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1、第一节第一节 完形填空完形填空 About 70% of the Earth is covered by water, but there are many voices saying that, in future, drinking water will be worth the same as 1 today, or even more. This is a huge problem and we need to 2 every idea to deal with it. The Water Building Resort is a very interesting 3 . It is

2、a building designed by Orlando De Uruttia. 1. A. soil B. oil C. air D. rice 2. A. suspect B. hesitate C. value D. question 3. A. solution B. combination C. navigation D. operation This building will be able to convert 4 into water and thats why its beautifully 5 in the shape of a falling drop of wat

3、er. The building also uses 6 energy sources. The facade (外墙外墙) of the building, which is covered with photovoltaic (光电的光电的) glass, 7 the suns rays into solar power. 4. A. cloud B. fire C. air D. fog 5. A. consisted B. departed C. assigned D. designed 6. A. enjoyable B. responsible C. renewable D. re

4、asonable 7. A. converts B. concerns C. confirms D. inverts Converting air into water is 8 thanks to its special 9 . The Water Building Resort can also 10 sea and rain water and it is designed for construction along warm and 11 coasts. 8. A. useful B. possible C. important D. necessary 9. A. settleme

5、nt B. government C. accomplishment D. equipment 10. A. purify B. modify C. simplify D. beautify 11. A. thirsty B. humid C. hot D. dry There are restaurants, gyms, hotel and conference rooms, exhibition halls on the upper floors and an underwater aquarium at the 12 of the Water Building Resort. 12. A

6、. top B. middle C. center D. base Its special equipment can 13 up to 5,000 liters of pure drinking water a day, a volume of 2,117m3 supporting about 48 people using an average of 105 liters per person. Drinking water 14 from air and obtained by purifying sea and rain water is 15 for the entire build

7、ing.13. A. prevent B. promote C. produce D. conflict 14. A. created B. discovered C. invented D. obtained 15. A. sufficient B. present C. dependent D. convenient 面临着日益严峻的淡水资源短缺面临着日益严峻的淡水资源短缺, 如何解决如何解决人类未来的饮水问题呢?有人提出了将空气、海人类未来的饮水问题呢?有人提出了将空气、海水、雨水转化为饮用水的设计理念。而这一设计水、雨水转化为饮用水的设计理念。而这一设计理念的普及推广将意味着我们人类在

8、未来可以从理念的普及推广将意味着我们人类在未来可以从空气中获取或通过净化海水和雨水等途径获取!空气中获取或通过净化海水和雨水等途径获取!1. B 根据常识,将来的水将和油根据常识,将来的水将和油(oil)一样贵,一样贵,甚至更贵。甚至更贵。2. C 因为有了问题,所以我们需要重视因为有了问题,所以我们需要重视(value)每一个能解决的想法。每一个能解决的想法。 3. A 根据上句中的根据上句中的This is a huge problem可知。可知。solution与与problem是词语同现。是词语同现。4. C 根据本段最后一句的根据本段最后一句的Converting air into

9、water可知。与可知。与air是原词复现。是原词复现。5. D 上句中的上句中的It is a building designed有提示。与有提示。与design是原词复现。是原词复现。6. C 因因renewable energy sources(可再生资源可再生资源)与与后面的后面的photovoltaic glass(光电玻璃光电玻璃)是上下义复现。是上下义复现。7. A 由前面的由前面的convert 4 into water可知。与可知。与convert 和和converting是原词复现。是原词复现。8. B 多亏多亏(thanks to)有了专门的设备,才使得把有了专门的设备,

10、才使得把空气转化成水成为了可能空气转化成水成为了可能(possible)。(因果推断因果推断)9. D 根据最后一段第一句中的根据最后一段第一句中的Its special equipment可知。与可知。与equipment是原词复现。是原词复现。10. A 最后一句中的最后一句中的by purifying sea and rain water有提示。与有提示。与purifying是同源词复现。是同源词复现。11. B 根据空前的根据空前的warm可知。可知。Humid (潮湿的,潮湿的,湿润的湿润的)与与warm是词语同现。是词语同现。12. D 根据句中的根据句中的exhibition h

11、alls on the upper floors可推出可推出an underwater aquarium 应该是在底应该是在底部部(base)。base与与upper floors是词语同现。是词语同现。13. C 根据常识和搭配。不可能是根据常识和搭配。不可能是“阻止水阻止水”“促进水促进水”“斗争水斗争水”而是而是“生产生产(多达五千升纯净多达五千升纯净的饮用的饮用)水水”。14. D 根根据原词复现。由据原词复现。由and obtained by可知,这可知,这里是里是obtained from。另外,由动宾搭配,即与。另外,由动宾搭配,即与drinking water搭配的动词,即从空

12、气中搭配的动词,即从空气中“得到得到”饮用水,而不是从空气中饮用水,而不是从空气中“创造创造”“发现发现”“发发明明”饮用水。饮用水。15. A 根据逻辑推断。从空气中得到的和净化海根据逻辑推断。从空气中得到的和净化海水和雨水而得到的饮用水水和雨水而得到的饮用水“足够足够”供给整栋楼的供给整栋楼的人饮用。人饮用。第二节第二节 语法填空语法填空 Tim Jackson worked in a big office. One day he had nothing 16 _(do) in his office. He found his hair was too long, so he decide

13、d to have his hair cut at the barbers. Although this 17 _ _ (forbid) according to the rules of his office, he thought that no one would know 18 _. While he was sitting at the barbers, he saw his boss walking 19 _ the barbers and just sat beside him. He tried to hide his face, 20 _ the boss still rec

14、ognized him soon. to do forbidden wasit into but The boss said to him, “Hi, Tim but why do you have your hair cut in the office time? Do you know that you 21 _ (disobey) our rules?” “Yes, sir.” Tim pretended to be calm and said, “My hair grows 22 _(long) in the office time. So I spend office time ha

15、ving my hair cut. I dont disobey our rules.” The boss said 23 _ once, “But some of it grows in your own time.” “Yes, sir, thats right.” Tim answered 24 _ (polite), “25 _ Im not going to have all my hair cut.” have disobeyed longer at politely So Tim Jackson违反规定,在工作时间去理发,违反规定,在工作时间去理发,不料正好遇上老板,对老板的发问

16、,他却给不料正好遇上老板,对老板的发问,他却给予机智而幽默的回答。予机智而幽默的回答。16. to do 不定式作定语。不定式作定语。17. was forbidden 由主语可知用被动语态。由主语可知用被动语态。18. it 作作know的宾语,要填代词;由语境可的宾语,要填代词;由语境可知,是指知,是指to have his hair cut这回事,故填这回事,故填it。19. into 表示表示“进入进入”。20. but 前后为转折关系,故填前后为转折关系,故填but。21. have disobeyed 在在that引导的宾语从引导的宾语从句中作谓语,由语境可知,句中作谓语,由语境可知,“你知道你你知道你已经违反了我们的制度了吗?已经违反了我们的制度了吗?”故用现故用现在完成时。在完成时。22. longer 根据句意应用比较级。根据句意应用比较级。23. at 固定搭配:固定搭配:at once立刻;马上。立刻;马上。24. politely 修饰动词修饰动词answered用副词。用副词。25. So 前后为因果关系,故填前后为因果关系,故填so。



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