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1、1.个人创新个人创新: Make a conversation.2.自我复习自我复习: Ask and answer.3.合作学习合作学习: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c4.才技展示才技展示: How to use “will”? Make New Years resolutionsNext yearIm going to get good grades.Im going to improve my physical health.Im going to improve my relationship with my family and friends.Make predic

2、tions prdknz 做出预言做出预言What are you going to do in the future? =What will you do in the future?Will you have a robot? Do you want to know about the life in the future?Im thirteen years old now. And I will be fifteen years old in two years.现在我十三岁,两年后我将是十五岁。现在我十三岁,两年后我将是十五岁。 2011201420151. will + 动词原形动词

3、原形2. wont + 动词原形动词原形e.g. Books wont be on paperpepr .e.g. Books will be on computers. How will your life be like in 100 years? Can you say any sentences?People will have robots in their homes. There will be only one country. FREEPeople wont use money. Everything will be free. Books will only be on c

4、omputers, not on paper. Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers.People will live to be 200 years old. 活到活到How will the world be different in the future, 100 years from now? Read these predictions. Check () A (for agree) or D (for disagree). 1a A D 1. People will have robots in thei

5、r homes. A D 2. People wont use money. Everything will be free. A D 3. Books will only be on computers, not on paper. A D 4. Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers. A D 5. There will be only one country. A D 6. People will live to be 200 years old.1. People will have robots in the

6、ir homes.2. People wont use money. Everything will be free.3. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.4. Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers. 5. There will be only one country.6. People will live to be 200 years old. Listen and circle the predictions you hear. 1bWill peop

7、le use money in 100 years?No, they wont. Everything will be free.1cYes, they will. Will people live to be 200 years old?Will kids go to school?No, they wont. Theyll study at home on computers.Will there be only one country?Yes, there will be only one country. more trees more water 可数名词可数名词more + 不可数

8、名词不可数名词 Manymuchmore mostfewfewer fewestlittile less leastfewerlessless meatless + 不可数名词不可数名词fewer peoplefewer + 可数名词可数名词manymoremost muchmoremost fewfewerfewest littlelessleast修饰可数名词修饰可数名词 修饰不可数名词修饰不可数名词few 表示否定表示否定 little表示否定表示否定 A few表示肯定表示肯定 a little表示肯定表示肯定 Listen and circle the words you hear.

9、 2a1. There will be (more/ less/ fewer) people.2. There will be (more/ less /fewer) free time.3. There will be (more/ less/ fewer) cars. 4. There will be (more/ less/ fewer) pollution. 5. There will be (more/ less/ fewer) trees. _1. There will be fewer people. _2. There will be less free time._ 3. P

10、eople will use the subways less._ 4. There will be more pollution. _ 5. Cities will be very big and crowed. Listen again. Check () the predictions you hear. 2bMake conversations about the predictions in 2a and 2b. Whats your prediction about the future?I think there will be more pollution.2cReally?

11、I dont think so. But I think there will be fewer trees.Whats your prediction about the future?I think cities will be very big and crowed.Sure. I agree with you. And I think there will be more pollution.2d Role-play the conversation.Nick: What are you reading, Jill?Jill: Its a book about the future.N

12、ick: Sounds cool. So what will the future be like?Jill: Well, cities will be more crowded and polluted. There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger.Nick: That sounds bad! Will we have to move to other planets?Jill: Maybe. But I want to live on the earth.Nick: Me, too. Then

13、what can we do?Jill: We can use less water and plant more trees. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.Nick: What are you reading, Jill?Jill: Its a book_.Nick: Sounds cool. So what _ the future _?Jill: Well, cities will be_. There _and the environment will be _.Nick: That sounds bad! Will

14、we have to _?Jill: Maybe. But I want to _.Nick: Me, too. Then what can we do?Jill: We can _and _. Everyone should _.What are you reading, Jill? Its a book about the future. Role-play the conversation.1. What will the future be like in the book? 2dRead the conversation and answer the questions.Cities

