全新版大学英语(第二版)1 Unit4-words

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1、Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ turn away1turn away: refuse to help (sb.) or allow (sb.) to enter a place他拒绝了所有的应征者。他拒绝了所有的应征者。 He turned away several people who didnt have the tickets. He turned all the applicants away. Before ReadingGlobal

2、 ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ turn away2 Collocation:拒绝;调低拒绝;调低turn down 交还,上交交还,上交turn in 使变成使变成turn into关;拐弯关;拐弯turn offturn out turn over turn up 生产,制造;证明,结果生产,制造;证明,结果仔细考虑仔细考虑出现,来到;开大,调大出现,来到;开大,调大 Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading

3、Supplementary ReadingD R _ word _ work outwork out: plan; solve; calculate他们已经设计出把宇宙飞船送上太空的方法。他们已经设计出把宇宙飞船送上太空的方法。 Theyve worked out a method of sending a spacecraft to the space. The accountant has worked out your share of the expense at 1,000 yuan. 会计已算出你的那份花费为会计已算出你的那份花费为1,0001,000元。元。 Collocatio

4、n:work atwork up 从事于,致力于从事于,致力于引起,激起,逐渐上升引起,激起,逐渐上升Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ weeklyweekly: 1. adj. happening once a week or every week21世纪报世纪报每周出版一次。每周出版一次。 He thinks his weekly wage of 400 yuan is enough. adv. once a week; every week;

5、 by the week21st Century is published weekly. 3. n. a publication issued once a weekBusiness Weekly 商业周刊商业周刊 Publishers Weekly (美美)出版商周刊出版商周刊a twice weekly 半周刊半周刊 2.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ do with1do with:1) (used in questions with “

6、what”) deal withTell me what you did with yourself this week. I cant do with him and his impoliteness. The child didnt know what to do with himself for excitement. 2) tolerate 我不能忍受他和他的无礼。我不能忍受他和他的无礼。 3) (often with “could”, “can”) desire I could do with a cup of tea. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDet

7、ailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ do with2 Collocation:没有没有也行,将就也行,将就do without 废除,去掉废除,去掉do away with 代替,适合代替,适合do for 对对有益有益do good (to) 重复重复do overBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ determinationdetermination: n. th

8、e ability to continue trying to achieve what you have decided to do even when this is difficultHe has great determination to learn English well. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ personnel1personnel: n. 1) the department in a large organizatio

9、n that deals with employees; human resources (uncountable noun, used with a singular or plural verb).人事管理人事管理personnel administration人事部人事部/ /处处/ /科科personnel department 人事部长人事部长/ /处长处长/ /科长科长personnel directorBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _

10、 personnel22) all the persons working in an organization, in the army, etc. (often used with a plural verb) The personnel of the company has been increased.全体员工都允许参加晚会。全体员工都允许参加晚会。 All personnel were allowed to take part in the party. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSuppleme

11、ntary ReadingD R _ word _ personnel3Like their personal lives, womens history is fragmented, interrupted. 如同她们的个人生活一样,妇女的历史是支离破碎且断如同她们的个人生活一样,妇女的历史是支离破碎且断断续续的。断续续的。Translate the following into Chinese. a personal appearance I have something personal to tell you. 亲自出面亲自出面 我有私人的事要告诉你。我有私人的事要告诉你。 此外注意与

12、此外注意与 personal 的区别。的区别。personal: 个人的,私人的,亲自的,秘密的个人的,私人的,亲自的,秘密的NB:Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ capacity1capacity: n. 1) the ability to understand or do sth.The trunk is filled to capacity. His capacity for remembering things is interestin

13、g. 2) the ability to hold or contain sth.the maximum amount that can be containedBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ capacity2这些词都可以表示这些词都可以表示“能力能力”的意思。的意思。capacity 用于物时,指容纳接受的能力,如容积、容量、用于物时,指容纳接受的能力,如容积、容量、生产能力;用于人时,指潜在的能力,多用于才智、道德,生产能力;用于人时,指潜

14、在的能力,多用于才智、道德,尤指接受能力、领悟性、敏感性等。尤指接受能力、领悟性、敏感性等。ability 既指天赋的能力,也指培养造就而获得的本领;主既指天赋的能力,也指培养造就而获得的本领;主要用于人,指已经表现出来的实际能力,尤指人的思维能要用于人,指已经表现出来的实际能力,尤指人的思维能力。力。capability 较多用于人,指胜任某项工作的能力、本领。较多用于人,指胜任某项工作的能力、本领。proficiency 正式用语,带有技术性,指对业务的精通和正式用语,带有技术性,指对业务的精通和熟练。熟练。capacity, ability, capability & proficien

