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2、的猜测对考纲外生词的猜测The underlined word cultivated ( paragraph 1 ) The underlined word cultivated ( paragraph 1 ) roughly means _.roughly means _.2.对考纲内熟词新义的猜测对考纲内熟词新义的猜测The underlined word “hit” (paragraph 1 ) roughly The underlined word “hit” (paragraph 1 ) roughly meansmeans4.对句义的猜测对句义的猜测When I got back

3、out into the street, the world seemed When I got back out into the street, the world seemed brand-new to me. He was something brand-new to me. He was something out of an ancient out of an ancient legendlegend3.对代词的猜测对代词的猜测 The underlined part “it” (in Para. 4) refers to_.The underlined part “it” (in

4、 Para. 4) refers to_. 词义理解题常见的题型有词义理解题常见的题型有:1.Theword“”refersto/probablymeans/couldbestbereplacedby_.2.Whatdoyouthinktheexpression“”standsfor?3.Theunderlinedsentence“”means_.Howdoyoudealwiththeunfamiliarwordsorphraseswhilereading?Ignore them and continue readingLook them up in the dictionaryGuess t

5、he meaning 1.He would _ the gold from his grandma.2. Unlike his brother, Hobart is quite _.Howtoguessthemissingwords?Harvey is a thief: he would _ the gold from his grandma and not feel guilty.stealUnlike his brother, who is truly a handsome person, Hobart is quite _.ordinary-lookingplain/homelySkil

6、ls for guessing unknown words:1. The lion has its “territory” , which is an area that an animal ,usually the male, claims(声称)as its own. “territory” means _ an area( that-own) 动物地盘动物地盘2. He is a resolute man. Once he makes up his mind to do something, he wont give it up halfway. The underlined word

7、means_.A.strong B. determined C. kind D. clever定语从句或其后的句子其实是一种定义或解释定语从句或其后的句子其实是一种定义或解释技巧归纳技巧归纳1: Use _利用利用_definition or explanation 定义或解释猜测词义定义或解释猜测词义mean, refer to, be called, be known as ,can be defined as, in other words, that is , that is to say, namely,be called,be identified as,to put it dif

8、ferently 括号括号,引号引号,破折号,破折号,定语从句定语从句.etc.Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots(嫩芽)嫩芽), or young leaves of trees.The word “pruning” means_A. Regular cutting of the plantsB. Frequent wateringC. Regular use of chemicalsD. Growing the plants high in the mountain技巧归纳技巧归纳 2

9、 :Using_ 根据根据_common sense or experience普通常识和经验普通常识和经验技巧归纳3: 利用_ from_2.The period of adolescence, the period between childhood and adulthood ,may be long or short. A少儿期少儿期B幼儿期幼儿期C青春期青春期D成人成人期同义同义/同位语同位语similarity/appositive1. In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S.

10、 today “ocelot” means _an endangered wild cat ThelargestplayerShanghaiBashiTourismCarCenteroffersawidevarietyofchoices,suchasdeluxesedans,minivans,stationwagons,coaches.Santanasedansarethebigfavoriteofthetourists.Theunderlinedwordsusedinthetextreferto_.A.carsinthemakingB.carrentalfirmsC.carsforrentD

11、.carmakers技巧归纳技巧归纳4: 利用利用_举例举例 from examplesSignal words:for example ,for instance,such as ,like,as,etc.技巧归纳技巧归纳5:利用利用_From_1. The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted(飘)飘) with the wind like feathers.2. Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy person who does not like to go to parties or make ne

12、w friends. 雪花,雪片雪花,雪片爱交际的爱交际的比较或对比比较或对比 comparison or contrastSignal words: as, like, the same as,unlike, but,however, on the contrary, while,insteadect.技巧归纳技巧归纳6:利用利用_From_(1)Overworkmaycausediseases.over(过分的、过量的)(过分的、过量的)workoverwork“工工作过度作过度”。(2)Therewasadissatisfiedlookinthemanagerseyes.dis“不不”+

