外研版高中英语Module6SectionⅢOther parts of the Module课件

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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂.True (T) or False (F)1All the tallest buildings in the world were built in the 1990s. ( )2The World Trade Centre twin towers are taller than the Empire State Building. ( )3At daytime, you can see five US states at the top of the twin towers. ( )4The World Trade Centre twin towers we

2、re destroyed in the year 1945. ( )5In 2004, the tallest building in the world is 509 metres in height. ( )FTFFT.Choose the best answer according to the passage.1How long was the Empire State Building as the tallest building in the world?AFor 75 years.BFor 41 years.CFor 31 years.DFor 72 years.2Which

3、building has the most storeys in the world?ATaipei 101.BEmpire State Building.CSears Tower.DPetronas Tower 2.3Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?ATo build Empire State Building, people only used ten million bricks.BLightning strikes the Empire State Building about 500 times a month.CTh

4、ere was once a plane, which crashed into the Empire State Building.DThe Empire State Building has 78 floors.4The highest building in the world in 2004 is in_.ATaipei, PRCBKuala Lumpur, MalaysiaCChicago, the USDHong Kong, PRC答案:答案:1.B2.C3.C4.A根据所根据所给词性及性及汉语释义写出写出单词1 adj.荒唐的;可笑的荒唐的;可笑的2 vi.(飞机机)失事;失事;

5、坠毁毁3 adj.冷冰冰的;极冷的冷冰冰的;极冷的 v. 结冰;冷冰;冷冻 adj. 冷冷冻的;的;冻硬的;硬的;结冰的冰的4 adj.巨大的;巨大的;庞大的大的 adv. 巨大地巨大地 5 n观察台察台 v注意;注意;观察察 n. 注意;注意;观察察6 adj.有有浓雾的的 n雾ridiculouscrashfreezingfreezefrozenenormousenormouslyobservatoryobserveobservationfoggyfog1freezing adj.极冷的;冷冰冰的极冷的;冷冰冰的 n. 冰点;零度冰点;零度(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材

6、原句)It was freezing.天冷极了!天冷极了!(鲜活例句活例句)Your hands are freezing cold!你的手冰冷冰冷的!你的手冰冷冰冷的!(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点(1)freezing point 冰点冰点(2)freeze v. (froze, frozen) 使使冻结;结冰;凝固冰;凝固(3)frozen adj. 冷冷冻的;的;冻结的的The cold weather can even freeze petrol in car engines.寒冷的天气甚至能使汽寒冷的天气甚至能使汽车发动机里的汽油凝固。机里的汽油凝固。The frozen s

7、now crunched under our feet.冻结的雪在我的雪在我们的脚下嘎吱作响。的脚下嘎吱作响。The temperature has dropped to the point.气温已降到了冰点。气温已降到了冰点。freezing2crash v. & n. (飞机机)失事;失事;坠毁毁;碰撞;碰撞;(发出出)巨响巨响(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)In 1945, a US military plane, which was flying over Manhattan on a foggy day, crashed into the building j

8、ust above the 78th floor.1945年的一个年的一个雾天,美国一架天,美国一架军用用飞机在曼哈机在曼哈顿上空上空飞行行时,撞入了,撞入了78层之上的楼之上的楼层中。中。 (鲜活例句活例句)The crash of rearend collision in Wenzhou, Zhejiang made 39 person lose their lives.浙江温州的浙江温州的动车追尾事件使得追尾事件使得39人人丧失了生命。失了生命。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点crash into/onto . 撞到撞到上上 crash sth. down 向下猛向下猛击The ca

9、r crashed into the truck on the way, killing its driver and two passengers.轿车在路上撞上了卡在路上撞上了卡车,致使司机和两名乘客死亡。,致使司机和两名乘客死亡。Rods face went bright red and he on the table.罗德的德的脸涨得通得通红,砰的一拳打在桌子上。,砰的一拳打在桌子上。crashed his fist down.单词拼写拼写1The scientist often goes to the (观察台察台) to observe the stars in the eveni

10、ng.2It will cost (巨大的巨大的) amount of money to build the dam.3The old man died on a (极冷的极冷的)cold night. 4The cause of the plane is still under investigation(调查) now.observatoryenormousfreezingcrash5What a idea! How can you think of it!6On a day, its difficult to see things.ridiculousfoggy.单项填空填空1You c

11、ant be careful enough to drive on the _ road in _ weather.Afreezing; frozenBfreezing; freezingCfrozen; freezing Dfrozen; frozen解析:解析: 句意:天气寒冷句意:天气寒冷时,在,在冻结的路面上开的路面上开车再小心也不再小心也不为过。freezing “极冷的极冷的”;frozen“冻结的的”。选C2Its _ for the young mother to expect her sixmonthold baby to talk!Aridiculous BseriousC

