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1、1 就我们所知,就我们所知, 我们都知道我们都知道 2总是,一直总是,一直3取决于,依靠,依赖取决于,依靠,依赖 4成功做某事成功做某事 5面对面面对面 6表达自己意思表达自己意思(使自己被人明白)使自己被人明白) as we know all the time depend on succeed in doing face to face make oneself understood 1给给送行送行 2在去在去的路上的路上 3伸出,扑灭伸出,扑灭 4什么事?什么事? 5搭便车搭便车 6搭载,捡起搭载,捡起 7进入,收获进入,收获 8对对.感到担心感到担心9做某事有很大困难做某事有很大困难1

2、0出发到出发到地方去地方去 see sb off on ones way to put out whats up?= whats wrong? =whats the matter? ask for a ride pick up get in be worried about have much difficulty trouble in doing leave for 1在在和和之间之间 2通常来讲,一般来说通常来讲,一般来说 3与与不同不同 4习惯于习惯于 5对于,至于对于,至于 6填充填充 7大部分时间大部分时间 8靠近,接近靠近,接近 9喜欢,喜爱喜欢,喜爱 10不但不但而且而且 bet

3、ween and in general = generally speaking be different from be (get) used to doing as for fill in out most of the time be close to be fond of not only but also 1发生发生 2.很久以前很久以前3.被迫做某事被迫做某事 4.用一种不同的方式用一种不同的方式5.逐渐地,慢慢地逐渐地,慢慢地 6从从吸收吸收 7. 总之,简而言之总之,简而言之 7 起初,一开始起初,一开始 come about long agobe forced to do i

4、n a different way little by little take in from in a word =in short in the beginning 根据句意,用括号中词的正确形式填空。根据句意,用括号中词的正确形式填空。1. We should know the _ (different) between British English and American English.2. The woman is too nervous to make her _ (understand).3. My teacher _ (fly) to Fujian next week.4

5、. He succeeds in _ (pass) the exam.differencesunderstoodis flyingpassing ( )1. Where is my father, Mom? He is _ to his office. A. by the way B. on the way C. in this way D. to the way( )2. The engineer hopes_ from Macao in a few days. A.returning B. to return C. returns D. returned( )3. They said th

6、ey _ China for Japan. A.are leaving B. will leave C.leave D. were leavingBBDStep 3 Exercise1. I cant follow you. follow = understand, 意为“理解,领会” eg:接受某人的建议 follow ones advice2. Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow. be flying 进行时态表将来 包括:leave, come, go, arrive, start等。 eg: 他们下周将要去日本。 They are leaving for

7、Japan next week. (2) 我要走了。(3)你什么时候动身? Im going. When are you starting? 3. said say hello to sb.向某人问好向某人道谢、道歉、道别say thanks/sorry/ goodbye to sb.4.the same as 和一样5. exact adj. 精确的 exactly adv. 精确地 not exactly (the same)不完全一样6. different adj.不同的 differently adv.不同地 difference n.不同6. the trunk of a car

8、车子的后备箱车子的后备箱7.1)by the way 顺便问一下顺便问一下 2)在)在对面对面 across the way/across from 3)自始自终)自始自终 all the way 4)挡)挡的路的路 in the way of 5)在某人去在某人去的路上的路上 on the way to +地点地点回家的路上回家的路上 去学校的路上去学校的路上on the way home on the way to school 2. need 实义动词实义动词情态动词情态动词need to do sth.need doing sth.=need to be done动词原形,多用于疑问句

9、和否定句动词原形,多用于疑问句和否定句need do sth名词名词 急需急需 in great need of 满足满足的需要的需要 meet the needs of 2. 1) need:实义动词 need to do sth. eg:我们需要努力学习。 We need to study hard. need doing sth. =need to be done eg:这个房间需要打扫。 The room needs cleaning. =The room needs to be cleaned.2). need. 情态动词 need +not 不必 need do sth.eg:时间

10、足够,你不用匆忙。 There is enough time, you neednt hurry. 我必须现在就交作业吗? -Must I hand in the homework now? -Yes, you must./No, you neednt.3) need n. 需要 急需in great need of 满足的需要meet the needs of3. make + 宾语宾语+ 过去分词过去分词(宾语补足语) 被动关系 eg: 我的英语很不好,在美国我不能用英语表达自己的意思。My English is so poor. I cant make myself understood

11、 in the U.S.A. 类似的短语:have + 宾语+ 过去分词eg: 这车子好脏了,你能请人把洗了吗?The car is very dirty , can you have it washed ? 4.mean意思 v. mean-meant-meant meaning 意思 n. eg:这个单词什么意思? Whats the meaning of the word? = What does the word mean? = What do you mean by the word?thumb / m / n (手的)拇指竖起拇指thumb up 拇指向上 with ones th

12、umb raisedflight n 航班航班/ flait /国际航班国际航班international flight国内航班国内航班domestic flightusedused to do sth.过去常常做某事过去常常做某事be/ get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事习惯于做某事be used to do sth被用于做某事被用于做某事Eg:1. 我过去常常在早上喝咖啡。 I used to drink coffee in the morning. 2. 我习惯于在早上喝咖啡。 I am/ get used to drinking coffee in the mor

13、ning. 3. 木材能被用于制作各种家具。 The wood can be used to make many kinds of furniture.prefer- preferred- preferringprefer sth. to sth. 喜欢某物胜过某物喜欢某物胜过某物prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 喜欢做某事胜过做某事喜欢做某事胜过做某事prefer to do rather than do 宁愿宁愿去做某事胜过去做某事去做某事胜过去做某事prefereg: I prefer coffee to tea.eg: I prefer playing basketball to playing soccer.eg:I prefer to stay at home rather than go shopping outside.



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