15、cyCF:Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ capacity3CF: capacity, ability, capability & proficiency Fill in the blanks with the words given above. mental is very great. The film is beyond the of the children. in several foreign languag

16、es is needed for work as a travelers guide. He has the of solving practical problems. ability _capability _capacity _Proficiency _Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ skilled1skilled: adj. 1) having skill; trained; experienced 2) needing skill sk

17、illed, skillful 表示表示“有技术的,熟练的有技术的,熟练的”时可以互时可以互换。换。skilled 通常是指受过正规训练,有多年实践经验而掌通常是指受过正规训练,有多年实践经验而掌握某项专门技术。握某项专门技术。skillful 是指人聪明,做事很灵巧,尤指手的灵巧。是指人聪明,做事很灵巧,尤指手的灵巧。skilled & skillfulCF:a skilled worker 技术熟练的工人技术熟练的工人skilled work 技术性工作技术性工作Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplem

18、entary ReadingRoses father is a skilled mechanic so she has become skillful at repairing bicycles too. D R _ word _ skilled 2He is a skilled / skillful surgeon. 罗斯的父亲是个熟练的机械师,因而她也很会修理自行车。罗斯的父亲是个熟练的机械师,因而她也很会修理自行车。 Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ fo

19、r saleNot for Sale.非卖品。非卖品。 for sale: available to be bought 待售,供出售待售,供出售 The company will put the houses for sale. Collocation:上市,出售;减价,贱卖上市,出售;减价,贱卖on sale 赊购赊购a sale on credit 包退包换的,无法销售可以退货的包退包换的,无法销售可以退货的on sale or returnBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary Rea

20、dingD R _ word _ call on1call on: 1) visit sb. for a short time Ill call on him tomorrow. 他们号召全市工人支持这次罢工。他们号召全市工人支持这次罢工。 2) summon; appeal They called on the workers of the city to support the strike. 3) invite; require The host of the party called on the Chairman to speak. Before ReadingGlobal Read

21、ingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ call on2Collocation:邀约;要求;需要邀约;要求;需要call for取消取消call off 打电话;召集;使人想起打电话;召集;使人想起call up 顺路到某处;收回顺路到某处;收回call in Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ loan1The bank loaned me some mon

22、ey. Does the loan carry any interest? May I have the loan of your typewriter? loan: 1. vt. lend The artist loaned her pictures to the museum. 2. n. 1) sth. lent, esp. a sum of money The dictionary is a loan, not a gift. 2) lending我可以借你的打字机用一下吗我可以借你的打字机用一下吗? ?Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed Read

23、ingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ loan 2Collocation:请求借用请求借用ask for the loan of 借借 have the loan of 出借的出借的 on loan内(外)债内(外)债a domestic (foreign) loan 公债公债, , 国库券国库券a public / government loan 消费贷款消费贷款a loan for consumption 担保贷款担保贷款a loan on security 无息贷款无息贷款 a gift (interest-free) loa

24、n 长期贷款长期贷款a long-term loan 抵押贷款抵押贷款, , 抵押借款抵押借款a mortgage loanBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ character1character: n.He has a strong but gentle character.1)the particular collection of qualities that make sb. / sth. different from othersThe

25、new buildings have changed the character of the village. 品质的培养应是教育的重点。品质的培养应是教育的重点。 Character building should be the main point of education. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ character2I find all the characters in his new play very real. 2) p

26、erson in a play, movie, etc.汉字看起来像是一幅幅小图画。汉字看起来像是一幅幅小图画。 a Chinese character 一个汉字一个汉字 3) letter, sign or mark used in a system of writing or printing The characters in Chinese writing look like small pictures. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _

27、 character3这些词都是名词,都有这些词都是名词,都有“性格性格”、“品质品质”、“特征特征”的意思。的意思。character 指成年人已经充分发展的生活方式,而且往指成年人已经充分发展的生活方式,而且往往与品格有关。往与品格有关。characteristic 指某物的任何方面,不涉及全局的重要指某物的任何方面,不涉及全局的重要性,但常指有代表性的一个侧面,常用于科技领域。性,但常指有代表性的一个侧面,常用于科技领域。feature 通常指外貌的特征或特别的、附加的、有吸引通常指外貌的特征或特别的、附加的、有吸引力的东西。力的东西。 personality 偏重指一个人表现出来的无法

28、明确阐述的偏重指一个人表现出来的无法明确阐述的整个情绪方面的特点,不与形容词连用时表示情感上的整个情绪方面的特点,不与形容词连用时表示情感上的吸引力。吸引力。character, characteristic, feature & personalityCF:Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ character4CF: character, characteristic, feature & personality Fill in the blan

