句中可置于句首、句中或句末。置于句首及句末时也可与主句之间用逗号隔开。选词填空(anyhow,somehow,somewhat)。(1)We must get the work finished _ or other by tomorrow morning.(2)It may rain, but _ I shall go out, I dont mind the rain.(3)The price was _ higher than Id expected.somehowanyhowsomewhatPoint arrest vt.逮捕;吸引(注意力);阻

14、止 n.逮捕;拘留She had almost reached her destination when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped.(教材P43)快到达目的地的时候,一阵香气扑鼻,她停下来,不往前走了。(1)arrest sb.for doing sth.因逮捕/拘留某人 draw/arrest/catch/hold/attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意 get arrested 被逮捕(2)be under arrest 在关押中 make an arrest 进行拘捕You cou

15、ld get arrested for doing that.你做那种事可能要遭到逮捕。An unusual noise arrested my attention.一阵不寻常的嘈杂声引起了我的注意。The police made several arrests during the football match.警方在足球赛时逮捕了一些人。单句语法填空。(1)Dont litter in the street in Singapore, or you could _(arrest).(2)He was arrested _ drunken driving on his way to the

16、football game.(3)The 64-year-old Nobel laureate has spent nearly 14 of the last 20 years _ arrest.be arrestedforunder考点二短语诠释Point be/get fed up with 受够了;饱受;厌烦Well, Im fed up with all the attention and(教材P41)哦,我受够了所有的关注,还有get/be bored with 对感到厌烦;对烦闷be/get tired of厌烦People get fed up with anyone who b

17、rags all the time.人们讨厌老是自吹自擂的人。I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness.我受够了他的懒惰和粗心。We are fed up with his grumbling.我们已经听厌了他的牢骚。Im fed up with this weather. Its time we had some sunshine.我对这种天气极其厌倦,我们该晒晒太阳了。Maybe youre bored with your current skills and want to learn some new skills.也许你对自己目前掌

18、握的技能感到厌倦,想要去学一些新技术。单句改错。(1)I am feeding up with endless examinations.Cheer up, David. Keep on until the college entrance examination ends.解析:be fed up with厌烦。(2)Mr. Smith was tired from the boring speech, and started to read a novel.解析:be tired of厌烦,be tired from因而感到累。fedofPoint date back to=date fr

19、om 追溯到All the objects can be dated back to between 3,000 and 5,000 years ago.(教材P44)所有这些东西可被追溯到3千至5千年前。His interest in the art can date back to a little accident in his childhood.他对美术的兴趣可以追溯到孩童时代的一件小事。注意:注意:date back to可以用date from来表示,它们都无进行时态。当谈论现在的一件物品时,虽然该物品产生于过去某一时间,但时态用现在时。单句语法填空。(1)Graffiti(涂鸦

20、) has existed since ancient times with examples _(date)back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. 单句改错。(2)Whether the legend is true or not, the discovery of coffee dates back from 800 AD when Africans created a coffeeberry pulp.解析:句意:不论这个传说是真是假,咖啡的发现要回溯到公元800年,那时非洲人制造出了一种咖啡浆果浆。datingtoPoint look

21、ahead 向前看;为将来打算If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year!(教材P43)要是她今年早有预见,计划得更好些就好了!I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring.我喜欢幻想未来的样子。 A match like this always helps you to look ahead.这样一场比赛总让你展望将来。look down upon/on 看不起,歧视look forward to 盼望,期望look into 调查,研究

22、look through 温习,仔细检查,浏览look up 查阅;往上看look up to 尊敬,敬仰用由look构成的短语的适当形式填空。(1)The government has set up a working party to _ the problem of drug abuse.(2)Its very noble of you to_my old grandmother when I was out for business.(3)You should _ the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary. look

23、intolook afterlook up考点三句型归纳Point if only 但愿;要是但愿;要是就好了就好了!If only it could be just like last year!(教材P43)要是能像去年那样该有多好啊!点拨点拨:本句是if only引导的一个虚拟语气句子。if only后接一般过去时的句子,表示现在没有实现的愿望;if only后接过去完成时的句子,表示过去没有实现的愿望;if only后接过去将来时的句子表示将来不太可能实现的愿望。语气上常译为“要是就好了”。Life would be easier,if only her husband would s

24、wear off gambling.只要她丈夫发誓戒掉赌博,生活就不会那么艰难了。(对将来时间的虚拟)If only I knew what you wanted.要是我知道你需要什么就好了。(对现在情况的虚拟)If only he had lived up to his philosophy of life,they would not have minded his talking over their heads.要是他真的实践了他的人生哲学,他们是不会计较他的高谈阔论的。(对过去时间的虚拟)【注意】 only if表示“只有,只要”, 后接让步状语从句,当从句前置时,主句采用倒装句式。

25、比较: The lawyer is paid only if he wins.律师只有赢了官司才能拿钱。Only if you have finished your homework can you go swimming.除非你把功课做完了,否则不准去游泳。单句语法填空。(1)If only he _(arrive) on time, he would not have been punished.(2)I think: if only she _(diagnose) earlier, if only I were not so far away. Then hope, not guilt,

26、 would be a visitor. 解析:句意:我觉得,如果再早一点诊断的话,如果我住在离她不那么远的地方,那可能还有希望,我感到的就不会是愧疚了。had arrivedhad been diagnosedPoint only to do不料,结果却不料,结果却Abruptly she sat down,only to be scooped up by her laughing,shouting sister,Luna.(教材P43)她突然坐了下来,结果被爱吵闹的妹妹露娜一把抱了起来。点拨:句中only to do 是不定式作结果状语,意为“不料,结果却”,表示出乎意料或令人失望的结果。

27、I hurried to the post office only to find it closed.我匆匆地去邮局,却发现它已经关门了。They reached the company out of breath only to be told they were fired.他们上气不接下气地赶到公司,不料却被告知他们被开除了。不定式和现在分词作不定式和现在分词作“结果结果”状语的区别状语的区别(1)不定式作结果状语时,表示其动作发生的结果在谓语动词之后,往往表示未曾预料到的或令人不快的结果,不定式前常加only;另外,还用于tooto,enoughto,neverto,so/sucha

28、s to等固定结构中。He hurried to the station, only to find that the train had left.他匆忙地赶到车站,结果发现火车已经开走了。She wanted to do a good deed, only to be scolded by her teacher.她想做件好事,不料反而受到老师的斥责。 (2)现在分词作结果状语时,表示伴随谓语动词的发生而产生的自然结果(同时发生),有时在前面加上thus/so/thereby/therefore,谓语动词与现在分词的动作是因果关系。Agriculture has developed rap

29、idly, thus providing light industry with ample raw materials.农业迅速发展,从而为轻工业提供了充足的原料。He dropped the glasses on the ground, bursting it into pieces.他把眼镜掉到了地上,摔成了碎片。单句语法填空。(1)With her encouragement, he applied for a job with Fuller Brush Co., only _(turn) down. 解析:句意:在她的鼓励之下,他向福勒牙刷公司申请了一份工作,结果却遭到拒绝。这里是不定式表意料之外的结果。(2)At the end of the festival, the branches are thrown into the river, thus _(take) bad luck away.解析:句意:在庆典结束后,人们把树枝丢到河里让它们随波流走,这样会把厄运一起带走。现在分词作状语,表示自然的结果。 to be turnedtaking



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