12、urgent Dnatural解析:解析: 考考查形容形容词辨析。句意:辨析。句意:这位年位年轻的的妈妈期期望她望她6个月大的个月大的婴儿儿说话,真是荒唐!,真是荒唐!ridiculous“荒唐的;荒唐的;可笑的可笑的”,符合句意。,符合句意。serious“严肃的;慎重的的;慎重的”;urgent“紧急的急的”;natural“自然的;天然的自然的;天然的”。选A3What happened?A truck went out of control and _ into the back of a bus.Acrashed BdamagedCstruck Doccurred解析:解析: 考考查

13、动词辨析。从答辨析。从答语中的中的“货车失控失控”可可知,后面是知,后面是说“它撞上了一它撞上了一辆公共汽公共汽车的尾部的尾部”。crash在此意在此意为“碰撞;撞碰撞;撞击”。damage“损害害”,strike“碰撞;碰撞;撞撞击”,都可直接跟,都可直接跟宾语;occur“发生生”。选A1make 有意有意义;有道理;有道理2be full 充充满3bring an end 结束;束;终止止4 the 1990s 在在20世世纪90年代年代 5 the top 在在顶部部6 the way 一直;一路一直;一路senseoftoinatall1make sense有意有意义;有道理;有道理

14、(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)If you take away the attributive clauses, do the sentences still make sense?如果你把定如果你把定语从句去掉,从句去掉,这些句子些句子还讲得通得通吗?(鲜活例句活例句)This sentence just doesnt make sense, no matter how you read it.无无论你怎你怎样读这个句子,它个句子,它还是是讲不通。不通。(鲜活例句活例句)It makes sense to save money while you can.能省能省钱

15、时就就节省,省,这是明智的。是明智的。 (二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点make sense of 理解;明白理解;明白in a sense 从某种意从某种意义上来上来说in some senses 在一定意在一定意义上上in no sense 决不决不have a sense of . 有有意意识There is no sense in doing . 做做是没有意是没有意义的的Considering that he is so young, there is no sense in criticizing him.考考虑到他很年到他很年轻,批,批评他是没有意他是没有意义的。的。You

16、must make sense of what was going on.你必你必须弄明白正在弄明白正在发生的一切。生的一切。In no sense promise to help him.我决不答我决不答应帮助他。帮助他。 would I2bring an end to 结束;束;终止止(bring . to an end)(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric project which has brought an end to the danger of flooding.三峡大三峡大坝是一

17、个水力是一个水力发电工程,它工程,它结束了洪水泛束了洪水泛滥的的危危险。 (鲜活例句活例句)We must bring an end to the endless argument.我我们必必须结束束这些无休止的争吵。些无休止的争吵。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点put/make an end to . 结束束come to an end 结束;完束;完毕make (both) ends meet 量入量入为出;使收支相抵出;使收支相抵from beginning to end 从从头至尾至尾on end 连续地地in the end 最后;最后;终于于All good things c

18、ome to an end.天下没有不散的筵席。天下没有不散的筵席。We must cut down on our spending .我我们必必须削减开支以使收支平衡。削减开支以使收支平衡。to make ends meet.完成句子完成句子1你你说的的话毫无意毫无意义。What you say .2她必她必须尽量弄懂正在尽量弄懂正在发生的一切。生的一切。She must try to what was going on.3铃声声结束了他的噩梦。束了他的噩梦。The rings of the bell his nightmare.doesnt make sense/makes no sens

19、emake sense ofbrought an end to4两两辆车相撞相撞时车上的窗玻璃破裂成碎片。上的窗玻璃破裂成碎片。The car windows broke into pieces when the two cars each other.5你的作文里你的作文里满是拼写是拼写错误。Your composition is spelling mistakes.crashed intofull of.单项填空填空1It is difficult for me to understand this advertisement. It shows an unusual image whic

20、h at first sight doesnt _.Amake sense Bmake effortsCcome out Dcome true解析:解析: 句意:我很句意:我很难理解理解这个广告,它展示了个广告,它展示了一个不一个不寻常的常的图像,乍一看没有任何意像,乍一看没有任何意义。make sense“有意有意义”;make efforts“努力努力”;come out“出来;出来;出版出版”;come true“实现”。选A。2Being adopted brought _ end to the boys hardship; hes now living _ happy life.Aa

21、n; 不填不填 B不填;不填; 不填不填C不填;不填; a Dan; a 解析:解析: 考考查冠冠词。句意:被收养。句意:被收养结束了束了这个男孩个男孩的苦的苦难,他,他现在在过着幸福的生活。着幸福的生活。bring an end to意意为“结束;束;终止止”;live a(n). life 意意为“过的生活的生活”。选D。3He returned to the cave, _ fear.Afill with Bfull ofCfilled of Dfull with解析:解析: 考考查短短语辨析。句意:他返回了山洞,辨析。句意:他返回了山洞,内心充内心充满了恐惧。了恐惧。be full o

