2 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B课件2

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1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂What can he do?He can dance.Can he dance?Yes, he can.Revision:What can Mary do?She can play basketball.Can Mary play soccer?No, she cant.What can they do?They can speak English.Can they speak English?Yes, they can.I can swim.I can drive a car.I can play basketball.I can play soccer.I

2、 can sing.I can dance.Please find out the false sentences.I cant play basketball.I cant play soccer.Can Miss Hu play soccer?No, she cant.义工:义工:义工是指在不计物质报酬的情况下,基于道义、信念、良知、同情心和责任,为改进社会而提供服务、贡献个人的时间及精力和个人技术特长的人和人群。主要是义务服务一些需要帮助的弱势群体,如养老院,孤寡老人,残疾人,社会救助等。义工不仅仅是义务劳动,更是一件有意义的劳动。因为做义工不仅让你发现所做的事情对别人有利,而且对自己也

3、很有价值。义工工作应该是寻找生命价值的工作。Pre-reading: 文化背景文化背景联合国把每年的12月5日定为世界的义工日。起源起源“义工”是英文volunteer的中文译法,也叫志愿者。其起源于19世纪西方国家宗教性的慈善服务,在世界上已经存在和发展了100多年,本质是服务社会,核心精神是“自愿、利他、不计报酬”。年龄限制年龄限制除一些特别服务项目要求外,义工是没有年龄上限的。任何人不论年龄大小、只要具备参加义工的基本条件,皆可自愿参与不同层次及能力要求的义工服务。义工活动范围一般涉及助学、助老、助残、其他弱势群体关注、青少年问题关注、环保以及一些社会公益性宣传活动。助学义工一般工作主要


5、社会。3是促进社会进步。对志愿者个人而言,志愿活动具有以下积极对志愿者个人而言,志愿活动具有以下积极意义:意义:是丰富生活体验既可扩大自己的生活圈子,更可亲身体验社会的人和事,加深对社会的认识,这对志愿者自身素质的成长和提高是十分有益的。义工还可以通过参与志愿工作,有机会为社会出力,尽一份公民责任和义务。Pre-reading:pi:pl peoplecn. people-peoplethe old peoplehelpforoldpeopleWe need help at the old peoples hm home. Are you free ? Are you good with ol

6、d people? You can make mek friends.Its interesting and fun.help sb. With sth. I help Tom with his English. We need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. Please come to the Students Sports Center sent.Please call us at 123 today tde!wi:kend weekend: Saturday and Sundayon the weekendD

7、o you have time on the weekend?= Are you free on the weekend?Do you have time on the weekend?The school needs help to teachti:t music. Its not difficult. Reading tips:快速浏览全文,把握文章大意。抓住关键词。Readtheads.Matchthetitleswiththead.a.HelpforOldPeopleb.MusicTeacherWantedc.HelpwithSportsinEnglishAd1Ad2Ad3while-

8、reading:Readtheads.Matchthepersonwiththeads.a.HelpforOldPeopleb.MusicTeacherWantedc.HelpwithSportsinEnglishPeterAlanMaHuanReading tips: 运用关键词浏览文章运用关键词浏览文章, 会帮我们快速找到答案。会帮我们快速找到答案。while-reading:be good with: 与相处很好例如: Im good with my friends. He is good with his parents.Are you good with old people?hel

9、p: 帮助1.做名词 人(主格)+ need help for +名词/动名词例如: help for old people She needs help for swimming.2.做动词 人(主格) + help + 人(宾格) + with +名词/动名词例如: help with sports in Englishhelp with sports in English she helps me with homework. she helps me with homework.need: 需要I needHe needsShe needsThey needpost-reading:1

10、.在某方面帮助某人2.善于;对有办法3.交朋友4.在周末5.打电话找某人6.交谈7.和某人玩游戏8.给某人讲故事helpsb.withsth.begoodwithmakefriendsontheweekendcallsb.attalktoplaygameswithsb.tellsb.storiespost-reading:1.be free 2.be busy 3 in July 4 need sb. to do sth.5.English speaking students 6.Come to 7 the Students Sports Center 8 have time9 teach m

11、usic10 teach us English自由的,空闲的自由的,空闲的忙碌的在七月需要某人做某事母语为英语的学生来。学生活动中心有时间教音乐教我们英语找出重点句子post-reading:mjuzn musicianmusiciansMusicians wanted for school music festivalCan you sing?Can you dance?Can you play the piano or the drums?Then you can be in our school music festival. Musicians Wanted for School Mu

12、sic FestivalDo you like _? Can you sing and you _? Can you _ the piano or the violin? Can you play the _ or the drums? Then you _ be in our school music festival. Please _ Mr. Zhang at 622-6033.dancecanguitarcallComplete the ad with the words in the box. 3amusicplay writing:Ask for help with the Spo

13、rts Meeting . Please call _ at_. Players Wanted Players Wanted for School Sports Meetingfor School Sports Meeting注注: player 运动员运动员 sports meeting 运动会运动会写作步骤:审,列,连,美写作步骤:审,列,连,美Step1:审:审题:本作文要要求招集运动员。Step2:列:列题纲,单词,要点,词组,句子Want,players,Sports,playbasketball/soccer/tennis/pingpong,sportsmeetingcan,lik




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