湖北省当阳市淯溪初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit4 《He said I was hardworking》 period 2 课件2 人教新目标版

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湖北省当阳市淯溪初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit4 《He said I was hardworking》 period 2 课件2 人教新目标版_第1页
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《湖北省当阳市淯溪初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit4 《He said I was hardworking》 period 2 课件2 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省当阳市淯溪初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit4 《He said I was hardworking》 period 2 课件2 人教新目标版(105页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语(英语(GO for it !)八年级)八年级 下册下册 Unit 4 He said I was hard-working 一一 教学内容分析教学内容分析 二二 词汇词汇 三三 句型句型 四四 听力和对话听力和对话 五五 阅读和写作阅读和写作 六六 知识网络构建知识网络构建 七七 单元检测单元检测课堂内容结构框架课堂内容结构框架前一单元回顾前一单元回顾一、回顾一、回顾UNIT 3学习内容学习内容第第3单元我们主要是学习了用过去进单元我们主要是学习了用过去进行时谈论过去正在发生的事情,并行时谈论过去正在发生的事情,并学会讲故事,能区分学会讲故事,能区分When和和While引导的时间状语从

2、句。引导的时间状语从句。词组英汉翻译词组英汉翻译在前面 _ in the bathroom _ 在厨房里 _ 从浴室出来 _ cook dinner _在电话上讲话 _ cut hair _ 在上着陆 _ 沿街向下走_the streetin front ofin the kitchen煮晚餐在浴室里get out of the showertalk on the phone理发land onwalk down进入一个商店 _a store 起飞 _unusual experience _ shop assistant _ museum of Flight _You are kidding _

3、 爬树 _叫警察 _一场车祸 _go into不寻常的经历售货员航空博物馆a car accidentcall the policeclimb a treetook off 你在开玩笑过去进行时过去进行时含义含义: 表示表示过去去某某个时刻刻正在正在进行行的的动作作。结构结构: be (was/were) + doing例句例句:What were you doing at nine last night? I was doing my homework at nine last night.请比较现在进行时请比较现在进行时I am doing my homework now.He _ _ _

4、 _ when I saw him.was riding a bicycle He _ _ in the lake while I was walking by the lake. was swimmingThey _ _ _when I left school.were playing basketballWhile her mother _ _,she knocked at(敲门 )the door.wascookingwhen表示做某种动作的时间或瞬间,由其引导的时间状语的时态如果是一般过去时,其主句通常要用过去进行时。while表示略长的一段时间,由其引导的时间状语从句用过去进行时,而

5、主句时态根据实际情况而定。1.当老师进来的时候,学生在讲话当老师进来的时候,学生在讲话The students were talking when teacher came in.2.妈妈正在做饭时,我到家了妈妈正在做饭时,我到家了While mother was cooking ,I got home. Exercises一一 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本单元是围绕本单元是围绕“评价评价”这一话这一话题展开的。运用题展开的。运用“He said I was hard-working.”“She said she was mad at Marcia.” 等核心句型等核心句型来谈论自我评价、同伴

6、评价和教师来谈论自我评价、同伴评价和教师评价。主要有评价。主要有Section A ,Section B和和Self check三大部分组成。三大部分组成。SECTION A1.听懂听懂别人的人的话语并能运用并能运用间接引接引语去去转述。述。2.转述述别人的人的话语时灵活使用人称灵活使用人称和相和相应时态。3.学会用学会用间接引接引语去去续写短文。写短文。1.运用直接引运用直接引语和和间接引接引语能听能听懂和懂和说出自己或他人的成出自己或他人的成绩报告告单。2.运用直接引运用直接引语和和间接引接引语能写能写出自己或他人的成出自己或他人的成绩报告告单。3.学学习情情态动词can的用法。的用法。S

7、ECTION B1.巩固本巩固本单元的元的单词和短和短语。2.进一步加深运用直接引一步加深运用直接引语和和间接引接引语去去读、说和写相和写相应的的文章。文章。SELF CHECK AND READING二二 词汇词汇本单元的名词有:本单元的名词有:message envelope semester village graduate volunteer area meter decision husband dormitory start influence hometown border danger本单元的形容词、副词有:本单元的形容词、副词有:mad anymore nervoushard

