七年级(上)Units1-4(含starter)结交新朋友 (2)

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1、u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/ 第三部分第三部分 高频话题写作指导高频话题写作指导七年七年级(上)级(上)Units 1-4(含(含Starter)u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/结交新朋友结交新朋友写作导图写作导图 分析湖南近分析湖南近3年年42套中考真题可知,湖南各地市套中考真题可知,湖南各地市考考查查“结结交交新新朋朋友友”的的话话题题时时,主主要要涉涉及及的的命命题题角角度度为:为:u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/1.发发表表个个人人对对结结交交网网友友的的看看法法。如如:2012长长沙沙中中考考真真题题要要求求考考生

2、生谈谈论论中中学学生生结结交交网网友友的的现现状状、利利弊弊以以及及个个人人对对此此现现象象的的看看法法;2012邵邵阳阳中中考考真真题题给给出出表表格格提提示示,要要求求以以“Who can be my QQ good friends”为题,发表自己的看法。为题,发表自己的看法。2. 简简要要介介绍绍朋朋友友的的状状况况。如如:2012永永州州中中考考真真题题要要求求以以“My Good Friend”为为题题,介介绍绍自自己己好好朋朋友友的的年龄、年龄、 外貌、性格、爱好及活动等。外貌、性格、爱好及活动等。下面以下面以2012永州中考真题为例分析此话题:永州中考真题为例分析此话题:u末页末

3、页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/My Good FriendBasic informationThings between usMy opinion on friendshipappearancecharactersbeautiful, handsome, tall/short, fat/thin, strong, long/short hairkind, patient, polite, serious, humorous, friendly, shy, active, brave, honest, clever, outgoing, easy to get on well w

4、ith, study hardknow each other, the same hobby, help sb. with sth., help each other, with ones help, in trouble, study/play together, discuss difficult questionsA friend in need is a friend indeed. Friendship is very important in my life. necessary, helpful, warm, not lonelyu末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http

5、:/亮点句型速成亮点句型速成常用句型常用句型: Ben is a student in Grade Eight and he is my best friend.推荐句型推荐句型: Ben, a student in Grade Eight, is one of my best friends.常用句型常用句型: Ben is tall. And he has short black hair.推荐句型推荐句型: Ben is tall with short black hair. Ben is a tall boy, who has short black hair.u末页末页u目录目录u首

6、页首页http:/http:/常用句型:常用句型:He likes playing football and drawing pictures.推荐句型:推荐句型:He likes not only playing football but also drawing pictures. He is not only interested in playing football but also has a gift for drawing pictures. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/开头句开头句:1. Friendship is like the rainbow

7、in the sky.2. When it rains, I think friendship is a small umbrella.3. When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a strong hand.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/中间句中间句:1. He/She is very tall with short black hair.2. He/She was born in Poland (place) on Nov.7, 1867 (date) . 3. He/She was/were born in/into

8、 a poor/rich family.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/4. He/She likes/is interested in/ fond of reading books.5. He sets us a good example, so all the people think highly of him.6. I would like to make friends with people who are honest.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/结尾句结尾句:1. I hope his dream will come true.2

9、. A friend in need is a friend indeed.3. Wish our friendship last forever.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/写作模板写作模板 I think 朋朋友友非非常常重重要要 in our daily life. If someone has no friends, I think, 他他/她她会会非非常常孤孤独独. So I am 因因为为有有很很多多朋朋友友而而骄骄傲傲. Once, I met 我我的的一一个个好好朋朋友友. We talked 很很长长时时间间. And then 我我哭哭了了 whe

10、n I was 回回忆忆起起伤伤心心的的往往事事时时. He hurried to me and comforted me. I felt very 温温暖暖. I think 朋朋友友是是我们心灵的港湾我们心灵的港湾.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/典例剖析典例剖析(12永州永州) 根根据据提提示示和和要要求求,写写一一篇篇短短文文,将将短短文文写写在在答答题题线上。线上。 初初中中阶阶段段的的学学习习即即将将结结束束,你你认认识识了了许许多多同同学学,也也结结交交了了一一些些好好朋朋友友,请请用用英英语语以以“My Good Friend”为为题题写写一一篇篇词词数数

11、60-80左左右右的的短短文文,内内容容包包括括姓名、年龄、外貌、性格以及活动等。姓名、年龄、外貌、性格以及活动等。My Good Friend_u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【审题指导审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,可以提取以细读所给的文字提示,可以提取以下信息:下信息:1. 写作的对象是写作的对象是“我的好朋友我的好朋友”,行文用第三人称;,行文用第三人称;2. 文章需要介绍朋友的姓名、年龄、外貌、性格、文章需要介绍朋友的姓名、年龄、外貌、性格、 爱好以及活动,可用一般现在时介绍,注意句子爱好以及活动,可用一般现在时介绍,注意句子 与句子之间要恰当地使用连接词,使文章

12、上下文与句子之间要恰当地使用连接词,使文章上下文 之间连贯通畅;之间连贯通畅;3. 文章的词数在文章的词数在60-80词之间,词数不可过多,也不词之间,词数不可过多,也不 能过少。考生需要呈现题干要求中的重点内容,能过少。考生需要呈现题干要求中的重点内容, 切记流水账式地记录,淹没重点内容,以致词数切记流水账式地记录,淹没重点内容,以致词数 过多。过多。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【高分范文高分范文】My Good Friend Ben is one of my best friends. He is a student in Grade Eight. He come

13、s from the USA. He is very tall with short black hair. He likes not only playing football but also drawing pictures. Whats more, he is veryu末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/outgoing and always gets good grades in his study. His favorite subject is English and after class he often helps me with my English,

14、though we are not in the same grade. He wants to be a football player in the future. I hope his dream will come true.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【检测菜单检测菜单】1. 不但不但而且而且 _2. 而且,并且,更加而且,并且,更加 _3. 帮助我学习英语帮助我学习英语 _4. 将来将来 _5. 实现实现 _help me with my Englishcome truenot onlybut also whats morein the futureu末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/



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