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1、高考英语写作功能词“遵守/遵循/遵从”表达详解一、主要英语对应词及其用法结构1.动词 (observe, follow, toe, con-form, obey, transgress)observe 遵守to observe the speed limit/the laws of the land/a rule/a command/safety regulations/certain conditions/the agreement 遵守速 度限制规定/该国的法律/规则/命令/安全规则/某些条件/合约to observe public order/labour discipline/the

2、decencies(decorums)遵守公共秩序/劳动纪律/礼仪follow 遵循to follow sb.s teachings/the usual pattern/certain rules/sb.s advice/sb.s directions 遵循某人的教诲/遵守惯常的方式/遵守某些规则/遵循某人的指示toe 听从;遵循to toe the party line 遵循党的路线obey 服从;听从to obey the law 遵守法律conform 遵从;遵守to conform to rules/the usages(customs)of society 遵守规则/遵从社会习俗Sh

3、e refused to conform.(她拒绝遵从社会习俗。)2.名词(observing, observance, conformity, compliance, accordance, obedience, deference, transgression)the observing/observance of law and discipline 遵纪守法to act in conformity with the rules/law依照规定/法律行事in conformity with your request/instructions/wishes 遵循你的要求/指示/愿望in c

4、ompliance with your wishes/with the directions of the leadership遵从您的要求(愿望)/上级指示to give up ones idea in compliance with sb.s desire 顺从某人的愿望放弃自己的主意Compliance(with the rules) is expected of all members.要求全体人员都遵守(制度)。Compliance with the laws is expected of all citizens.(公民都应遵守法律。)to act in accordance wi

5、th custom/the regulations/the law遵照惯例/规章/法律行事3.形容词 (deferential, observant,obedient, conformable, compliant, unbusinesslike)a deferential secretary 一个顺从的秘书to be observant of the rules 遵守规则an obedient boy 听话的男孩to be obedient to sb. 服从/顺从某人The dog is very obedient. (狗很顺从。)to lead a life conformable to

6、 law过着守法的生活The boy was conformable to his fathers wishes. (这男孩依从他父亲的愿望。)They were uncomfortably compliant.(他们屈从得令人难受。)unbusinesslike methods/transactions/attitudes不守业务规矩的方法/交易/态度It is unbusinesslike to arrive late for meetings. (开会迟到是不遵守章法的态度。)二、常用的相关短语或表达遵守/遵照 to keep to;to abide by. ;to be amenabl

7、e to.;to comply with.;to be observant of;to defer to;to act in accordance with要求某人服从/希望某人服从(听话)/强迫某人服从to demand/desire/exact obedience from sb.服从某人to give obedience to sb.遵从上级的指示to comply with/in compliance with the directives of the leadership始终遵守某一定律to adhere to a law;to follow a law遵守礼节/协议to obse

8、rve the proprieties/the agreement严格遵守交通规则to be observant of the traffic rules遵从历史的要求to follow the imperatives of history遵守规则to keep to the regulations;to follow the rules;to hew to a rule;to go by a rule;to observe the rules遵照某人的指示to be pursuant to sb.s instructions 遵循党的政策to follow/toe the Party lin

9、e on.服从团体或党的命令to toe the party line/to toe the mark 遵守校规to live up to the code of the school 遵循/举行一套准则to hold/adopt a set of values违则受某种惩罚on/under pain(penalty) of.严格地遵守养生之道to follow a strict regimen遵守条约/合同/法律to respect a treaty/contract/the law顺应潮流/反潮流to go(swim) with/against the stream(tide)无先例可循t

10、o have no precedence go by逾矩/出格/越规to step out of line;to transgress the bounds of decency打破传统to break with tradition;to challenge the traditions of.放宽规定to bend/stretch the rules遵守幽会/如时赴约to keep a tryst毁约不见某人to break tryst with sb.遵从专家的意见to defer to the experts遵守条约/时间表/规则to adhere to the treaty/the s

11、chedule/the rules遵守下列注意事项to observe the following precautions遵守下列规定事项to observe the following limitations遵守一定的操作顺序to follow a definite sequence of operation遵守法令to abide by decrees遵守诺言to keep ones promises(word);to be bound by ones promise;to abide by(meat;redeem;respect; stand to ones promise;to be

12、true to ones word)遵循自然规律办事to act on the laws of nature遵循同样的原则to follow the same principles遵从大多数人的意愿to comply with the will of the majority单方面撕毁协议to renege(renegue) on the deal翻悔 to renege遵从妇女和儿童的利益to defer to the interests of women and children遵纪守法to observe the disciplines and obey the laws/observe

13、 law and discipline违抗法律to be disobedient to the law;one disobedience to the law遵守合同 to keep a contract遵守时间 to be punctual遵纪爱民 to observe discipline and cherish the people遵循正确的原则 on the right principles遵照圣旨 to obey imperial decree遵命办理to act in compliance with instructions违背礼仪 to offend decency不太遵守 to

14、 be rather lax about违背真理to entrench upon/to be against truth三、情景译例精选必须严格遵照说明书。The specification must be strictly adhered to.这种习俗已经没有人再恪守。This practice has fallen/gone into abeyance.人人都应该遵守(服从)法律。Everybody must be amenable to law.我们都有遵守纪律的义务。We are all amenable to discipline.本规则皆须遵守。This regulation i

15、s binding on everybody.犯人严禁接近围栏,违者格杀勿论。Prisoners were forbidden to approach the fence under pain of death.我们一直遵守协议,但他们并不遵守。The agreement has been kept on our part but not on theirs.由于遵循了党的改革开放政策,这个城市发生了巨大的变化。With the Partys line on reform and opening-up followed/toed, the city has changed greatly.我们必须遵守当地的法律。We are subject to the law of the land.老规矩必须照办/动不得。You cant beat the system.活动步骤严格地遵循先进后出的原则。P



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