15、 will be more crowed and polluted. There will be fewer trees and environment will be in great danger. 2. What can people do? We can use less water and plant more trees. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. play a part in 是一个固定短语,表示是一个固定短语,表示“参与参与;在;在中尽自己的一份力量中尽自己的一份力量”e.g. He didnt play

16、a part in making this decision. 他并没参与做出此决定。他并没参与做出此决定。part n. 参加;参与;部分参加;参与;部分1.Im sure there_ ( be ) robots in our homes in the future.2.His father_( not be) back home in a week.3.What time _they _( get) up tomorrow?4. Everything_( be ) free in 100 years.will bewont bewillgetwill be用所给动词的正确形式填空用所给动

17、词的正确形式填空 Make predictions about yourself in 10 years .Write down 5 sentences . I think in 10 years. Unit 7Will people have robots?What will the future be like? Cities will be more polluted. And there will be fewer trees.Will people use money in 100 years?No, they wont. Everything will be free.Will t

18、here be world peace? Yes, I hope so.Kids will study at home on computers.They wont go to school.Grammar FocusCountable nouns Uncountable nounsThere will be more people. There will be fewer trees. There will be more pollution.There will be less free time.1. 未来将会是什么样子?未来将会是什么样子? What _ the future _ _?

19、2. 城市将会有更多的污染城市将会有更多的污染.将会有更少的树子。将会有更少的树子。 Cities _ _ _ polluted. And there will _ _ trees. 3. 一百年后人们还使用钱吗?一百年后人们还使用钱吗? _ people _ money_ 100 years? 4. 不,不用了。一切都将是免费的。不,不用了。一切都将是免费的。 No,_ _ .Everything_ _ free.be likewill be moreWill use in根据课本内容,完成下列句子。根据课本内容,完成下列句子。 They wont will be will be fewer

20、5. 世界将会和平世界将会和平吗?是的,我希望如此。?是的,我希望如此。 _there _world_? Yes ,I _ so6. 孩子孩子们将在家里通将在家里通过电脑学学习。 kids _ _ _ home _computer. 7. 他他们不会去上学?不会去上学? They _ _ to school? 8. 将会有更多的人,更少的空将会有更多的人,更少的空闲时间。There _ _ _ people and_ free time.Will be peace hope will study at onWont gowill be more less3a Fill in the blank

21、s with more, less or fewer.1.In the future, there will be _fresh water because there will be_ pollution in the sea.2. In 100 years, there will be_ cars because there will be _ people in the cities.lessmoremoremore3. There will be_ jobs for people because_ robots will do the same jobs as people.4. I

22、think there will be_ cities because people will build_ buildings in the country.5. In 50 years, people will have _free time because there will be_things to do.fewermoremoremorelessmore3b Complete the predictions with what you think will happen. 1.Kids study at school now. In 100 years, _ 2. I someti

23、mes see blue skies in my city, but in the future _ _Kids will study at home on computersI will often see the blue skies,because there will be less pollution. 4. Families usually spend time together on weekends, but maybe in 200 years_ _3. People now usually live to be about 70-80 years old, but in t

24、he future_ _ People will live to be 200 years old.Everyday can be weekends , because they have robots to do everything.I think there will be more tall buildings, and there will be fewer cars and more buses.3c Draw a picture of what you think a city in the future will be like. Then describe it to the

25、 class.What can you see in this picture?in 50 years There will be more people.There will be fewer trees.There will be more pollution.There will be more buildings.There will be more cars.There will be less fresh air.There will be将会有将会有Changes Grammar Focus一般将来时一般将来时 The simple future tense 1.概念:概念: (

26、1)表示)表示将要将要发生的动作或存在的状态。发生的动作或存在的状态。 We will go to see him tomorrow. 我们明天来看他。我们明天来看他。 (2)表示)表示将来将来经常或反复发生的动作。经常或反复发生的动作。 From now on, I will come every day. 从现在起,我每天都来。从现在起,我每天都来。肯定句肯定句否定句否定句一般疑问句一般疑问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问句主语主语 + will +V原形原形主语主语 + will +not + V原形原形Will +主语主语 + V原形原形特殊疑问词特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句一般疑问句2. 基本句型

