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1、F.M.E.A.-Failure mode and effect analysis-失误模式和效果分析A effective tool lead to everything一个有效的工具,百搭F.M.E.A.Origin 来源来源:Middle 60s Aircraft /space industry 飞机航天工业Reliability 可靠性Later on 后来后来:Later 70s Car industry 汽车工业 Reliability 可靠性 Safety 安全性Car industry suppliers 汽车零件供应商 Components quality 零件质量Early

2、 80s semiconductor industryF.M.E.A.The philosophy behind it (1):FMEA背后的理念DOITRIGHTTHE FIRSTTIME第一次就做好第一次就做好F.M.E.A.Avoid 避免避免 :TRIAL AND ERROR 尝试和失误尝试和失误Make use of a systematic method for improvement用系统的方法做改进The philosophy behind it (2):FMEA背后的理念F.M.E.A.FAILURE PREVENTIONTHROUGHTEAMWORK通过团队合作预防失败通过

3、团队合作预防失败Once we have same vision, we have already achieved half of success一旦拥有共识,事情已成功一半The philosophy behind it (3):FMEA背后的理念F.M.E.A.ConceptDesignProcessTimeResource for problem solving工作量纸面Paper硬件MaterialFMEATraditionalF.M.E.A.5 Step of F.M.E.A. Process 5 步法1. What are the goal or function of the

4、activity? 待分析的活动的目标或功能是什么?2. How does it operate? 如何运做以达到目标的?3. What can go wrong with respect to the goal? 针对目标,会发生什么问题?4. What are the weakest points (risk evaluation)? 哪个是最弱点(风险评估)?5. What are the action plan? 制定行动计划F.M.E.A.Format 表格For last 3 step, we can use the following FMEA format最后3步,可以填写下列

5、FMEA表格F.M.E.A.Step 1What are the goal or function of the activity?待分析的活动的目标或功能是什么? Define the goal of the process or solution as detailed as possible 明确过程或方案的目的, 越详细越好F.M.E.A.How does it operate?如何运做以达到目标的?Step 2 Describe in detail how to achieve the goal step by step, like process flow, new product

6、 concept, new plan, etc. 详细描述是如何一步一步达到目的的, 例如新的流程,新的产品概念,计划等。F.M.E.A.Step 3What can go wrong with respect to the goal?针对目标,会发生什么问题?Every people raise the questions what can go wrong by brainstorming during meeting 针对目的,在会议上用头脑 风暴法,指出可能 出错的地方F.M.E.A.Step 4What are the weakest points (risk evaluation)

7、?哪个是最弱点?Risk风险 = Probability概率 * Severity严重性Probability and severity can be scored 1,2,3 or L,M,H概率和严重性可以用 1,2,3 或高中低打分F.M.E.A.Step 5What are the action plan for highest risk? 针对高风险,制定行动计划Preventive action if probability is highCorrective action if severity is highThen PDCA1, 概率大的问题,制定预防性措施2, 严重的问题,

8、制定纠正性措施然后进入PDCA循环F.M.E.A.Flow Chart应用流程Concept designRisk minimum?Next phaseYesNoFMEAActionF.M.E.A.Key successful point成功要点(1): Where can we use FMEA 哪里可应用FMEA ? Everywhere where something can go wrong! In every phase of a project.任何可能出错的地方,项目的任何阶段 Attitude during FMEA 工作态度Be open-minded for critici

9、sm!针对批评,有则改之,无则嘉勉F.M.E.A.Key successful point成功要点(2): Meeting team会议成员 relevant people(supplier, customer or process owner), expert and non-expert, max. 10 people相关人员(供应商,客户和主人),专家或非专家,最多10人F.M.E.A.Key successful point成功要点(3): Good preparation做好准备Give participants all information before meeting, put drawing, samples, instruction on the table or on the front wall, using injector and transparency to record and visualize all information会前提供给与会者所有信息,将图纸,样品,说明书等放在会议桌上或墙上,用幻灯和薄膜纸将信息可视化F.M.E.A.2 Examples: New HID factory layout HID3 projects



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