8、-working disappointing lucky own poor rural thin fortunately 本单元的动词有:本单元的动词有:copy ate return 本单元的动词短语有:本单元的动词短语有:be supposed to do well in get over open up care for pass on 本单元的其它短语有:本单元的其它短语有:first of all in good health report card in good health be supposed to worst do well in nervous be mad at1.M

9、y English teacher me, because my English is poor.2. I am because Im very strong.3. I always get when I see the envelope from school in the mail.4. My report was from my science teacher.5. I improve my English.6. Im a Chinese boy so I Chinese.is mad atin good healthnervousworstam supposed todo well i

10、nWords1.1.开一个惊喜的聚会:开一个惊喜的聚会:_ _ 2.2.首先:首先:_3.3.对对.非常恼怒:非常恼怒:_4. 4. 身体健康:身体健康:_5.5.勤勉的妇女:勤勉的妇女:_ _ 6.6.传递:传递:_7.7.观看一幕肥皂剧:观看一幕肥皂剧:_8.8.应该,被认为应该,被认为 _9. 9. 在周五晚上在周五晚上 _10.10.成绩报告单:成绩报告单:_11. 11. 不再不再 _12.12.直接引语直接引语:_ 1.1.开一个惊喜的聚会:开一个惊喜的聚会:_ _ 2.2.首先:首先:_3.3.对对.非常恼怒:非常恼怒:_4. 4. 身体健康:身体健康:_5.5.勤勉的妇女:勤勉

11、的妇女:_ _ 6.6.传递:传递:_7.7.观看一幕肥皂剧:观看一幕肥皂剧:_8.8.应该,被认为应该,被认为 _9. 9. 在周五晚上在周五晚上 _10.10.成绩报告单:成绩报告单:_11. 11. 不再不再 _12.12.直接引语直接引语:_ have a surprise partyfirst of allbe mad atbe in good healthhard-working womanwatch a soap operabe supposed toreport carddirect speechpass onnot anymoreon Friday night考点探究考点探究

12、1 Im mad at Marica.我生玛西娅的气。be/get mad at 意为“生的气、对恼火”。相当于be angry with. 例如:(1)My mother me for watching TV for hours. 母亲因为我看了几个小时的电视而生气。(2)Mr Wang is angry with us.(改为同义句) Mr Wang us. 王先生生我们的气。is mad atis mad at2.Lana told Ben that she wasnt mad at Marcia anymore. 拉娜告诉本他不再生玛西娅的气了。 Notany more意思是“不再”=

13、no more 例如: (1)He isnt here any more.(改为同义句) He is here. (2)I am no more mad at Marcia.(同上) I am mad at Marcia .no morenot any more3. I said that was OK and that I was sure she would get over it. 我说没关系,而且我相信她会忘掉的。我说没关系,而且我相信她会忘掉的。get over在这里指 。当此意讲时,over为 ,所以无论该短语的宾语是名词还是代词,都应放在over 。值得注意的是,get over

14、表示“干完(不愿做的事)”时,over是副词。后面接代词作宾语时,必须将代词放在 。“I just cant . It hurt me so much.” Said Tony. 托尼说:“我就是忘不了这事。它把我的心伤透了。”Well. Lets . After all, its our task. 得了,我们把它干完吧,毕竟这是我们的工作啊。“忘掉,原谅(不愉快的事)”介词介词之后之后get与与over之间之间get over itget it over4. I hope you are in good health. 我希望你身体健康。我希望你身体健康。in good health意为 ,

15、常用于句中作表语,相当于一个形容词 。例如:My grandpa is in good health. 我爷爷身体很好。“身体健康的”healthy三三 句型句型SUMMARY I am mad at Marcia. She said she was mad at Marcia. I can speak English. He said he could speak English. I will call you tomorrow. She said she would call me tomorrow. What did your math teacher say? He said I w