27、基本句型 简略回答简略回答Yes, I will. No, I wont. (注意缩写形式)注意缩写形式)3. Will 表示将来时态,其后常跟的时间表示将来时态,其后常跟的时间 状语状语tomorrow 明天明天 next week 下周下周next year 明明年年 in ten years十年后十年后 next month 下个月下个月 soon 不久不久the day after tomorrow 后天后天the year after next 后年后年the week after next 下下周下下周一般将来时一般将来时 The simple future tense 1.The

28、re be 的一般将来时,表示:将来存在有的一般将来时,表示:将来存在有(1)肯定句:)肯定句:there will be e.g. There will be more people. There will be fewer trees.(2)否定句:)否定句:there wont be e.g. There wont be more papers. There wont be more buildings. 1. be going to + v.表示即将发生的事或最近表示即将发生的事或最近_的动作。的动作。表示表示说话者的意图、推测和打算说话者的意图、推测和打算。 打算进行打算进行2. 她

29、打算将来搬到上海。她打算将来搬到上海。 Shes going to move to Shanghai. 1. 我打算下个月去北京参观。我打算下个月去北京参观。 Im going to visit Beijing next year. 2. I think there will be more pollution. (宾语从句宾语从句) 某地有某物某地有某物(表存在表存在) There be 某人有某物某人有某物(表拥有表拥有) have / has 2) there be 接词要运用接词要运用就近就近(临近临近)原则原则 There is a book and two bags. There

30、are two bags and a book.1) 有有3. there be 句型的时态变化句型的时态变化一般过去时一般过去时 There was / were一般现在时一般现在时 There is / are一般将来时一般将来时 There will be There is going to be There are going to be e.g. There is a book on the table. There will be more people in this city . There wont be rain soon. -Will there be rain? -Ye

31、s, there will. / No, there There is going to be a football match . There are going to be two football matchesGrammar Focusbe going to + do 表表“打算做某事打算做某事”Im going to study computer science.-Im not going to study computer science.-Are you going to study computer science?-Yes, I am. -No, Im not.Will 则偏

32、重于客观上的要求或长远的未来。will do和 be going tobe going to与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下几点差别:1. be going to表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如:He is going to write a letter tonight. He will write a book one day. 2. be going to表示根据主观判断将来绝对发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。 如:He is seriously ill. He is going to die. He wi

33、ll be twenty years old.3. be going to含有“打算,准备”的意思,而will则没有这个意思,如:She is going to lend us her book. He will be here in half an hour.4.在有条件从句条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to,而多用will。如:If any beastcomes at you, Ill stay with you and help you.5. will可以表示主动为他人做某事或是给出一个承诺,可以翻译为为和会。 It is very cold. I will make y

34、ou some hot coffee. If you take part in the election, I will support you. Unit 7Will people have robots?An astronautstrn:t lives in a space speIs stationsteIn . He goes to work by rocketrkIt . A programmer lives in an apartment p:(r)tmnt . He goes to work by subway. A farmer lives in a house. He wal

35、ks to the farm. An engineer lives in an apartment. He goes to work by car. Write each word in the correct column below. 1aJobs Transportation Places to liveastronaut house apartment train rocket space station computer programmerastronauthouseapartmenttrainrocketspace stationcomputer programmerListen

36、 to Alexis and Joe. Number the pictures 1-3.1c2311dListen again. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs in the box. 1. I _ in an apartment across the street from here.2. I _ near here.3. I _ a computer programmer.4. We _ in a house in the country. livelivedamworkam, live, work, lived, took, will

37、be, will live, will fly 5. I _ the train to school.6. I _ an astronaut.7. I _ rockets to the moon.8. I _ on a space station. tookwill bewill livewill flyam, live, work, lived, took, will be, will live, will fly Student A is Alexis and Student B is Joe. Talk about Joes life now, 10 years ago and 10 y

38、ears from now. 1eI live in an apartment. Where do you live?I lived in a house in the country.Where did you live ten years ago?I will live in the space station. Where will you live in ten years?Tell your partner what you know about robots. What do they look like and what can they do?2aI think there w

39、ill be more robots in the future.Really? What do they look like?I think they look like humans. They can do anything men can do. Sounds interesting.4. dangerous adj. 有危有危险的;不安全的的;不安全的e.g. Some animals are in great danger. 一些一些动物物处于极大的危于极大的危险中。中。名名词danger +后后缀ous dangerous Lions are dangerous animals.

