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1、Whydoyoulikepandas?SectionAGrammarFocus-3c Unit5Step1 PreviewSs look at Page 39 Grammar Focus, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.1.-你为什么喜欢熊猫? _? 因为他们有点有趣。 _。2.-约翰为什么喜欢考拉?_? -因为他们很可爱。 _。3.-你为什么不喜欢老虎?_? -因为他们真的很吓人。_。4.狮子来自哪儿? _? -它们来自南非。 _。Why do you like p

2、andasBecause they re kind of interesting Why does John like koalasBecause theyre very cute Why dont you like tigersBecause theyre really scary Where are lions from Theyre from South Africa Step 2Warming up and leading in Itsbigandfat.Itsshyandcute.Itsblackandwhite.Whatisit? What animals do you like?

3、 Why?pandasWhydoyoulikepandas?cuteBecause theyre cute.koalasinterestingWhydoeshelikekoalas?Because theyre interesting.Step3Grammar 一一.语境中感知语语境中感知语法法tigersWhydontyouliketigers?scaryBecausetheyrescary.lionsboringWhy doesthelikelions?Becausetheyreboring.pandasWherearepandasfrom?ChinaTheyrefromChina.koa

4、lasAustraliaWherearekoalasfrom?TheyrefromAustralia.giraffesSouthAfricaelephantsThailand(泰国泰国)Wherearegiraffesfrom?TheyrefromSouthAfrica.Theyre from Thailand.Whereareelephantsfrom?QuestionsAnswersWhydoyoulikepanadas?Becausetheyrekindofinteresting.WhydoesJohnlikeKoalas?Becausetheyreverycute.Whydontyou

5、liketigers?Becausetheyrereallyscary.Wherearelionsfrom?TheyrefromSouthAfrica.GrammarFocusGrammarFocus 二二.呈现语法呈现语法三三.发现归纳语法规发现归纳语法规律律 Task1我发现:(1) _引导的特殊疑问句是用来询问原因,其答语常用_引导。 (2) Where + be + 主语+from?是一个由_引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问 .来自哪儿,答语常与表示_的词连用。. . - 地点wherebecausewhyTask 2填入恰当的特殊疑问词,完成对话。 1. _ ( 为什么)do you li

6、ke koalas? _ (因为) they are interesting. 2. _ ( 为什么) do you like purple? Because it makes (使) me relaxing. 3. The two lions _ _ (来自) South Africa. 4. _ are the pandas? Theyre China 5. Where are _ (tiger) form?WhyBecauseWhyarefromWheretigersA:_arelionsfrom?B:_fromSouthAfrica.Doyou_lions.?A:No,Idont.B:

7、Why_youlikelions?A:Becausetheyrereallyscary.ButIlikegiraffes.B:Really?_doyoulikegiraffes?A:Well,_theyrekindofinteresting.Doyoulikepandas?B:Yes,Ido.ButIliketigersalot.A:Tigers?Why_youliketigers?B:Theyrereally_!3a. Fill in the blanks and practice. Where Theyrelike dontWhy because do cool 四四. 控制性机械练习控制

8、性机械练习Ilike_becausetheyrecute.3b. Write names of animals. Ilike_becausetheyresmart.Ilike_becausetheyreinteresting.Idontlike_becausetheyrelazy.koalasgiraffeselephantslions五五. 半控制性意义练习半控制性意义练习A:Isthisanimalbig?B:Yes,itis.A:Wherestheanimalfrom?B:ItsfromChina.A:Isitblackandwhite?B:Yes,itis.A:Itsapanda!B:

9、Yes,youreright!Task13c. Guess animals. 六开放性交际运用六开放性交际运用Itsstrongandbig. Itlookslikethecat. Itrunsfast.Iteatsmeat.Itsthekingoftheforest.Task2根据英语意思写出动物名称。根据英语意思写出动物名称。1.a very large, grey animal with big ears and a very long nose: _2.an Australia animal like a small bear with grey fur which lives in

10、trees and eats leaves: _penguin,koala,elephant,panda,giraffeelephantkoala3. a large, black and white animal that lives in forests in China: _4. a large African animal with a very long neck and long, thin, legs: _5. a large, black and white sea bird that swims and cannot fly: _pandagiraffepenguin Ste

11、p4.Emotionaleducation Step4.Emotionaleducation People and animals live together in the world. Animals are our friends. We should love and protect them.Step4Inquiryintoknowledgebytranslation一、- Why do you like pandas? -Because theyre kind of interesting._ _1.why引导的_疑问句询问_,其答语常用_引导。because是连词,表示直接的理由。

12、此外,“Why dont you + 动词原形 + ?”是向别人提出_。如:你为什么不去那儿呢? _ I dont like math because its very difficult. _2. kind of 相当于副词,修饰形容词或副词,意为“_”,与_的意思相同。如:这只猴子有点聪明。_你为什么喜欢熊猫?因为它们有点有趣。特殊原因because建议Why dont you go there?我不喜欢数学因为它很难。稍微,有点a littleThe monkey is kind of smart.二、Where are lions from? _ 1. lions是_的_数形式。名词的

13、_数形式可以表示名词的一类。“不定冠词(a/an)+_数可数名词”也可以表示名词的一类。如:狗是我们的好朋友。_或_2.be from=_,意为“_”。如: 我的英语老师来自美国。_狮子来自哪儿?lion复复单Dogs are our good friendsA dog is our good e from来自My English teacher is/comes from America.Step7Homework1.write the sentences in Grammar Focus.2.write a report aboutanimals your family members l

14、ike . Step5Theend-ofclasstest 一、单项选择一、单项选择1. -What animals are from Australia? - _?A. Lions B. Pandas C. Koalas D. Dolphins 2. -Are _ from China? -Yes, they are.A. lions B. pandas C. koalas D. dolphins3. -Do you like giraffe? - _ .A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I can D. Yes, I will4. -Why do you

15、like pandas? -Because theyre _. A. sorry B. tired C. quiet D. cute 5. -Where are the lions from? -_. A. China B. Australia C. South Africa D. USA CBBDB二、翻译下列句子1.这头大象有点大。_。 2.你们想去动物园吗?_? 3.你为什么不喜欢看书呢?_? 4.这些考拉来自哪儿? _? - 它们来自澳大利亚。_。 The elephone is kind of bigDo you want to go to the zooWhy dont you like reading booksWhere are Koalas fromTheyre from Australia



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