民航客舱服务实用英语-Unit-4 Beforce Take-off 1

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《民航客舱服务实用英语-Unit-4 Beforce Take-off 1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《民航客舱服务实用英语-Unit-4 Beforce Take-off 1(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、民航客舱服务实用英语民航客舱服务实用英语Unit 4 Before Take-off 1 Warm-up1、what kinds of people are there in the picture?2、what may the cabin attendants say to the passenger?Key wordsvacant seat 空闲的座位flight attendant seat 乘务员座位headrest 头靠,弹性头垫armrest (座位的)靠手,扶手passenger seat 乘客座位cockpit crew seat 飞行机组座位seat back 座椅靠背英汉互

2、译空闲的座位flight attendant seatheadrest (座位的)靠手,扶手乘客座位cockpit crew seat座椅靠背Dialogue 11Please go down this aisle. Your seat is on the right.我可以看您的登机牌吗?Dialogue 121.Please do this way to the upstairs. Business class is upstairs.2.靠窗座位Dialogue 23When passengers are boarding, one of them is blocking the way

3、 in the cabin. What would the cabin attendant say to him?Dialogue 44A passenger wants to take another empty seat, but there is no more vacant seat available, what would the cabin attendant say?Dialogue 55When a passenger wants to upgrade, what would the cabin attendant say?Dialogue 66Useful expressi

4、onsMay I help you?May I see your boarding card/ pass, please?Please go down this aisle. Your seat is on the right.Would you like me to show your seat?Please follow me. Your seat is by the window.Would you like to allow me a moment to ask her if she would mind changing?Would you care for changing the

5、 seat with him?Would you pleae step aside and allow the other passengers to go through?Im afraid you are in the wrong seat.I want to upgrade to business class.SentencePatterns(Givingdirections)句型lPlease turn right/ left.lPlease take this aisle to.lIt is the aisle/ middle/ window seat.lIts opposite.l

6、Its located in/ on.lIts next to.lIts situated in/ on.345612DialoguesA couple has separate seats, and they want to sit together.A passenger takes a wrong seat.A passenger wants to take another seat.A passenger wants to upgrade.A passenger cannot find his seat.A VIP passenger is boarding.ExercisesA pa

7、ssengers seat number is 6A. How can the cabin attendant help him find his seat?飞机舱位飞机舱主要分为头等舱、商务舱、经济舱。通常价格以头等舱最高,其次商务舱,最低为经济舱。飞机安排座位时是分舱位的,而不同的舱位对应的机票折扣不同,价格不同所得到的服务也不一样。平时订机票航空公司也会有不同的舱位。国内客票国内客票的舱位等级主要分为头等舱(舱位代码为F)、公务舱(舱位代码为C)、经济舱(舱位代码为Y);经济舱里面又分不同的座位等级(舱位代码为B、K、H、L、M、Q、X、E不等,这种代码每个航空公司的标识都不相同,价格也


9、码可能都不一样。F舱为头等舱公布价,A舱为头等舱免折、常旅客免票;C舱为公务舱公布价,D舱为公务舱免折、常旅客免票;Y舱为普通舱(经济舱)公布价,S舱为联程、缺口程等特殊舱位,B舱为普通舱9折,H舱为普通舱85折,K舱为普通舱80折,L舱为普通舱75折,M舱为普通舱70折,N舱为普通舱65折,Q舱为普通舱60折(含教师、医护人员、县级(含)以上劳模),T舱为普通舱55折,X舱为普通舱50折(含学生、长者(年满55周岁的中国大陆公民),U舱为普通舱45折,E舱为普通舱40折,W舱为普通舱35折,R舱为普通舱30折,O舱为普通舱25折,Z舱为代码共享留座专用舱,V舱为常旅客专用舱(国航知音卡旅客订座),G舱为普通舱免折和常旅客免票Announcements FlightinformationRecheckBoardingPassRecheckSupplementary ReadingQuestions:What kinds of seats are provided for both passengers and crew?Homework作业1、熟记重点单词和句子。课前提问2.翻译P27页第二题。3、汉译英请再次检查登机牌,确认航班号。我想升到商务舱。



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