29、ks with the words given above and translate the sentences into Chinese. 1. An aquiline nose was her best . 鹰钩鼻是她最明显的特征。鹰钩鼻是她最明显的特征。 feature _2. He can read a guys at the first glance. 他一眼就可以看出一个人的品质。他一眼就可以看出一个人的品质。 character _3. He has character but no . 他有性格但没有个性。他有性格但没有个性。 personality _4. A psycho

30、logical report lists every possible of the person being studied. 一份心理学报告列举了研究对象所有可能有的特性。一份心理学报告列举了研究对象所有可能有的特性。 characteristic _Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ confidenceconfidence: n. the quality of being certain of ones abilities or of tru

31、sting other people我告诉你这件事是因为绝对相信你会保守秘密的。我告诉你这件事是因为绝对相信你会保守秘密的。 I took them into my confidence. I am telling you this in strict confidence. I have every confidence in your ability to succeed. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _send forsend for: a

32、sk for the arrival of Do you want to send for the police? I was seriously ill and my father had to send for a doctor. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ hunthunt: v. 1) search thoroughly (for)警察在山中搜索逃犯。警察在山中搜索逃犯。 The police are hunting for the

33、escaped criminal in the mountain. They were hunting the area for a new apartment. 2) go after (wild animals) for food or sport We often go out hunting in the holiday. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ abandonabandon: v. give up completely and

34、forever The cruel father abandoned his newborn daughter. One of my classmates had to abandon the trip because of his fathers illness. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _propertyproperty: n. 1) land, buildings or both togetherLittle property was

35、left in the small country after the war. 2) The thing or things that sb. ownsThe factory is my uncles private property. public propertypersonal propertyreal property公共财产公共财产动产动产不动产不动产 Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _sometimesometime: adv. at

36、a time that is unknown or has not yet been fixedsometime, sometimes & some timesometime 在某时候在某时候, 曾经曾经sometimes 有时,不时,间或有时,不时,间或some time 一段时间一段时间 CF:我希望明年某个时候你再来。我希望明年某个时候你再来。 I hope you will come again sometime next year. 我有时会收到他的信。我有时会收到他的信。 I sometimes hear from him. 我已经等了你一些时候了。我已经等了你一些时候了。 I h

37、ave been waiting for you for some time. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ sponsorsponsor: 1. v. support by giving money, encouragement or other helpThe exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture. 一些大公司赞助了这次的时装表演。一些大公司赞助了这次的时装表演。 Some l

38、arge companies sponsored this fashion show. 2) n. one who puts forward or guarantees a proposal a sponsor country 主办国主办国Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ approachThe boys had approached the tunnel when they played the game. The young teacher i

39、s easy to approach and all the students like to answer her questions. approach: 1. v. come near or nearer to性能近乎完美。性能近乎完美。 The performance approaches perfection. 2. n. way 每个人的学习方法都不一样。每个人的学习方法都不一样。 Everyone has his own approach to study. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupp

40、lementary ReadingD R _ word _ pass awayHe passed away peacefully. pass away: die Collocation:pass by 不注意,忽视不注意,忽视pass down 使传下来使传下来pass over 对对不加考虑不加考虑pass out 失去知觉,昏倒失去知觉,昏倒pass off 终止,停止终止,停止Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ handlehandle: 1.

41、 v.1) manage; controlHow to handle the contradiction correctly among the people is important to steady development. 正确处理人们内部的矛盾对稳定发展很重要。正确处理人们内部的矛盾对稳定发展很重要。 2) touch, lift, or hold with the hands Wash your hands before you handle the white paper. 2. n. a part that is designed to be held or operated

42、with the hand The handle is not well fixed. Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _ above allabove all: most important of allHe was concerned above all with the truth of the accident. Collocation:毕竟毕竟, , 终究终究, , 归根结底归根结底after all 完全完全, , 全然全然at all首

43、先首先first of all总计;总的说来总计;总的说来 in all 几乎几乎, , 差一点;除差一点;除外全部外全部 all but总之总之all in all Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingThe balance is an apparatus for weighing, not for you to play. D R _ word _ balance1a bank balance 银行余额银行余额 You may keep the balance. bala

44、nce: 1. n.1)the difference between the credit and the debit side; a remainder剩下来的工资全用来购买花卉栽培的新书上了。剩下来的工资全用来购买花卉栽培的新书上了。 The balance of the wages was devoted to new books on flower culture. 2) a weighing device Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingD R _ word _