16、as hard-working. The girl said, “I can come to the party. (直接引语) The girl said she could come to the party . (间接引语) The boy said ,“I cant come to the party.” The boy said he couldnt come to the party. What did he say?I am working hardI am jumping and dancingHe said he was jumping and dancingHe said

17、he was working hard.I go to the beach every Sunday I read books everydayWhat did he/she say?he went to the beachevery Sunday.I eat bread every morningHe/she saidshe ate bread every morning.he read books everydayI can play the pianoWhat did she /he say?I can speak three languagesShe said she could pl

18、ay the pianoHe said he could speak three languagesBill GatesI am hard-working every day.我我每天都很认真学习。每天都很认真学习。He said he was hard-working every day.他他说说他他每天都很每天都很认真学习。认真学习。人称人称I dont like cleaning the room.我不喜欢打扫我不喜欢打扫房间。房间。He said he didnt like cleaning the room.他说他不喜欢打扫房间。他说他不喜欢打扫房间。时态时态He is unfrie

19、ndly.Lana said He is funny.Marcia said He is serious.Ben said He is friendly.Ben said This is my computer.这是这是我的我的电脑。电脑。He said this was his computer.他他说这是说这是他的他的电脑。电脑。所有格所有格将直接引语改写为间接引语将直接引语改写为间接引语(注意所有格)(注意所有格)Tom told Jane, I will lend my bicycle to you.Tom told Jane that _ _ he would lend his bi

20、cycle to her/Jane. Grammar: 直接引语与间接引语直接引语与间接引语1.直接引语与间接引语的概念:直接引语与间接引语的概念: 说话人直接引用别人的原话叫说话人直接引用别人的原话叫直接引语。直接引语。 说话人用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来叫说话人用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来叫间接引语。间接引语。 间接引语用途更为普遍。间接引语用途更为普遍。2.直接引语变间接引语时要注意:直接引语变间接引语时要注意: (1)间接引语中从句的间接引语中从句的谓语要与主句的谓语时态一致。谓语要与主句的谓语时态一致。 (2)变间接引语时根据意思变间接引语时根据意思改变人称和所有格改变人称和所有

21、格。直接引语直接引语间接引语间接引语一般现在时一般现在时一般一般过去过去时时一般将来时一般将来时过去过去将来时将来时现在进行时现在进行时过去过去进行时进行时过去时态过去时态直接引语直接引语间接引语间接引语amiswasarewereHavehashadwillwouldcancoulddodid词汇变化规律表词汇变化规律表直接引语直接引语间接引语间接引语1. am/is1. was2. are3. have/has4 .do5.will6. cant2.were3.had4.did5.would6.couldnt1.He told Marcia he (willwould) call her

22、tomorrow.2.Ben said he (cancould) speak four languages.3.Judy said she(goeswent) to the movies last Friday.4.My mother said she (iswas) cooking supper.Choose the right answer.CHANGE THE SENTENCES INTO THE REPORTED SPEECH 1. Tony said, “I can play the violin.” Tony said _ 2. Tanya said, “Carol is stu

23、dying Japanese.” Tanya said_ he could play the violin.Carol was studying Japanese.4. Susan said, “Im very hungry.” Susan said_5. She said, “You can do better at science.” She said_6. He said, “I have to get up early.” He said_she was very hungry.I could do better at science.he had to get up early.四四

24、 听力和对话听力和对话Section A 听力和对话听力和对话What is a soap opera? Do you ever watch soap operas? 1a Talk about the questionsSoap operasYoung LivesMarciaLanaBen1b Listen and number the statements(1- 4) in the picture.3421LISTENING PRACTICE1c Ask and answer questions about what the people in the soap opera said.A:

25、 What did she say?B: She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.have a surprise party 举办一个惊喜晚会举办一个惊喜晚会2a Listen and circle true or false for each statement.1. Ben told Lana that Marcia was going true false to have a surprise party for her. 2. Lana said she wasnt mad at Marcia

