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1、1./ : /2./mu:n/3./nju:z/4./plnt/ 5./ri:t/6./jet/7./dst/ 8./mdl/ 9./spesp/ 10./prdekt/11./letst/12./n/13./dskv/ 14./strn:t/ earthmoonnewsplanetreachyetjustmodelspaceshipprojectlatestondiscoverastronautn. 地球地球n.月亮,月球月亮,月球n.新新闻,消息,消息n.行星行星v.到达,抵达到达,抵达adv.还,尚,尚adv.刚才,才,刚刚n.模型模型n.航天器,宇宙航天器,宇宙飞船船n.计划,工程,划

2、,工程,项目目adj.最近的,最新的最近的,最新的prep.在在(播放播放)中,关于中,关于v.发现,找到,找到n.宇航宇航员earthmoonnewsplanetreachyetjustmodelspaceshipprojectlatestondiscoverastronaut地球地球月亮,月球月亮,月球新新闻,消息,消息行星行星到达,抵达到达,抵达还,尚,尚刚才,才,刚刚模型模型航天器,宇宙航天器,宇宙飞船船计划,工程,划,工程,项目目最近的,最新的最近的,最新的在在(播放播放)中,关于中,关于发现,找到,找到宇航宇航员Module 3 Has it arrived yet?Unit 1M

3、arsMarsWhat do you think of when we talk about space?This is the solar system(太阳系太阳系). There are eight _ around the sun.planetsa model spaceship 宇宙飞船模型宇宙飞船模型Tony has just made a model spaceship for the school project.Astronauts have been to the moon.We can go online to search for information on _. a

4、stronaut宇航员宇航员space travelthe latest news 最新消息最新消息The latest news says scientists have sent a spaceship to Mars. But they havent _ life on Mars yet.discoveredBut no one has been to Mars yet, because Mars is very far away, much farther than the moon. Lots of scientists are working hard in order to se

5、nd astronauts to Mars one day.Choose the best answer for each sentence.1. Tony has just made a model of the _. A. space station B. spaceship C. rocket2. _ hasnt started his homework yet. A. Tony B. Daming C. Jenny3. Some scientists have sent a spaceship to _. A. the moon B. the sun C. Mars4. It has

6、taken _ to get to Mars. A. two months B. several days C. several months5. The astronauts _ life on Mars. A. havent discovered B. have discovered C. have seen6. There arent any astronauts in the _to Mars. A. spaceship B. plane C. space stationActivity3. Now read and answer the questions.1. What schoo

7、l project have Daming and Tony got?2. How does Daming feel about the school project?They have got a project on spaceships.Hes not sure how to make the model.3. What news has Tony heard?4. Has anyone been to Mars? Why?The spaceship to Mars has reached there.No one has been to Mars yet, because Mars i

8、s very far away, much farther than the moon.1. Read the dialogue loudly in group. (twice)2.Check key phrases.3. Check the answers to the exercises of M3U1 On todays news, Tony has heard that scientists have (1) _ a spaceship to Mars and it has (2) _ on the (3) _ after a journey of several months fro

9、m the earth. Scientists have not (4) _ life on Mars (5) _. And no astronaut has ever been to Mars because it is very far away.sentarrivedplanetdiscoveredyet4. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.arrive, discover, planet, send, yet1)之旅之旅2)希望做某事希望做某事3)你在忙什么?你在忙什么?4)为为做做5

10、)宇宙飞船模型宇宙飞船模型6)没问题没问题 7)最近的新闻最近的新闻8)在新闻中播放在新闻中播放9)发现生命发现生命10)去过去过11)很遥远很遥远 12)远得多远得多13)为了为了14)获取关于获取关于的信息的信息15)上网上网16)搜索信息搜索信息1. the trip to2. hope to do sth.3. What are you up to?4. makefor5. a model spaceship6. no problem7. the latest news8. on the news9. discover life10.have / has been to11.very

11、far away12.much farther13.in order to14.get information on15.go online16.search for information1. What are you up to? 你在忙什么?你在忙什么? = =be up to 忙于忙于,从事于,从事于,正在做,正在做a.你昨天在忙什么?你昨天在忙什么? _?b. 学生们很安静。他们在干什么?学生们很安静。他们在干什么? The students are very quiet. _?What were you up to yesterdayWhat are they up to nowW

12、hat are you doing now? What are you busy with? 2. And have the astronauts discovered life on Mars?宇航员在火星上发现生命了吗?宇航员在火星上发现生命了吗? invent, find, look for与与discover的区别:的区别: _意为意为“发明发明”,指经过认识和,指经过认识和实实践创造出前所未有的事物;践创造出前所未有的事物; _意为意为“发现,找到发现,找到”,指对某,指对某种种(丢失的)事物的寻找,强调找的结果;(丢失的)事物的寻找,强调找的结果; _表示表示“发现发现”,指偶然或

13、经,指偶然或经过过努力发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误努力发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误” ;_意为意为“寻找寻找”, 指对某种事物指对某种事物的的寻找,强调找的过程。寻找,强调找的过程。 inventfinddiscoverlook forComplete the sentences:1. Who_ America?2. Have you _ your book?3. She _ her keys everywhere, but she couldnt _ them.4. Edison _ the electric light bulb(电灯泡电灯泡). discoveredfoundlook

