高中英语 Module2 第2课时GrammarⅠ-Everyday English and Functio课件 外研版必修1.ppt

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《高中英语 Module2 第2课时GrammarⅠ-Everyday English and Functio课件 外研版必修1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Module2 第2课时GrammarⅠ-Everyday English and Functio课件 外研版必修1.ppt(54页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 必修必修1 My New TeachersModule 2第二课时Grammar Everyday English and FunctionModule 2课内合作探究课内合作探究 2课课 时时 作作 业业 5单元课标语法单元课标语法 3课后巩固提升课后巩固提升 4课前自主预习课前自主预习1课前自主预习课前自主预习用所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。But now, after two weeks, the class really likes _(work) with her.Ive always

2、hated _(make) mistakes or _(pronounce) a word incorrectly when I speak English.Would you mind my _(open) the window?He considered _(buy) a car.It took the workman only two hours to finish _(repair) my car.working making pronouncing opening buying repairing We appreciate their _(invite) us to the bal

3、l.The classroom wants/requires _ (clean)It is no good _ (try) to remember grammatical rules. You need to practise what you have learned.invitingcleaning/to be cleanedtrying课内合作探究课内合作探究1.consider v.(1)仔细考虑,细想(可用于进行时态)considern./pron./doing sth./从句/疑问词to do sth.Im considering going abroad.我正在考虑出国。He w

4、as considering what to do next.他正在考虑下一步做什么。(2)认为,以为,觉得(不用于进行时态)considersb./sth. (to be/as)adj./n./从句He was considered (to be/as) a great leader.他被认为是一个伟大的领袖。链接下列词组都表达“认为是;把当作”:consider.as; think of.as; look on (upon).as; take.as; regard.as; treat.as 单词积累即学即用完成句子我们正在考虑买一辆新车。We are considering _.普遍认为他

5、发明了电话。_ have invented the telephone.答案:buying a new carHes generally considered to2suggest vt.He suggested that we put off the meeting.他建议我们推迟会议。知识拓展suggest作“建议”讲时有三种用法:(1)suggest that从句,suggest后的that从句要用虚拟语气“should动词原型”,should可以省略。The doctor suggested that I (should )come again next week.医生建议我下周再来。

6、(2)suggest名词,表示“建议某事”。Tom suggested a plan for the work.汤姆为了工作提了一个建议。(3)suggestdoing sth.(不能跟不定式),表示“建议做某事”。Jenny suggested doing it in another way.珍妮建议用另一种方法做这件事。注意:(1)表示“向某人建议某事”用suggest to sb. sth./thatclause,不可以省去to。I suggest to him that we leave early.我向他建议我们早点离开。(2)当suggest理解为“表明;暗示”时,不用虚拟语气。H

7、is expression suggests that he didnt sleep well last night.他的表情说明他昨晚没睡好。即学即用语法填空The parents suggested_(sleep)in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. 答案:sleeping考查suggest后接动名词的用法。句意:父母提意住在旅馆房间里,但孩子们却想在旅途中在外宿营。(2014安徽,29,改编)Why not buy a secondhand car first if you d

8、ont have enough money for a new one?Thats a good _(suggest)答案:suggestion句意:“如果你没有足够的钱买一辆新的车,你为什么不买一辆二手车?”“这是个很好的建议。”3stress n. 重压;逼迫;压力;重点;着重;强调;vt. 着重,强调She laid great stress on proper behavior.她很强调行为端正。The teacher stressed the importance of reading aloud.英语老师强调了朗读的重要性。知识拓展lay/place/put stress on 把

9、重点放在上under the stress of 为所迫stressful adj. 紧张的;压力重的即学即用完成句子Susan was completely weighed down by_ _ _(考试压力)答案:the stress of examinations4provide vt. & vi. 提供They provide us with food.他们供给我们食物。We provided food for the hungry children.我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。搭配provide forsupport/raise/ feed(a family/sb.)养活, 供养pr

10、ovide sth. for sb.supply sth. to/for sb. 给某人提供某物provide sb. with sth.supply sb. with sth. 给提供;以装备知识拓展providing conj. (provided) (常与that连用)假若;倘若;倘使provided adj. & conj. 预备好的;由供给的;倘若,倘使,假若即学即用介词填空She provides _ her family by working in hospital.They provide us _ food.The soldiers were provided _ food