13、satisfied“满意的满意的=dissatisfied“不不满意的满意的”。构词法(前缀、后缀、复合、派生等)构词法(前缀、后缀、复合、派生等)Word formation合成合成Compounding 转化转化Conversion派生派生Derivation构词法构词法Wordformationprefixsuffix 表否定 un-, non-, in-, dis- 表相反表相反 un-, de-, dis-, counter- 错误失当错误失当 mis-, mal-, pseudo- 表向背表向背 pro-, anti- 表程度表程度 arch-, super-, ultra- ,

14、over-, under-, mini-, semi- , 表时间表时间 pre, fore-, post- 表方位表方位 sub-, inter-, trans- prefixdecontrol transplant counterattack解除控制 移植 反击 suffix-able (能(能的)的)-less (无,不)(无,不)-wards ( 向)向)-ship (身份;资格;权力;(身份;资格;权力;性质)性质)-some ( 易于易于的)的)-hood (状态;性质;时期)(状态;性质;时期)-ish (如(如的;有点儿的;有点儿的)的)-proof (防防的;不能穿透的)的;

15、不能穿透的)-scape (景)(景)-most (最最的)的)waterproof streetscape innermost speechlesslHeissaidtobe“undersizedwith“shortlegsanda“roundstomach”.(08广东卷)广东卷)lTalesofthesupernaturalarecommoninallpartsofBritain.(08广东卷)广东卷)lTheycaughttheemotionallandscapefromheartbreaktojoy,butsharetheundeniablelongingforrecoveryand

16、hope.(2010深一模深一模)派生派生Derivation小尺寸的;较矮小的;超自然的风景不可否认的lHewassomethingoutofanancientlegend,hisverystrange,dustyfelthat,hisfunnyaccentfromwho-knows-where(06广东卷)广东卷)合成合成Compounding 谁都不知是什么地方lGreatculturalchangesledtomoreopencommunicationandamoredemocraticprocessthatencourageseveryonetohaveasay.(08广东卷)广东卷

17、)lSherestedherselfagainstapostclosetothetracks(09广东卷)广东卷)转化转化Conversionv.v.n.n.发言,发表意见发言,发表意见n.n.v. v. 倚靠倚靠1.Isheintelligentorstupid?2.MostwomeninGhana-theeducatedandilliterate,theurbanandrural,theyoungandold-worktoearnanincomeinadditiontomaintainingtheirrolesashousewivesandmothers.Theirreputationfo

18、reconomicindependence,self-reliance,andhardworkiswellknownandwelldeserved.Theunderlinedword“illiterate”inthepassagemeans_.A.RepeatedB.reiterated.CuneducatedD.sickclever技巧归纳技巧归纳7: 利用利用_ From_同义词或反义词的关系猜词。同义词或反义词的关系猜词。 Synonym or Antonym.1.Ifeelthatsinceyouaremysuperior(上司)(上司),itwouldbepresumptuousof

19、metotellyouwhattodo.”Theword“presumptuous”isclosestinmeaningto“”.AfullofrespectBrudeandtooconfidentClackinginexperienceDtooshyandquietB技巧归纳技巧归纳8: 利用利用_From _原因与结果关系猜词原因与结果关系猜词fromCauseandResultSignal words: because, so, so thathence, thereforeAs a result, assince, for, thus The official asked the ma

20、n what his occupation was. The man told him that he worked as an engineer. A. work B. study C. name D. interest技巧归纳技巧归纳9: Use_ 利用利用_workedasanengineer.context or related information上下文的语境上下文的语境利用上下文利用上下文熟词新义熟词新义生活常识生活常识找信息词找信息词指代关系指代关系1.Whenmenandwomenlivedbyhunting50,000yearsago,howcouldtheyevenbeg





25、abomb D.publictransportthis ,that, it, them, onethis ,that, it, them, one等代词指代内容一般等代词指代内容一般是在此词的前面是在此词的前面, ,理解上下文特别是上句的意理解上下文特别是上句的意识和本句的意思是解题的关键识和本句的意思是解题的关键. .猜词技巧猜词技巧Tips for guessing the meaning of words1.利用定义或解释定义或解释2.利用普通常识和经验普通常识和经验3.利用同义同义/同位语同位语4.利用举例举例 5.利用比较或对比比较或对比6.利用构词法(前缀、后缀、复合、派生等)构词

