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1、 中考专题讲座 俐江中学 曾文菲 听力理解lets have a restDo you like listening to the English songs?Do you have your own favorite English singers or English songs? Now lets listen to an English song!Gardenia in blossomGardenia in blossom, so_ so _. well be apart in such sweet season . dont be so _, flowery _ youre mile

2、 fragrances everywhere around _ Gardenia in blossom, so _ so _ _ leave me in such beaut _ wave to happines sand sadness dont be so forgetful whenever we were so _beautifulwhiteshy babymelovelyniceseasonyoungnever考核目标分析听力测试已成为语言测试中极为重要的一部分,是考查学生语言交际不可少的一个环节,每年广东省升中考中英语听力测试有四个不同的题型,这四个题型分别是:A、听句子选图片,

3、B、对话理解 , C、短文理解,D、听填信息 (平常积累)语感+解题技巧=25分 ( 时间是15分钟)复习策略2、在平时训练时注意培养良好的做题习惯。1、围绕中考必考的话题,掌握话题相关的词汇、短语、句型,包括人名、地名、国名、职业、兴趣爱好、活动时间、活动项目等内容。解题技巧一、 听句子选图片 本大题共五大题,每小题有三个选项,要求根据所听到的句子,选择题目要求的图片。 在听之前,首先我们应该把给出的三个图片仔细看清楚,如果图片里面有文字(有可能是英文,也有可能是中文),也有些图片内容有些特点(例如水果,地点,动作,交通(工具)、时间、职业,人物,还有天气等)要把文字的意思弄清楚。其次,还要

4、将题目要求看一遍,并根据图片揣测一下可能出现的语境。听的时候要根据所听到的内容,快速地在图片旁边做上简明的笔记,以帮助选出正确的答案。对应考题诠释(2012 广东)根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。1、What did Tom do last Saturday?(255) 录音:it was fine last Saturday, and tom had a good time at the beach.本题考查的是询问人物的活动,这道题我们一看就很清楚,三个图片发生的地点不同,只要抓住关健词(beach)就可以选出B答案了。2.Why didnt Peter wan

5、t to have supper?录音:Peter had too much watermelon,so he didnt want to have supper.此题图片内容也是一目了然,只要注意听内容中出现的水果名词,本题中是 watermelon,则选A。二、对话理解 本大题共十小题,听前面五段对话各回答一个小题,听第六段对话回答两小题,第七段对话回答三个小题。(所有题目都是三个选项) 首先,在听对话之前,我们还是要将题目要求和三个选项看清楚,以便有的放矢地听取有用的信息。这道题涉及的内容较多,考查内容常有时间、地点、人物、价钱、数量、距离、原因、目的、结果等,所以我们在听之前一定要把每

6、个小题的问句看清楚,特别是一些疑问词的用法。 其次,还要会根据对话来推测谈话的背景来推断对话中所涉及到的人物的身份和态度,还有他们之间的关系。 对应考题诠释(2012 广东) 回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6小题。(446)6. What time will the woman pick up Peter? A. 7:30. B.7:50. C.8:30.录音:A:Hello,may I speak to Peter? B: Sorry.He isnt in , can I take a

7、message A: Sure! Please tell him theres an exam begins at eight thirty tomorrow. and Ill pick him up at seven fifty.根据对话内容和问句的提示,答案选B 听第七段对话,回答第1315小题。(928)13. Whal does the girl need the computer for? A. To write a letter. B. To search for information. C. To finish her report.14. Why cant she ask M

8、r White for help? A. Because he is not in his office at the moment. B. Because he knows nothing about fixing computers. C. Because he is giving a lesson in the classroom now.15. How did the boy send his report? A. He sent it by e-mail. B He did it through QQ. C He asked a classmate for help.录音:A:And

9、y,I want to look for some information on the Internet. Is anyone using this computer ?B:No. But theres something wrong with it. I tried to start it just now , but nothing happened.A:Do you what the problem is?B:I dont know anything about fixing computers. lets ask Mr. White for helpA: But I saw Mr.