26、true false anymore. 3. Lana said that she wouldnt go to true false Marcias house on Friday night. 4. Marcia called everyone and told them true false she wasnt going to have the party. 5. Lana told Marcia she would bring true false some books to her house on Friday night.2b Listen again. What did the

27、 people on TV say? Circle the correct answers.1.Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.Marcia ( is / will ) going to have a surprise party for you.2. Lana said she wasnt mad at Marcia anymore.I ( am / was ) not mad at Marcia anymore.3. Lana said she would go to Marcias

28、house on Friday night.I ( will / would ) go to Marcias house on Friday night.4. Marcia told everyone she wasnt going to have the party.I ( am / was ) not going to have the party.5. Lana said she would bring some drinks and snacks to Marcias house.I ( will / would ) bring some drinks and snacks to yo

29、ur house.小吃小吃2c PAIRWORK Have a conversation about last nights episode of “Young Lives”.A: What happened on “Young Lives” last night?B: Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.插曲;一个事件插曲;一个事件Section B 听力和对话听力和对话2a Listen and fill in the speech bubbles.Youre hard-working.Y

30、oure good at speaking.You can do better.Name: ScottClass: Class 11 Math hard-workingSpanish good at speakingHistory can do betterScience lazy studentWhat did Scotts teachers say about Scot?2b1. Name: Class:Math hard-workingSpanishgood at listeningHistorycan do betterSciencelazy student2. Name: Class

31、:Math hard-workingSpanishgood at speakingHistorycan do betterSciencegood student3. Name: Class:Math hard-workingSpanishgood at speakingHistorycan do betterSciencelazy student4. Name: Class:Math hard-workingSpanishgood at speakingHistoryshould do betterSciencelazy studentWhich is Scotts report card?A

32、: What did your math teacher say?B: He said I was hard-working.Pairwork2C五五 阅读和写作阅读和写作3a Read the newspaper story. Fill in the blanks. “Young Lives” this week It was an exciting week for the people on the soap opera “Young Lives”. First of all, Marcia told Ben she _ having a surprise party for Lana,

33、 and that Lana she was going to her house to study. Then Lana Ben she mad at Marcia, and that she going to her house on Friday. So Ben told Lana that Marcia was to have a party for her. Lana told Ben that she mad at Marcia anymore, and that she go to Marcias house on Friday night. However, Marcia ca

34、lled everyone and them that she going to have the party.wasthoughttoldwaswasntgoingwasntwouldtoldwasnt*请同学们想一想请同学们想一想3a用了什么样的用了什么样的描述方式?描述方式?*请试着设想下一个小插曲去续写请试着设想下一个小插曲去续写文章。文章。3b Imagine the next episode of “Young Lives”. Finish the newspaper article.Last night on “Young Lives”, it was an exciting n

35、ight. There was a surprising party. Lana said she would bring some drinks and snacks to Marcias house on Friday night. But Lana forgot to bring some things. Marcia was still very glad. Then they went to the park outside the Marcias house. Marcia and Lana were surprised to see their classmates. They

36、smiled. Then every student took out their gifts. They laughed, ate and drank. How happy they were!SECTION B READING AND WRITINGOpen your books at Page 30,look at 3a. Read Alans letter to his grandmother.Find Alans report card in activity 2b on page 29Check the answers: Alans report card is number 1

37、Read 3a again, answer these questions:1.Whats wrong with Alans grandpa? 2. What exam did she finish last week?3. Did Alan do OK this time?4. How does Alan feel when she see the envelope from school?5. Did Alan do well in science? 6.What did her science teacher say?He had a cold last week.She finishe

38、d her end-of-year exams.Yes, she did.She always get nervous.No, she didnt.Her science teacher said she was lazy. 1.“be sorry to do sth” 对做某事感到难过或遗憾对做某事感到难过或遗憾. e.g.: We are sorry to hear your accident. 2.have a hard time with 做做有困难有困难 e.g.: He has a hard time with English.考点探究考点探究READ 3A AGAIN1 从从总体