14、ed forfindinvented3. Astronauts have already been to the moon. But no one has been to Mars. 科学家们已经科学家们已经去过去过月球。但是没有人月球。但是没有人去过去过火星。火星。 试比较:试比较:1. I have been to Beijing twice.2. Austronauts have been to the space station. They returned last week.3. Tom has gone to America. He will return next week.4

15、. Lingling and Daming have gone to Shanghai. They will stay there for five days. have/has been to 去过某地(已经回来)去过某地(已经回来) Have/has gone to 去了某地(还未回来)去了某地(还未回来)牛刀小试:牛刀小试:(1)-Where have you been? -I have _ to the supermarket.(2)-Where is Lingling? She is not here now. -She has _ to the zoo.(3)Tony has _

16、to England many times. He wants to go there again.(4)-Have you _ to the hospital to see Ms Wang? -Yes, I have.(5)They have _ to Shanghai on business. beengonebeenbeengoneExercises1.他母亲他母亲去了去了看电影。看电影。His mother has gone to the cinema.2.我我去过去过山东和青海。山东和青海。I have been to Shandong and Qinghai.3.他们他们还没有去过

17、还没有去过长城。长城。They havent been to the Great Wall yet.4.小玲小玲去了去了美国美国吗吗?不,她没有。?不,她没有。Has Xiaoling gone to America?No, she hasnt.5.你你去过去过英国英国吗吗? 是的,我去过。是的,我去过。Have you been to England? Yes, I have.Translate the following key sentences without books.1、我、我刚刚刚刚为学校为学校项目项目做了一个宇宙飞船模型。做了一个宇宙飞船模型。2、由于我不确定怎样做,所以我、

18、由于我不确定怎样做,所以我还没还没开始。开始。3、它、它已经已经到了吗?是的,它到了吗?是的,它已经已经到了。到了。4、他们、他们还没有还没有在火星上发现生命迹象。在火星上发现生命迹象。5、宇航员、宇航员已经已经去过月球了。去过月球了。6、但、但还没有还没有人去过火星。人去过火星。I have just made a model spaceship for our school project.I havent started yet because Im not sure how to make it.Has it arrived yet? Yes, it has arrived alrea

19、dy.They havent discovered life on Mars yet.Astronauts have already been to the moon.But no one has been to Mars yet.yet 常用于现在完成时,疑问句时意为常用于现在完成时,疑问句时意为“已经已经”,否定句时意为,否定句时意为“还,尚还,尚”,放在句末。,放在句末。just “刚刚刚刚”,常用于现在完成时,放在,常用于现在完成时,放在助动词和过去分词之间。助动词和过去分词之间。already “已经已经”,常用于现在完成时,用于,常用于现在完成时,用于肯定句,句中放在助动词和过去分

20、词之间。肯定句,句中放在助动词和过去分词之间。【即学即练即学即练】 用用just, already, yet填空填空:(1)Theyve _seen the film twice. Its wonderful.(2)David has _come back from New York.(3)Mum, Ive _finished my homework. Can I play football?(4)Theyve _heard the news. Now, theyre talking about it.(5)Xiao Ming hasnt returned _. His mother is a

21、ngry.(6)Have the students found the lost dog _?(7)No one from other planets has sent us a message_. alreadyalready/justalreadyalready/justyetyetyetMake lists of what we have and have not done in space travel.We have_Spaceships without men have reached Mars. Men have travelled to the moon. Spaceships

22、 have taken photographs on Mars.We have not _We have not built houses in space. Astronauts have not been to Mars. Scientists have not discovered life on Mars.单词拼写。单词拼写。1. Have you heard the l_ news on TV?2. Ive got a m_ plane. It looks like a real one.3. There are s_ books on the desk.4. If you d_ s

23、omething that you did not know about before, you learn of it.5. Call me as soon as you r_ Beijing.6. Have they finished the _(项目项目)?7. He worked hard to make himself a good _(宇航员宇航员).8. Tom hasnt been to England _(还还).9. Have scientists found life on any other _(行星行星)? atestodeleveraliscoveredeachpr

24、ojectastronautyetplanets完成句子。完成句子。1、你听到这条最新的消息了吗?、你听到这条最新的消息了吗? _?2、到达那儿已经花费了好几个月。、到达那儿已经花费了好几个月。It _get there.3、科学家们还没有发现火星上有任何生命。、科学家们还没有发现火星上有任何生命。The scientists _on Mars yet.4、美国宇航员已经去过月球几次了。、美国宇航员已经去过月球几次了。American astronauts _ the moon _.5、最近没见着你,你在忙什么呢?、最近没见着你,你在忙什么呢?I havent seen you these d

25、ays. _?6、我经常上网搜索信息。、我经常上网搜索信息。I often go online and _. Have you heard the latest newshas taken several months tohasnt discovered lifehave been toseveral timesWhat are you up tosearch for informationHomework1. Revise the language 2. points of unit 1.2. Recite the dialogue.3. Do exercises of M3U1 in your WB.



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