八年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet课件 (1)

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3、。太阳系太阳系是以太阳为中心,有是以太阳为中心,有8颗行星、至少颗行星、至少165颗已知颗已知的卫星、的卫星、5颗已经辨认出来的矮行星和数以亿计的太阳颗已经辨认出来的矮行星和数以亿计的太阳系小天体。依照至太阳的距离,行星依序是水星、金系小天体。依照至太阳的距离,行星依序是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星。星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星。8颗颗行星中的行星中的6颗有天然的卫星环绕。颗有天然的卫星环绕。YUri Gagarin, 1961年年4月月12日,苏联发射世界第一艘载人飞船日,苏联发射世界第一艘载人飞船“东方东方”1号号,是世界上第一个载人航天器。苏联航天员是

4、世界上第一个载人航天器。苏联航天员加加加加林林乘飞船绕地飞行乘飞船绕地飞行108分钟,安全返回地面,成为世界分钟,安全返回地面,成为世界上上进入太空飞行的第一人进入太空飞行的第一人。1968 年年12月月27日日, 阿波罗阿波罗8号号(Apollo 8)第一次载人的第一次载人的月球行动月球行动, 在完成了历时六天在完成了历时六天的历史性航行后的历史性航行后, 安全返回地球安全返回地球。美国美国“阿特兰蒂斯阿特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机(号航天飞机(STS Atlantis )与国际空间站成功实现对接)与国际空间站成功实现对接“嫦娥一号嫦娥一号”月球探测卫星于月球探测卫星于2007年年10月月24日在西

5、昌卫星中心发射升空。日在西昌卫星中心发射升空。2009年年3月月1日成功撞击月球,日成功撞击月球,为我国探月一期工程画为我国探月一期工程画上圆满句号。上圆满句号。“嫦娥二号嫦娥二号” 于于2010年年10月月1日成功升空日成功升空对月球虹湾地区进行高清晰度拍摄对月球虹湾地区进行高清晰度拍摄,将将为为嫦娥三号卫星发射和着陆做好准备。嫦娥三号卫星发射和着陆做好准备。“嫦娥三号嫦娥三号”“怀抱怀抱”中国首辆月球车中国首辆月球车“玉兔玉兔号号”飞天落月。飞天落月。“神舟五号神舟五号”飞船是我国第飞船是我国第一一艘载人艘载人飞船飞船,乘,乘有有一一名航天员,在轨道运行了名航天员,在轨道运行了一一天。将航

6、天天。将航天员的生理数据、电视图像发送地面,中国成员的生理数据、电视图像发送地面,中国成为第三个有能力独自将人送上为第三个有能力独自将人送上太空太空的国家。的国家。Fei Junlong Nie Haisheng “神舟六号神舟六号”与与“神舟五号神舟五号”在外形上没有差在外形上没有差别,为推进舱、返回舱、轨道舱结构,重别,为推进舱、返回舱、轨道舱结构,重量在量在8吨左右,用长征二号吨左右,用长征二号F型运载火箭发型运载火箭发射。它是中国第二艘搭载太空人的飞船,射。它是中国第二艘搭载太空人的飞船,是中国第一艘执行是中国第一艘执行“多人多天多人多天”任务的载人任务的载人飞船。飞船。the She

7、nzhou-8 manned spaceship“神舟八号神舟八号”发射升空后,与天宫发射升空后,与天宫一号对接,成为一座小型空间站。一号对接,成为一座小型空间站。“神舟九号”载人宇宙飞船,载人宇宙飞船,2012年年6月月16日日18时时37分发射分发射,与天宫一号实施自动交与天宫一号实施自动交会对接,是中国实施首次载人空间交会对会对接,是中国实施首次载人空间交会对接。并于接。并于2012年年6月月29日日10点点00分安全返分安全返回,这也是载人航天飞船首次在夏季发射。回,这也是载人航天飞船首次在夏季发射。 the Shenzhou-9 manned spaceshipModule 3 Jo

8、urney to spaceUnit2Unit2WWe have not found life on any other planets yet.e have not found life on any other planets yet.Unit2We have not found life on any other planets yet.Module 3 Journey to spaceUnit2 Unit2 We have not found life on any other planets yet.We have not found life on any other planet

9、s yet.-reading for main ideassaepms.the Galaxyungalaxiessolar systemuniverseBrainstorming=the Milky WayWhat things can you think of(你会想到什么你会想到什么)?paceshipstronautarthlanetoon1. the Galaxy2. planet 3. solar system4. star 5. galaxy 6.universeMatch the words with the meanings in Chinese.A.行星行星B.银河系银河系C

