高考英语大一轮复习 结构法记词1课件

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1、1结构法记词-101010202高考词汇精讲高考词汇精讲act串记 | air串记 | able串记 | academy串记 | access串记 | count串记 | accuracy串记 | achieve串记 | accuse串记 | acquire串记 | question串记 | round串记高考词汇精练高考词汇精练I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式 II. 写出单词的正确含义III. 单词活用IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空V. 单句语法填空2高考词汇精讲3ACT串记 act/kt/记记act头弯腰走头弯腰走开始开始行动或跑步的样子行动或跑步的样子例例 act for sbact

2、ion/kn/记记 action行动名词后缀行动名词后缀例例 take actionactor/kt(r)/记记 actor表演人表演人例例 a well-known actoractress/ktrs/记记 actress表演女性表演女性例例 a pretty actressv./n.行动;表演行动;表演n.行动行动n.男演员男演员n.女演员女演员4ACT串记 active/ktv/记记 active行动行动(多多)的的例例 active girlsactual/ktul/记记act(u)al行动的行动的用行用行动表现出来动表现出来实际的实际的例例 the actual situationa

3、dj.活泼的;积极的活泼的;积极的adj.实际的实际的actually/ktuli/记记actually实际的副词后实际的副词后缀缀例例Actually nothing happened.adv.实际上实际上fact/fkt/记记fact女人行动女人行动已成已成“事实事实”例例 deny a factn.事实事实5ACT串记 react/rkt/记记react相反行动相反行动对行动对行动有有“反应反应”例例 react at oncereaction/rkn/记记 reaction反应名词后缀反应名词后缀例例his immediate reaction to the newsv.反应反应n.反

4、应反应6AIR串记 air/e(r)/例例 take in fresh airaircraft/ekrft/记记 aircraft空中航空器空中航空器例例 produce a huge aircraftairline/elan/记记 airline空中线空中线例例 China Eastern Airlinesairmail/emel/记记 airmail航空邮件航空邮件例例 send a letter by airmailn.空气;空中空气;空中n.飞机飞机n.航线;航空公司航线;航空公司n.航空邮件航空邮件7AIR串记 airport/ept/记记 airport航空港口航空港口例例 enl

5、arge an airportairplane/eplen/记记airplane空中飞机空中飞机缩缩 planeairspace/espes/记记 airspace空中空间空中空间例例 defend our airspacen.机场;空港机场;空港n.飞机飞机n.空域空域8ABLE串记 able/ebl/例例 be able to do sthability/blti/记记 abl(e)ility能干的性质能干的性质例例 a man of strong abilitiesdisabled/dsebld/记记 disabled不能够的不能够的例例 care about the disabledd

6、isability/dsblti/记记 disability没能力没能力例例Dont look down upon Toms disability.adj.能干的,有能力的能干的,有能力的n.能力能力adj.残疾的残疾的n.残疾残疾(人人)9ABLE串记 enable/nebl/记记 enable使有能力的使有能力的例例 enable sb to do sthunable/nebl/记记 unable不能够的不能够的例例 be unable to do sthvt.使能够使能够adj.不能的不能的10ACADEMY串记 academy/kdmi/例例the Chinese Academy of

7、 Sciencesacademic/kdmk/记记 academ(y)ic学院的学院的例例 academic achievementsn.学院;研究院学院;研究院adj.学术的学术的11ACCESS串记 access/kses/记记access加强走加强走可以可以“接近接近”例例 have access to a libraryaccessible/ksesbl/记记 accessible接近可以的接近可以的例例The Internet is accessible to anybody.n.接近;使用接近;使用adj.易接近的易接近的12COUNT串记 count/kant/例例count f

8、rom 1 to 100关关discountcounter/kant/记记 counter数数(钱钱)地方地方例例 at a fashion countercounty/kanti/记记county数名词后缀数名词后缀县县很多,要一个个地数很多,要一个个地数例例 a county governmentcountry/kntri/记记country数后缀数后缀国家国家比县大,所以比县大,所以count后多出后多出一个一个rv. 数,计算数,计算n. 柜台柜台n. 县县n. 国家;乡村国家;乡村13COUNT串记 countryside/kntrsad/记记countryside国家边国家边国家的

9、边上是农村国家的边上是农村例例 in the countrysideaccount/kant/记记account加强计算加强计算账账户户例例 open a bank accountaccountant/kantnt/记记accountant账户人账户人管管账户的人账户的人会计会计例例 a careful accountantn.农村农村n.账户账户n.会计会计14ACCURACY串记 accuracy/kjrs/记记accur(a)cy加强注意加强注意名词后缀名词后缀特别注意细微特别注意细微之处之处精确精确accurate/kjrt/例例Accurate design helps to avo

10、id waste of raw materials.n.精确精确(性性)adj.精确的精确的accurately/kjrtli/记记 accurately精确地精确地例例 count the cost accuratelyadv.精确地精确地15ACHIEVE串记 achieve/tiv/例例achieve an admirable successachievement/tivmnt/记记 achievement获得后缀获得后缀例例 make a great achievementv.获得;达到获得;达到n.成绩;成就成绩;成就16ACCUSE串记 accuse/kjuz/记记accuse加强

