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1、一、一、Revise the Passive Voice 主动语态主动语态 (the active voice) 被动语态被动语态(the passive voice)如:如: Everyone enjoys exciting sports. (主动语态主动语态) 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者; Exciting sports are enjoyed by everyone. (被动语态被动语态) 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。The window was broken by Tom .主被动语态的转换:主被动语态的转换:Tom

2、 broke the window.如:我的家乡发生了很大的变化。如:我的家乡发生了很大的变化。不能说:不能说:Great changes have been taken place in my hometown. 通常只有及物动词(组)才有被动语通常只有及物动词(组)才有被动语态,不及物动词没有。态,不及物动词没有。现在时现在时过去时过去时将来时将来时一般一般式式_ _ given_ _ _ given_进行进行式式_ _ given_ _ _ given 完成完成式式_ given _ given_时时式式 常见主被动时态变化一览表常见主被动时态变化一览表waswas givengiven

3、amamis isareaream beingam beingis beingis beingare beingare beinghas beenhas beenhave beenhave beenwerewerewas beingwas beingwere beingwere beinghad beenhad beenshall beshall bewill bewill beshall/will shall/will have beenhave been1. 复习动词不定式的主动被动结构复习动词不定式的主动被动结构一般式一般式进行式进行式完成式完成式主动主动to doto be doing

4、to have done被动被动to be doneto have been done1. The dam _ by the year 2020, will benefit the whole country. A. being completed B. to complete C. completed D. to be completedD 2. She told me that her proposal needed _ into consideration. A. to take B. to be taken C. to be taking D. to have takenB 2. 动词

5、不定式的被动语态在句子中的作用动词不定式的被动语态在句子中的作用 1) 做主语(常用做主语(常用it做形式主语)做形式主语) To be offered sympathy by a robot is ridiculous. 被邀请参加这个亚运会开幕式,是一大荣幸。被邀请参加这个亚运会开幕式,是一大荣幸。 2) 做表语做表语 The party is to be held next Saturday evening. 明年明年, 这种新药将在这种新药将在500个过度肥胖的人上进行试验。个过度肥胖的人上进行试验。It is ridiculous to be offered sympathy by

6、.It is a great honor to be invited to attend the opening ceremony of Asian Games.The new drug is to be tested out on the 500overweight people next year.3) 做宾语做宾语 She didnt like to be treated as a child. He pretended to have been beaten by his step-father. 这位职员不希望被她的顾客嘲笑。这位职员不希望被她的顾客嘲笑。The clerk woul

7、dnt like to be laughed at by her customers4) 做宾语补足语做宾语补足语 Tony expected the house to be completely transformed. 这个残疾的孩子希望由这个主建筑师来设计这座这个残疾的孩子希望由这个主建筑师来设计这座 电影院。电影院。The disabled child expected the cinema to be designed by the chief architect.5)做定语)做定语 What a victory to be envied by those women! 英国人对即将

8、在伦敦举行的奥运会感到骄傲。英国人对即将在伦敦举行的奥运会感到骄傲。The English are proud of the Olympic Games to be held in London.6)做状语)做状语 All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to be received in time for Christmas. 他匆忙赶到订票处(他匆忙赶到订票处(booking office)却被告知)却被告知 所有的票都卖完了。所有的票都卖完了。He hurried to the booking office only to be

9、told that all the tickets had been sold out.3. 在下列情况中用不定式的主动形式表示被动意思。在下列情况中用不定式的主动形式表示被动意思。 1) 不定式作后置定语,与被修饰的名词或代词构成不定式作后置定语,与被修饰的名词或代词构成 逻辑上的动宾关系,但又与该句主语(逻辑上的动宾关系,但又与该句主语(或另一名或另一名 词词/代词代词)构成逻辑上的主谓关系时)构成逻辑上的主谓关系时, He has nothing to eat. 分析:分析: eat 动动nothing宾宾 / he 主主eat 谓谓 I will give you a book to

10、read . 分析:分析: _ 动动_宾宾/ _主主_谓谓 这个优雅的女人有事情要宣布。这个优雅的女人有事情要宣布。reada bookyoureadThe elegant lady had something to declare. 比较:比较: I have a lot of letters to type . (我有很多信件要打印:我有很多信件要打印:I will type the letter) I have a lot of letters to be typed. (意思为:意思为: I get sb. to type the letter) 1) Ill go to New Yo

11、rk. Have you anything _(take) to your wife there? 2) Do you have any clothes _(wash), sir?” asked the maid 3) I cannot go out now as I have a lot of clothes _(wash)to be takento be washedto wash 注意:注意:若句子的主语并非不定式的逻辑主语时,若句子的主语并非不定式的逻辑主语时, 不定式则必须用被动式不定式则必须用被动式。3. 在下列情况中用不定式的主动形式表示被动意思。在下列情况中用不定式的主动形式表

12、示被动意思。 2) 在在“主语主语+表语(形容词)表语(形容词)to do” 中,中, 主语也是主语也是 不定式的逻辑宾语不定式的逻辑宾语,即不定式动词和主语之间是即不定式动词和主语之间是 动宾关系。动宾关系。 This question is easy to answer. (分析:(分析:answer (动动)-this question (宾)(宾) 注意:注意: 如果动词为不及物动词,则要注意介词的搭配。如果动词为不及物动词,则要注意介词的搭配。 John is difficult to deal with. (分析:(分析:_(动动)-_(宾宾))如:这扶手椅坐起来很舒服。如:这扶手