10、.星系星系D.恒星恒星E.太阳系太阳系F.宇宙宇宙1. Anyone out there?2. Life on Earth3. The sun and other stars4. The stars at nightRead the passage and choose the best title for it. Task 1P20Anyone out there? Read Paragraph 1 and choose the main idea for it.Whats the main idea of Paragraph 1?B.Scientists havent found life

11、 on any other planets.A.Scientists have found life on some other planets.Where can we find the main idea?Tip1:Pay attention to the last sentence. No,we havent.There has been life for hundreds of millions of years.(已经有已经有)(数亿年,上亿年数亿年,上亿年)Read Paragraph 1 again and answer the questions.Read Paragraph

12、2 and choose the main idea for it.Whats the main idea of Paragraph 2?A.The earth is a planet and it goes around the sun.B.It tells us something about the solar system and the Galaxy .C.There are billions of stars in the Galaxy,and our sun is only one of them.Where can we find the main idea?Tip2:Pay

13、attention to the key words. Read Paragraph 2 and check()the true sentences. 1.The earth is a star. 2.The sun is a star. 3.There are seven planets in the solar system and they go around the sun. 4.There is only one star in the Galaxy. planet eight There are billions of starsThe earth goes around the

14、sun,and_other planets go around the sun too.The sun and its planets are called_.Our solar system is part of_.There are_ stars in the Milky Way,and our_ is only one of them. Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks.seventhe solar systemthe Galaxy or the Milky Way billions ofsunthat指代什么指代什么?Read Paragr

15、aph 3 and choose the main idea for it.Whats the main idea of Paragraph 3?B.Its impossible to imagine.A.Scientists have discovered many other galaxies.Where can we find the main ideas?Tip3:Pay attention to the first sentence. 1. There is one galaxy in the universe. 2. The light from the stars in othe

16、r galaxies has to travel for a long time to reach the sun.3. Scientists can imagine how large the universe is. There are more than one/many other galaxiesRead Paragraph 3 and correct the mistakes. us /the earth cantRead Paragraph 4 and choose the main idea for it.Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4?A

17、.Scientists have sent spaceships to the planet Mars to take photos.B.Scientists have done lots of things with the help of spaceships.Where can we find the main ideas?Scientists have done a lot of things with the help of the_in the universe.They have even_spaceships to the_Mars to take_.They have eve

18、n sent spaceships to travel outside the_.Now no spaceships has travelled far enough to reach other_ in our Galaxy.But it will be possible one day.Read Paragraph 4 and complete the passage with the right form of the words in the box.send,solar system,spaceship,star,photo,planetspaceshipssentplanetpho

19、tossolar systemstarsT or Paragraph 1:reading for main ideasParagraph 2:Paragraph 3:Paragraph4:Paragraph5:the universeScientists havent found life on any other planets.It tells us something about the solar system and the Galaxy.Scientists have discovered many other galaxies.Scientists have done lots

20、of things with the help of spaceships.Scientists still have some questions about the universe.Tip1:Pay attention to the key words. Tip2:Pay attention to the first or the last sentence. 1. Use the reading skills we have learned today to fininsh the reading exercise on Page2.(应用应用本节课所学到的阅读策略完成阅读理解。本节课

21、所学到的阅读策略完成阅读理解。)2.Read the passage of Unit2 after the tape.(听磁听磁带并朗读课文带并朗读课文)Homeworksaepss.the Galaxypaceshipstronautuntarslanetarthgalaxysolar systemuniverseBrainstormingthe Milky Waysaepss.the Galaxypaceshipstronautuntarslanetarthgalaxysolar systemuniverseBrainstormingthe Milky WayMatch the main

22、ideas with the paragraphs.(将各段和主将各段和主要内容相连线要内容相连线)Para.1B.Scientists havent found life on any other planets.D.There is the solar system and the Galaxy in the universe.E.Scientists have discovered many other galaxies.Para.4Para.3Para.5Para.2C.Scientists have done lots of things with the spaceships.A.

23、 Scientists still have some questions about the universeTask 2aeps.paceshipstronautuntarslanetarthuniverseBrainstormingssFill in the blanks.(根据句意或中文补全句子根据句意或中文补全句子)1.The earth is a_and it goes around the_.2.The sun and its planets are called_.4.Scientists have discovered many other _(星系星系) in the_(宇宙)(宇宙).3.Our solar system is only a small part of the_.(银河系)(银河系)6.It is _to imagine how large the universe is.planetsunthe solar systemGalaxyMilky Waygalaxiesuniverseimpossible5.Its a good chance to_(交流交流)with the scientist about the municate



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