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1、Chapter3 Conceptual metaphor and metonymiesPresented by 肖丽红1优质材料01Metaphors and Metonymies: from figures of speech to cognitive models02Metaphors and Metonymies: as cognitive instruments03 Metaphors as a way of thinking: examples from science and politics04Pragmatic applications of Metaphors and Met

2、onymiesOutline2优质材料All the worlds a stage And all the man and women merely players;They have their exits and their entrance,And one man in his time plays many parts,His acts being seven ages.问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流 .下馆子/上饭店Do metaphors or metonymies only exist in literature?What kind of roles that metapho

3、rs and metonymies do in our daily life?3优质材料Three stages of Metaphors studiesInitial stage(300BC-1920s): During this stage, Metaphors and Metonymies are studied as kinds of rhetoric devices. Aristotle, who first began to study the properties and functions of Metaphor, defined metaphor as the Transfe

4、rence of meaning between concepts in her book Rehetoric and Poetry. Representatives of this stages are Aristotle, Quintilian Second stage(1930-1960): Focus on the structure and meaning of metaphor. This is a period of time that regard as the transitory stage between the study of metaphor as rhetoric

5、 devices and the study of metaphor as a cognitive model. Main representatives of this stage are R. Jakobson, E. Benveniste and M. Black.Third stage( 1970-now): Metaphors and Metonymies are regarded as cognitive models and been studied within multidisciplinary fields. 4优质材料相似原则(principle of similarit

6、y)人们容易将相同或相似的东西看做是一个单位。这一人们容易将相同或相似的东西看做是一个单位。这一原则在概念和语言的形成中是最重要的原则。原则在概念和语言的形成中是最重要的原则。5优质材料顺接原则(principle of good continuation)在识别和记忆事物时,人们倾向于寻找有规律、变化小的整体。6优质材料接近原则(principle of proximity)在认知上,距离相近的事物容易被看做是一个单位。7优质材料突显原则(突显原则(principle of prominence)人们的注意力更容易观察和记忆事物比较突显的方面。相似原则&顺接原则是隐喻的认知原则。接近原则&凸

7、显原则是转喻的认知原则。8优质材料好的语言是一种圆满的实现,能表达人的感知本身所不能表现的事情。查理 语言学上,把由于两个事物的特征上所存在的某一类似之处,而用指一个事物的词来指代另一个事物的演变方式叫做隐喻(Metaphor)。Metaphor involves using words from one domain to talk about the other. The domain from which words been selected is called the source domain, and the domain been described is regarded a

8、s the target domain.9优质材料10优质材料隐喻的抽象认知能力来源于对两个概念的“相似(similarity)”的认知。 映射域即人脑中两个概念建立相似性的地方。Three major components of mapping scopes:Image schemas: firmly grounded in our bodily experiences, are the most probably shared by all human beings. in-outBasic correlations: guide us in understanding the event

9、s and actions in the world around us. causeeffect, action/changemotionCulture-dependent evaluations: restricted to the members of a specific culture. 11优质材料映射(映射(Mapping)隐喻不仅是根据对具体事物的认知模式来认识和构造对其他事物的认知模式,而是将整个认知模式的结构、内部关系转移,这种转移被称为源模式向目标模式结构的映射。12优质材料隐喻本质上是一种认知现象,是思维相互作用的产物。它以已知喻未知、以熟悉喻不熟悉,以简单喻复杂、以具

10、体喻抽象,以通俗喻科学。Metaphor not only used for poetic effect, also enables human beings to understanding and describing abstract things. And the source domains tend very often to be concrete, things that we can experience directly. While the target domains tend to be abstract.13优质材料常规隐喻(conventional or dead

11、 metaphors)“通过长期建立的常规关系而无意识进入语言的隐喻才是最重要的。”(Ungerer & Schmid 1996: 117)莱考夫(1980)把隐喻看做是人们思维、行为和表达思想的一种系统的方式,即隐喻概念(metaphorical concept or conceptual metaphor)。14优质材料结构隐喻(Structural Metaphor)以一种概念的结构来构造另一种概念,使两种概念相叠加,将谈论一种概念的各方面的词语用于谈论另一概念。TIME IS MONEYI dont have the time to give you.How do you spend

