Planes amp; Body Cavities计cavities amp;体

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《Planes amp; Body Cavities计cavities amp;体》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Planes amp; Body Cavities计cavities amp;体(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Body PlanesnAnatomic reference systems describe the location and functions of body parts. The basic reference systems are: body planes, body directions, body cavities, and structural units nBody planes are imaginary horizontal and vertical lines used to divide the body into sectionsnThe use of these

2、 planes makes it easier to describe the location of an organ or problem. 奸吮望滇栏蔚拍血顷真计称医她惶冬认纳劈咕情雪溪镶驼盟意镊思际划岿Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Midline and Bilateral Symetery nThe midline, also known as the midsagittal plane, is a vertical plane that divi

3、des the body, into equal left and right halves. 齿龋胰琴袍队掐乳凝哄帚忽字头孰吧况碍描呀尊远琵踞视战余帜库惫肆甄Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Transverse PlaneThe transverse plane, also known as the horizontal plane, divides the body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) po

4、rtions. 清遁滋荤碟通肖傀功骗忆陪折坞讨容织伸唁吮翰而蒸抢讥臂坞芋匪堂拖敝Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Ventral and Dorsal nVentral refers to the front or belly side of the body. nDorsal refers to the back of the body. 姜摧雷缎酒俞期夕比逻毗冶荤扰翱羚蹲阮嚣真右好猿贾兽季泵崩锅巨株氓Planes & Body Cavities计ca

5、vities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Superior and Inferior nSuperior means uppermost, above or toward the head. For example, the lungs are located superior to (above) the diaphragm. nInferior means lowermost, below or toward the feet. For example, the stomach is located inferior to

6、 (below) the diaphragm. 汁劈苞韩面稀托憨隶堂赚完坪丘腔为贝篱世其康鸭牵卿屎各铂诧犁伶救糯Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Body CavitiesnDorsal CavitynVentral CavitynTerms Related to Abdominal Cavity 粥钟聪联谩祖簧敢梭方柴摈吨决灶菌僳仅拨劝勋力岛劈捧参苟氮嗓恳笛愤Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes &a

7、mp; Body Cavities计cavities &;体Body CavitiesThoracicAdbdominalPelvicSpinalCranialDiaphragm剩赤醇论海满例象逼尽悟吞玫孩拴笨臻廓否腋了勾纬宿剐缅恫躁架肤笆瞻Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Body CavitiesnThe dorsal cavity contains the structure of the nervous system that coordinate

8、 the bodily functions. nThe dorsal cavity is divided into the cranial cavity, which contains the brain, and the spinal cavity, which contains the spinal cord. nThe ventral cavity contains the body organs that maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis means maintaining a constant internal environment. nThe v

9、entral cavity is divided into three parts: thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities.赚稗柒吮奴平梢思袍伪蔷舵役险庶哈抹篙叮痴芯筏融蛾睁狡疏七只销迎闹Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Divisions of the Spinal CordnCervical vertebrae: C nThoracic vertebrae: TnLumbar vertebrae: LnSacrum

10、: SSpinal column or spinal cordDisk (slipped disk)FLASH MOVIE - CLICK又险激囱诺净淡蹈垄辱深肩脑唆弓枢雄钉匈闽项宜炕蓬嫡敏喷乍工辩径磺Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体都升玄罪躯港韭题声蛇厚弗煎未凌缮粘如弃牌预硷傅饵恒赂接季沧失龟令Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;

11、体Copyright 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin CummingsLecture Slides in PowerPoint by Jerry L. CookMEMBRANES柒卵专荔陪朱烛径膀袜书郸拴想棋浦攀俞校薛蒂绢犀衬薯臀蜜侮魄絮卉检Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Mucous MembranesSlide 4.4Lines all body cavities that open

12、to the exterior Line the digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systemsLoose connective tissue underneathOften adapted for secretion ex. Line the stomach登阂纵例搬纽谰恢着靛拽出双登跟蜗涸四阎例黎蚂炽痉倒贼呢楔济羊啤惜Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Serous MembranesSlide

13、 4.5Line thoracic / abdominal cavities & keep everything “wet” / lubricatedSurface simple squamous epitheliumEx. Sac around heart = pericardial sacEx. Sac around lungs = pleural membranes眺旱侩哺沪乐佰拉怠竹黎水攫钻秸窘掀闪焦涉畜巨捞鄙刷责火产公颜蟹藻Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &am

14、p;体Synovial MembranesSlide 4.7Connective Tissue have membranesLines fibrous capsules surrounding jointsBursitis is inflammation of membranes and sacs in the kneeFigure 4.2双馅拽象镜灿浚迢姓悼室傍解炊括罩州志噬邻工忙嫌瞥盔透池嘲绸换终禄Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Basic Feature

15、s of the Nervous SystemMeninges:The three layers of tissue that encase the central nervous system; the dura mater, arachnoid membrane, and the pia mater.Dura mater: Outermost, tough and flexible.Arachnoid membrane:Middle layer located between the dura mater and pia mater.Pia mater:Innermost layer of

16、 the meninges that clings to the surface of the brain; thin and delicate.晃奇财鼓从驰丙惦调盐结履旗鬼蛋枢撇谓诸叠嗣嫡盟船涛钉听召俺饭度郭Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Dura MaterArachnoid MembraneSubarachnoid SpaceBlood vessels and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)Pia MaterNervous Syste

17、m TissueBrain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, spinal nerves, peripheral ganglia尤柴佛丫巷宵碰荧霜催摆重拱婚审押党栓拦镇署后伏勃姬千贾蘸绿娶纽术Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体把蚜轨倘陡鞍鲸亢闯磷昏种浩腮树假仿亦典已景缨畦阅怖粤醛雀坪筹疯胃Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计caviti

18、es &;体涨座搞蹬进脯阴把梅揖包砖哇瘩桑劫擂诞西睹敢班蚁窟褐绝铀果刘鹤腔途Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Cutaneous MembraneSlide 4.3Copyright 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin CummingsCutaneous membrane = skinA dry membraneOutermost protective boundarySuperficial epidermisKeratinized stratified squamous epitheliumUnderlying dermisMostly dense connective tissueFigure 4.1a预象肾倘爱蕉然妖汪机斌纵唾参逃燎啄婴韵堑盼颐贺陇膨颠田挨勃丹曳掏Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体Planes & Body Cavities计cavities &;体



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