13、椅坐起来很舒服。 这题目很难算出来。这题目很难算出来。deal withJohnThe armchair is comfortable to sit inThe question is difficult to work out常用的形容词有常用的形容词有easy,difficult,hard,impossible,nice,pleasant,light,heavy,interesting,important,expensive,cheap, fit, dangerous3). 在在“tooto do; enoughto”结构中。如:结构中。如:这个问题太难了算不出来。这个问题太难了算不出来。

14、The problem is too difficult to work out (to be worked out)这房子够大能住下。这房子够大能住下。The house is big enough to live in.4). There be 结构中,用不定式的主动和被结构中,用不定式的主动和被 动式来修饰主语,区别不大。动式来修饰主语,区别不大。 There is a lot of work to do / to be done. (多用主动形式多用主动形式) 没有什么可担心的。没有什么可担心的。There is nothing to worry about.5). 在在“with+n

15、+to do”结构中。结构中。例如:例如:没有事情要做,他就躺在被窝里。没有事情要做,他就躺在被窝里。With nothing to do, he lay in bed因为有太多的练习要做,我不能帮你忙。因为有太多的练习要做,我不能帮你忙。With so many exercises to do, I cant do a favor for you.6). 一些作表语用的不定式的主动形式。一些作表语用的不定式的主动形式。 常见的这类动词有常见的这类动词有let(出租出租), rent, hire, blame等。等。 房子出租。房子出租。The house is to let 我觉得我应该被责

16、骂。我觉得我应该被责骂。I felt I was to blame.7)有些动词既是及物动词又是不及有些动词既是及物动词又是不及物动词,当它们和物动词,当它们和well,badly,easily等等副词连用时,副词连用时,表示主语内在品质或性能,表示主语内在品质或性能,是不及物动词,用主动表示被动,这时不是不及物动词,用主动表示被动,这时不用被动语态,常见的有:用被动语态,常见的有:write,read,clean,sell,wash,cook 等。等。如:如: The cloth washes easily.The new product sells well.The pen writes

17、smoothly.8)感官系动词一般用主动形式表示被感官系动词一般用主动形式表示被动意义,如:动意义,如:feel,look,seem,taste,sound,remain等。等。 Do you like the material?Yes,it feels very soft.误:误:It is felt very soft.The food tastes delicious.误:误:The food is tasted delicious.The pop music sounds beautiful.误:误:The pop music is sounded beautiful.9).动词动词

18、 need, require, want, 和和be worth后后加加 v-ing的主动形式表被动意义。的主动形式表被动意义。My watch doesnt work; it needs repairing. The book is worth reading a second time. need/ require/want doing =need /require/want to be done My watch doesnt work; it needs repairing.=it needs to be repaired.1. It will take several weeks f

19、or your computer to _ (repair).2. I knew him _ (catch) by the police.3. A vote is required _(take) in our company at once.4.This makes it possible for them _(make) metals into any required shapes.5. Dick sped on the motorway only _ (fine).6. When some money went missing from the bank, Thomas was bel

20、ieved _ (steal) it.be repairedto have been caughtto be takento maketo have stolento be fined练习练习7. I hope _(admit) to Zhongshan University.8.The book is said to _ (translate) into several languages.9.I feel greatly honored _ (welcome) into their society .10.Come on! It is an easy sentence _ (transla

21、te).11.When I came in, he pretended to _.(read)12.All these gifts must be mailed immediately _(receive) in time for Christmas.13.Mrs Smith warned her daughter _(not drive) after drinking.to translateto be welcomedhave been translatedto be admittedbe readingto be receivednot to drive14. Hearing the g

22、ood news, he was too excited _ (speak).15. It happened _ (rain) when I got there.16. I am terribly sorry _(lose) your key.17. I am sorry _(say )that he is going from bad to worse.18. He asked _(send) to the place where he was most needed.19. What he hoped was _(admit) into the university20. He got t

23、o the station only _(find) all the tickets had been sold out.21. I am sorry _(keep) you waiting so long.to speakto be rainingto have lostto sayto be sentto be admittedto findto have kept22.On their return the father asked his son _(explain) what he had learnt.23.My advisor encouraged me _(take) a su

24、mmer course to improve my writing skills.24.I dont know whether you happen _(hear), but Im going to study in the U.S.A this September. 25.The flu is believed _(cause) by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. 26.He seems _(punish) by his teacher yesterday.27._(

25、save ) the badly sick lady, the doctor had an operation on her.28. He was too frightened _ (say) anything.to explainto taketo have heardto be causedto have been punishedTo saveto say29.The school ordered all the classroom _( clean ).30.My grandmother seems to have a lot _ (worry) about. 31.I am goin

26、g to the post office. Do you have any letter _(post)?32.You are lucky enough _ (not catch) in the rain.not to have been caughtto be postedto worry to be cleaned二、翻译练习二、翻译练习1.据说这会议已经被取消了据说这会议已经被取消了 The meeting is said to have been cancelled.2.这个学生似乎已经对政治失去了兴趣。这个学生似乎已经对政治失去了兴趣。 The student seems to ha

27、ve lost interest in politics.3.残疾人不喜欢被别人嘲笑。残疾人不喜欢被别人嘲笑。 The disabled dont like to be laughed at.4.没有可以没有可以浪费的时间了。浪费的时间了。 There is no time to waste/ be wasted5.能被邀请进这个英语俱乐部,是一大荣幸能被邀请进这个英语俱乐部,是一大荣幸 It is a great honor to be invited to the English Club.6.她假装没有听懂我说的话。她假装没有听懂我说的话。 She pretended not to understand what I had said.7.我希望被中山大学录取。我希望被中山大学录取。 I hope /expect to be admitted into Zhangshan University8.抱歉,我忘记了你的电话号码了。抱歉,我忘记了你的电话号码了。 I am sorry to have forgotten your telephone number.



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