39、上描述成体上描述成绩报告告单的句子是什么?的句子是什么?2 每个科目艾每个科目艾伦是怎是怎样评价的?老价的?老师是怎是怎样评价的?价的?评价的句式是怎价的句式是怎样的?的?3 写信的格式是怎写信的格式是怎样的?的?4 你你发现写成写成绩报告告单的方法了的方法了吗?3b Pretend to be Scott. Use the information from activity 2b to write a letter to a relative or a friend about your report card.Name: ScotClass: Class 11 Math hard-work

40、ingSpanish good at speakingHistory can do betterScience lazy studentDear , I got my report card today. aunt My math teacher said that I was hard-working. My Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. My history is not so good. The teacher said I should do better. My science teacher said I was a la

41、zy student. Ill have to try harder at science. Yours, Scott3c Write your own report card. Dear Mother, This is my report card. My math teacher said I was lazy. Please dont worry about me. I can catch up with other students. My English teacher said I was good at speaking and listening. I should more

42、practice writing and reading. My Chinese teacher said I was good. My science teacher said I did best. Yours, LindaUnit 4readingShe said helping others changed her life.What do you think of your life?(food, clothes, lifestyle, study environment)How are you feeling now?(happy, get bored, exciting,.) W

43、e need help We need help the poorthe poorWe need help We need help childrenchildrenWe need help We need help old peopleold peoplePOOR VILLAGE SCHOOL What can we do to help them?send volunteers to teach in Chinas rural areas.颁奖词:在最崎岖的山路上点燃知识的火把,在最寂寞的悬崖边拉起孩子们求学的小手,19年的清贫、坚守和操劳,沉淀为精神的沃土,让希望发芽。Do you kn

44、ow them?普通人的大爱 烛照深山李桂林、陆建芬 Do you know him? 颁奖辞:如果眼泪是一种财富,徐本禹就是一个富有的人,在颁奖辞:如果眼泪是一种财富,徐本禹就是一个富有的人,在过去的一年里,他让我们泪流满面。从繁华的城市,他走进大过去的一年里,他让我们泪流满面。从繁华的城市,他走进大山深处,用一个刚刚毕业大学生稚嫩的肩膀,扛住了倾颓的教山深处,用一个刚刚毕业大学生稚嫩的肩膀,扛住了倾颓的教室,扛住了贫穷和孤独,扛起了本来不属于他的责任。也许一室,扛住了贫穷和孤独,扛起了本来不属于他的责任。也许一个人力量还不能让孩子眼睛铺满阳光,爱,被期待着。徐本禹个人力量还不能让孩子眼睛铺

45、满阳光,爱,被期待着。徐本禹点亮了火把,刺痛了我们的眼睛。点亮了火把,刺痛了我们的眼睛。 Who is she? What does she do?Guess!A. The life in Yang Leis school was very hard.Scan the passage, and choose the main idea of it.B. Yang Lei enjoyed helping the students in poor mountain village.C. Yang Leis students liked her very much.(了解文章大意,先不要注重细节。)

46、Fast-readingReading strategy 1:Match the main idea with paragraph.Para 1 Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5A.Give some examples for may not sound like fun to you.”B. The writer is going to tell what they are going to do.C. Introduce the time she enjoyed.D. Tell her experience in the mountains.E. Tell somethin

47、g about the students at school.a) world b) brothers c) changedd) agreed e) mountains f ) differentPut these words into the correct space as you read.You can understand the meaning of a word you dont know from the context.( (根据上下文联系理解单词意思。)根据上下文联系理解单词意思。)DETAILED-READINGReading strategy 2 :Answers: p

48、ara 1 : c) para 2: e) d) f)para 3 : b) para 4 : a) Practice: If youve planted seeds, you can expect too many plants to come.You have to clear them away,so that the plants left will have room to grow. This is called thinning.Q: The Chinese for “thinning” is “_”A: 拔草 B: 间苗 C: 除草D: 育苗BReading strategy

