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1、The Battle of the AntsGroup 5: Wei Anzhao Hou Xianfang Niu Baiwen Li MinGroup 5: Wei Anzhao Hou Xianfang Niu Baiwen Li Min12Do you enjoying watching the TV program Animal World ?3wshow the short video4Howwouldyoudescribethebattle?(Pleasegiveussomeadjs.asyoucan)Deadly,fatal,bloody,savage,barbaric,cru






7、mofwordsandwits.bellumn. (Latin)awar10wstrew (p1,L8)Vt.toscattersth.overasurface;coverasurfacewithscatteredthings;liescatteredover E.g.Documentsstrewedthefloor.11winternecine(P1,L10)adj.causingdestructiontobothsides;mutuallydestructive.E.g. Theyarefightinganinternecinebattle.12wWhose mother had char

8、ged him to return with his shield or upon it. (P230, L6)13wSpring upon (p230, L10)wtomovequicklyandsuddenlytowardsaparticularplacewIsprangoutofbedtoanswerthedoor.14wPut. to shame (P230, L13)15wWhy does the author say that every ant is a “ Buttrick” (L21 P)16wPiercev.(P2,L6)v.cutorpassthroughwithoras

9、ifwithasharpinstrumente.g.Hepiercedanotherholeinhisbeltwithhisknife.Shewaspiercedtotheheartwithguilt.(她万分惭愧,心如刀割)17hireling /ha.l/ (p230, L23)someonewhohasbeenpersuadedbyanofferofmoneytodoanunpleasantorunpopularjobHesnottheboss,hesjustahirelingemployedtodothedirtywork18wSevervt.(P2,L4)

10、otwopieces;tocutsth.offsth.e.g. his hand was severed from his arm.2.tocompletelyendarelationshiporallcommunicatrionwithsb.e.g. the two coutries have severed all diplomatic links.1920Trojan War & Trojan horse21The wedding of Peleus and ThetisHerapowerAthena wealth ParisAphroditethemostbeautifulwomani

11、ntheworldEris, the goddess of discordthrew a golden apple onto the table. The apple belonged to, Eris said, whomever was the fairest22Paris and Helen (wife of king Menelaus)23The Goddess Thetis(海神) dipped her son Achilles into the River Styx(冥河), what made him immortal and invulnerable. Achilles hee

12、l :apersonsprincipalweakness24Peleus placed Achilles in the care of the Centaur Chiron(半人马喀戎半人马喀戎), who raised and educated the boy.The Education of Achilles25Achilles and PatroclusAchilles was overwhelmed with grief for his friend and he returned to the fighting.26Myrmidonsoriginal:thesoldiersofAch

13、illesintheTrojan war.extended:theloyalfollowerswhoexecuteordersunquestioningly.27Achilless mother obtained magnificent new armor for him from Hephaestus(火(火神)神)28Triumphant Achilles dragging Hectors lifeless body in front of the Gates of Troythe rage Achilles29Related Film30FurtherDiscussionAt the v

14、ery beginning ,it seems that the two battle fight just for chips on the ground , however , with the authors observation going on, the author gradually sensed that the battle becoming more and more fierce ,due to the factor that more and more red ants and black ants joined to the battle for their ben

15、efits, and the battle is extremely destructive. And to some extend ,the battle between red and black ants made the author realized that their behavior is resemble to human being, which shocked the author so much.How did the ant war strike the author in paragraph 1?31Grouptask1)Why did the author say

16、 that “The more you think of it, the less the difference.” in line17 paragraph1 (p230) G1,G22)What is the outcome of the battle between the two red ants and the black one in paragraph2? G3,G5 3)Why did the author would like to describe the battle scenes of ants again in paragraph2? G6,G74)Why did th

17、e author mention another two battles of ants in paragraph3? G832From the vivid description about the battle of ants, we can see that their behavior is resembled to human beings behavior , such as the authors description that“they had their respective musical bands stationed on some eminent chip, and

18、 playing their national airs the while, to excite the slow and cheer the dying combatants”.At the same time, their behavior also made the author think a lot about the scene and clues of some typical battles or soldiers in humans history, such as“ perchance he was some Achilles had now come to avenge

19、 or rescue his Patroclus”.thustheauthorfeltstimulatedtosomedegreeasthoughtheantshadbeenhumanbeings.1)Why did the author say that “The more you think of it, the less the difference.” ? line17 paragraph1 (p230)332)What is the outcome of the battle between the two red ants and the black one in P2?Thebl

20、acksoldierhadseveredtheheadsofhisfoes,andwasendeavoringwithfeeblestruggles,beingwithoutfeelersandwithonlyoneleg,todiversehimselfofthem.Mostprobably,theblackgiantcouldhardlysurvivethecombat.Therefore,thebattleendedinmutualdestruction.343)Why did the author would like to describe the battle scenes of

21、ants again in paragraph 2 ? sincetheauthorisannaturalist,whoisspecializedindoingresearchandfavorofobservingthetinyworldoninserts.Throughgivingavividanddetaileddescriptionaboutthebattlebetweentworedantsandblackants,itshowsthereaderhowfiercethebattleisaswell,whichalsocorrelatewiththeconclusionThe more

22、 you think of it, the less the difference.Andmakereadertohaveafurtherthinkingaboutthesignificanceofsocialandlife.354)Why did the author mention another two battles of ants in paregarph3?Theauthorwantedtotellusthatthebattlesofantshavebeenexistingandbeenrecordedinprevioustime.Thesebattlesofantsrecorde

23、dbydifferentscholarsarealsoruinoustobothsides.thentheyshouldteachussomethingsignificanceconnectedwithourhumanbeings.AndweshouldthinkaboutthequestionthatSincethewarisdestructive,whatshallwedotoavoidit?3637383940414243444546474849505152Napoleonic WarsDate :about 18031815Result : EndoftheFirstFrenchEmp

24、ire,BourbonRestoration;EstablishmentoftheConcertofEurope;VariousterritorialanddynasticChanges.Casualties and losses:from3,350,000to6,500,000 53The American Civil WarN:UnitedStatesofAmericaVS.S:ConfederateStatesofAmericaDate:April12,1861April9,1865Result:VictoryfortheNorthmeanttheendoftheConfederacyandofslaveryintheUnitedStatesTerritorialintegrityoftheUnitedStatesCasualties and losses:about1,030,000+casualties(3% +ofthepopulation),includingabout620,000+soldierdeath.5455



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