40、 狮子是危子是危险的的动物。物。fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌 5. factory n. 工厂工厂e.g. There will be more factories in the future. 将来会有更多的工厂。将来会有更多的工厂。e.g. The house might fall down in a few months. 几个月内几个月内这所房屋也所房屋也许就会就会倒塌。倒塌。6. fall v. (fell/ fel/) 倒塌;跌倒;掉落倒塌;跌倒;掉落前前缀(dis) + agree (同意同意)disagree7. disagree v. 不同意不

41、同意 ;持不同意;持不同意见; 有分歧有分歧e.g. My father agrees, but my mother disagrees. 我爸爸同意,但我我爸爸同意,但我妈妈不同意。不同意。believe sb. 相信某人相信某人说的的话believe + that 从句从句8. believe v. 相信;相信;认为有可能有可能e.g. I believe that you can finish the work on time. 我相信你会按我相信你会按时完成工作。完成工作。e.g. What is the shape of your kite? 你的风筝是什么形状的?你的风筝是什么形状

42、的?9. shape n. 形状形状10. hundreds of 许多;大量许多;大量= lots of【辨析辨析】具体数字具体数字+ hundred 如:如:three hundred 三百三百e.g. There are hundreds of flags in front of the building. 在那个高楼前有很多旗帜。在那个高楼前有很多旗帜。11. over and over again 反复地;多次反复地;多次 还可以说还可以说over and overe.g. They sang the song over and over. 他们反复地唱那首歌。他们反复地唱那首歌。

43、He called over and over again but nobody answered. 他多次打电话但没有人接。他多次打电话但没有人接。12. possible adj. 可能的;可能存在或发生可能的;可能存在或发生(前缀前缀)im+ possible impossible 不可能的不可能的e.g. Do you think its possible to beat them? 你认为战胜他们有可能吗你认为战胜他们有可能吗? To cross this river seems impossible. 穿过这条河中似乎不可能。穿过这条河中似乎不可能。2a Tell your par

44、tner what you know about robots. What do they look like and what can they do?What do they look like?They look like humans.What does it look like?It looks like a dog. This robot looks like a huge arm.What will robots do for us in the future?Lets make predictionsIn 100 years.speakdo exercise run cookp

45、lay the pianoplay footballdancehelp people do the most unpleasant jobshelp with the houseworkPara.1 Will robots think like humans in the future? Para.2 What will robots be like in the future? Para.3 What can robots do today?Para.4 What are robots like in movies? 2bRead the article and match each par

46、agraph with the question it discusses. Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot?1.When we watch movies about the future, we sometimes see robots. They are usually like human servants. They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.2.Today there are already robots

47、 working in factories. Some can help to build cars, and they do simple jobs over and over again. Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring, but robots will never get bored.Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do. Some robot

48、s in Japan can walk and dance. They are fun to watch. However, somescientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human. For example, scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know3.where th

49、ey are. But many scientists disagree with Mr. White. They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years.These new robots will have many different shapes

50、. Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals. In India, for example, scientists made robots that4.look like snakes. If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can helplook for people under the buildings. This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and roc

51、kets also seemed impossible 100 years ago. We never know what will happen in the future!翻译短翻译短语语1.科幻小说科幻小说 2.帮忙做家务帮忙做家务3.花费好几百年的时间花费好几百年的时间4.看起来像看起来像5.让机器人走路或跳舞让机器人走路或跳舞6.和人一样做相同的事和人一样做相同的事science fictionhelp with the houseworktake hundreds of yearslook likemake robots walk and dancedo the same thin

