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1、汇报人:洪芳婷1简洁课件123第六章第六章.幼儿园幼儿园说明性明性讲述学述学习活活动指指导幼儿说明性讲述核心经验的形成与发展幼儿说明性讲述学习环境的创设幼儿园说明性讲述活动的设计与组织2简洁课件概念:概念:说明性讲述是独立讲述的一种类型,是用简洁明了、规范准确的独白语言,说明与解 释事物的形状、特征、功用或操作过程的讲述形式。说明性明性讲述的特点:述的特点:(1)说明性讲述使用的是独白性语言。(2)说明性讲述的语言讲求客观、简洁、规范、准确。幼儿说明性讲述核心经验的形成与发展幼儿说明性讲述核心经验的形成与发展3简洁课件思考思考 :说明性讲述和叙事性讲述有何差异:说明性讲述和叙事性讲述有何差异?

2、选用恰当词句讲述,呈现完整故事结构,讲述不同类型故事,运用不同策略讲述。叙事性讲述叙事性讲述使用规范语言讲述,简洁说明事物特征,掌握讲述顺序结构,根据对象策略讲解。说明性讲述说明性讲述VS4简洁课件01说明性讲述对幼儿语言发展的作用(1)对幼儿口头语言发展具有不可忽略的作用(2)深刻影响着幼儿对说明性文体这种书面语言的认知02说明性讲述对幼儿发展的作用说明性讲述对幼儿认知与思维发展的作用(1)了解了多种事物的相关科学知识,还发展了自己的认知水平(2)培养和发展幼儿的思维能力5简洁课件 初始阶段:幼儿愿意在熟悉的人面前独立讲述自己熟悉或喜欢的事物 稳定阶段:幼儿在有凭借物的情况下,能够在集体面前

3、独立讲述,但如何构思讲述内容尚需成人的指导与辅助 拓展阶段:幼儿能够在凭借物的情况下,独立构思讲述内容,并在集体面前讲述1、以独白语言的形式进行说明性讲述幼儿说明性讲述的核心经验及其发展阶段6简洁课件 初始阶段:幼儿能够使用事物的规范名称,而非使用口语化、不规范的名称 稳定阶段:用准确恰当的词汇讲述直观的事物特征或现象;学习用简单句概括事物的特征,句子简短 但能抓住事物的主要特征 拓展阶段:准确地运动名次、形容词、方位词等词汇,讲述事物的各种特征;感知说明性语言与日常用语、叙事性语言的差别,体会其简洁明了的语句特点2、使用规范准确、简洁明了的说明性词幼儿说明性讲述的核心经验及其发展阶段7简洁课

4、件 初始阶段:幼儿能够讲述直观的事物特征,如某事物的外形特征 稳定阶段:幼儿能够按照一定的顺序讲述某事物的特征,讲述的顺序根据讲述对象的不同而有所差异 拓展阶段:幼儿能够根据讲述要求或讲述对象的特点分主次讲述3、理解说明性讲述的内容组织方式幼儿说明性讲述的核心经验及其发展阶段8简洁课件一、幼儿园一、幼儿园说明性明性讲述学述学习环境的境的创设1、一日生活中说明性讲述学习环境的创设2、区角活动中说明性讲述学习环境的创设3、主题课程中说明性讲述学习环境的创设1、餐桌谈话时2、与幼儿一起为某个活动做手工准备时3、亲子游戏时2幼儿说明性讲述学习环境的创设幼儿说明性讲述学习环境的创设二、家庭二、家庭说明性

5、明性讲述学述学习环境的境的创设9简洁课件Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pondWake up to drink ,people feel moving wind over a lotus leaf pondWake up to drink ,people feel moving wind over a lotus leaf pondWake up to drink ,people feel moving wind over a lotus leaf pon

6、dWake up to drink ,people feel moving wind over a lotus leaf pond10简洁课件Wake up to drink ,people feel moving wind over a lotus leaf pond, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.Wake up to drink ,people feel moving wind over a lotus leaf pond.Wake up to drink ,peopl

7、e feel moving wind over a lotus leaf pond, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.Add titleAdd titleAdd title11简洁课件A happy seasonSEASONLife is so simple, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.Life is so simple, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.SEASONL

8、ife is so simple, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.SEASONLife is so simple, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.SEASONLife is so simple, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.SEASONLife is so simple, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.SEASON12简洁课件Wake up to drink ,people fe

9、el the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pondWake up to drink ,people feel moving wind over a lotus leaf pondWake up to drink ,people feel moving wind over a lotus leaf pondWake up to drink ,people feel moving wind over a lotus leaf pondWake up to drink ,people feel moving wind over

10、 a lotus leaf pond3幼儿园说明性讲述活动的设计与组织幼儿园说明性讲述活动的设计与组织13简洁课件I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.

11、Add title14简洁课件80%20%Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pondADD TITLE Life is so simple, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.Add titleAdd title15简洁课件A beautiful seasonStrong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized styles.Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond。16简洁课件Enjoy theautumn17简洁课件18简洁课件19简洁课件



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