11、原因加强原因拿出拿出很多原因很多原因控告控告例例 accuse sb of doing sthexcuse/kskjuz/记记excuse出原因出原因给出原给出原因因原谅原谅例例 excuse me for a whilevt.控告控告vt.原谅原谅17ACQUIRE串记 acquire/kwa/记记acquire加强询问加强询问学学到到例例 acquire book knowledgerequire/rkwa/记记 require一再问一再问要求要求例例 require full attentionrequirement/rkwamnt/记记requirement要求名词要求名词后缀后缀例例

12、 a minimum requirementv.获得;学到获得;学到vt.要求要求n.要求要求18ACQUIRE串记 inquire/nkwa/记记 inquire进去询问进去询问例例inquire about the arrival time of a planeinquiry(enquiry)/nkwar/例例 an inquiry officev.询问询问n.询问询问19QUESTION串记 question/kwestn/记记 question问名词后缀问名词后缀例例 ask a questionquestionnaire/kwestne/记记questionnaire问题东问题东西西

13、例例 fill in a questionnairen.问题问题 vt.质问质问n.调查表调查表request/rkwest/记记 request重复问重复问请求请求例例request Jane to get up at 5v./n.请求;要求请求;要求20ROUND串记 round/rand/记记round手抱着球上下手抱着球上下滚动坐下来滚动坐下来圆形的圆形的例例 a round facearound/rand/记记 around在圆的在圆的(周围周围)例例 sit around a tablesurround/srand/记记surround超越圆的超越圆的(周周围围) 包包围围例例 s

14、urround enemiessurrounding/srand/记记surrounding包围名词包围名词后缀后缀例例 surrounding areasadj.圆的圆的prep.围绕围绕 adv.四周四周v.包围包围n./adj.周围周围(的的)21I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式1_ v.获得;达到得;达到2_ n.成成绩;成就;成就3_ vt.控告控告4_ vt.原原谅5_ n.接接近;使用近;使用6_ adj.易接近的易接近的7_ vt.要求要求8_ n.要要求求9_ v.反反应10_ n.反反应11_ v./n.行动;表演行动;表演12_ n.行行动动13_ adj.活泼的;积极的

15、活泼的;积极的14_ v.包包围围15_ n./adj.周围周围(的的)16_ v./n.请求;要求请求;要求17_ v.获获得;学到得;学到18_ n.能能力力19_ adj.实际的实际的20_ n.女女演员演员achieveachievementaccuseexcuseaccessaccessiblerequirerequirementreact reactionactactionactivesurroundsurroundingrequestacquireabilityactualactress22II. 写出单词的正确含义1aircraft n_2airline n_3enable v

16、t. _4disabled adj. _5disability n_6question n_7count v_8counter n_9account n_10accountant n_11accuracy n_12accurate adj._13inquire v_14inquiry(enquiry) n_15academy n_16academic adj._ 飞机飞机 航线;航空公司航线;航空公司使能够使能够 残疾的残疾的 残疾残疾 问题问题数;计算数;计算 柜台柜台 账户账户 会计会计 精确精确(性性) 精确的精确的 询问询问 询问询问 学院;研究院学院;研究院 学术的学术的23III.

17、 单词活用1Only in this way can students take an _(积极的极的)part in class and after-class activities and achieve all-round development.2. Mr. Hill has a _ (残疾残疾) pension from the government,because he lost a leg while he was in the army.3In my opinion,as a student,we should make good use of iPod to help ach

18、ieve _(学学术的的)success.4Tom is now working as a volunteer in a remote Indian village school, which is only _ (易接近的易接近的) by boat.5It is required in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail _(账户)6While working out the problem,you should pay more attention to the

19、_(精精确确)activedisabilityacademicaccessibleaccountaccuracy24IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空1She _(react)sensibly to the netizens on the matter.2As a matter of fact, it is health that _(count)3Evidently,realizing this difference and trying to shorten this gap are the key to _(achieve)our accomplishment.4The woman _(a

20、ccuse)of killing three students has been arrested in Nevada.5They told me concentrating in class is necessary and _(acquire)a habit of reading is quite important.reactedcountsachievingaccusedacquiring25IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空6Remember that we _(require)to write an article about a plant which we are most in

21、terested in.7It shames me to say it,but I told a lie when _(question)at the meeting.8It _(request)that people (should) not smoke in the public places.9With so many trees and flowers _(surround)it,the school looks very nice.are requiredquestionedis requestedsurrounding26V. 单句语法填空1The message conveyed

22、 here is clear:“_(act)speak louder than words.”2Im sure that with efforts from both sides,the situation will be improved and we will _(actual)be independent.3_ fact,I didnt realize its importance until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school.4Concentrating on English will enable you _(master)the language.5I would like to see everyone have access _ the serious situation.6Supported by the book,some parents and their children have made _ great achievement.7The ability _(express)an idea is as important as the idea itself.Actionsactually In to master to a to express



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