11、and clothing by the local villagers.答案:forwithwith5prefer vt. 宁可;宁愿;更喜欢I prefer to spend the weekend at home.我更喜欢在家里过周末。Do you prefer cooking for yourself, or eating in a restaurant?你更喜欢自己做饭还是去饭店吃?Their father prefers them to be home early.他们的父亲宁愿他们早点回家。He preferred to die rather than become the tra

12、itor.他宁死也不做叛徒。Many people prefer living in the country to living in the city.很多人偏爱住在乡下而不喜欢住在城市。即学即用用所给动词的适当形式填空I prefer standing to _(sit)I prefer _(work) rather than go on holiday to the seaside.(2013福州高一检测改编) Rather than _(ride) on a crowded bus, he always prefers _(ride) a bicycle.答案:sittingto wo

13、rkride; to ride考查prefer to do rather than do的用法。句意:他总是宁愿骑自行车也不愿乘坐拥挤的公共汽车。either.or.要么要么;不是就是Come either today or tomorrow please.请你今天或者明天来。Either you or he is wrong.不是你错了,就是他错了。即学即用语法填空Either you or one of your students _ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.答案:is题意:你或者你的一个学生要参加明天安排的会议。either.

14、or.连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的数遵循就近一致原则,即与or后的名词或代词一致。本题中谓语动词的形式应与one一致,故用单数形式。Either you or Mary _ (make) the mistake.答案:has made题意:不是你,就是玛丽弄错了。根据就近一致原则,距离谓语最近的主语是Mary,所以谓语应该用单数形式,又因主语和谓语之间为主动关系,所以应该用主动形式,故has made正确。1.If you do well in an exam, youll pass.如果你在考试中成绩好你就能通过。时间状语从句中用一般现在时表将来。By the time he com

15、es, I will have left. 到他来的时候,我将已经离开了。知识拓展在让步、比较、方式等状语从句中也用一般现在时表示将来。Whatever you do, I wont tell you my secret.不管你做什么,我都不会把我的秘密告诉你。I shall go, whether you come with me or stay at home.不论你跟我来还是待在家里,我都要去。注意:少数动词begin, come, go, leave, start, arrive, end, return等,用一般现在时表示按规定、时间表、计划或安排将要发生的动作。句中通常有具体的时间

16、状语。Tomorrow is Sunday.明天是星期天。When does the plane take off?飞机几点起飞?即学即用语法填空Im going to leave at the end of this month.I dont think you should do that until you_(find) another job.答案:have founduntil引导时间状语从句,从句中用一般时表将来。2Its up to you.你说了算。知识拓展(1)“up to”意为“多达”。I can take up to four people in my car.我的车能载

17、 4 个人。(2)“up to”意为“不多于,不迟于”。Read up to page 109.读到第109页。(3) “up to”意为“可与某事物相比;比得上”。As a doctor, he is not up to Mr Smith.作为一名医生,他不能与史密斯先生相比。(4)“up to”意为“有某种能力的;能胜任的”。Hes not up to the part of Othello.他演不了奥赛罗这个角色。(5)“up to”意为“从事于;忙于”。Whats he up to?他在干什么?(6)“up to”意为“由决定;由负责”Its up to you whether we

18、will accept the present or not.要不要这份礼物由你决定。即学即用语法填空Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?Its_you.答案:up to句意:“我们现在就去看艺术展览吗?”“这全部由你决定。”由句意可知用up to。单元课标语法单元课标语法表解语法助记只能接ing作宾语的动词规则说明例句有些动词后只能接ing形式作宾语,不用不定式。常见的有admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, consider, deny, enjoy, escape, finish, forbid, keep

19、, mind, miss, permit, risk, suggest等When will you finish reading that book?你什么时候读完那本书?He is considering studying abroad.他在考虑出国留学。He tried to avoid answering my questions.他试图避而不答我们的问题。接ing形式与不定式作宾语均可且意义差别不大的动词常用的这类动词的区别见下表:规则说明例句这类动词常见的有begin, start, continue, prefer, like, love, hate等。Though it was

