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1、Lesson 32Unit Review词汇回顾词汇回顾1.pain(形容词形容词)_ 2.catch(过去式过去式)_3.ill(名词名词)_ 4.potato(复数复数)_5.tomato(复数复数)_ 6.balance(形容词形容词)_7.move(现在分词现在分词)_ 8.smoke(动名词动名词)_9.terrible(副词副词)_ 10.bad(比较级比较级;最高级最高级)_ _11.able(反义词反义词)_ 12.luck(形容词形容词;副词副词)_ _13.fall(过去式过去式;过去分词过去分词)_ _14.患感冒患感冒_ 15.发烧发烧_ 16.生病住院生病住院_17.

2、许多许多_ 18.一瓶啤酒一瓶啤酒_ 19.生病生病_灵活应用灵活应用1.Please give up smoking. Its bad for your h_.2.Usually we eat three m_ a day.3.My brother caught a bad cold. The doctor asked him to take some m_ and have a good rest.4.Janes sister is a n_. Her job is to look after the patients.5.Toms father doesnt feel well. He

3、has to go to the h_to see the doctor.6.French fries are made of p_.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.Whats wrong with you? Ive_ ( catch) a cold.2.An_(ill) makes you feel sick.3.Look ! There are three_ (potato) and five_ (tomato) in the picture.4._(smoke) is bad for our health.5.How are you feeling now? Im fee

4、ling even_ (bad).6.Im feeling_ (terrible) ill, I want to see the doctor.7.How_(luck) you are!8._(luck), the weather today isnt so bad. 词组填空词组填空get off 下车下车 get dressed 穿衣服穿衣服get warm 变暖变暖 get popular 流行流行get up起床起床 get lost 迷失迷失;丢失丢失get to 到达到达 get sick 生病生病feel better 感觉好一些感觉好一些 feel bad感到难受感到难受1.W

5、hen the bell rang, they all _ and ran to the playground.2.The weather _when spring comes.3.Please dont _the bus until it stops.4.Miss Wang _ the station and met her friends.5.Pop music is_more and more_.6.What time do you_in the morning? At 6:30.7.After he drank some water,he_.8.If you eat something

6、 bad,youll_.9.Ill _if I dont pass the exam.10.The old man _in the street.A young boy helped him find his house.综合应用综合应用 Everyone enjoys living a _life, but in fact people quite often _ _these days. You see more and more _in the hospitals. Why ? Some people _and drink a lot, but do less exercise than

7、 in the past. People prefer talking _to eating healthy food. Its very important for people to change their ideas about healthy living. because until if as long as sothat.1.Ill tell you the secret _you dont tell anyone else about it.2._it rains,I go to school by bus.3.Danny sold his desk-cycle _ he w

8、anted to make money for a visit to another city.4.The elephant is _strong _it can do heavy work for people.5.Her father didnt go home _he finished the work. 并列句并列句1.并列句及其句式并列句及其句式并并列列句句是是由由并并列列连连词词把把两两个个或或两两个个以以上上等等列列而而又又互互相相独独立立的的分分句句(简简单单句句)连连接接而而成成的的句句子子.并并列列句句中中的的分分句句均均读降调并列句的句式为读降调并列句的句式为: 简单句并

9、列连词简单句简单句并列连词简单句2.并列句各分句间的关系并列句各分句间的关系使使用用不不同同的的并并列列连连词词可可以以表表示示出出并并列列句句中中各各分分句句间间的的关关系系(1)所有关系所有关系 常用连词有常用连词有:and ; nor等等. I helped her and she helped me. He doesnt do it, nor does he try.(2).转折关系:转折关系: 常用连词有常用连词有:but ; still ; yet等等 He is very old but he is in good health. He was very hungry,still

10、 he wouldnt eat. It is very good,yet it can be better.(3).选择关系:选择关系: 常用连词有常用连词有:or ; eitheror等等 Hurry up, or youll be late. Either you or I am wrong.(4).因果关系因果关系 常用连词有常用连词有:for ;so等等 The days were short, for it was now December. The girl did her work carefully, so she never made any mistakes.(5).层进关