49、3 :在认真研读题在认真研读题目的基础上,请你带着问题去有选目的基础上,请你带着问题去有选择地细读有关章节、段落。精读中择地细读有关章节、段落。精读中需要调动各种感官的积极性,要做需要调动各种感官的积极性,要做到到“心到、眼到、口到、手到心到、眼到、口到、手到”,力求在精读中解决疑难问题。力求在精读中解决疑难问题。Detailed-reading Yang Leis students Youhometownfoodteacherstime to get uptime to finish studyingmountain village in Gansu Provincea city in Ya

50、nzhouporridge three times a daydifferent kinds of delicious foodalmost no good teachers good teachers5 a.m.6 a.m.11 p.m.9 p.m.运用这一策略,细读全文,完成运用这一策略,细读全文,完成3a .运用运用这一策略,一策略,细读全文,完成全文,完成3b.学学习小小组内合作解决内合作解决这四个四个问题。1.send to :派遣,打发派遣,打发 eg. My mother often me go shopping. 我妈妈经常打发我去买东西。我妈妈经常打发我去买东西。2. bot

51、h and连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数 eg. Both Tom and Kate students.3.open up ones eyes (to):拓宽拓宽/开放某人的眼界开放某人的眼界 eg. 1) Reading books open up eyes.考点探究考点探究sends toareourWrite a summary of thereading. Use no moreThan 100 words.writing六六 知识网络构建知识网络构建主题思维图及任务型活动Task One:Self-evaluationEvaluationTask Two

52、:Peer CommentsTask Three:School Report Card主题词表Report CardSubjectsAbilitiesCommentsHistory,science,Math,EnglishSpeakingListeningWritingHard-working,coulddo better,OK,lazy七七 单元检测单元检测(一一)根据句意及首字母补全单词根据句意及首字母补全单词:1.My grandmother is more than seventy,but she is in good h .2.After he finished his end-of

53、-year e ,he went back to his hometown.3.Dont c others homework.4.Please p on the stick to me.5.Dont be so n .You can listen to music and relax.ealthxamsopyasservous6.Jack put the letter into the e and then posted it.7.You should dress your self now,Tom,you are not a child a .8.I arrived at the bus s

54、top late. But l ,I caught the last bus.9.The Brazil Football Team was s to win. But finally it lost.10.When did the film s ? Ten minutes ago.nvelopenymoreuckilyupposedtart(二)翻译下列句子:(二)翻译下列句子:1.他说我是一个用功的女孩他说我是一个用功的女孩. He said i .2.Tom不擅长英语不擅长英语,他很懒惰他很懒惰. Tom is .He English. 3.比起听力来比起听力来,我更擅长阅读我更擅长阅读.

55、 Im reading hearing.4.劳驾劳驾,你能把那杯水递给我吗你能把那杯水递给我吗? ,Could you that glass of water? Excuse me pass me on was a hard-working girl lazy isnt good at better at then1.I, Im, think, lazy, not, do2.Hows, going, it3.I, you, think, better, running, at, are(三)连词成句(三)连词成句I do not think Im lazy.Hows it going?I th

56、ink you are better at running.4.Im, to, sorry, that, hear, a, bad, cold, you, had, yesterday5.was, from, my, worst, report, science, teacher, myIm sorry to hear that you had a bad cold yesterday.My worst report was from my science teacher.1.Lana said ,“Im mad at Marcia” Lana said mad at Marcia.2.He

57、said to me, “I will call you tomorrow.” He me call the next day.3.They said, “we are having a party.” They said having a party.(四)完成下列各句的间接引语.she wastold he would methey were4.She said, “I go to school every Monday.”She said to school every monday.5.My sister said to me , “Im going to help you.” My

58、sister me going to help . she wenttold she was meSuppose you are Zhang Fang, ask your classmates for help about how to study English better? (写一篇短文,在写一篇短文,在60-80字左右)字左右) Its very difficult for me to study English well , this morning , I ask my classmates for help about how to study English better. My classmate Tom said .(五)(五)writing



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