45、 balance2孩子骑在他的新自行车上用双腿保持平衡。孩子骑在他的新自行车上用双腿保持平衡。 The child could keep his balance with his legs on his new bicycle. Im trying to balance on the ball on one foot in order to win the prize. 3) a state of equilibrium 2. v.1) keep or put sth. in a steady position2) show equal totals of debits and credits

46、 My accounts balance for the first time this year! Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingA R _ Useful Expressions 1Useful Expressions 1. 结结巴巴的英语结结巴巴的英语 broken English 2. 大萧条时期大萧条时期 the Depression days3. 上门求助上门求助 come to sb. for help4. 重整业务重整业务 rebuild ones bus

47、iness 5. 夏去秋来夏去秋来 Summer passes into fall.6. 人事部门人事部门personnel department 7. 培训工人培训工人 train laborersBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingA R _ Useful Expressions 2an apprentice school precision worktake a cut in pay loan money on character no sale a man of ch

48、aracter down payment 8. 徒工学校徒工学校 9. 精密加工工作精密加工工作 10. 减薪水减薪水 11. 人品贷款人品贷款 12. 没门没门 13. 人品端正人品端正 14. 首付首付 Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingA R _ Useful Expressions 315. 从那以后从那以后 from then on16. 零星杂物零星杂物 odds and ends17. 样子自信样子自信have a look of confidence 18.

49、 穿戴整齐穿戴整齐 be neatly dressed 19. 儿时的伙伴儿时的伙伴 childhood friends 20. 最后最后in the end Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingA R _ Proverbs and Quotations 1Proverbs and Quotations1. Slow and steady wins the race. 不怕缓慢,只要意志坚定就能赢得胜利不怕缓慢,只要意志坚定就能赢得胜利。2. When the going g

50、ets tough, the tough gets going. 艰难之路,唯勇者行。艰难之路,唯勇者行。3. Adversity reveals genius; fortune conceals it. 苦难显才华,好运隐天资。苦难显才华,好运隐天资。Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingA R _ Proverbs and Quotations 24. Diligence is the mother of good luck. 勤奋是幸运之母。勤奋是幸运之母。 5. Con

51、fidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功之路的第一步。自信是走向成功之路的第一步。6. A man is valued as he makes himself valuable.一个人价值的高低,全在他自己的所为。一个人价值的高低,全在他自己的所为。Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingA R _ Proverbs and Quotations 37. Work banishes

52、those three great evils: boredom, vice and poverty. Voltaire, French writer工作撵跑三个魔鬼:厌烦、堕落和贫穷。工作撵跑三个魔鬼:厌烦、堕落和贫穷。 法国作家法国作家 伏尔泰伏尔泰 8. Nothing is more dangerous than discontinued labor. Victor Hugo, French writer没有什么比停止劳动更危险的了。没有什么比停止劳动更危险的了。 法国作家法国作家 V. 雨果雨果 Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed Reading

53、After ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _illegal illegal: adj. against the law; not legalIt is illegal to drive a car that is not taxed and insured. It is illegal to sell tobacco to someone under 16.把烟草卖给把烟草卖给16岁以下的人是犯法的。岁以下的人是犯法的。Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupp

54、lementary ReadingS R _ Reading _ immigrant immigrant: n. someone who enters another country to live there permanently Illegal immigrants are sent back across the border if they are caught.The new immigrants come mainly from Asia and Latin America.新移民主要来自于亚洲和拉丁美洲。新移民主要来自于亚洲和拉丁美洲。Before ReadingGlobal

55、ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _put up with put up with: tolerate or bear For years the workers have had to put up with low wages and terrible working conditions.多年来工人们不得不忍受低工资和恶劣的工作环境。多年来工人们不得不忍受低工资和恶劣的工作环境。Mary could no longer put up with her husbands violen

56、t temper.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _in search of in search of: searching for我们在找地方吃饭。我们在找地方吃饭。Many of its best-educated residents have been driven to neighboring counties in search of better jobs.We are in search of somewhere to eat.B

57、efore ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading_ supervise supervise: vt. watch and direct 所有志愿者都由一位有资质的护士来监管。所有志愿者都由一位有资质的护士来监管。The UN is supervising the distribution of aid by local agencies in the disaster area.All volunteers are supervised by a qualifie

58、d nurse.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _temporary temporary: adj. lasting for a limited time only; not permanent 停战只是危机的临时解决办法。停战只是危机的临时解决办法。Temporary shelters were hastily constructed shortly after the earthquake.The ceasefire will only p