11、系层进关系 常用连词有常用连词有: neithernor ; not onlybut also等等 Neither he nor she has seen the film. Mr.Wang is not only our teacher but also our friend.并列连词填空并列连词填空1.I brought a bottle of water with me,_ I wouldnt get thirsty.2.In the evening,I read some books,_ my brother does his homework.3.Put on your sweate

12、r,_youll catch a cold.4.Jenny has a healthy diet,_Danny doesnt.5.Shes not beautiful,_very kind. 中考直击中考直击1.The dress was very expensive ,_I didnt buy it. A.or B.and C.so D.but2.Now I must go,_Ill be late for the train. Have a good trip. Goodbye. A.or B.so C.and D.but3.Its getting dark, _theyre still

13、working. A.and B.but C.so D.or4._Jim_Tim watched Tv last night because they had a lot of homework to do. A.Bothand B.Not onlybut also C.Neithernor D.Eitheror5.Think hard,then youll find a way.(同义句同义句) _ _think hard, youll find a way.6.Hurry up,or well miss the early bus. (同义句同义句) _we_hurry,well miss

14、 the early bus.7.Im poor,but I always have a good time. (同义句同义句) Im_ _,but I always_ _.8.He can speak English,or she can.(同义句同义句) _he_she can speak English. 就医用语集粹就医用语集粹1.询问病情:询问病情: Whats wrong with you? /Whats your trouble ? / Whats the matter with you? Have you taken your temperature? How long hav

15、e you been like this?2.诉说病情:诉说病情:Im not feeling well today. I dont feel well. I feel terrible. My head / chest and lungs hurt. I cant breathe through my nose. Ive got a headache / cough / fever / a bad cold. 3.安慰用语:安慰用语:Dont worry. Its nothing serious. Youll recover soon.4.医嘱用语医嘱用语: Take some medici

16、ne three times a day. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest, youll be all right in a few days. 就医实况就医实况Bob: Good morning, doctor.Doctor: Good morning._B: _D: Have you taken your temperature ?B: No, I havent.D: Let me see.Well, you have caught a bad cold .Take some medicine and youll be all righ

17、t in a few days.B: _D: Three times a day, after each meal. If you want to get better soon._B: Ill do as you say .Thank you. Goodbye!D: Bye ! 就医对话填填看就医对话填填看A:Good morning, doctor.B:Good morning. Whats your_?A:I have a headache and(He begins to cough)B:What a terrible_!A:I feel terrible.B:Did you_your

18、 temperature?A:Yes, my temperature seems to be all_.B:_your mouth and_ “Ah”.A:Aahh !B:Well, Nothing serious._ you have a bit of a cold.A:Is that all ?B:Dont worry. Take this medicine and rest a few days. Youll get _ soon.A:_a lot. Goodbye.书面表达(书面表达(1 1) 假如你是假如你是Brian,你生病了你生病了,需要请假需要请假.请根据以下要点请根据以下要点

19、写一张病假条写一张病假条. 要点要点:病情病情,去医院看病的情形去医院看病的情形,医生诊断医生诊断,需要请假时需要请假时间间.Dear Mr. Brown, Im sorry to tell you that Im not feeling well today. Ive got a bad cold. Ive coughed a lot and have had a fever. This morning my mother took me to see the doctor. The doctor looked me over carefully and saidthere was noth

20、ing serious with me. He told me to take some medicine and have a good rest for two days. So Id like to ask for two days sick leave. Thanks a lot. Brian 书面表达(书面表达(2) 根据如下提示根据如下提示,写一个请假条写一个请假条,字数字数50-80.提示如下:提示如下: 你你是是王王华华。昨昨天天你你和和同同学学去去农农场场帮帮助助农农民民们们摘摘苹苹果果,不不幸幸从从梯梯子子上上摔摔下下来来伤伤了了腿腿,但但伤伤得得不不重重。医医生生让让你你

21、呆呆在家里好好休息。因此,你向姚老师请假三天。在家里好好休息。因此,你向姚老师请假三天。(ask for leave for three days) September 12Dear Miss Yao, Im sorry I cant go to school today.I helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday. Unlickily ,I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasnt badly hurt. The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest,so Id like to ask for leave for three days. Your student, Wang hua



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