26、法(前缀、后缀、复合、派生等)7.利用同义词或反义词同义词或反义词8.利用原因与结果关系猜词原因与结果关系猜词9.利用上下文的语境上下文的语境More practice.Finish Exx.1 to 10 , then discuss the answers with your group. 1 .A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience take an active part in his play: they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if

27、they dont understand something, they say so.The word “audience” in the paragraph means _.A.students B. people who watch a play C. people who act on the stage D. people who listen to something常识常识 teacher-students 2. When some kind of pain killer(止痛药)止痛药) was brought out recently, researchers found t

28、hat the colours turned the customers off because they made the product look weak and ineffective(无效的)(无效的).The underlined part “the colours turned the customers off” means that the colours_A.Attracted the customers stronglyB.Had weak effects on the customersC.Tricked the customers into shoppingD.Cau

29、sed the customers to lose interest D因果关系因果关系because 3. Collins decided that she must go, although the hazards of the trip were many, for example, the unbearable heat , the possibility of getting lost , the presence of wild animals and poisonous snakes . “hazard” means _A. pleasure, B. problem, C. da

30、nger, D. attractionC举例举例for example 4. In a culture which values only the winner and pays no attention to the ordinary players, they strongly blame competition. Among the most vocal are youngsters who have suffered under competitive pressures from their parents or societyThe underlined phrase “the m

31、ost vocal” means_A.Those who try their best to winB.Those who value competition most highlyC.Those who are against competition most stronglyD.Those who rely on others most for successC上下文语境context or related information 5. Without examinations, employers will look for employees from the highly respe

32、cted schools and from families known to thema form of favoritism will replace equality. The word “favoritism is used to describe the phenomenon that _. A. bright children also need certificates to get satisfying jobs B. children from well-respected schools tend to have good jobs C. poor children wit

33、h certificates are favored in job markets D. children attending ordinary schools achieve great success 破折号(定义或同位语)破折号(定义或同位语)6 . Grown-ups also have a sense of object permanence. That is to say, if we put a box in a room and lock the door, the box will still be there when we come back. “Object perma

34、nence” means that when out of sight, an object _A.Still exists B. keeps its shapeB.C. Still stays solid D. is beyond reachA1.定义definitionthat is to say 也就是说2.构词法permanentpermanence7.Achildsbirthdaypartydoesnthavetobeahassle;instead,itcanbeabasketoffun,accordingtoBethAnaclerio,anEvastonmotheroftwo,ag

35、es4and18months.Whatdoestheunderlinedwordhassle“probablymean?A.apartydesignedbyspecialistsB.aplanrequiringcarefulthoughtC.asituationcausingdifficultyortroubleD.ademandmadebyguests 比较比较comparison(instead相反相反,反而反而)8. William Shakespeare said. “The web of our life is of a mingled yarn(纱线),good and ill t

36、ogether.” The underlined word “mingled” most probably means .Asimple Bmixed Csad DhappyBdefinition or explanation 定义或解释猜测词义定义或解释猜测词义9.Thehouselookedquitenormaloutside,butinsideitwasveryexoticwithfascinatingobjectsondisplay.Ashebeganputtingthemintohisbag,agodcameintotheroom.ItstoppedwhenitsawBuster,t

37、henwaggeditstailmadlyandwentovertohim,lickinghisoutstretchedhand.“Goodboy,”Busterwhispered.“Whatagreatguarddogyouare-tryingtolickmetodeath.”Whichofthedefinitionsisclosestinmeaningtotheword“exotic”?AMessyanduntidy.B.Richandexpensive.C.ComfortableandcalmingD.Unusualandforeign. 对比对比contrast normalbut-u

38、nusual 10. Lionsareopportunists.Theyprefertoeatwithouthavingtodotoomuchwork.Whenrestingintheshade,theyarealsowatchingtheskytoseewhatisflyingby,andevenintheheatofthedaytheywillsuddenlystartupandrunamileacrosstheplainstofindoutwhatisgoingon.Ifanotheranimalhasmadeakill,theywilldriveitoffandtakethekillf

39、orthemselves.Bydescribinglionsas“opportunists”,theauthormeanstosaythatlions_.A.arecruelanimalsB.arecleveranimalsC.Liketotakeadvantageof(利用)(利用)otheranimalsD.Liketotakeeverychancetoeat构词法及下文解释构词法及下文解释opportunity-istPractice in the passage11. He had been getting better but during the night his conditi

