Unit 2《The Environment》-Project课件1(51张PPT)(牛津译林版必修5)

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1、gkxx精品课件Unit 2 The Environment Projectgkxx精品课件ProjectWriting a reportgkxx精品课件How much do you know about the Yangtze River ?gkxx精品课件It flows 6,300 kilometers from western China into the East China Sea.It runs across nine provinces.It is Chinas most important freshwater river.It is the third longest r

2、iver in the world.gkxx精品课件What has happened to the Yangtze River?gkxx精品课件Protecting the Yangtze Rivergkxx精品课件mainideaofeachparagraphParagraph1The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern.Paragraph2Many people have recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze river and m

3、any environmental organizations and projects have been set up.Paragraph3Two special government projects are under way to protect the river. One is the water and soil preservation project.Paragraph4The second project is a nature reserve for white-flag dolphins.Paragraph5The environmental situation of

4、 the Yangtze River is improving.gkxx精品课件PartsMain ideas structure of the article Paragraph 1Paragraphs 2-4Paragraph 5The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern.A lot of work has been done to protect the river.The environmental situation of he Yangtze River is improving.gkxx精

5、品课件Analyze the structure. gkxx精品课件Protecting the Yangtze RiverP1: Raising the issueP2(2-4): How to solve the issueP 3(5):Conclusion The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern. A lot of work has Been done to protect the river The environmental situation of the Yangtze River i

6、s improvingEnvironmental organizationsWater and soilpreservation projectA nature reserve forwhite-dolphinsgkxx精品课件Group work: Each group can read the assigned paragraph and report the main idea of the class. P1:The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern. P2:Many people have

7、recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze River and many environmental organizations and projects have been set up. Group work: Each group can read the assigned paragraph and report the main idea of the class. gkxx精品课件P3:Two special government projects are under way to protect the river. O

8、ne is the water and soil preservation project. P4:The second project is a nature reserve for white-flag dolphins. P5:The environmental situation of the Yangtze River is improving. gkxx精品课件Answer questions: 1.Why have the environmental problems of the Yangtze River raised concern both nationally and

9、internationally? Rapid agricultural and industrial development plus huge population growth of water taken from the river rising, but the waste being put back into the river has also been increasing. It also watches the river and stops the illegal hunting of animals. gkxx精品课件2.What does the Green Riv

10、er organization do? It educates and advises people on the importance of protecting the Yangtze River. gkxx精品课件3.What problems do the two government projects focus on? They focus on problems along the Yangtze River such as water conservation and protecting white-flag dolphins. gkxx精品课件4.What did farm

11、ers have to do under the water and soil preservation project? They had to replace crops on their farmland with trees or grassland. gkxx精品课件5.What does the second project concern? The second project is a nature reserve for white-flag dolphins. gkxx精品课件Close reading1.According to the text, with the gr

12、owth of population, _.A.More and more people have had to drink unsafe drinking water.B. More and more sewage has been taken from the Yangtze River.C. The Yangtze river has been polluted more and more seriously.D. The Yangtze River has been more popular nationally and internationally.gkxx精品课件2. The p

13、ollution of the Yangtze River has led to the following things EXCEPT_.A.Problems of unsafe drinking water taken from the river.B. Health problems for the people living along the river.C. The regulation of the number of white-flag dolphins in the river.D. The factories which pollute the river having

14、to pay higher taxes.gkxx精品课件3. We can infer from the fourth paragraph that _.A.many sea creatures are being wiped out by fishing boats.B. the white-flag dolphins can also survive when they leave the river.C. the number of the rare Chinese mammal white-flag dolphins will grow in the future.D. no boat

15、s can be seen in the Yangtze River in order to protect the white-flag dolphins.gkxx精品课件 Do you think the environmental situation of the Yangtze River is getting better? Why?What else can we do to protect the Yangtze River?gkxx精品课件 Writing a reportgkxx精品课件 Writing a reportPlanning :_Preparing:_Produc

16、ing:_Presenting:_gkxx精品课件Planning Workinsmallgroups.Discusswhatyoureadonthepreviouspage,brieflydiscussthequestionsbelowandthendecideonatopicforyourreport.Haveitapprovedbyyourteacher.WhatdoyouthinkarethebiggestenvironmentalproblemsinChina?WhatistheChinesegovernmentdoingtoprotecttheenvironment?Thetopi

17、cforyourreportwillbe_. gkxx精品课件 Discussthetaskslistedbelowanddecidewhichgroupmemberswillberesponsibleforeachtask.Writethenamesbesidetheworkeachmemberisgoingtodo.(Remember,twoorthreepeoplecanworkonthesametask!)Research_Writetheoutline_Writethereport_gkxx精品课件Preparing Members responsible for doing res