20、raining, they continued to work (continued working)尽管在下雨,他们仍然继续工作。Three years ago he began to learn (began learning) German.三年前他开始学德语。接ing形式与不定式作定语均可但意义不同的动词动词宾语的形式意义forgetto do忘记做doing忘记做过rememberto do记着要去做doing记着做过regretto do遗憾/抱歉要做doing后悔做了tryto do尽力做doing尝试做meanto do打算做doing意味着go onto do接着做(另外一件

21、事)doing接着做(同一件事)即学即用语法填空1. My sister regretted _(miss) the movie directed by Zhang Yimou.答案:missing句意:我姐姐后悔没看张艺谋拍的那部电影。regret doing“为做过的事情而后悔”。2. The bird was lucky that it missed _(catch)答案:being caughtmiss后应加v.ing形式作宾语,且句子主语为动词的逻辑宾语,故用being done形式作宾语。3. Im so tired that I dont _ doing anything.答案:

22、feel like句意为:我累得不想做任何事情。feel like doing“想做”。4Im considering _(watch) TV at home this evening.Why not try _ (do) something different for a change?答案:watching; doing 考查特殊动词的宾语形式。consider作“考虑”之意时,其后常接动名词作宾语;try doing“试着做”。5You are brave enough to speak against him.Well, now I regret _(do) that.答案:havin

23、g doneregret having done sth.表示“后悔做过某事”。课后巩固提升课后巩固提升.单词拼写用所给动词的正确形式填空。A.I want _ (read) a magazine.My teacher wanted me _ (answer) this question.The woman wanted her husband _ (examine) at once.My bicycle wants _ (repair)B.I like _ (swim) very much.I dont like _ (watch) TV at this time.He never like

24、s _ (praise) at the meeting.I feel like _ (go) to the cinema.Would you like _ (go) with me?C.When he heard the news, he couldnt help _ (jump) with joy.I couldnt help _ (strike) by the beauty of nature.Sorry, I cant help _ (do) the housework today.答案:A.to readto answer(to be) examinedrepairing/to be

25、repairedBswimmingto watchbeing praised going to go C jumpingbeing struck(to) do.完成句子1他们继续走,说个不停。They went on _ never stopped _.2我们正考虑为下学期制订新的计划。We are thinking of/considering _ for the next term.3我们正忙着为马上到来的运动会作准备。We are busy _.4他没有和我们道别就离开了。He left without _.5几个月前他戒烟了。He gave up _ several months ag

26、o.6我们找工作找得很辛苦。We had _.答 案 : 1.walking and; talking 2.making a new plan3.preparing for the coming sports meeting4.saying goodbye to us5.smoking6.great difficulty/trouble/a hard time (in) looking for jobs.语法填空1Did you lock the door?Yes. I remember _(lock) it.答案:locking由yes判断,应选remember doing sth.“记得做

27、过某事”。2I have been knocking at the door, but no one answers.Why not try_(knock) at the back door?答案:knockingwhy not后接动词原形。try doing“尝试着做某事”。3There is something wrong with this bicycle. It really needs _(repair)答案:repairing/to be repairedneed doing或need to be done意为“某事需要被做”。4The man insisted_(find) a

28、taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.答案:on findinginsist on doing sth.“坚持做某事”。5 He was in trouble then. I couldnt understand his_(refuse) the offer of help from his friends.答案:refusingunderstand后接动名词作宾语。6I remember _(see) him before, but Ive forgotten where it was.答案:having seen由下文“.Ive

29、 forgotten where it was.”判断应是已经发生了的事用remember doing。7Lets stop _(work) and _(have) a rest.答案:working; havestop doing“停止正在做的事情”。8Im afraid I cant help _(clean) the house because I have a meeting to attend right now.答案:cleancant help (to) do“不能帮忙做某事”,根据because引导的原因状语判断应用clean。9Listen! The water is still running.Oh, I forgot _(turn) the tap off.答案:to turn题意为:我忘了关掉水龙头。forget to do“忘记去做某事”,故用to turn。10What are you going to do this weekend?Im thinking of _(go) to visit my aunt.答案:goingthink of doing“考虑做某事”。



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