40、on deteriorated.Get worse12.The animal with the longevity is the giant land tortoise which can live several hundreds years. 长寿长寿13. They are vertebrates, that is, animals have backbones.文中“vertebrates”的意思是_脊椎动物脊椎动物14.Shedidnothearwhatyousaidbecauseshewascompletelyengrossedinherreading.concentrate/fo

41、cus her attention on15. But sometimes,no rain falls for a long,long time. Then there is a dry period,or drought.A long period of shortage of rainfall16.Doyouhaveanystrongopiniononco-educationalorsingle-sexschools? co(共同的)(共同的)-education-al 男女同校教育的男女同校教育的 17. Thosenewcomerswerenotusedtothelifeinthesu

42、burbswhichwassodifferentfromthatinsidethecity. countryEx2: “The Dave you saw on TV was the real Dave,” says friend Pat Williams, “He wasnt a great actor or a great speaker. He was just Joe Everybody.” 74. “He was just Joe Everybody.” ( in the last paragraph) means _. A. Dave was famous B. Dave was o

43、rdinary C. Dave was showy D. Dave was shy Ex3:Andifyouvegatheredyourfriendsaroundyoutorebuildahappyfamilyatmosphere(气氛气氛),youmayfearthatsayingnowillbringbackthekindofconflictyougrewupwith-ordestroytheniceatmosphereyounowenjoyTheunderlinedwordconflictmeans_.A.dependentlifeB.fiercefightC.badmannersD.p

44、ainfulfeelingEx.4:Provideincentive.Tellyourchildrentheimportanceofsaving.“Foreverydollarheorsheagreestosaveandinvestratherthanspend,youagreetoaddanotherdollartothepot,”saysCathyPareto,expertinmoneyplanning.Theunderlinedword“incentive”inthisparagraphmeans_.AHonorB.praiseC.excitementD.encouragement He

45、re is The Pines ,whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou ,wild boar ,and reindeer with surprising sauces . (2004年福建卷)According to the passage ,The Pines is a .Aplace in which you can see many mobile homesBmountain where you can get a good view of the valleyCtown

46、 which happens to be near the Banff National ParkDrestaurant where you can ask for some special kinds of food Ex.5: Those new comers were not used to the life in the suburbs which was so different from that inside the city. A. town B. capital C. country D. housethecity1.Doyouhaveanystrongopiniononco

47、-educationalorsingle-sexschools? 2.Marry Cassatt gave up her social position and all thought of a husband and a family ,which in those times was unthinkable for a young lady. 3.Finally , renewable energy sources are used even though they are often expensive to develop.co-education-al 男女同校教育的男女同校教育的

48、un-think-able 不可思议的不可思议的re-new-able 可更新的可更新的,可再生的可再生的practicePractice1.Mark Twain was not the authors real name; it was a pseudonym.2. But sometimes,no rain falls for a long,long time. Then there is a dry period,or drought.a pen name.A long period of shortage of rainfallThe house stood at the end of

49、 a quiet neat street. The little dwelling,however,looked neglected and cheerless. l(2009年福建卷年福建卷)Forananswer,IcheckedwithTimFlannery,authorofThe Weather Makers: How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth. Inhisbook,hehadchallengedreaderstomakedeepcutsinpersonalemissionstokee


51、intssuchasl l(广东卷广东卷)“UnlikevitaminC,leadershipskillscantbeeasilyswalloweddown.Theymustbecarefullycultivated.”Differentfrompopularbelief,mostgoodleadersaremade,notborn.Theylearntheirskillsintheireverydaylives.Butwhichdotheydevelop?Howdothey(andhowcanyou)getotherstofollow?l lTheunderlinedwordroughlym

52、eans_.A.encouragedB.comparedC.examinedD.developedl (广东卷)广东卷)EachoftheguestsmadeaparticularfussoverKelly,theyoungestone,admiringherdress,herhairandhersmile.Theysaidshewasaremarkablegirltobecarryingcoatsupstairsatherage.Ithoughttomyselfthatweadultsusuallymakeabig“todo”overtheyoungeronebecauseshestheon











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