22、f “充充满”; be filled with “被装被装满”,故,故选B。选B。4He told me to finish the project by the end of next week._.Your team only has four people.AIts none of your businessBIts no botherCIts doesnt hurt to askDIt doesnt make sense解析:解析: 考考查交交际用用语。句意:。句意:“他要求我下星期前他要求我下星期前把工程完成。把工程完成。”“这毫无道理。你的毫无道理。你的团队只有只有4个人。个人。”

23、it doesnt make sense“这没有意没有意义;这没有道理没有道理”。选D。1句型展示句型展示It_was_strange_to_think that, when my grandparents lived in the village, there wasnt a reservoir there at all!我祖父母在那个村庄生活我祖父母在那个村庄生活时,那儿一座水,那儿一座水库也没有,也没有,想到想到这些真感到不可思些真感到不可思议!典例背典例背诵Its necessary for us to use a shortwave radio to pick up the prog

24、rammes.我我们有必要用短波收音机收听那个有必要用短波收音机收听那个节目。目。2句型展示句型展示Why do_you_think there are so many tall buildings in the world now?你你认为为什么什么现在世界上有在世界上有这么多的高么多的高层建筑呢?建筑呢? 典例背典例背诵What do you suppose they are going to do?你你认为他他们要做什么?要做什么?3句型展示句型展示It was the tallest building in the world until the World Trade Centre

25、was built in New York in 1972. 在在1972年年纽约的世的世贸中心建成之前,它是世界上最高中心建成之前,它是世界上最高的建筑物。的建筑物。典例背典例背诵I didnt realize that she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses.她摘下墨她摘下墨镜后我才意后我才意识到她是一位有名的影星。到她是一位有名的影星。1It_was_strange_to_think that, when my grandparents lived in the village, there wasnt

26、 a reservoir there at all!我祖父母在那个村庄生活我祖父母在那个村庄生活时,那儿一座水,那儿一座水库也没有,想也没有,想到到这些真感到不可思些真感到不可思议!(1)句中句中it为形式主形式主语,真正的主,真正的主语是是to think that .;that引引导宾语从句作从句作think的的宾语,在,在宾语从句中从句中when my grandparents lived in the village是是时间状状语从句,从句,there wasnt a reservoir there at all是是宾语从句中的主句部分。从句中的主句部分。 (2)在在“It is/wa

27、s形容形容词不定式复合不定式复合结构构”句型中,若形句型中,若形容容词侧重于重于评价人物的性格特征,价人物的性格特征,则构成不定式复合构成不定式复合结构的介构的介词应用用of, 常用的形容常用的形容词有有kind, foolish, good, right, wrong 等;若形容等;若形容词侧重于描述重于描述动词不定式的行不定式的行为特点,特点,则介介词常用常用for,常用的形容,常用的形容词有有hard, possible, necessary等。等。It seemed selfish of him not to give them anything.他不他不给他他们任何任何东西,西,这显

28、得太自私了。得太自私了。 us to get from Beijing to Shanghai in less than 5 hours.我我们有可能在有可能在5小小时内从北京到达上海。内从北京到达上海。It is possible for 2Why do_you_think there are so many tall buildings in the world now?你你认为为什么什么现在世界上有在世界上有这么多的高么多的高层建筑呢?建筑呢?本句型是一种复本句型是一种复杂的特殊疑的特殊疑问句,其中句,其中do you think 是是插入插入语。无。无论疑疑问词在句中作什么成分,特殊疑

29、在句中作什么成分,特殊疑问句句都要用都要用陈述述语序。序。这一句型主要用于征一句型主要用于征询对方方对某一某一疑点的判断、疑点的判断、认识、看法和猜、看法和猜测等,或等,或请求求对方重复方重复所述之事。适合此句型的所述之事。适合此句型的动词除除think外,外,还有有believe,say,suppose, imagine, consider, guess, know, suggest等。等。Who do you think will win the game? 你你觉得得谁会会赢得得这场比比赛?What do you suppose has happened? 你你认为发生了什么事?生了什么

30、事?Why do you think ? 你你认为我我们为什么不能什么不能兑换你的你的钞票呢?票呢?When do you say the new film will be released?你你说说看看这部新的部新的电影什么影什么时候候发行?行?we cant change your note翻翻译句子句子1我独立完成我独立完成这项使命是很使命是很难的。的。 (it作形式主作形式主语) 2. 你你认为到底是到底是谁能干出能干出这种事来?种事来? (suppose) 3我我们能能够信任他到什么程度?信任他到什么程度?(how far) 4直到下周才开运直到下周才开运动会。会。(not until倒装句式倒装句式) It is difficult to complete the mission on my own.Who on earth do you suppose could have done this?How far can we trust him?Not until next week will the sports meeting be held.



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