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1、a broken hearta broken heart break:v.broken:adj. 过去分词过去分词过去分词 1. 位置:位置:n.前前 2. 作用:作用:作定作定语,修修饰n./pro. 3. 含含义:被被动 完成完成过去分词作定语boil:v.煮煮boiled dumplings过去分词作定语desert:v.废弃a deserted car parksink:v.沉沉(sunk,sunk)a sunk ship过去分词作定语过去分词作定语fall:v.落落(fell,fallen)fallen leaves过去分词作定语 1. 位置:名词前 2.作用:作定语 3.含义:被动

2、 or 完成from Module 1:The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms.Shen.过去分词短语作定语过去分词作定语Many people appreciate the painting.The painting is painted by Da Vinci.Many people appreciate the painting which is painted by Da Vinci.过去分词短语作定语1.位置:所修饰的名词后2.作用:作定语(是定从的简化)3.含义:被动 or 完成过去分词短语作定语现在有很多中国制造的ip

3、hone.1. 现在有很多iphone.2. iphone在中国制造There are a lot of iphone made in China.there bemade in China我特别喜欢妈妈做的这道菜我特别喜欢妈妈做的这道菜(course)。I really love the course cooked by my mom. 过去分词短语作定语Have a try!(09北京24) For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _ on his own farm. A. grown B. being grown C. to

4、 be grown D. to grow A(09上海33) With the governments aid, those _ _ (affect)by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. affectedfallen leavesfalling leaves过去分词过去分词现在分词现在分词现在分词作定语 1.位置:名词前 2.作用:作定语 3.含义: 主动 正在进行现在分词作定语a sleeping dog现在分词作定语a rising sun现在分词作定语a passing plane现在分词短语作定语 1.位置:名词后 2

5、.作用:作定语 3.含义: 主动 正在进行现在分词短语作定语正正在在朝朝我我们们挥挥手手(wave to us)的的那那个个老老太太太太 the old lady waving to us 正在朝我正在朝我们挥们挥手的那个老太太手的那个老太太是我姨是我姨妈妈The old lady waving to us is my aunt. 现在分词短语作定语站在教室前面的那个女生很漂亮。站在教室前面的那个女生很漂亮。The girl is really charming.the girl standing in front of the classroomThe girl standing in fr

6、ont of the classroom is really charming. 分词作定语分词分词 作作定语定语 V-edV-ing:被动被动 or 完成完成:主动:主动 or 进行进行单词放前,短语放后单词放前,短语放后(短前长后短前长后)高考直通车(08江西28)We finished the run in less than half the time .A.allowingB.to allowC.allowedD.allows高考直通车(08江西28)We finished the run in less than half the time .A.allowingB.to allo

7、wC.allowedD.allows高考直通车2.(08湖南26)The trees in the storm have been moved off the road.A.being blown downB.blown downC.blowing downD.to blow downB高考直通车3.(06湖南21)The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanketthe desert.A.coveringB.coveredC.coverD.to covertranslation正在修建的那幢楼是我们新的教学楼(teaching buildin

8、g)。 The building is our new teaching building.translation正在修建的那幢楼是我们新的教学楼(teaching building)。 The building is our new teaching building.being builttranslation正在修建的那幢楼是我们新的教学楼 (teaching building)。即将修建的那幢楼是我们新的教学楼 (teaching building)。 The building is our new teaching building.The building is our new teaching building.to be builtbeing builtV-ed 作定作定语被动被动 or 完成完成V-ing作定作定语主动主动 or 进行进行to do作定作定语将来将来being done作定作定语被动被动 & 进行进行



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