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1、六年级上 Unit1 周检测一班级:一选出与所给单词划线部分读音不同的词: 1gradeAclassBnameCKateDcake 2spellAdeskByesCtheseDegg 3jeepAseeBmeetCfifteenDzero 4bookAroomBgoodClookDfoot 5eatAreadBbreadCteaDsee二、读一读,选出单词拼写有误的一项。() 1. A. rightB. goC. laft() 2. A. clossingB. straightC. museum() 3. A. frontB. nearC. behund() 4. A. restaurantB

2、. parkC. hene三、按要求写单词。1. one (序数词) _2. eighth (基数词) _3. two (序数词) _4. know (同音词) _5. tomato (复数) _6. foot (复数) _7. September (缩写) _8. left (反义词) _9. old (反义词) _10. to (同音词) _四、选词填空。(turnhasarecanisexcusenext towheretherewhat )1. Wenear Tiananmen .2.Howwe get to the school ?3.RobinGPS .4.Wherethe pet

3、 shop ?5.Letsright and go straight a hospital in my city .8.Itsthe post office the library ?10.a great museum !五、连词成句1. can I how there get ?2. film what an interesting !3. next its on to the park streetdongfang .4. at turn left the bookstore .5. is shop where isthe museum ?6. is t

4、he where post office ?7. want I sendtoday itto.六、选词填空。 you get up ? At 6:00 .2.can you get there ? Turn right at the bookstore the cinema ? Its next to the hospital you like apples ? Because theyre tasty interestingfilm ! I like it .七、找答语。() 1. Where can I f

5、ind your mother?A. Yes, it can.() 2. How can I get to the science museum?B. No, its far from here.() 3. Is the hospital near here?C. You can go straight for ten minutes.() 4. Can the GPS help you to find a place?D. In the school.六年级上 Unit1 周检测二班级:一英汉互译1邮局_2. 医院_3.电影院_4.直走_5.左转_6. 书店_7.图书馆_8.科学博物馆_9.

6、十字路口_10.直走_二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I want(send) a postcard .2.I can make sentences with(this) words .3.They are(talk) about a sports meet .4.Some(child) are playing .5.There is(a) interesting book .三、排序()Near the London Eye . Go that way .()Turn left at the post office .() Where is the London Eye ?() Where

7、can I buy a bamburger ?()How can I get there ?() Its next to the Xiufeng Park .()You can see it on the right .四。 、读一读,填一填。(onatinatoget toinnearmehelp)1.The hospital is nextthe cinema .2.Whatgreat film !3.Ture rightthe bookstore .4.There is a science museummy city .5.There is a hospitalZhongshan Str

8、eet .6.Excuse.7.How can Ithe park .8.Can youme ?9.The cinema isthe park.10.We arefront of Tiananmen.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Letsstraight .2.Heto see a film tomorrow .3.There are two(hospital ) in my city .4.You can(turn ) left at the second crossing .5. Mike(have ) GPS . What about you ?四、填入适当的词,补全句子。A: Hi

9、!Where are you going ?B: Im going to a great Italian restaurant .A:Yum! I like pizza . Wherethe restaurant ?B:Itsthe bookstore on Dongfang Street .A:Howcan Ithere?B:leftthe hospital .A: Lets go一单元单词听写:1.科学2.告诉3.博物馆4.较远的5.邮局6.跟着7.书店8.特点9.右10.电影院11.give过去式12.到达13. 十字路口14.大街15. 转弯16.左17.披萨饼18.问19.餐馆20

10、意大利的21 左转22 右转23 直走六年级上 Unit1 周检测三班级:一、根据汉语提示完成句子1.现在我们在医院的后面。Now wethe hospital .2.麦克想去书店。 Mike wants to.3.科学博物馆在哪儿?isthe?4.我家靠近邮局 。My home isthe.二、根据问题选答语。()1. Turn right here ?() 2.Where is the museum ?() 3.How can I get to the science museum ?() 4.Where does the boy want to go ?() 5.Is it far ?A

11、.Turn right at the bookstore .B. No, its not far .C. No. turn left .D. He wants to go to the cinemaE. It is behind the hospital .三、选择题1.Where_ the library?AisB areC do2. _is the hospital?Its near the post office.AWhatBWhereCWhen3. What an _ picture!A. interestingB. prettyC. small4.Excuse me, where i

12、s the library?Its_ the cinema.AnextBnext toCat5. There_the cinema near here. Yes, there is.AareBisCdo6. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the_. AhospitalBlibraryCcinema7. Is there a cinema near your home? _A Yes, there isnt. .BYes, there is.C No, there is.四、读答句,选择正确的问句1. A: _ ?B: We want to

13、 go to the cinema.2. A: _ ?B: Yes, I do.3. A: _ ?B: You can turn right at the hospital.4. A: _ ?B: Its behind the park.5. A: _ ?B: Great.A. Do you like pizza?B. Lets go to the zoo on Saturday.C. Where do you want to go?D. How can I get to the museum?E. Where is the shop?五、按要求改写句子。1.There is a bookst

14、ore near the cinema. 改为一般疑问句 _ _ a bookstore near the cinema?2.The library is behind the post office.对画线部分提问_ _the library?3.Is Li Lei in the classroom?作否认答复_一单元连词成句1.can I how there get ? what an interesting ! its on to the park streetdongfang turn left the bookstore shop where isthe museum ? the where post office ?_7.want I buy a postcard to ._



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