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1、Chapter 4Syntax2021/6/41What is syntax ?nSyntax is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules that govern the formation of sentences. 2021/6/42Category n. 逻逻范畴范畴; 种类种类n nCategory refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a

2、sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. 范畴是指在某一特定语言中执行相同范畴是指在某一特定语言中执行相同或相近功能的一组语言项目,如句子、或相近功能的一组语言项目,如句子、名词短语或动词。名词短语或动词。2021/6/43Word-level categories (lexical categories) 词汇范畴词汇范畴 P43P43n nMajor lexical categories ( (主要词汇范畴主要词汇范畴主要词汇范畴主要词汇范畴) ) Noun (N), Verb (V), Adjective (A), Preposition (P) Noun (

3、N), Verb (V), Adjective (A), Preposition (P)n nMinor lexical categories ( (次要词汇范畴次要词汇范畴次要词汇范畴次要词汇范畴) ) Determiner (Det) Determiner (Det) 限定词限定词限定词限定词: the, a, an, this, those, : the, a, an, this, those, Degree word (Deg) Degree word (Deg) 程度词程度词程度词程度词: quite, very, more, so, : quite, very, more, so,

4、 Qualifier (Qual) Qualifier (Qual) 修饰语修饰语修饰语修饰语: often, always, seldom, : often, always, seldom, Auxiliary (Aux) Auxiliary (Aux) 助动词助动词助动词助动词: must, should, can, will, : must, should, can, will, Conjunction (Con) Conjunction (Con) 连词连词连词连词: and, but, or, : and, but, or, 2021/6/44Three criteria to de

5、termine a words category (P43-44)(P43-44)n Meaningn Infectionn Distribution2021/6/45Phrase categories (短语范畴短语范畴) P45P45n nPhrases are the syntactic units that are built around a certain word category. 短语是围绕词范畴构成的句法单位。短语是围绕词范畴构成的句法单位。短语是围绕词范畴构成的句法单位。短语是围绕词范畴构成的句法单位。n n Phrasal categories: noun phrase

6、 (NP), verb phrase (VP), adjective phrase (AP) and prepositional phrase (PP). n nPhrases can consist of just one word, but more often they contain other elements as well. n nTwo levels: phrase level, word level.2021/6/46Phrase structure rule (短语结构规则短语结构规则短语结构规则短语结构规则) p45p45The phrase structure rule

7、 for NP, VP, AP, and PP: n nNP: (Det) N (PP)n nVP: (Qual) V (NP) n nAP: (Deg) A (PP)n nPP: (Deg) P (NP)Specifier标志语标志语head中心语中心语Complement补语补语XP rule2021/6/47XP rule (XP 规则规则) P46P46Four phrase structure rulesn nNP: (Det) N (PP)n nVP: (Qual) V (NP) n nAP: (Deg) A (PP)n nPP: (Deg) P (NP)The XP rule:

8、XP (specifier) X (complement)Head2021/6/48Coordination rule (并列规则并列规则) P47P47n nCoordinations four important properties: n nThe coordination rule: X X *Con X2021/6/49Phrase elements (短语成分短语成分) P47-49 P47-49 n nSpecifiers Specifiers 标志语标志语标志语标志语1) Semantic role: help make more precise the meaning 1)

9、Semantic role: help make more precise the meaning of the head;of the head;2) Syntactic role: mark a phrase boundary (left)2) Syntactic role: mark a phrase boundary (left)n nComplementsComplements 补语补语补语补语 Complementizer Complementizer ( (补语化成分补语化成分补语化成分补语化成分); ); Complement phrase Complement phrase

10、(CP)(CP) The revised XP rule: XP (specifier) X (complement*)n nModifiers Modifiers 修饰语修饰语修饰语修饰语 The extanded XP rule: XP (Spec) (Mod) X (Complement*) (Mod)2021/6/410Sentences (The S rule) (P50-51)(P50-51)n nThe traditional S rule: S NP VPn nSentence head: an abstract category inflection (Infl)n nInf

11、lPInfl phrase (= sentence)n nFigure 4-4: Infl realized by a tense labeln nFigure 4-5: Infl position realized by an auxiliary Ex. 9, 10, 11 (p60) Ex. 9, 10, 11 (p60)2021/6/411Transformations (转换转换)n nSyntactic movement (句法移位句法移位), a special type of rule that can move an element from one position to a

12、nother.n nA transformation can only change an elements position. It does not change the categories of words. 2021/6/412Auxiliary movement (助动词移位助动词移位)n nTwo steps: Step 1: Use XP rule to form a structure in which the auxiliary occupies its normal position in Infl. Step 2: Use the transformation of i

13、nversion (倒倒置置) to move the auxiliary from the Infl position to a position to the left of the subject. n nInversion: Move Infl to the left of the subject NP.n nInversion (revised): Move Infl to C. n nFigure 4-6 (P52); Figure 4-8 (P53)2021/6/413Do insertion (Do 插入插入)n nDo insertion: Insert interrogat

14、ive do into an empty Infl position.n nThe procedures: Figure 4-9, 4-10, 4-11 (P54)2021/6/414Two levels of syntactic structure (P57)n nDeep structure (深层结构深层结构): formed by the XP rule in accordance with the heads subcategorization properties (由由XP规则按规则按照中心语的次范畴特征而构成的照中心语的次范畴特征而构成的)n nSurface structur

15、e (表层结构表层结构): the final syntactic form of the sentence which results from appropriate transformations (通过恰通过恰当转换而形成的句子的最终句法形式当转换而形成的句子的最终句法形式)n nThe two levels of structure are not always different.2021/6/415The XP ruleDeep StructureTransformationsSurface StructureThe train will arrive.Will the trai

16、n arrive?InflP (S)Auxiliary movementPractice:Practice: Draw the D-structure and S-structure of the Draw the D-structure and S-structure of the following sentence:following sentence: Would you come tomorrow? (Ex.13.a) Would you come tomorrow? (Ex.13.a)2021/6/416Wh movement (Wh 移位移位)n nWh Movement: Mo

17、ve the wh phrase to the beginning of the sentence.n nWh Movement (revised): Move the wh phrase to the specifier under CP.n nPractice: (4-4) What will you talk about?n nFigure 4-16:Figure 4-16: Practice:Practice: Who broke the window?n nFigure 4-18: Practice: EX. 12 (p60)2021/6/417Move a and constrai

18、nts on transformations (移位移位a和转换的制约和转换的制约)n nThe general rules for transformations: a) Inversion can move an auxiliary from the Infl to the nearest C position , but not to a more distant C position . b) No element may be removed from a coordinate structure .2021/6/418Assignmentsn nReview this chapte

19、r (P42-61).n nDo the revision exercises on p60-61.n nPreview the next chapter.2021/6/419Written Work Chapter 41. Draw a tree structure for each of the following sentences.1) 11. b) 2) 11. d) 2. Draw the deep structure and the surface for each of the following sentences.1) 12. c)2) 13. b)2021/6/420部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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