18、earch need to find information from various sources on the topic you have chosen. The group should discuss the information found, and decide what to increase include in the report and what to leave out. gkxx精品课件Thoseresponsibleforwritingtheoutlineshouldorganizetheinformationthegrouphasdecidedtousean

19、dwriteanoutlineforthereportusingthatinformation.Theoutlineshouldbeapprovedbythewholegroup.gkxx精品课件Producing Groupmemberswhoarewritingthereportwillhavetowriteitbasedontheoutline.Allgroupmembersshouldeditthereportbeforeitispassedontoanothergroupforediting.Yourgroupwillbeeditinganothergroupsreportatthe

20、sametime.gkxx精品课件While editing, you should read the report closely and look for the following: sentence structure organization punctuation vocabulary grammar spelling During the editing stage, correct any mistakes you find and offer suggestions to the group on how they can improve their report. Ask

21、for comments on your report as well. gkxx精品课件Presenting Thereportshouldbewrittenandcheckedoncemoreformistakes.Presentyourreporttotheclass.Putyourreportuponthedisplaywallofyourclassroomforeveryonetosee.gkxx精品课件gkxx精品课件1.theenvironmentalproblemsoftheYangtzeRiverhaveraisedconcernbothnationallyandintern

22、ationally.raise本意为本意为“举起;使举起;使升起;使升起;使站立;站立;扶起扶起”。如:。如:他把右手举起来。他把右手举起来。Heraisedhisrighthand.Sheraisedthefallenchild.她把跌倒的孩子扶起来。她把跌倒的孩子扶起来。gkxx精品课件Hisabsenceraisedfearsabouthissafety.他的缺席引起人们对他安全的担心。他的缺席引起人们对他安全的担心。raise在此处意为在此处意为“引起引起; 造成造成”。如:。如:用动物做科学试验引起了用动物做科学试验引起了一些棘手的道德一些棘手的道德(ethical)问题。问题。Th




26、nypeoplehaverecognizedtheimportanceofprotectingrecognize认出认出, ,认清认清, ,认识到认识到如:如:IrecognizedPeteralthoughIhadntseenhimfor10years.虽然我有虽然我有10年没看到彼得了年没看到彼得了,但我还是认出了他。但我还是认出了他。Idontrecognizethiswordwhatdoesitmean?我不认识这个单词我不认识这个单词,它是什么意思啊?它是什么意思啊?许多人没有意识到局势正处于失去控制的危险之中。许多人没有意识到局势正处于失去控制的危险之中。Manyfailtorec






32、omdoing或或prohibitonesdoing(事情)禁(事情)禁止(人)止(人),阻止,妨碍。如:,阻止,妨碍。如:体弱多病使他无法继续工作。体弱多病使他无法继续工作。Hispoorhealthprohibitedhimfromcontinuingdoingthework.=Hispoorhealthprohibitedhiscontinuingthework.gkxx精品课件10.relyon1)count or depend on sb./sth. 依赖Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us. I

33、 relied on you(r) coming early. You can rely on it that it will rain this weekend.2)have trust or confidence in sb./sth 信任You can rely on me to keep you secret.gkxx精品课件11.Thepollutionoftheriverhasresultedinunsafedrinkingwaterwhichhasledtohealthproblemsforpeoplelivingneartheriver.leadtosth.:导致导致=resu

34、ltinReducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.theopposite:lieinsth.存在,在于存在,在于His skill lies in his ability to communicate quite complex ideas very simply.The plays interest lies in the questions it raises about sexuality.gkxx精品课件way常用常用词组词组:alltheway:1)一直,从一直,从头头到尾到尾2)老)老远远3)完全,



37、-flagdolphinsremainsintheYangtzeRiver.(P38) remainV.1)tostayinthesameplaceorinthesamecondition:停留停留,保持,保持 The doctor ordered him to remain in bed for a few days. A great many things remain to be done (= have not yet been done). He remained silent. It remains a secret.gkxx精品课件1.The pilot asked all th

38、e passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing. A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating 2. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen高考链接高考链接gkxx精品课件13.effortN.1)CorUphys

39、icalormentalactivityneededtoachievesomething:努力努力 2Ctheresultofanattempttoproducesomething,especiallywhenitsqualityisloworuncertain:努力努力的的结果,杰作果,杰作 If we could all make an effort to keep this office tidier it would help. You cant expect to have any friends if you dont make any effort with people. Do you want to have a look at his exam paper? Its a fairly poor effort.gkxx精品课件同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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