52、gs as a person7.例如例如8.与人交谈与人交谈9.做简单的工作做简单的工作10.一遍又一遍一遍又一遍11.变得烦躁变得烦躁12.寻找寻找13.看起来有可能的看起来有可能的for exampletalk to peopledo simple jobsover and over againget boredlook for seem possible1.In some science fiction movies, what will people have in the future?2. Which country has robots that can walk and dan

53、ce?3. Where are the huge arm robots working now?Robots.Japan.In factories.Read and answer the questions.4. What does James White think?5. What kind of job can a snake robot do?He thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.After an earthquake, it could help look for peop

54、le under buildings.1. Robots can build _ in factories.2. They can do _ jobs many times and never get bored. 3. Some can _ and _. 4. Some can help _ people under _. cars simplelook for the buildingswalkdanceRead the article again quickly. Complete the sentences about what robots can do now.2cFill in

55、the blanks in this paragraph with words from the article. 指导:指导:此类短文填空题,考查同学们全面掌握此类短文填空题,考查同学们全面掌握短文内容,以及综合运用语言的能力。短文内容,以及综合运用语言的能力。首先首先,应将通读本段文字,掌握大意。,应将通读本段文字,掌握大意。可知在短文中列举了科学家们的两种观可知在短文中列举了科学家们的两种观点。点。然后然后,根据,根据2b中短文的内容填空。中短文的内容填空。2dSome robots are very human-like. They can walk and _ like people

56、. Some scientists think that in the future they will _ robots more like humans. This may not _ in the near future, but at some point, robots will even be able to _ like people. However, some scientists _. dancemakehappentalkdisagree James White believes that robots will not be able to do the _ thing

57、s as we can. For example, he thinks that robots will _ be able to wake up and know where they are. Which side do you _ with? sameneveragreeWhat kind of animals might robots look like in the future? What do you think these robots will be able to do? Write your ideas and discuss them with your partner

58、. 2eI think some future robots might look likespiders. They will be able to help us clean the window, sweep the floor. Some robots might look like snakes. They will be able to help look for people under the buildings. If buildings fall down with people inside. They will also be able to sever us. The

59、y can make dinner, do the dishes and cook coffee for us. Some robots will be look like people. They will be able to sing, dance and talk with us. Some robots might look like big arms. They will be able to work in factories. They can help make cars and do simple jobs over and over again. 1.Today ther

60、e are already robots working in factories. 现在已在已经有机器人在工厂里干活了。有机器人在工厂里干活了。此句中的此句中的working in factories的的逻辑主主语是是robots,但是在但是在这个个there be句型中,句型中,谓语动词已已经有了有了are,所以所以work就不能再作本句的就不能再作本句的谓语动词,而,而应用用-ing形式形式。这一点在学一点在学习和使和使用用there be句型句型时需要特需要特别注意。注意。2.and they do simple jobs over and over again. 并且他并且他们反复的

61、干着反复的干着简单的工作的工作 over and over again是固定搭配,是固定搭配,译为:反复:反复 的;多次的;多次”, 还可以可以说 over and over。例如:。例如: They sang the song over and over. 他他们反复的唱着那首歌。反复的唱着那首歌。 They call over and over again but nobody answered. 他多次打他多次打电话,但没人接。,但没人接。3. Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring, bu

62、t robots will never get bored. 此句中的此句中的get bored 译为“ 感到感到厌烦,感到无,感到无 聊聊”。其同其同义词为:be bored 二者的区二者的区别在于:在于: get bored(强强调动作)作) be bored (强强调状状态) 英英语中有很多中有很多过去分去分词或形容或形容词都可以和都可以和get, be 连用。比如:用。比如:tired,angry 等。例如:等。例如: You wont be bored when you are hungry.当你当你饿的的时候你就不会候你就不会觉得无聊了。得无聊了。If you do the sam

63、e things month after month, you may get bored.如果你每月都做同如果你每月都做同样的事情,你可能会感到的事情,你可能会感到厌烦。4. Some robots are very human-like. 一些机器人十分像真人。一些机器人十分像真人。 在在human-like (形似真人的;真人一样的)(形似真人的;真人一样的)一词中,一词中,-like 为形容词后缀,用在名词之后,为形容词后缀,用在名词之后,与其构成一个完整的形容词,表示与其构成一个完整的形容词,表示“ 形似形似的;像的;像一样的;类似于一样的;类似于.的的”。又如:又如: a bird

