英语:Unit 4Learning efficiently-Reading课件 新人教选修10

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1、Module 10 Unit 4Warming up 123100 ?Leading in 1100,2 99,398,4952,5051 altogether 50 pairs So :Answer =101505050 A ten-year-old boy (高斯(高斯(C.F. Gauss ) workedout the problemassigned by theteacher in a fewseconds. From this example, we know the significance of method. Right methods can always help imp

2、rove the efficiency of solving problems. As to our study, we can also apply certain methods or strategies to make ourselves an efficient learner.Question:So how to be an efficient learner and how to learn efficiently?No idea? OK, the unit we are going to learn focuses on this topic. And Im sure, aft

3、er learning it, you will know how.Warming-upWhat does the graph tell you about the study habits of Guo Qiang?Do you think Guo Qiang is spending an appropriate amount of time on each aspect of his English study?Do you think a survey of your classmates would show similar results?In pairs interview eac

4、h other to find out your partners English study habits. Then make a graphto show the result.If we want to be a good reader, we must practise more. So I think the author will tell us we need do a lot of practice to improve our reading ability.Please read the three pictures and the title and predicate

5、 what the author will tell us in the following passage. Besides practice, we need to master some techniques. It tells us when reading a text we need to think over the content.Part 1: Part 2:Part 3:Write the headings and sub-headings for the three passages Practice makes perfectMake your reading prac

6、tice enjoyableLearn the techniques of good readersa. b. c. d. Part 4: Summarypreview the textread activelyread in different waysdont need to understand every wordSum up the main idea of the text The text provides the readers strategies for becoming a good reader and the techniques of good readers. F

7、rom the text we know if we want to be a good reader, we must do a lot of practice, make our reading practice enjoyable and learn the techniques of good readers. Also, the writer lists some techniques of good readers, like previewing the text, reading actively and so on. After learning the text we kn

8、ow how to improve our reading.The writing characteristics of the passage The topic is introduced directly by asking a question “how to become a successful reader”. This is the question the answer to which the students are eager to know. This arouses the interest of readers and leads them into the ar

9、ticle. Then the writer shows three strategies for becoming a good reader. In the third part the techniques are introduced one by one in each parallel paragraph. This can help the students understand that these techniques are of equal importance in becoming a good reader. The last paragraph summarize

10、s the text and responds to the title and strengthens the value of the strategies. The writing style of the text The text is an expository that illustrates the strategies of becoming a good reader. The author analyzes the strategies by citing examples and drawing analogy. These methods make the text

11、vivid and practical to the readers. Read it again and try to complete Ex 3 on page 34.1. If there are more than 3% new 2.words on a page of text,3._4._you will find the text difficult to read and probably wont enjoy it.2. You will find reading more enjoyable when_ you read things you are interested

12、in or that you find useful.3. The key to success in reading is frequent practice plus_ _. good reading techniques4. Before you start reading a text in detail _ preview the text to find out what it contains and how it is organized.5. You will understand what you read better if _ you already know some

13、thing about the content or organization.6. While reading, a good reader _ thinks about what he / she is reading.7. It is not necessary to understand _ 8 Learning and practising efficient techniques will _every word in a text. improve your ability to read.1.There are certain techniques you can learn

14、and then its is up to you to practise, practise and practise. 有有某些技能技巧可供你学习某些技能技巧可供你学习,然后就全靠你然后就全靠你自己练习、练习,再练习了。自己练习、练习,再练习了。Language Points it is up to somebody 意思是意思是 it is somebodys responsibility or duty, 可理可理解成解成“取决于某人;在于取决于某人;在于;该由;该由负责负责” 如:如: Shall we go out? 我们可以出去吗?我们可以出去吗? Its up to you.由

15、你决定。由你决定。 I cant take the decision. Its not up to me. 我不能做决定,这不取决我。我不能做决定,这不取决我。 拓展拓展up to 还有表示还有表示“深度、高深度、高 度、地位等度、地位等”直到直到;(数目上)直;(数目上)直 到,至多到,至多; “接近于;达接近于;达 到到”“胜任、适宜胜任、适宜”等意思。等意思。 Mary is small and just comes up to Bills chest. Everyone has his part to play, from the office boy up to the presid

16、ent. They worked here up to the last minute. Up to ten people can sleep in this tent. If your goods are up to the sample, they will certainly sell well in the market. The interpreters English was not up to the task. What have you been up to lately?2. For example, suppose in biology you were studying

17、 how plants reproduce, then you could find an English text about this on the Internet. 假设在生物学中,你正在研究植物假设在生物学中,你正在研究植物如何繁衍,那你会在因特网上找到如何繁衍,那你会在因特网上找到有关这方面的文章。有关这方面的文章。 suppose 可以看成连接词可以看成连接词, 意思是意思是 imagine what will/would happen if. 它所引导的从句表示它所引导的从句表示“主观设想的情况主观设想的情况”。因此,有些动词用虚拟语气。因此,有些动词用虚拟语气。 例如:例如:

18、 Suppose you fall and hurt yourself when youre out alone in the mountains? 另外另外, suppose, supposing 用做连接词时用做连接词时, 还可以用来表示建议,表示还可以用来表示建议,表示“怎么怎么样?样?” Suppose we put it off till next week? Supposing you have another try?3. You may find you have more than one strong learning style, which is a bonus bec

19、ause being able to learn in more than one style increases your chances of finding activities that suit you. 你或许会发现自己有不止一种倾向的学你或许会发现自己有不止一种倾向的学习风格,这是一种意外的收获,因为能习风格,这是一种意外的收获,因为能够以多种风格学习会增大找到合适的学够以多种风格学习会增大找到合适的学习活动的机会。习活动的机会。bonus在本句中意思是在本句中意思是 anything pleasant in addition to what is expected, 可以理解为

20、可以理解为“意外令人高兴的事意外令人高兴的事”We like our new house, and its a real bonus that my mother lives so near.As a special bonus, all our holidays will include the use of a car for a week.bonus还可以表示还可以表示 a payment that is added to what is usual, 可以理解为可以理解为“奖金;红利;特别津贴奖金;红利;特别津贴”,如:,如:All their employees will receive a Christmas bonus.Those who finish the job early will be paid a bonus.Homework1. Preview Learning about language Part.2. Examine your reading style and work out a program to improve your reading.



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