59、rovide a temporary solution to the crisis.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _response response: n. answer; reaction (followed by to) 把你对这些问题的答案写在纸的反面。把你对这些问题的答案写在纸的反面。In response to local demand, we will be opening this store from nine till s

60、even on Sundays.Write your responses to the questions on the back of the sheet.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _ risk1risk: 1. vt. take the chance of; place in danger (used in the pattern: risk sth.; risk doing sth.)When children start smok

61、ing, they dont realize that theyre risking their health.Some drivers often break the speed limit, and they think theres little risk of getting caught.当他的公司破产时,他冒着失去房子的风险。当他的公司破产时,他冒着失去房子的风险。He risked losing his house when his company went bankrupt.2. n. the possibility of suffering harm or loss; dan

62、gerBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _ risk2There is a high risk of injury in contact sports such as rugby.If you tell him the truth, you run the risk of hurting his feelings.我们必须停止这些谣言,公司的名声正受到威胁。我们必须停止这些谣言,公司的名声正受到威胁。We must stop these rumo

63、urs; the firms reputation is at risk.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _ acquire acquire: vt. gain by ones own ability, efforts, etc. 研究使我们对疾病的原因有了新的深刻了解。研究使我们对疾病的原因有了新的深刻了解。The college acquired a reputation for very high standards.Research h

64、elps us acquire new insight into the causes of diseases.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _make (both) ends meet make (both) ends meet: earn enough money to live without getting into debt; balance ones income and expenditure 自从我妈妈被解雇后,我们就很难收支

65、相抵。自从我妈妈被解雇后,我们就很难收支相抵。Its been hard to make ends meet since my mom was laid off.When my father lost his job, we could barely make ends meet.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _environment environment: n. conditions, circumstances, etc. affect

66、ing peoples lives我们已经努力创造一个能让每个人发挥技能的工作环境。我们已经努力创造一个能让每个人发挥技能的工作环境。We have tried to create a working environment in which everyone can develop their skills.As a parent you try to create a stable home environment for your children to grow up in.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Readin

67、gSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _ stand a chance of stand a chance of: be likely to be able to do sth. or to succeed 我认为我没有可能赢得金牌。我认为我没有可能赢得金牌。I dont think I stand a chance of winning a gold medal.Being very good at science subjects, I stood a good chance of gaining high grades in the final exam

68、s.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _prospect prospect: n. a mental picture of a future event想到将要见到我的偶像,我激动不已。想到将要见到我的偶像,我激动不已。I felt very excited at the prospect of meeting my idol.There seems little prospect of an end to the dispute.Before

69、ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _reserve reserve: vt. keep for a special purpose; arrange in advance to have (sth.) (used in the pattern: reserve sth. for sb.)我想预定两个人的桌子。我想预定两个人的桌子。Id like to reserve a table for two.These seats are reserved for th

70、e elderly and women with babies.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingIt is very rare for her to miss a day at school.S R _ Reading _rare rare: adj. not often happening or seen, etc.; unusual 很难得她上学缺勤一天。很难得她上学缺勤一天。A new law to prevent the export of rare birds

71、is to be introduced.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _ former former: adj. happening, existing, or true in the past, but not now他前夫现住在休斯敦。他前夫现住在休斯敦。Her former husband now lives in Houston.Canada is a former British colony.Before ReadingGloba

72、l ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _ quit quit: vt. stop (doing sth.) and leave (used in the patterns: quit sth.; quit doing sth.)我希望他停止打扰我。我希望他停止打扰我。I wish hed quit bothering me.Would you quit your job if you inherited lots of money?Before ReadingGlobal Reading

73、Detailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _ deserve deserve: vt. do sth. or have qualities worthy of (a reward, special treatment, etc.) (used in the patterns: deserve sth.; deserve to do sth.)说实话,我们确实不应该赢的。说实话,我们确实不应该赢的。To be honest, we didnt really deserve to win.You deserve

74、more than a medal.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _ impressimpress: vt. have a favorable effect on (sb.); make (sb.) feel admiration and respect这男孩的勇敢和坚定给医生留下印象。这男孩的勇敢和坚定给医生留下印象。The boy has impressed his doctors with his courage and determi

75、nation.One candidate in particular impressed us with her knowledge.Steve borrowed his dads sports car to impress his girlfriend.We were very impressed by the standard of work.Before ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingSupplementary ReadingS R _ Reading _show up show up: arrive; appear 麦克出现了,为迟到而道歉。麦克出现了,为迟到而道歉。Mike showed up, apologizing for being late.I invited him for eight oclock, but he didnt show up until nine-thirty.



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