12、your time these days?一寸光阴一寸金我们何不省点时间,现在就吃饭呢?15优质材料IDEAS (or MEANINGS) ARE OBJECTSLINGUISTIC EXPRESSIONS ARE CONTAINERSCOMMUNICATION IS SENDING Its hard to get that idea across to him.Its difficult to put my ideas into words.ARGUMENT IS WARHe attacked every week point in my argument.16优质材料方位隐喻(Orient

13、ational Metaphor)参照空间方位而组建的一系列隐喻概念。HIGH STATUS IS UP; LOW STATUS IS DOWNRATIONAL IS UP; EMOTIONAL IS DOWNCONSCIOUS IS UP; UNCONCIOUS IS DOWNA meeting has been planed for next Wednesday. Now, Lets move the meeting forward two days.When does the meeting take place?17优质材料实体隐喻(Ontological Metaphor)将抽象概念

14、具体化My fear of insects is driving my wife crazy.It will take a lot of patience to finish this book.The ugly side of his personality comes out under pressure.The pressure of his responsibilities caused his breakdown.18优质材料容器隐喻(Container metaphor)The ship is coming into view. VISUAL FIELDS AS CONTAINER

15、SAre you in the race on Sunday? RACE AS CONTAINERThere is a lot of land in Kansas. AREAS AS CONTAINERSHow did you get into window-washing as a profession?THE ACTIVITY OF WASHING AS CONTAINERWe are out of trouble now.TROUBLE AS CONTAINER19优质材料创新隐喻来源于文学家个人独特的感受和体验的文学隐喻THE WORLD IS A STAGETHEORIES/ARGU

16、MENTS ARE BUILDINGSHis theory has thousands of little rooms and long winding corridors.出于表达新事物的需要科学中的隐喻20优质材料一般而言,隐喻的源域为具体范畴,而目标域是后认知的具体范畴或抽象范畴,而不是相反。常规隐喻是一个语言集团文化和经验的沉淀。人们根据经验和文化传统来选择源域。源域与目标域之间形成一定的隐喻结构网,同一源域可以隐喻多个目标域,LIFE IS A JOURNEY, AN ARGUMENT IS A JOURNEY同一目标域也可以由多个源域隐喻。AN ARGUMENT IS A JOUR

17、NEY, AN ARGUMENT IS A BATTLE,AN ARGUMENT IS A CONTAINER, AN ARGUMENT IS A BUILDING21优质材料常规隐喻创新隐喻结构隐喻方位隐喻实体隐喻文学隐喻科学中的隐喻22优质材料转喻定义转喻定义1. Lakoff & Johnson ( 1980)Metonymy has primarily a referential function, that is, it allows us to use one entity to stand for another. It also serves the function of p

18、roviding understanding. 转喻主要具有一种指代功能,即,它允许我们用一种实体代替另一实体。同时,转喻也具有理解功能。23优质材料转喻定义转喻定义2. William Croft ( 1993)A target is accessed within a domain as a result of domain highlighting. from the perspective of encylopaedic semantics, metonymy functions by highlighting one domain within a concepts domain m

19、atrix.目标在同一认知域(矩阵)中由域凸显域凸显而被通达。从百科性语义角度来看,转喻就是在 同一概念的认知域矩阵中的某一域凸显。24优质材料转喻定义转喻定义3. Kvecses and Radden ( 1998)Metonymy is a cognitive process in which one conceptual entity, the vehicle, provides mental access to another conceptual entity, the target, within the same domain, or ICM.转喻是在同一理想化认知模式中,一个概

20、念实体(转喻喻体)为另一概念实体提供心理通达的认知过程。25优质材料转喻定义转喻定义4. Barcelona ( 2002)Metonymy is a mapping of a conceptual domain, the source, onto another domain, the target. Source and target are in the same functional domain and are linked by a pragmatic function, so that the target is mentally activated.转喻是从一个概念域,即源域,