64、-like building (像鸟一样的建筑)(像鸟一样的建筑)a cabbage-like vegetable(一种形似卷心菜的(一种形似卷心菜的蔬菜),蔬菜),the ball-like thing on the top of the building(楼顶上那个像球一样的东西。)(楼顶上那个像球一样的东西。) 5. It will be difficult to make them really think like a human. 把机器人做的像人一样思考将会很难。把机器人做的像人一样思考将会很难。 通常用通常用it 做形式主语,将不定式和动名词置做形式主语,将不定式和动名词置 于

65、谓语后面,特别是主语较长时,或在一些于谓语后面,特别是主语较长时,或在一些 习惯用法中。习惯用法中。当谓语是系表结构(当谓语是系表结构(be + 形容形容 词词/ 名词)时,常将不定式后置,名词)时,常将不定式后置,构成句型构成句型 “it + be + 表语(形容词表语(形容词 / 名词)名词)+ 不定式不定式”。 e.g. It is not an easy thing to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语不是件容易的事掌握一门外语不是件容易的事6. Scientist James White thinks that robots will never

66、be able to wake up.1) Be able to “能够能够.” can vs be able to相同点相同点: 两者都表示能力两者都表示能力不同点不同点: 1)can只有现在式和过去式。只有现在式和过去式。2)be able to可用于现在时、过去时和将来时可用于现在时、过去时和将来时, 但它没有进行时。但它没有进行时。3) 表示经过努力而成功的某一次动作表示经过努力而成功的某一次动作, 只能用只能用 be able to. 试做以下试题试做以下试题:He _ drive a car.He _climb over the mountain before.canwas abl

67、e to7. But many scientists disagree with Mr. White. 但很多科学家不赞同怀特先生的观点。但很多科学家不赞同怀特先生的观点。 这里的这里的“disagree with ”译为译为 不同意;不一不同意;不一 致;不适合致;不适合 。 固定搭配:固定搭配: agree (同意)(同意)agree with sb/sthdisagree (同意)(同意)disagree with sb/sthe.g. They disagreed with each other about the time and place of the accident. 他他们

68、在在对事故事故发生的生的时间和地点彼此有和地点彼此有 分歧。分歧。 I strongly disagree with his views. 我我强烈反烈反对他的他的见解。解。 I disagree completely with Jack. 我完全不同意杰克的意我完全不同意杰克的意见。8.If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. 如果建筑物倒塌,人还在里面,这些蛇形如果建筑物倒塌,人还在里面,这些蛇形 机器人可以帮助在坍塌

69、的建筑物里搜救伤者。机器人可以帮助在坍塌的建筑物里搜救伤者。 fall down 的意思如下:的意思如下: 1)掉下,落下,跌倒:)掉下,落下,跌倒: The old lady fell down in the street and broke her leg. 老妇跌倒在大街上,摔坏了腿。老妇跌倒在大街上,摔坏了腿。2)拜倒,跪倒:)拜倒,跪倒:They fell down before him.他们拜倒在他面前。他们拜倒在他面前。3)倒塌:)倒塌:The old house soon fell down.这座老房很快就倒塌了。这座老房很快就倒塌了。9. So Ill probably ju

70、st keep a bird.keep: v. “保持保持; 维持维持; 喂养喂养”1) keep + sb. / sth. +形容词形容词 “使某人使某人/某物某物”e.g. The job kept them busy for a year. 2) keep +形容词形容词 “保持保持”e.g. The man ran up and down to keep warm. 3) keep + sb. / sth. doing “让某人让某人/某物继续做某事某物继续做某事”e.g. She kept us waiting for her at the station for an hour.4

71、) keep + doing “继续做继续做, 坚持做坚持做”e.g. He kept running after her, trying to catch her. 10. I will live on a space station. space 空间空间, 空处空处 (可数可数) e.g. There is a space of 46 inches wide between the two bookcases.The road is bad for a space of two miles. We need more space to set up it. Is there any sp