10、White leave his office five minutes ago.B:While you may use mine, Ive just finished my report and sent it to Mr. White by the E-mail.A: Thank you so much.三、短文理解 本大题共五小题,每小题三个选项。 1、由于短文的篇幅相对对话来说要长,信息也相对复杂,因此在听的过程中要注意记以下十大要素: 2、在记录要素的同时,还要注意形式。(大写形式) 3、听的过程中,还要注意把听力内容跟现实生活常识和文化积累联系,这样有助于听力内容的理解。 4、边听边

11、记:如记时间、地点、数字、天气等。 名字、年龄、性别、国籍、外貌、性格、职业、时间、数字、地址 请根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的晟佳答案,并将 答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。短文听两遍。(1106)16. Jiang Mei just returned from _. A. England B. Australia C. Canada17. Jiang Mei found people there say _. when others ask them How are you? A. I am busy B. I am good C. I dont know18

12、. Jiang Mei was surprised to find the students there _. A. lazy B. sad C. hard-working19. From the story, we know Jiang Mei once learned to _. A. write music B. play the violin C. play the piano20. The story mainly told us about Jiang Meis _ in another country. A. travel B. study C. friends四、听填信息 本大

13、题要求学生根据所听语段的内容,记录简单信息或提取信息和观点。听写对学生来说是一个很大的障碍。因为它包括对理解能力(听)和书面表达能力(写)这两方面的测试。是听力测试中要求最高的一部分。 答题技巧: 1、 听的过程中适当作些记录(这个要在平常训练中可以得到提高: 要求既快又对) 2、 无论内容的主题是什么,总会涉及到这类主题的专门用(词) 3、 有时一个单词或一个句子没有听清楚,不要着急,跳过没听清的单词或句子,以免影响下面的内容。 4、 听力结束后不要急于做笔试部分,一定要把写好的单词一遍,看书写有没错,形式有没对,这些都是一定要做好的,根据以往中考的考题来看,听填信息这道题的单词都不会很难。

14、仔细检查仔细检查抓关健词抓关健词不因前误后不因前误后 边听边记边听边记你将听到的是一篇关于volunteer acLivity (志愿者活动)的短文,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。并请将答案写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。短文听两遍。 Information About the Volunteer ActivityPlace: Starlight Information About the Volunteer ActivityPlace: Starlight Old Peoples HomeTime:Old Peoples HomeTime: This (21) _ This (21) _

15、The number of students on each team: The number of students on each team: (22) _(22) _Tasks for each team:Tasks for each team: *Team l: Clean the floor and *Team l: Clean the floor and (23) _ the rubbish. (23) _ the rubbish. *Team 2: Put up some beautiful *Team 2: Put up some beautiful (24) _ on the

16、 walls (24) _ on the walls and put some flowers in the rooms. and put some flowers in the rooms. *Team 3: Sing and dance to make the old people (25) _. *Team 3: Sing and dance to make the old people (25) _. *Team 4: Wash the clothes for the old people.*Team 4: Wash the clothes for the old people. (1

17、437) (1437) Sunday morningSunday morningtwelve / 12twelve / 12take outtake outpicturespictureshappyhappy听力测试并不是很难的一道题,很多题是靠语感,所以我们在平常要多训练自己的听与写能力听力测试前预习工作也是一个必要的环节听力测试时,做好边听边记听力测试后,要检查 What if (Lene Marlin) (If I said I want you If I said I need you) What if I dont wanna move on If I _ it as it is W

18、anna _ it like this For a while.forever Just let me lie _ to you, Dont wanna let you _. If I said I _ you,If I said I _ you, If I said I_ you. What would you _, What if I dont wanna forget Dont want anyone but you , Believe me its true, For a while.forever, Just let me stay here with _ , I dont wanna _ (If I said I want you.What would you do) And I thought I could, let this go And I thought I would, but now I know Now I know. (I said I love you)likekeepclosegoneedwantlovedoyouleave Thanks for your listening



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