八年级英语下册 unit3第一课时课件人教新目标版

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1、Revision What tenses have we learnt? 时态REVIEWThe simple present tense.一般现在时一般现在时The simple past tense.一般过去时一般过去时The simple future tense.一般将来时一般将来时The present progressive tense 现在进行时现在进行时 过去式去式现在分在分词(-ing)buy bought buying make made making see saw seeing study studied studying shop shopped shopping t

2、ake took takingPeriod 1 Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?Whats he/she doing?What are they doing ?Lets guessWhats he doing?Hessmoking.Whats he doing?Hes skateboarding.What was she doing?at nine last nightShe was talking on the phone at nine last night.现在进行时现在进行时含义含义:结构结构:例句例句:表示表示现在正在进

3、行现在正在进行的动作。的动作。be (is/am/are) + doingI am having an English class. We are listening to Miss He. 过去进行时过去进行时含义含义:结构结构:例句例句: 表示表示过去去某某个时刻或某段刻或某段时间正在正在进行行的的动作作。be(was/were)+doingWhatwereyoudoingatninelastnight?Iwastakingashoweratninelastnight. What was she doing?She was riding a bike.At 11:00 amWhat wer

4、e they doing?They were sleeping.Whatweretheydoing?Theyweresurfingtheinternet.What was she doing?She was playing the violin.Theyweredancingatthattime.What were they doingat that time ?WhatwashedoingShewasrunning.Washedancing?No,hewasnt.at 10:30?He wasnt dancing at 10:30.kitchen 厨房厨房barber shop 理理发店店a

5、lien 外星人外星人in front of 在在的前面的前面bathroom 浴室浴室bedroom 卧室卧室Have you ever seen it ?UFO:UNIDENTIFIEDFLYINGOBJECT不不明飞行物明飞行物首页简介: UFO是英文是英文Unidentified Flying Object的缩写的缩写,意思是未意思是未查明身份的飞行物查明身份的飞行物 体体.1974年年,美国人阿诺德发美国人阿诺德发现一组编队飞行的不明物现一组编队飞行的不明物体体,并把它形象的比喻为并把它形象的比喻为水上打漂的碟子水上打漂的碟子,从此从此,飞飞碟一词不胫而走碟一词不胫而走 ,成了成了U

6、FO的通俗叫法的通俗叫法. Who drives the UFO?aliens1._ I was in the bathroom.2._ I was in my bedroom.3._ I was in front of the library.4._ I was in the kitchen.5._ I was in my barber shop.6._ I was in the barbers chair.dbacef1aWhatwereyoudoingwhentheUFOarrived?a. standing in front of the library/ studying in th

7、e libraryb. cleaning my room/ sleeping late c. making a milk shake/ cooking dinner d. getting out of the shower/ talking on the phonee. eating lunch/ cutting hair1blistening1c pairwork A: What was he/she doing when the UFO arrived?B: He/She was -ing when it arrived.barberboymanwomangirlA: What was d

8、oing when the UFO arrived?B: was .-ing when it arrived.young manLETS HAVE A SHOWEXERCISESWhat was he doing when the UFO arrived?They were cutting hair in a barber shop.He was cleaning the blackboard this time yesterday .b.句型转换句型转换 1.He cleaned the blackboard yesterday .(用用 this time yesterday 代替代替ye

9、sterday ) What were you doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning?2.We were watching TV at nineoclocklastSundaymorning.(提提问问) youstudent1student29:00am11:30am1:00pm4:00pmWhatwereyoudoingatthesetimeslastSunday?Homework Homework Make a reportMake a report AtnineoclocklastSundaymorning,Iwassleeping.MyfriendliQianwasdoingherhomeworkMake a survey



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