72、ace left? 还有地方吗还有地方吗?space当太空讲时是不可数名词。当太空讲时是不可数名词。space station 太空站太空站 space ship 太空船太空船 space suit 宇航服宇航服In 20 years, I think Ill be a newspaper reporter. Ill _in Shanghai, because there will be_ jobs in that city. As a reporter, I think I will _ lots of interesting people, so Ill have more friends

73、. 3a Read Jills answer to the question” what will your life be like in the future?” Fill in the blanks with the following words.meet work live look keep wear more less fewer takelivemoremeetIll have _ pets, though, because Ill have _ free time. And my apartment will be no good for pets because itllb

74、e too small. So Ill probably just _a bird. During the week, Ill_ smart clothes. On the weekend, Ill_ less smart but Ill be more comfortable. In the future, people will _more so theyll probably have fewer vacations, but I think Ill _ a holiday in Hong kong when possible. One day Ill even go to Austra

75、lia.fewerlesskeepwearworktakelookjobhomefree time activitiesneighborhoodComplete the chart about your life 20 years from now. You can add more items. What will yourbe like?super policemanin America travlea famous singer3b_ _Write about your life 20 years from now. Use 3a and 3b to help you. 3c本文为写自己

76、未来二十年后的工作及生活,本文为写自己未来二十年后的工作及生活,因此,时态应用一般将来时态。因此,时态应用一般将来时态。首先,根据首先,根据3b中自己所填表格中的内容,中自己所填表格中的内容,来想像一下自己的生活。工作、家庭、业来想像一下自己的生活。工作、家庭、业余活动,自己周围的生活环境等。余活动,自己周围的生活环境等。将上述几个方面逐条写出来,并注意恰当将上述几个方面逐条写出来,并注意恰当运用连接词,以使文章连贯通顺。运用连接词,以使文章连贯通顺。最后,通读一遍短文,检查是否有错误。最后,通读一遍短文,检查是否有错误。3c Write about your life 20 years fr

77、om now. Use 3a and 3b to help you.In 20 years, I think Ill be a super policeman. Ill live in America, because there will be more jobs in that city. As a super policeman, I think I will catch many bad guys(坏人坏人), so Ill help keep the city peaceful. And in my free time, I ll travel around the world. E

78、very time when I get home, my neighborhood Coco will sing for me. I like this kind of life.Discuss how you think a robot will help students with schoolwork in the future. Write down your groups ideas and draw a picture of your robot. 4I think students wont need dictionaries because a robot will tell

79、 them the meaning of the words.Sample: 1. I think students wont need to go to school, because their robots can teach them at home. 2. I think students wont need to write their homework on paper but on computer, and robots will help students to correct the homework.more/fewermore/less1. Put the words

80、 in the correct columns in the chart. job, people, pollution, robot, fresh water, paper, planet, car, clean air, city, free time, building, money, tree 1. more后面可跟可数名词或不可数名词;后面可跟可数名词或不可数名词;2. fewer后面跟可数名词;后面跟可数名词;3. less 后面跟不可数名词;后面跟不可数名词;more/fewermore/lessjob, people, robot, planetcar, citybuildin

81、g, tree pollution, fresh waterpaper, clean air, free time, moneyGirl: Mom, what will the future _ like?Mom: Well, no one knows what the future will be _. Girl: But _ I be beautiful like you? _ I be a pilot? I want to fly up into the sky. 2. Fill in the blanks in the conversation. belikewillWill Mom:

82、 Youre already beautiful. And you should study hard. Then you _ be a pilot.Girl: OK. I must study harder then. Mom: But you should also remember that _ will _both good and bad things in life. Girl: Oh, Im not scared, Mom, because you _ help me!willtherebewill1. 背诵背诵3a中的短文。中的短文。 2. 整理一下自己课堂上所写的短文,整理一下自己课堂上所写的短文,并进行修改,将作文写在作业本上。并进行修改,将作文写在作业本上。



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