21、向另一个概念域,即目标域的映射。源域和目标域属于同一功能域,它们之间的语用功能联系使目标域在心理上被激活。26优质材料转喻模式转喻模式Peirsman & Geeraerts 认为转喻依据接触力度(strength of contact)、有界性(boundedness) 和认知域(domain) 这三个层面向外扩展,形成转喻范畴。一、空间和物质认知域中的邻近性 1) 空间部分与整体(SPATIAL PART & WHOLE) 九州中国2) 容器与容纳物 (CONTAINER & CONTAINED) 壶烧开了3) 方位与所在 (LOCATION & LOCATED) 他上面有人。4) 一件衣

22、物与人 (A PIECE OF CLOTHING & PERSON) 5) 一件衣物与身体部分 (A PIECE OF CLOTHING & BODY PART) 6) 物质与客体 ( MATERIAL & OBJECT) Glass眼镜27优质材料二、 时间域中的邻近性1) 时间部分与整体 (TEMPORAL PART & WHOLE)2) 时间与实体 (TIME & ENTITY)9-11 will never be forgotten.28优质材料三、 行为、事件和过程中的邻近性1) 次事件与复杂事件 (SUBEVENT & COMPLEX EVENT)让我以后照顾你吧!2) 行动与参与

23、者 (ACTION & PARTICIPANT)这种洗衣粉把衣服洗得很白。3) 方位与产品 (LOCATION & PRODUCT)Watergate changed our politics.4) 生产者与产品 (PRODUCER & PRODUCT)I like to read Hemingway.5) 控制着与被控制着 (CONTROLLER & CONTROLLED)The piano is ill today. 6) 拥有者与被拥有者 (POSSESSOR & POSSESSED)29优质材料7) 原因与结果 (CAUSE & EFFECT)8) 先前与后果 (ANTECEDENT

24、& CONSEQUENT)9) 参与者与参与者 ( PARTICIPANT & PARTICIPANT)10) 潜在与实际 (POTENTIAL & ACTUAL)Mary can speak five languages.30优质材料总成和堆拢认知域中的邻近性总成:各部分功能性结构组合堆拢:同等成员的集合1) 特征与实体 ( CHARACTERISTIC & ENTITY)大款2) 核心因素与机构 ( CENTRAL FACTOR & INSTITUTION)The press 指代出版机构3) 上位词与下位词 (HYPONYM & HYPERNYM)31优质材料Why does metap

25、hor exist?What can we do with the help of metaphor?32优质材料科学中的隐喻科学中的隐喻隐喻将科学中的抽象概念具体化,使其更易解释与理解。+COMPUTER WORK IS OFFICE WORK+VIRUS+ THE ATOM IS A (MININATURE) SOLAR SYSTEM+33优质材料政治中的隐喻政治中的隐喻+CONTRY IS A PERSON THAT IS ILL+POLITICS IS BUSINESS+MORALITY IS FAIR DISTRIBUTION+MORALITY IS HAPPINESS+在政治中,隐

26、喻的解释功能在于控制并影响民众对其政权领导的支持程度。 隐喻的创造在于政治家以及宣传家的政治思维,思维的形成依赖结构隐喻。34优质材料概念隐喻影响思维的两种方式解释性隐喻: 使外行更容易理解复杂的科学、政治和社会问题。结构性隐喻: 对复杂问题及概念做理论阐述的必要工具。35优质材料隐喻、转喻与构词隐喻、转喻与构词1) 词义整合形成新词White House,skinhead,paperback2) 一词多义 辣的热门的,时髦的 热情的 使人感到热的 感觉热的(HOT) 兴奋的;愤怒的36优质材料3)词以扩大与缩减同一语义范畴内扩大Arrive:船“到岸”;以任何方式“到达某一点”不同范畴语义延生Virus VS computer virus4)改变词性动词转名词读书书写名词转动词He is my father.He fathered three children.37优质材料38优质材料



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