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1、Main Differences of American English & British English主讲:主讲:Dani1. 单词差异A.E B.E 电梯elevator lift 一楼first floor ground floor汽油gas gasolinepetrol足球soccer football 假期vacation holiday罐头can tin糖果candy sweets1. 单词差异A.E B.E 公寓apartmentflat洗手间bathroom restroomtoilet橡擦皮eraserrubber手电筒flashlighttorch薯条potatochi

2、ps crisp果酱jelly jam数学math maths2. 拼写差异A.E B.E 对话 dialogdialogue 妈妈mummy mommy米meter metre剧院theater theatre中心center centre颜色color colour最喜欢的favorite favourite拼写差异A.E B.E组织organize organise组织organization organisation意识到realize realise 3. 发音差异一1.a: ask, cant, dance, fast, half, path 2.o: box, crop, hot

3、, ironic, polish, spot 3.r: car, door, river, party, board, morning Note:英语中只有在英语中只有在far away, for ever, far and wide等连读情况下,字母等连读情况下,字母r才明显才明显的读作卷舌音的读作卷舌音发音差异二B.E A.Eclerkkla:kklkeitheraiiissue isju:iu:leisureleli:neither naini:schedule edju:lskedjul3. 语法差异(1)名词:)名词:除上文讨论的词尾变化不同外。美国英除上文讨论的词尾变化不同外。美国

4、英语将其他词类名词化的倾向比英国英语语将其他词类名词化的倾向比英国英语更为明显,特别是那些带介词的短语动更为明显,特别是那些带介词的短语动词:词:to cook out a cook-out ;to know how the know-how; to run down the rundown; to be shut in a shut-in; to stop over the stopover等。等。3. 语法差异(1)名词:)名词:集合名词做主语时,英国英语的谓语动词集合名词做主语时,英国英语的谓语动词可以是单数形式或者复数形式,美国英语可以是单数形式或者复数形式,美国英语几乎总是用单数形式

5、。例如:几乎总是用单数形式。例如:BE :They are a family who has been very influential in the history of this country. AE/BE: The committee has decided to look into the matter further. 3. 语法差异(1)名词:)名词:名词作定语时,美国英语多用单数形式,名词作定语时,美国英语多用单数形式,而英国英语则常用其复数形式。例如:而英国英语则常用其复数形式。例如:BE:The worker decided to form a new trades uni

6、on. AE: The worker decided to form a new trade union.3. 语法差异(2)动词)动词 have ,get, make 当动词当动词have有致使之意时,美国用有致使之意时,美国用have;英国对上级用英国对上级用get,对下级用对下级用make.英语中英语中的的to have 是个词性不明确的动词。英国是个词性不明确的动词。英国人既把它用作助动词又把它用作实义动词;人既把它用作助动词又把它用作实义动词;美国人则一律将它当作实义动词来用。例美国人则一律将它当作实义动词来用。例如:如:BE: I will get someone come.AE:

7、 I will have someone come.3. 语法差异(3)形容词:)形容词:在美国英语中,形容词的比较可以跟在在美国英语中,形容词的比较可以跟在all the 之后,表示强调。而英国英语则使用之后,表示强调。而英国英语则使用any 加形容词比较级这一形式来表示强调。加形容词比较级这一形式来表示强调。 例如:例如:BE: Cant you do any better than that? AE: Is that all the better you can do?3. 语法差异(4)过去时与现在完成时:)过去时与现在完成时: 表示距现在不远的过去所发生或完成的事情,英表示距现在不远

8、的过去所发生或完成的事情,英国英语常用现在完成时,则美国英语则倾向于使国英语常用现在完成时,则美国英语则倾向于使用一般过去时。例如:用一般过去时。例如:BE:I have studied your report already.AE:I studied your report already.BE:Now I know what it is! Ive forgotten its name.AE:Now I know what it is! I forgot its name.舌头大挑战舌头大挑战1.Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook if a

9、 good cook could cook good cookies. 2.Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.3.Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook if a good cook could cook good cookies. 舌头大挑战舌头大挑战4.Bills big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks5. A flea and a fly were trapped in a flue(烟气管道烟气管道), and they tried to flee for their life. The flea said to the fly “lets flee!” and the fly said to the flea” Lets fly!. Finally both the flea and fly managed to flee through a flaw(缺陷缺陷) in the flue.



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